Make sure your scanner is working with SANE.
cd ~
wget --no-check-certificate
cd /share/Qweb
sudo unzip ~/
sudo mv scanserv-master/ scanserv
Set variables correctly
/opt/bin/nano /share/Qweb/classes_php/Config.php
Then set the Scanimage and Convert lines - mine were as follows
class Config {
const IsTrace = false;
const TraceLineEnding = "<br>\n";
const Scanimage = "/opt/bin/scanimage";
const Convert = "/usr/local/sbin/convert";
const BypassSystemExecute = false;
const OutputDirectory = "./output/";
const PreviewDirectory = "./preview/";
const MaximumScanWidthInMm = 215;
const MaximumScanHeightInMm = 297;
- You may need to set the permissions of your new directory:
chmod 775 /share/Qweb/scanserv
- Ensure your QNAP web server is running
- Open your browser and navigate to http://YOUR_QNAP:PORT/scanserv/
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install apache2 apache2-utils libapache2-mod-php5 php5 sane-utils imagemagick
Check apache can use SANE. If you know about saned and permissions then you may not need to worry about this.
sudo su -m www-data -c 'scanimage --test'
if not then try
sudo gpasswd -a www-data scanner
Download and install scanserv (note, this will download a file called to the current user's home directory).
cd ~
sudo wget
Note, older versions of raspbian install web pages in /var/www, we are assuming /var/www/html as that is what newer versions use. We are going to install scanserv so that you can access it with the url
cd /var/www/html
sudo unzip ~/
sudo mv scanserv-master/ scanserv
Ideally you should limit access to these directories like this...
sudo chown -R root:www-data /var/www/html/scanserv/output/
sudo chown -R root:www-data /var/www/html/scanserv/preview/
And set write permissions - the web site needs to create image files in these directories
sudo chmod 775 /var/www/html/scanserv/output/
sudo chmod 775 /var/www/html/scanserv/preview/
Now configure scanserv to point at the binaries
sudo nano /var/www/html/scanserv/classes_php/Config.php
* Change /opt/bin/scanimage to /usr/bin/scanimage
* Change /opt/bin/convert to /usr/bin/convert
Edit anything else you think is interesting, though the other defaults should be okay.
- Install IPKG
- SSH into your NAS - e.g. use PuTTY as admin
- Plug your scanner into a USB port
- Type
to check the scanner is attached - At the terminal type the following commands
ipkg update
ipkg install libieee1284
ipkg install sane-backends
ipkg install imagemagick
- Confirm installation typing...
sane-find-scanner -q
scanimage -L
su -m httpdusr -c 'scanimage --test'
- if this fails you need to give permission to scanimage for httpdusr
- Download the scanserv code and copy it to your Qweb share
- You may need to set the permissions of your new directory:
chmod 775 /share/Qweb/scanserv
- Ensure your QNAP web server is running
- Open your browser and navigate to http://YOUR_QNAP:PORT/scanserv/