- Fixed certificate error. While parsing certificates, all fields except the part between BEGIN and END lines will be ignored.
- change the implementation of ld metrics (#182)
- add logs for launchdarkly client startup
- docker: "3.3.0" -> "3.3.1"
- jnrUnixsocket: "0.38.19" -> "0.38.20"
- kotlinBinaryCompatibilityPlugin: "0.13.1" -> "0.13.2"
- kotlinx: "1.7.0" -> "1.7.2"
- logback: "1.4.7" -> "1.4.8"
- micrometer: "1.11.0" -> "1.11.1"
- mockito: "5.3.1" -> "5.4.0"
- moshi: "1.14.0" -> "1.15.0"
- versionsGradlePlugin: "0.46.0" -> "0.47.0"
- Add key validation for strong feature flags
- Remove unused api/platform dependencies (netty, grpc, jackson)
Dependency changes:
- netty: "4.1.92.Final" -> "4.1.93.Final"
- Fix ABI incompatibility for Launch Darkly Client
- Add metrics for ldClient initialization
- Deprecate wisp-tracing extensions:
, andTracer.childSpan
. - Update wisp-tracing extensions to better support multithreaded traces, and to support optional baggage retention on independent traces.
- Update wisp-tracing documentation.
- Version 1.4.2 was a skipped release.
- Fix accidental inclusion of kotest runner in runtime dependencies.
Dependency changes:
- aws2: "2.18.4" -> "2.19.33"
- dependencyAnalysisPlugin: "1.19.0" -> "1.20.0"
- grpc: "1.54.0" -> "1.55.1"
- hoplite: "2.7.1" -> "2.7.4"
- jackson: "2.14.2" -> "2.15.0"
- junit: "5.9.2" -> "5.9.3"
- kotest: "5.5.5" -> "5.6.2"
- kotlin: "1.7.22" -> "1.8.21"
- kotlinBinaryCompatibilityPlugin: "0.13.0" -> "0.13.1"
- kotlinx: "1.6.4" -> "1.7.0"
- logback: "1.4.5" -> "1.4.7"
- micrometer: "1.10.4" -> "1.11.0"
- mockito: "4.9.0" -> "5.3.1"
- netty: "4.1.91.Final" -> "4.1.92.Final"
- okHttp: "4.10.0" -> "4.11.0"
- protobufGradlePlugin: "0.9.2" -> "0.9.3"
- slf4j: "2.0.6" -> "2.0.7"
- versionCatalogUpdateGradlePlugin: "0.7.0" -> "0.8.0"
- versionsGradlePlugin: "0.45.0" -> "0.46.0"
- Ensure published modules are targeting java 11
- Add the dependencyAnalysisPlugin to help make our build.gradle files better
Dependency changes:
- netty: "4.1.89.Final" -> "4.1.91.Final"
- grpc: "1.53.0" -> "1.54.0"
- launchDarkly: "5.10.6" ->"5.10.7"
- Make RateLimiter, PercentageSampler, RateLimitingSampler, AlwaysSampler, Sleeper, and Ticker public
- Make FakeFeatureFlags open
- Make ResourceLoader and SslLoader open
- Disallow setting both url and envoy client configs
- Make SampledLogger and FakeClock open
Dependency changes:
- gradle: "7.6" -> "7.6.1"
- assertj: "3.23.1" -> "3.24.2"
Dependency changes:
- micrometer: "1.9.2" -> "1.10.4"
Dependency changes:
- docker: "3.2.14" -> "3.3.0"
- micrometer: "1.8.9" -> "1.9.2"
- netty: "4.1.87.Final" -> "4.1.89.Final"
- okio: "3.2.0" -> "3.3.0"
Dependency changes:
- grpc: "1.52.1" -> "1.53.0"
- hoplite: "2.7.0" -> "2.7.1"
- jackson: "2.14.1" -> "2.14.2"
- kotest: "5.5.4" -> "5.5.5"
- kotlinLogging: "3.0.4" -> "3.0.5"
- protobufGradlePlugin: "0.9.1" -> "0.9.2"
- slf4j: "2.0.5" -> "2.0.6"
- versionsGradlePlugin: "0.44.0" -> "0.45.0"
- Make withTags logging function public
- Upgraded publishing plugin, fixed and improved publishing process
Dependency changes:
- grpc: "1.51.0" -> "1.52.1"
- netty: "4.1.85.Final" ->"4.1.87.Final"
- Remove the percentile histogram setting and keep as a summary (repeated task metrics)
- Rename the duration summary metric to be more meaningful
- Record metric labels for repeated tasks.
- launchDarkly: "5.8.1" ->"5.10.6"
- Add retryOnConnectionFailure config option for HttpClientFactory
- Add releaseAll to LeaseManager interface
- Version 1.2.5 did not release properly - missing modules
- Typo fix
Dependency changes:
- aws2: "2.17.267" ->"2.18.4"
- docker: "3.2.13" -> "3.2.14"
- grpc: "1.50.0" -> "1.51.0"
- hoplite: "2.6.5" -> "2.7.0"
- jackson: "2.13.4" ->"2.14.1"
- jnrUnixsocket: "0.38.17" -> "0.38.19"
- kotest: "5.5.1" ->"5.5.4"
- kotlin: "1.7.20" -> "1.7.22"
- kotlinBinaryCompatibilityPlugin: "0.11.1" -> "0.12.1"
- kotlinLogging: "3.0.2"-> "3.0.4"
- logback: "1.4.4" -> "1.4.5"
- mockito: "4.8.0" ->"4.9.0"
- netty: "4.1.82.Final" ->"4.1.85.Final"
- prometheus: REMOVED prometheusClient
- protobufGradlePlugin: "0.8.19" -> "0.9.1"
- slf4j: "2.0.3" -> "2.0.5"
- versionsGradlePlugin: "0.43.0" -> "0.44.0"
- Add ability to increment the
by ajava.time.Period
- Fix: Pooled lease release needs to call the delegate lease release.
- Remove dependency constraint on io.prometheus:simpleclient that forced version 0.9.0 on consumers
- Upgrade dependencies
Dependency changes:
- grpc: "1.49.2" -> "1.50.0"
- hoplite: "2.6.4" -> "2.6.5"
- kotest: "5.5.0" -> "5.5.1"
- kotlin: "1.7.10" -> "1.7.20"
- kotlinLogging: "3.0.0" -> "3.0.2"
- logback: "1.4.3" -> "1.4.4"
- versionCatalogUpdateGradlePlugin: "0.6.1" -> "0.7.0"
- versionsGradlePlugin: "0.42.0" -> "0.43.0"
- Pooled Leases implementation
- Add wisp.sampling module
- SampledLogger for wisp.logging
Dependency changes:
- aws2: "2.17.224" -> "2.17.267"
- grpc: "1.49.0" -> "1.49.2"
- hoplite: "2.6.2" -> "2.6.4"
- jackson: "2.13.3" -> "2.13.4"
- junit: "5.9.0" -> "5.9.1"
- kotest: "5.4.2" -> "5.5.0"
- kotlinBinaryCompatibilityPlugin: "0.11.0" -> "0.11.1"
- kotlinLogging: "2.1.23" -> "3.0.0"
- logback: "1.4.0" -> "1.4.3"
- mockito: "4.7.0" -> "4.8.0"
- moshi: "1.13.0" -> "1.14.0"
- netty: "4.1.80.Final" -> "4.1.82.Final"
- slf4j = "2.0.0" -> "2.0.3"
- Fix potential NPE in wisp-resource-loader
- Allow all tracer extensions to return values
- Apply the AWS BOM to prevent AWS lib version mismatches
Dependency changes:
- grpc: 1.48.1 -> 1.49.0
- hoplite: 2.5.2 -> 2.6.2
- logback: 1.2.11 -> 1.4.0
- micrometer: 1.8.4 -> 1.8.9
- netty: 4.1.79.Final -> 4.1.80.Final
- slf4j: 1.7.36 -> 2.0.0
- versionCatalogUpdateGradlePlugin: 0.5.3 -> 0.6.1
- Pin AWS version to 2.17.224
- Roll back AWS lib version due to issue with Flink apps. See commit: 5b0be75d2438d25b5e1950bfbdb6d58b39e99274
- Use gradle catalog for dependency versions
- Add gradle plugins for dependency updates checking and applying changes
- Dependency clean up in various modules
Dependency changes:
- aws: 2.17.234 -> 2.17.254
- hoplite: 2.3.3 -> 2.5.2
- junit: 5.8.2 -> 5.9.0
- kotest: 5.3.2 -> 5.4.2
- mockito: 4.6.1 -> 4.7.0
- Add getJsonString to DynamicConfig as well
- Return JSON string without converting into an object from LD client
- Gradle 7.5
- Revert io.micrometer:micrometer-registry-prometheus to 1.8.4
- Upgrade dependencies and fix test for the library change
Dependency changes:
- org.assertj:assertj-core:3.20.2 -> 3.23.1
- software.amazon.awssdk:regions:2.17.198 -> 2.17.234
- org.bouncycastle:bcprov-jdk15on:1.69 -> 1.70
- com.sksamuel.hoplite:hoplite-*:2.1.5 -> 2.3.3
- com.github.jnr:jnr-unixsocket:0.38.8 -> 0.38.17
- org.jetbrains.kotlinx:binary-compatibility-validator:0.10.1 -> 0.11.0
- org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-bom:1.7.0 -> 1.7.10
- org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-gradle-plugin:1.7.0 -> 1.7.10
- org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-coroutines-core:1.6.3 -> 1.6.4
- ch.qos.logback:logback-classic:1.2.3 -> 1.2.11
- io.micrometer:micrometer-registry-prometheus:1.8.4 -> 1.9.2
- org.mockito:mockito-core:3.11.2 -> 4.6.1
- io.netty:netty-bom:4.1.74.Final -> 4.1.79.Final
- com.squareup.okhttp3:okhttp:4.10.0-RC1 -> 4.10.0
- com.squareup.okio:okio:3.1.0 -> 3.2.0"
- com.google.protobuf:protobuf-gradle-plugin:0.8.17 -> 0.8.19
- org.slf4j:slf4j-api:1.7.32 -> 1.7.36"
- Drop versions from kotlin BOM-listed artifacts
- Stop exporting the kotlinBom as an api dependency
- Remove unused dependencies
- fix: init file system watcher lazily
- fix: kotlin1.7 support for the build
- feature: Upgrade to kotlin 1.7
- fix: cashapp not squareup for urls
Initial release.
Ready for Production use.
Initial publishing test release.
Not for Production use.