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2024.10.02. Sicherheit im KI-Zeitalter (in German). Google Cloud Summit Austria. Vienna, Austria.
2024.10.02. Security Roundtable: KI als Game-Changer oder Hype im Kampf gegen Cyber-Angreifer? (in German). Google Cloud Summit Austria. Vienna, Austria.
2024.10.01. Sicherheit im KI-Zeitalter (in German). Partner Summit co-located with Google Cloud Summit Austria. Vienna, Austria.
2024.09.25. From Math to the C-Suite - Discussing Enterprise Security in the Quantum Age. HTW'24: High-Tech Women 2024. Invited Talk. Darmstadt, Germany.
2024.07.04. Crypto Agility in the Enterprise. COSIC Course on Cryptography and Cyber Security 2024. Invited Lecture. Leuven, Belgium.
2024.03.21. Securing AI - Similar or different? Google Cloud Security Forum. Zürich, Switzerland.
2023.11.09. Security and Compliance in Public Cloud. Lecture for "Telecommunications and Security Management (B-KUL-H05S2A)" at KU Leuven. Leuven, Belgium.
2023.10.03. Sicherheit in der Cloud – Technik und Recht im Einklang. (joint talk with Jutta Oberlin, Google Cloud). Swiss Legal Tech Conference. Zurich, Switzerland.
2023.06.26. Digital Sovereignty. Google Cloud Security Forum. Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
2023.06.15. Data Governance. Google Cloud Security Forum. Stockholm, Sweden.
2023.05.25. Security & Data enabled for Business Growth. Keynote at Global IT Security Summit, Frankfurt/Main, Germany.
2022.11.30. Security and Compliance in Public Cloud. Lecture for "Telecommunications and Security Management (B-KUL-H05S2A)" at KU Leuven. Leuven, Belgium.
2022.09.13. Google Cloud Security (in German). (joint talk with Katja Sommerfeld, Google Cloud). Digital X. Cologne, Germany.
2021.11.25. IT-Sicherheit, Datenschutz und Compliance im Finanzsektor. Google Cloud Webinar (rerun in May 2022).
2021.11.10. Security and Compliance in Public Cloud. Lecture for "Telecommunications and Security Management (B-KUL-H05S2A)" at KU Leuven. Leuven, Belgium.
2021.03.26. Advanced Data-Centric Data Protection for AI and Machine Learning. Panel presentation at Leuven AI Law & Ethics Conference (LAILEC) 2021. Virtual Conference.
2020.11.18. Crypto Agility in the Financial Sector - A Practitioner’s View. ISF World Congress 2020. Online Seminar.
2020.11.10. Protecting Customer Data on Multi-Hybrid Cloud – Case Study. Thales EMEA Virtual Partner Summit 2020. Virtual Conference.
2020.10.12. The Cost of a Data Breach : from cybersecurity attacks to security operations. Lecture for "Telecommunications and Security Management (B-KUL-H05S2A)" at KU Leuven. Leuven, Belgium.
2020.09.29. Developing Crypto Agility : a practical view. ISF Francophone Chapter. Virtual Conference.
2020.01.09. Implementing a Crypto Services Strategy at ABN AMRO Bank. (joint talk with Tiago Teles, ABN AMRO Bank). Real World Crypto 2020. New York, NY, United States. slides youtube (starts minute 0:56:00)
2019.11.05. Cryptography Services 2020 and Beyond. 21st ISSE Conference 2019. Keynote. Brussels, Belgium.
2019.06.06. Enterprise Security. COSIC Course - International Course on Cyber Security and Cryptography 2019. Invited Lecture. Leuven, Belgium.
2019.05.21. Transport Layer Security / Enterprise Key and Certificate Management. ISACA TLS Round Table. Lecture / training for ISACA. Brussels, Belgium.
2019.05.08. Crypto Agility. Regional Conference GSE Belux. Elewijt, Belgium.
2018.11.06. Cryptography for Enterprises & Quantum Risk Assessment. 20th ISSE Conference 2018. Keynote. Brussels, Belgium.
2018.01.08. Enterprise Key and Certificate Management. ECRYPT-CSA School on Societal Aspects of Cryptology and on Business and Innovation in Crypto. Invited Talk. Zurich, Switzerland.
2016.12.19. Risk-based Security Architecture for Data Protection. LSEC Event on GDPR. Brussels, Belgium.
2016.07.15. Architectures for the IoT. IPICS Academic Summer School. (joint talk with Stefaan Van daele). Leuven, Belgium.
2015.05.18. Member of 3TU.NIRICT Panel: Cyber Security - Secure Information Sharing. Triple Helix. 3TU Innovation & Technology Conference 2015. Inspirations for the Research Agenda 2025. Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
2015.02.27. Weaknesses in Smart Metering Cryptography. Cryptography Working Group. Utrecht, The Netherlands.
2013.12.17. Cryptanalysis of Code-based Cryptography. Fourteenth IMA International Conference on Cryptography and Coding. Oxford, United Kingdom. Invited tutorial. slides
2013.06.19. Lectures on Elliptic-Curve Cryptography and NTRU. Ph.D. course "Theoretical and Practical Topics in Resource-Efficient Cryptography." Kongens Lyngby, Denmark.
2013.06.08. The k-sum Problem. Lecture at Ice Break. Reykjavik, Iceland. slides
2013.04.09. List Decoding. MSR Cryptography Group Seminar. Redmond, WA, United States.
2013.03.14. Applications of Information-set Decoding in Cryptanalysis. MSR Talk Series. Redmond, WA, United States. slides
2013.01.16. Algebraic-Geometric Codes for Code-based Cryptography. HGI Colloquium. Bochum, Germany. Invited talk. slides
2012.11.01. AG codes in code-based cryptography (or how to end a bad reputation). Trends in Coding Theory. Ascona, Switzerland. slides
2011.12.02. Wild McEliece Incognito. PQCrypto 2011. Taipei, Taiwan. slides
2011.09.29. Curves, Codes, and Cryptography. DTU crypto group seminar. Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark.
2011.09.20. Code-based Cryptography. Elliptic Curve Cryptography conference (ECC 2011). Nancy, France. Invited talk. slides
2011.08.16. Playing "Spot the Difference" with Springer. CRYPTO 2011 Rump Session. Santa Barbara, CA, United States. slides
2011.04.14. An Introduction to Post-Quantum Cryptography/Code-based Cryptography. CrossFyre. Darmstadt, Germany. slides
2011.04.01. Wild McEliece Incognito. Séminaire de Cryptographie. Rennes, France. Invited talk. slides
2010.11.18. Ball-collision decoding. Oberseminar Cryptography and Computer Algebra. Darmstadt, Germany. Invited talk. slides
2010.11.05. Wild McEliece. Discrete Mathematics Seminar. Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark. slides
2010.10.28. Off-Shor. JQI/NIST Quantum Information Workshop. College Park, MD, United States. Invited talk. slides
2010.10.01. Wild McEliece. EIDMA/DIAMANT Cryptography Working Group. Utrecht, the Netherlands. Same slides as for the Intercity Number Theory Seminar.
2010.09.17. Wild McEliece. Intercity Number Theory Seminar. Eindhoven, the Netherlands. slides
2010.08.12. Wild McEliece. Selected Areas in Cryptography (SAC) 2010. Waterloo, Canada. slides
2010.05.28. Ball-collision decoding. Recent Results Session PQCrypto 2010. Darmstadt, Germany. slides
2010.05.26. Information-set decoding for linear codes over Fq. PQCrypto 2010. Darmstadt, Germany. slides
2010.04.19. Algebraic construction of the Elkies factor. Workshop on Counting Points: Theory, Algorithms and Practice. Montréal, Canada. slides
2010.04.12. Code-based Cryptography. Workshop on Computer Security and Cryptography. Montréal, Canada. Invited talk. slides
2009.09.10. FSBday: Implementing Wagner's generalized birthday attack against the SHA-3 round-1 candidate FSB. Joint talk by Peter Schwabe and myself at SHARCS 2009. Lausanne, Switzerland. slides
2009.07.17. A successful attack on the McEliece cryptosystem with original parameters. S3CM 2009 - Applied Computational Algebraic Geometric Modelling. Soria, Spain. slides
2009.06.16. FSBday: Implementing Wagner's generalized birthday attack against the SHA-3 candidate FSB. Joint talk by Peter Schwabe and me at the Code-based crypto day at INRIA. Paris-Rocquencourt, France. slides
2009.06.12. Attacking the McEliece cryptosystem. Google Europe Anita Borg Scholarship Retreat 2009. Zürich, Switzerland. poster
2009.05.12. Explicit Bounds for Generic Decoding Algorithms for Code-Based Cryptography. WCC 2009. Ullensvang, Norway. slides
2009.04.28. A brief look at the 56 SHA-3 submissions. Joint "talk" by Michael Naehrig, Peter Schwabe, and me during the rump session of Eurocrypt 2009. Cologne, Germany. slides lyrics and chords
2009.04.01. Explicit Bounds for Generic Decoding Algorithms for Code-Based Cryptography. EIPSI seminar. Eindhoven, the Netherlands. slides
2009.02.20. Advances in Information-Set Decoding. EIDMA/DIAMANT Cryptography Working Group. Utrecht, the Netherlands. slides
2008.10.18. Attacking and defending the McEliece cryptosystem. PQCrypto 2008 ‒ 2nd Workshop on Post-Quantum Cryptography . Cincinnati, OH, United States. slides
2008.10.01. Attacking and defending the McEliece cryptosystem. EIPSI seminar. Eindhoven, the Netherlands. slides
2008.09.17. Counting points on elliptic curves over Fq. DIAMANT Summer School on Elliptic and Hyperelliptic Curve Cryptography. Eindhoven, the Netherlands. slides
2008.07.10. Edwards Curves. S3CM 2008 - Algebraic Coding Theory. Soria, Spain. slides
2008.06.20. Edwards Curves. Séminaire de Cryptographie. Rennes, France. Invited talk. slides
2007.12.11. Optimizing double-base elliptic curve single-scalar multiplication. INDOCRYPT 2007 ‒ 8th International Conference on Cryptology in India. Chennai, India. slides
2007.11.29. Optimizing double-base elliptic curve single-scalar multiplication. DIAMANT/EIDMA Symposium November 2007. Soesterberg, the Netherlands. slides
2007.11.23. Edwards Curves. CACAO Seminar, LORIA institute. Nancy, France. slides