diff --git a/.coveragerc b/.coveragerc
index f46fbb8..ad6dc16 100644
--- a/.coveragerc
+++ b/.coveragerc
@@ -1,6 +1,3 @@
omit =
- ipypublish/ipysphinx/docutils_transforms.py
- ipypublish/ipysphinx/extension.py
- ipypublish/ipysphinx/directives.py
diff --git a/.flake8 b/.flake8
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e9008a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.flake8
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+exclude =
+ setup.py,
+ ipypublish/scripts/ipynb_latex_setup.py,
+ ipypublish/tests/test_files/basic_nb/expected/python_with_meta.py
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
index 8a966f1..8ee3454 100644
--- a/.travis.yml
+++ b/.travis.yml
@@ -3,22 +3,37 @@ matrix:
- os: linux
sudo: required
- python: 2.7
+ python: 3.6
dist: trusty
+ env: TEST_TYPE="flake8"
- os: linux
sudo: required
- python: 3.4
+ python: 3.6
dist: trusty
+ env: TEST_TYPE="rtd"
- os: linux
sudo: required
- python: 3.5
+ python: 3.6
dist: trusty
+ env: TEST_TYPE="pytest" PYPI_DEPLOY=true
- os: linux
sudo: required
- python: 3.6
+ python: 2.7
+ dist: trusty
+ env: TEST_TYPE="pytest"
+ - os: linux
+ sudo: required
+ python: 3.4
dist: trusty
+ env: TEST_TYPE="pytest"
+ - os: linux
+ sudo: required
+ python: 3.5
+ dist: trusty
+ env: TEST_TYPE="pytest"
- os: osx
language: generic
+ env: TEST_TYPE="pytest"
- travis_wait brew update
# TODO currently by default python 2.7 is already installed (see https://github.com/travis-ci/travis-ci/issues/9929)
@@ -51,59 +66,72 @@ matrix:
- travis_retry sudo tlmgr install biblatex
- travis_retry sudo tlmgr install needspace
- travis_retry sudo tlmgr install collection-fontsrecommended
+ # glossaries dependencies
+ - travis_retry sudo tlmgr install glossaries # NB: for different languages glossaries-
+ - travis_retry sudo tlmgr install mfirstuc # see https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/268216/usepackageglossaries-wont-work-after-miktex-update-reinstallation
+ - travis_retry sudo tlmgr install xfor
+ - travis_retry sudo tlmgr install datatool
+ - travis_retry sudo tlmgr install substr
- os: linux
sudo: required
python: 3.4
dist: trusty
+ env: TEST_TYPE="pytest"
- os: linux
sudo: required
python: 3.5
dist: trusty
+ env: TEST_TYPE="pytest"
- os: osx
language: generic
-# TODO add read the docs test `pip install .[docs] cd docs; make`
+ env: TEST_TYPE="pytest"
# Pandoc
-- url="https://github.com/jgm/pandoc/releases/tag/2.6"
-- if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "linux" ]]; then path=$(curl -L $url | grep -o '/jgm/pandoc/releases/download/.*-amd64\.deb') ; fi
-- if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "linux" ]]; then downloadUrl="https://github.com$path" ; fi
-- if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "linux" ]]; then file=${path##*/} ; fi
-- if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "linux" ]]; then wget $downloadUrl && sudo dpkg -i $file ; fi
+- |
+ if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "linux" ]]; then
+ url="https://github.com/jgm/pandoc/releases/tag/2.6"
+ path=$(curl -L $url | grep -o '/jgm/pandoc/releases/download/.*-amd64\.deb')
+ downloadUrl="https://github.com$path"
+ file=${path##*/}
+ wget $downloadUrl && sudo dpkg -i $file
+ fi
# LaTeX
-- if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "linux" ]]; then sudo apt-get -qq update ; fi
-# - if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "linux" ]]; then sudo apt-get install -y pandoc ; fi
-- if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "linux" ]]; then sudo apt-get install -y texlive ; fi
-- if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "linux" ]]; then sudo apt-get install -y texlive-xetex ; fi
-- if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "linux" ]]; then sudo apt-get install -y texlive-latex-extra ; fi
-- if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "linux" ]]; then sudo apt-get install -y texlive-lang-portuguese ; fi
-# need up-to-date koma-script, which isn't supplied with this version of debian
-- if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "linux" ]]; then sudo wget http://mirrors.ctan.org/install/macros/latex/contrib/koma-script.tds.zip ; fi
-- if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "linux" ]]; then sudo unzip koma-script.tds.zip -d ~/texmf/ ; fi
-- if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "linux" ]]; then sudo apt-get install -y latexmk ; fi
-- pip install -U pip setuptools wheel
+- |
+ if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "linux" && "$TEST_TYPE" == "pytest" ]]; then
+ sudo apt-get -qq update
+ # sudo apt-get install -y pandoc is too old
+ sudo apt-get install -y texlive
+ sudo apt-get install -y texlive-xetex
+ sudo apt-get install -y texlive-latex-extra
+ sudo apt-get install -y texlive-lang-portuguese
+ # texlive-glossaries doesn't appear to be available
+ sudo wget http://mirrors.ctan.org/install/macros/latex/contrib/glossaries.tds.zip
+ sudo unzip glossaries.tds.zip -d ~/texmf/
+ # need up-to-date koma-script, which isn't supplied with this version of debian
+ sudo wget http://mirrors.ctan.org/install/macros/latex/contrib/koma-script.tds.zip
+ sudo unzip koma-script.tds.zip -d ~/texmf/
+ sudo apt-get install -y latexmk
+ fi
-- travis_wait pip install .[tests,sphinx]
-- pip install --quiet coveralls
+- pip install -U pip setuptools wheel
+- if [[ "$TEST_TYPE" == "pytest" ]]; then travis_wait pip install .[tests] ; fi
+- if [[ "$TEST_TYPE" == "pytest" ]]; then pip install --quiet coveralls ; fi
+- if [[ "$TEST_TYPE" == "flake8" ]]; then travis_wait pip install "flake8(>=3.7,<3.8)" ; fi
+- if [[ "$TEST_TYPE" == "rtd" ]]; then travis_wait pip install .[rtd] ; fi
-# - nosetests -v --nocapture --with-doctest --with-coverage --exe --cover-package=ipypublish
-- pytest -v --cov=ipypublish --cov-config .coveragerc --cov-report= ipypublish
-- nbpublish -pdf --pdf-debug -log debug example/notebooks/Example.ipynb
+- if [[ "$TEST_TYPE" == "pytest" ]]; then pytest -v --cov=ipypublish --cov-config .coveragerc --cov-report= ipypublish ; fi
+- if [[ "$TEST_TYPE" == "pytest" ]]; then nbpublish -pdf --pdf-debug -log debug example/notebooks/Example.ipynb ; fi
+- if [[ "$TEST_TYPE" == "flake8" ]]; then flake8 . ; fi
+- if [[ "$TEST_TYPE" == "rtd" ]]; then cd docs; make ; fi
-- coveralls
+- if [[ "$TEST_TYPE" == "pytest" ]]; then coveralls ; fi
-# - provider: pypi
-# distributions: bdist_wheel
-# server: https://test.pypi.org/legacy/
-# user: cjsewell
-# password:
-# secure: 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
-# on:
-# branch: master
-# tags: false
-# condition: $TRAVIS_PYTHON_VERSION = "3.6"
- provider: pypi
distributions: "bdist_wheel sdist"
user: cjsewell
@@ -112,4 +140,4 @@ deploy:
branch: master
tags: true
- condition: $TRAVIS_PYTHON_VERSION = "3.6"
+ condition: $PYPI_DEPLOY = true
diff --git a/.vscode/jinja2-latex.code-snippets b/.vscode/jinja2-latex.code-snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3d5e90d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.vscode/jinja2-latex.code-snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+ "super": {
+ "prefix": "super",
+ "scope": "jinja-latex",
+ "body": "((( super() )))",
+ "description": "call inherited block"
+ },
+ "set": {
+ "prefix": "set",
+ "scope": "jinja-latex",
+ "body": "((* set ${1:name} = ${2:value} *))",
+ "description": "set variable"
+ },
+ "print": {
+ "prefix": "print",
+ "scope": "inja-latex",
+ "body": "((( ${1:variable} )))",
+ "description": "print variable"
+ },
+ "block": {
+ "prefix": "block",
+ "scope": "jinja-latex",
+ "body": [
+ "((* block ${1:name} *))",
+ "$2",
+ "((* endblock ${1:name} *))"
+ ],
+ "description": "jinja block"
+ },
+ "macro": {
+ "prefix": "macro",
+ "scope": "jinja-latex",
+ "body": [
+ "((* macro ${1:name} *))",
+ "$2",
+ "((* endmacro *))"
+ ],
+ "description": "macro function"
+ },
+ "if": {
+ "prefix": "if",
+ "scope": "jinja-latex",
+ "body": [
+ "((* if ${1:condition} *))",
+ "$2",
+ "((* endif *))"
+ ],
+ "description": "if condition"
+ },
+ "if-else": {
+ "prefix": "if-else",
+ "scope": "jinja-latex",
+ "body": [
+ "((* if ${1:condition} *))",
+ "$2",
+ "((* else *))",
+ "$3",
+ "((* endif *))"
+ ],
+ "description": "if-else condition"
+ },
+ "if-elif-else": {
+ "prefix": "if-elif-else",
+ "scope": "jinja-latex",
+ "body": [
+ "((* if ${1:condition} *))",
+ "$2",
+ "((* else *))",
+ "$3",
+ "((* elif ${1:condition2} *))",
+ "",
+ "((* endif *))"
+ ],
+ "description": "if-else condition"
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.vscode/settings.json b/.vscode/settings.json
index 30cd7cd..98f8039 100644
--- a/.vscode/settings.json
+++ b/.vscode/settings.json
@@ -29,11 +29,13 @@
"latex-workshop.latex.autoBuild.onSave.enabled": false,
"cSpell.words": [
+ "docutils",
+ "noqa",
diff --git a/MANIFEST.in b/MANIFEST.in
index 94dd60a..00b80a8 100644
--- a/MANIFEST.in
+++ b/MANIFEST.in
@@ -4,5 +4,5 @@ include requirements.txt
recursive-include ipypublish *.json
recursive-include ipypublish *.j2
recursive-include ipypublish *.yaml
-recursive-include ipypublish/ipysphinx/css *.css
-recursive-include ipypublish/tests/test_files *
\ No newline at end of file
+recursive-include ipypublish/sphinx/notebook/css *.css
+include ipypublish/tests/test_files/example.jpg
diff --git a/conftest.py b/conftest.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1ece6b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/conftest.py
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+pytest_plugins = 'sphinx.testing.fixtures'
diff --git a/docs/environment.yaml b/docs/environment.yaml
index dd72385..66a7291 100644
--- a/docs/environment.yaml
+++ b/docs/environment.yaml
@@ -2,4 +2,8 @@ channels:
- conda-forge
- python =3.6
+ # TODO pip>=10 fails du to this issue https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/5247
+ # raises error `Cannot uninstall 'docutils'. It is a distutils installed project`
+ # even though docutils appear to already be at the correct version (0.14)!?
+ - pip <10.0
- pandoc
diff --git a/docs/get_intersphinx_inv.py b/docs/get_intersphinx_inv.py
index 1222bef..214f1f6 100644
--- a/docs/get_intersphinx_inv.py
+++ b/docs/get_intersphinx_inv.py
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
+#!/usr/bin/env python
def fetch_inventory(uri):
@@ -26,7 +26,9 @@ def warn(self, msg):
# uri = "https://docutils.readthedocs.io/en/sphinx-docs/objects.inv"
# uri = "https://traitlets.readthedocs.io/en/latest/objects.inv"
# uri = "https://networkx.github.io/documentation/stable/objects.inv"
- uri = "http://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/reference/objects.inv"
+ # uri = "http://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/reference/objects.inv"
+ # uri = "http://pillow.readthedocs.org/en/latest/objects.inv"
+ uri = 'http://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/latest/objects.inv'
# Read inventory into a dictionary
inv = fetch_inventory(uri)
diff --git a/docs/source/_static/example_glossary.bib b/docs/source/_static/example_glossary.bib
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..81c2a8f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/source/_static/example_glossary.bib
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+ name = {name},
+ description = {full description \textbf{with latex}},
+ plural = {some names},
+ text = {alternative text},
+ sort = {a},
+ symbol = {\ensuremath{n}}
+ abbreviation = {MA},
+ longname = {My Abbreviation},
+ description = {full description},
+ plural = {MAs},
+ longplural = {Some Abbreviations}
+ name = {\ensuremath{\pi}},
+ description = {full description},
+ plural = {\ensuremath{\pi}s},
+ text = {alternative text},
+ sort = {b}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/source/_static/other_glossary.bib b/docs/source/_static/other_glossary.bib
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2fe4999
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/source/_static/other_glossary.bib
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+ name = {name},
+ description = {full description \textbf{with latex}},
+ plural = {some names},
+ text = {alternative text},
+ sort = {a},
+ symbol = {\ensuremath{n}}
+ abbreviation = {MA},
+ longname = {My Abbreviation},
+ description = {full description},
+ plural = {MAs},
+ longplural = {Some Abbreviations}
+ name = {\ensuremath{\pi}},
+ description = {full description},
+ plural = {\ensuremath{\pi}s},
+ text = {alternative text},
+ sort = {b}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/source/api/ipypublish.schema.rst b/docs/source/api/ipypublish.schema.rst
index 9de9894..24e197c 100644
--- a/docs/source/api/ipypublish.schema.rst
+++ b/docs/source/api/ipypublish.schema.rst
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-ipypublish\.schema package
+ipypublish.schema package
Module contents
diff --git a/docs/source/code_cells.ipynb b/docs/source/code_cells.ipynb
index 418f5d1..547b149 100644
--- a/docs/source/code_cells.ipynb
+++ b/docs/source/code_cells.ipynb
@@ -155,8 +155,7 @@
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"import os\n",
- "from ipypublish.tests import TEST_FILES_DIR\n",
- "example_pic = os.path.join(TEST_FILES_DIR, 'example.jpg')"
+ "from ipypublish.tests import TEST_PIC_PATH\n"
@@ -173,7 +172,7 @@
"outputs": [],
"source": [
- "nb_setup.images_hconcat([example_pic, example_pic],\n",
+ "nb_setup.images_hconcat([TEST_PIC_PATH, TEST_PIC_PATH],\n",
" width=600, gap=10)"
@@ -192,7 +191,7 @@
"outputs": [],
"source": [
- "nb_setup.images_vconcat([example_pic, example_pic],\n",
+ "nb_setup.images_vconcat([TEST_PIC_PATH, TEST_PIC_PATH],\n",
" height=400, gap=10)"
@@ -211,7 +210,7 @@
"outputs": [],
"source": [
- "nb_setup.images_gridconcat([[_,_] for _ in [example_pic, example_pic]],\n",
+ "nb_setup.images_gridconcat([[_,_] for _ in [TEST_PIC_PATH, TEST_PIC_PATH]],\n",
" height=300, vgap=10,hgap=20)"
diff --git a/docs/source/conf.py b/docs/source/conf.py
index 52d0e98..f935902 100644
--- a/docs/source/conf.py
+++ b/docs/source/conf.py
@@ -18,6 +18,8 @@
# add these directories to sys.path here. If the directory is relative to the
# documentation root, use os.path.abspath to make it absolute, like shown here.
+import docutils
+import sphinxcontrib.bibtex
import os
import io
import urllib
@@ -59,37 +61,62 @@
# 'sphinx.ext.imgconverter' # converts svg to pdf in latex output
# TODO imgconverter failing (I guess for process.svg),
- 'ipypublish.ipysphinx',
- 'sphinxcontrib.bibtex'
+ 'ipypublish.sphinx.notebook',
+ 'ipypublish.sphinx.gls',
+ 'sphinxcontrib.bibtex',
+ 'recommonmark'
+logger = sphinx.util.logging.getLogger(__name__)
+# TODO this is a workaround until
+# https://github.com/mcmtroffaes/sphinxcontrib-bibtex/pull/162 is merged
+def process_citations(app, doctree, docname):
+ """Replace labels of citation nodes by actual labels.
+ :param app: The sphinx application.
+ :type app: :class:`sphinx.application.Sphinx`
+ :param doctree: The document tree.
+ :type doctree: :class:`docutils.nodes.document`
+ :param docname: The document name.
+ :type docname: :class:`str`
+ """
+ for node in doctree.traverse(docutils.nodes.citation):
+ key = node[0].astext()
+ try:
+ label = app.env.bibtex_cache.get_label_from_key(key)
+ except KeyError:
+ logger.warning("could not relabel citation [%s]" % key,
+ type="bibtex", subtype="relabel")
+ else:
+ node[0] = docutils.nodes.label('', label)
+sphinxcontrib.bibtex.process_citations = process_citations
+suppress_warnings = ['bibtex.relabel']
# Add any paths that contain templates here, relative to this directory.
templates_path = ['_templates']
-# The suffix(es) of source filenames.
-# You can specify multiple suffix as a list of string:
-# source_suffix = {
-# '.rst': 'restructuredtext',
-# '.md': 'markdown',
-# '.ipynb': 'jupyter_notebook'
-# }
-# source_suffix = ['.rst', '.md', '.ipynb']
if sphinx.version_info[0:2] < (1, 8):
source_parsers = {
- '.md': 'recommonmark.parser.CommonMarkParser',
- '.Rmd': 'ipypublish.ipysphinx.parser.NBParser'
+ # '.md': 'recommonmark.parser.CommonMarkParser',
+ '.Rmd': 'ipypublish.sphinx.notebook.parser.NBParser'
- source_parsers = {
- '.md': 'recommonmark.parser.CommonMarkParser'
- }
- import jupytext
- ipysphinx_preconverters = {
- ".Rmd": jupytext.readf
+ source_suffix = {
+ '.rst': 'restructuredtext',
+ '.md': 'markdown',
+ '.ipynb': 'jupyter_notebook',
+ '.Rmd': 'jupyter_notebook'
+ # import jupytext
+ # ipysphinx_preconverters = {
+ # ".Rmd": jupytext.readf
+ # }
ipysphinx_show_prompts = True
# List of patterns, relative to source directory, that match files and
@@ -204,10 +231,10 @@
numfig = True
math_numfig = True
numfig_secnum_depth = 2
-numfig_format: {'section': 'Section %s',
- 'figure': 'Fig. %s',
- 'table': 'Table %s',
- 'code-block': 'Code Block %s'}
+numfig_format = {'section': 'Section %s',
+ 'figure': 'Fig. %s',
+ 'table': 'Table %s',
+ 'code-block': 'Code Block %s'}
math_number_all = True
math_eqref_format = "Eq. {number}" # TODO this isn't working
@@ -243,16 +270,23 @@
'tornado': ("https://www.tornadoweb.org/en/stable/", None),
'traitlets': ("https://traitlets.readthedocs.io/en/stable/", None),
'jinja': ('http://jinja.pocoo.org/docs/dev', None),
+ 'bibtexparser': ('https://bibtexparser.readthedocs.io/en/master/', None),
# 'docutils': ("https://docutils.readthedocs.io/en/sphinx-docs", None),
# # TODO docutils intersphinx
- # 'sphinx': ('http://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/latest/', None)
+ 'sphinx': ('http://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/latest/', None)
intersphinx_aliases = {
+ ('py:class', 'dictionary'):
+ ('py:class', 'dict'),
+ ('py:class', 'PIL.Image'):
+ ('py:class', 'PIL.Image.Image'),
('py:class', 'nbconvert.preprocessors.base.Preprocessor'):
('py:class', 'nbconvert.preprocessors.Preprocessor'),
('py:class', 'nbformat.notebooknode.NotebookNode'):
('py:class', 'nbformat.NotebookNode'),
+ ('py:class', 'NotebookNode'):
+ ('py:class', 'nbformat.NotebookNode'),
('py:class', 'traitlets.config.configurable.Configurable'):
('py:module', 'traitlets.config')
@@ -298,11 +332,13 @@
('py:class', 'docutils.nodes.Element'),
+ ('py:class', 'docutils.nodes.General'),
+ ('py:class', 'docutils.nodes.document'),
('py:class', 'docutils.parsers.rst.Directive'),
('py:class', 'docutils.transforms.Transform'),
('py:class', 'docutils.parsers.rst.Parser'),
('py:class', 'sphinx.parsers.RSTParser'),
- ('py:obj', 'sphinx.application.Sphinx'),
+ ('py:class', 'sphinx.roles.XRefRole'),
('py:exc', 'nbconvert.pandoc.PandocMissing')
@@ -317,6 +353,9 @@
if gitbranch is not None and "develop" in gitbranch:
gitpath = "blob/develop"
binderpath = "develop"
+elif gitbranch is not None and "glossary" in gitbranch:
+ gitpath = "blob/glossary"
+ binderpath = "glossary"
gitpath = "blob/v{}".format(ipypublish.__version__)
binderpath = "v{}".format(ipypublish.__version__)
@@ -339,7 +378,7 @@
{{%- endif %}}
__ https://github.com/chrisjsewell/ipypublish/{gitpath}/{{{{ docname }}}}
-""".format(gitpath=gitpath, binderpath=binderpath)
+""".format(gitpath=gitpath, binderpath=binderpath) # noqa: E501
def create_git_releases(app):
@@ -399,10 +438,11 @@ def add_intersphinx_aliases_to_inv(app):
def run_apidoc(app):
- """ generate apidoc
+ """ generate apidoc
See: https://github.com/rtfd/readthedocs.org/issues/1139
+ logger.info("running apidoc")
# get correct paths
this_folder = os.path.abspath(
@@ -410,16 +450,22 @@ def run_apidoc(app):
# module_path = ipypublish.utils.get_module_path(ipypublish)
module_path = os.path.normpath(
os.path.join(this_folder, "../../"))
- ignore_setup = os.path.normpath(
- os.path.join(this_folder, "../../setup.py"))
- ignore_tests = os.path.normpath(
- os.path.join(this_folder, "../../ipypublish/tests"))
+ ignore_paths = [
+ "../../setup.py",
+ "../../conftest.py",
+ "../../ipypublish/tests",
+ "../../ipypublish/sphinx/tests"
+ ]
+ ignore_paths = [
+ os.path.normpath(
+ os.path.join(this_folder, p)) for p in ignore_paths]
if os.path.exists(api_folder):
- argv = ["--separate", "-o", api_folder,
- module_path, ignore_setup, ignore_tests]
+ argv = ["--separate", "-o", api_folder, module_path] + ignore_paths
# Sphinx 1.7+
diff --git a/docs/source/index.rst b/docs/source/index.rst
index 2de024d..b3f44e2 100644
--- a/docs/source/index.rst
+++ b/docs/source/index.rst
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ Badges
- sphinx_extension
+ sphinx_extensions
diff --git a/docs/source/ipynb_with_external.txt b/docs/source/ipynb_with_external.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index a67937e..0000000
--- a/docs/source/ipynb_with_external.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,162 +0,0 @@
- ipub:
- at_notation: true
- bibliography: _static/example.bib
- biboptions:
- - super
- - sort
- bibstyle: unsrtnat
- language: portuges
- listcode: true
- listfigures: true
- listtables: true
- titlepage:
- author: Authors Name
- email: authors@email.com
- institution:
- - Institution1
- - Institution2
- logo: _static/logo_name.png
- subtitle: Sub-Title
- supervisors:
- - First Supervisor
- - Second Supervisor
- tagline: A tagline for the report.
- title: Main-Title
- toc:
- depth: 2
- use_numref: true
- jupytext:
- metadata_filter:
- notebook: ipub
- text_representation:
- extension: .Rmd
- format_name: rmarkdown
- format_version: '1.0'
- jupytext_version: 0.8.6
- kernelspec:
- display_name: Python 3
- language: python
- name: python3
-```{python init_cell=TRUE, slideshow={'slide_type': 'skip'}}
-from ipypublish import nb_setup
-plt = nb_setup.setup_matplotlib(
- print_errors=True,
- output=('pdf',))
-pd = nb_setup.setup_pandas()
-sym = nb_setup.setup_sympy()
-import numpy as np
-from IPython.display import Image, Latex
-# Markdown
-Hallo .aljfnfa/dkfnadflkn
-## General
-Some markdown text.
-A list:
-- something
-- something else
-A numbered list
-1. something
-2. something else
-non-ascii characters TODO
-This is a long section of text, which we only want in a document (not a presentation)
-some text
-some more text
-some more text
-some more text
-some more text
-some more text
-some more text
-some more text
-some more text
-This is an abbreviated section of the document text, which we only want in a presentation
-- summary of document text
-## References and Citations
-References to \cref{fig:example}, \cref{tbl:example}, =@eqn:example_sympy and \cref{code:example_mpl}.
-A latex citation.\cite{zelenyak_molecular_2016}
-A html citation.(Kirkeminde, 2012)
-## Todo notes
-\todo[inline]{an inline todo}
-Some text.\todo{a todo in the margins}
-# Text Output
-```{python ipub={'text': {'format': {'backgroundcolor': '\\color{blue!10}'}}}}
-This is some printed text,
-with a nicely formatted output.
-# Images and Figures
-```{python ipub={'figure': {'caption': 'A nice picture.', 'label': 'fig:example', 'placement': '!bh'}}}
-## Displaying a plot with its code
-```{python ipub={'code': {'asfloat': True, 'caption': 'The plotting code for a matplotlib figure (\cref{fig:example_mpl}).', 'label': 'code:example_mpl', 'widefigure': False}, 'figure': {'caption': 'A matplotlib figure, with the caption set in the markdowncell above the figure.', 'label': 'fig:example_mpl', 'widefigure': False}}}
-plt.scatter(np.random.rand(10), np.random.rand(10),
- label='data label')
-plt.ylabel(r'a y label with latex $\alpha$')
-# Tables (with pandas)
-```{python ipub={'code': {'asfloat': True, 'caption': 'The plotting code for a pandas Dataframe table (\cref{tbl:example}).', 'label': 'code:example_pd', 'placement': 'H', 'widefigure': False}, 'table': {'alternate': 'gray!20', 'caption': 'An example of a table created with pandas dataframe.', 'label': 'tbl:example', 'placement': 'H'}}}
-df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.rand(3,4),columns=['a','b','c','d'])
-df.a = ['$\delta$','x','y']
-df.b = ['l','m','n']
-# Equations (with ipython or sympy)
-```{python ipub={'equation': {'label': 'eqn:example_ipy'}}}
-Latex('$$ a = b+c $$')
-```{python ipub={'code': {'asfloat': True, 'caption': 'The plotting code for a sympy equation (=@eqn:example_sympy).', 'label': 'code:example_sym', 'placement': 'H', 'widefigure': False}, 'equation': {'environment': 'equation', 'label': 'eqn:example_sympy'}}}
-y = sym.Function('y')
-n = sym.symbols(r'\alpha')
-f = y(n)-2*y(n-1/sym.pi)-5*y(n-2)
diff --git a/docs/source/markdown_cells.Rmd b/docs/source/markdown_cells.Rmd
index 786c56e..3e7ccb0 100644
--- a/docs/source/markdown_cells.Rmd
+++ b/docs/source/markdown_cells.Rmd
@@ -25,6 +25,13 @@ jupyter:
at_notation: true
use_numref: true
bibliography: _static/example.bib
+ bibglossary:
+ filepath: _static/other_glossary.bib
+ sphinx:
+ no_bib: false
+ no_glossary: false
+ bib_title: Bibliography
+ glossary_title: Glossary
notebook: ipub
@@ -284,23 +291,30 @@ $$2x &= 8 \\ 3x + 9y &= -12$$ {#eqn:example2 env=align}
Labelled math must be 'display math', rather than inline, i.e. wrapped in double dollars.
+.. _markdown_references:
### References
-Pandoc references are start with @ and multiple references can be wrapped in square brackets:
+Pandoc references are denoted by ``@``, with an optional prefix, and multiple references can be wrapped in square brackets:
Citation [@zelenyak_molecular_2016; @kirkeminde_thermodynamic_2012]
+Glossary Terms: %@gtkey2, &@akey2, &@symbol2
Citation [@zelenyak_molecular_2016; @kirkeminde_thermodynamic_2012]
+Glossary Terms: %@gtkey2, &@akey2, &@symbol2
.. note::
- Citation in sphinx are provided by the excellent
- [sphinxcontrib-bibtex extension](https://sphinxcontrib-bibtex.readthedocs.io)
+ Citations in sphinx are provided by the excellent
+ [sphinxcontrib-bibtex extension](https://sphinxcontrib-bibtex.readthedocs.io),
+ and glossary referencing is provided by the equally good :ref:`sphinx_ext_gls`
References can have attributes; `latex` (defining the LaTeX tag to use),
-`rst` (defining the RST role to use) and class `.capital` (defining if HTML naming if capitalized)
+`rst` (defining the RST role to use) and class `.capital` (defining if HTML naming is capitalized)
@fig:example {.capital latex=cref rst=numref}, [@eqnlabel;@eqn:example2] {latex=eqref rst=eq}
@@ -317,6 +331,8 @@ prefix attribute
"!" {latex=ref rst=ref}
"=" {latex=eqref rst=eq}
"?" {.capital latex=Cref rst=numref}
+"&" {latex=gls rst=gls}
+"%" {.capital latex=Gls rst=glsc}
Table: Prefixes for reference attributes {#tbl:prefixes}
@@ -379,4 +395,5 @@ xyz
-Formatter filters, then look for these parent spans, to provide identifiers, classes and attributes.
\ No newline at end of file
+Formatter filters, then look for these parent spans,
+to provide identifiers, classes and attributes.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/source/nb_conversion.rst b/docs/source/nb_conversion.rst
index d80352d..26bf0bd 100644
--- a/docs/source/nb_conversion.rst
+++ b/docs/source/nb_conversion.rst
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ Some of note are:
The same as sphinx_ipypublish_main, but also creates a conf.py
file and runs `sphinx-build `_,
- to create HTML documentation.
+ to create HTML documentation (see :ref:`sphinx_extensions`).
converts the entire notebook(s) to HTML and adds a table of contents
@@ -92,6 +92,8 @@ Variants ending **.exec** will additionally execute the entire notebook
``pip install ipypublish[sphinx]``
+ These are already included in the conda install.
A Note on PDF Conversion
diff --git a/docs/source/releases.rst b/docs/source/releases.rst
index d43ecfc..b92bfbb 100644
--- a/docs/source/releases.rst
+++ b/docs/source/releases.rst
@@ -10,6 +10,50 @@ Releases
but anyone using custom converter plugins will be required to update them
(see :ref:`convert_from_old_api`)
+Version 0.10
+- Added Sphinx extension for glossary referencing: ``ipypublish.sphinx.gls``.
+ See :ref:`sphinx_ext_gls`
+- Added ``ConvertBibGloss`` post-processor,
+ to convert a bibglossary to the required format
+- Added notebook-level metadata options for ``bibglossary`` and ``sphinx``
+ (see :ref:`meta_doclevel_schema`)
+- Large refactoring and improvements for test suite, particularly for testing
+ of Sphinx extensions (using the Sphinx pytest fixtures) and creation of the
+ ``IpyTestApp`` fixture
+- fixed `tornado version restriction `_
+Back-compatibility breaking changes:
+- renamed Sphinx notebook extension from
+ ``ipypublish.ipysphinx`` to ``ipypublish.sphinx.notebook``
+ (see :ref:`sphinx_ext_notebook`)
+- :py:meth:`ipypublish.postprocessors.base.IPyPostProcessor.run_postprocess`
+ input signature changed (and consequently it has changes for all post-processors)
+.. code-block:: python
+ def run_postprocess(self, stream, filepath, resources):
+ output_folder = filepath.parent
+.. code-block:: python
+ def run_postprocess(self, stream, mimetype, filepath, resources):
+ output_folder = filepath.parent
Version 0.9
@@ -43,7 +87,7 @@ v0.9.0
- Refactored conversion process to
:py:class:`ipypublish.convert.main.IpyPubMain` configurable class
- Added postprocessors (see :ref:`post-processors`)
-- Added Sphinx extension (see :ref:`sphinx_extension`)
+- Added Sphinx notebook extension (see :ref:`sphinx_extensions`)
- Added Binder examples to documentation (see :ref:`code_cells`)
Version 0.8
diff --git a/docs/source/sphinx_ext_bibgloss.rst b/docs/source/sphinx_ext_bibgloss.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bddd2e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/source/sphinx_ext_bibgloss.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,307 @@
+.. _sphinx_ext_gls:
+:py:mod:`ipypublish.sphinx.gls` is adapted from
+`sphinxcontrib-bibtex `_,
+to provide a
+`sphinx extension `_
+that closely replicates the functionality of the
+`LaTeX glossaries `_ package,
+for referencing glossaries terms, acronyms and symbols
+provided in a separate file.
+This extension loads:
+- The ``bibglossary`` directive, for setting a file containing terms
+ (see :py:mod:`ipypublish.sphinx.gls.directives`)
+- ``gls``, ``glsc``, ``glspl``, ``glscpl`` roles, for referencing the terms
+ (see :py:mod:`ipypublish.sphinx.gls.roles`)
+.. seealso::
+ :ref:`RMarkdown References `,
+ for an example of using this extension
+ within the conversion of a Jupyter Notebook.
+Install ipypublish:
+.. code-block:: console
+ conda install "ipypublish>=0.10"
+.. code-block:: console
+ pip install "ipypublish[sphinx]>=0.10"
+The key addition to the sphinx configuration file (conf.py) is:
+.. code-block:: python
+ extensions = [
+ 'ipypublish.sphinx.gls'
+ ]
+Also ``sphinx.ext.mathjax`` is recommended for rendering math.
+The Glossary File Formats
+The glossary file can be in one of two formats;
+a .bib file (recommended) or a .tex file.
+The .bib file is a standard `BibTeX `_ file
+(which is initially parsed by
+`bibtexparser `_), and should contain
+the following custom entry types:
+.. example taken from tests/sourcedirs/bibgloss_sortkeys
+**glossary term** (``name`` and ``description`` are required fields):
+.. code-block:: bibtex
+ @glsterm{gtkey1,
+ name = {name},
+ description = {full description \textbf{with latex}},
+ plural = {some names},
+ text = {alternative text},
+ sort = {a},
+ symbol = {\ensuremath{n}}
+ }
+**acronym** (``abbreviation`` and ``longname`` are required fields):
+.. code-block:: bibtex
+ @glsacronym{akey1,
+ abbreviation = {MA},
+ longname = {My Abbreviation},
+ description = {full description},
+ plural = {MAs},
+ longplural = {Some Abbreviations}
+ }
+**symbol** (``name`` and ``description`` are required fields):
+.. code-block:: bibtex
+ @glssymbol{symbol1,
+ name = {\ensuremath{\pi}},
+ description = {full description},
+ plural = {\ensuremath{\pi}s},
+ text = {alternative text},
+ sort = {sortkey}
+ }
+Alternatively, the glossary can be supplied as a TeX file:
+.. code-block:: tex
+ \newglossaryentry{gtkey1}{
+ name={name},
+ description={full description \textbf{with latex}}
+ plural={names},
+ text={alternative text},
+ sort={a},
+ symbol = {\ensuremath{n}}
+ }
+ \newacronym[plural={AAs}]{akey1}{AA}{An Abbreviation}
+ \newglossaryentry{symbol1}{
+ name={\ensuremath{\pi}},
+ description={full description},
+ plural={\ensuremath{\pi}s},
+ text={alternative text},
+ sort={b},
+ type={symbols}
+ }
+.. note::
+ To parse a glossary in TeX format, the
+ `TexSoup `_ package is required.
+ ``newglossaryentry`` with ``type={symbols}`` are considered to be symbols,
+ no other types are recognised.
+.. attention::
+ All labels and description text are converted from latex to rst
+ by `Pandoc `_, then rst to docutils,
+ before being output to the final document.
+ To skip this conversion (and only output as plain text) set
+ the sphinx configuration variable ``bibgloss_convert_latex = False``
+.. seealso::
+ The `LaTeX/Glossary guide `_,
+ for further description of each field.
+.. rst:role:: gls
+ The ``gls`` role will output the 'name' or 'abbreviation' field of the entry:
+ .. code-block:: rst
+ :gls:`gtkey1`, :gls:`akey1`, :gls:`symbol1`
+ :gls:`gtkey1`, :gls:`akey1`, :gls:`symbol1`
+.. rst:role:: glspl
+ The ``glspl`` role will output the 'plural' field of the entry,
+ or (if not present) will append an 's' to the 'name' or 'abbreviation' field.
+ .. code-block:: rst
+ :glspl:`gtkey1`, :glspl:`akey1`, :glspl:`symbol1`
+ :glspl:`gtkey1`, :glspl:`akey1`, :glspl:`symbol1`
+.. rst:role:: glsc
+ The ``glsc`` and ``glscpl`` capitalise the respective labels.
+ .. code-block:: rst
+ :glsc:`gtkey1`, :glscpl:`gtkey1`
+ :glsc:`gtkey1`, :glscpl:`gtkey1`
+.. rst:directive:: .. bibglossary:: path/to/glossary
+ When creating the glossary, it is of note that, if the file extension is not
+ given, then ``bibglossary`` will attempt to find the best match
+ in the parent folder. The glossary will be sorted by lower case,
+ 'name'/'abbreviation' field, or 'sort' field (if it exists).
+ .. code-block:: rst
+ .. rubric:: Glossary
+ .. bibglossary:: _static/example_glossary
+ .. rubric:: Glossary
+ .. bibglossary:: _static/example_glossary
+ In order to use multiple glossaries, across one or more files, and avoid
+ hyperlink clashes, it is possible to set a ``keyprefix`` to distinguish
+ which glossary is being referenced.
+ .. code-block:: rst
+ :gls:`a-gtkey1`
+ .. bibglossary:: _static/example_glossary
+ :keyprefix: a-
+ :gls:`a-gtkey1`
+ .. bibglossary:: _static/example_glossary
+ :keyprefix: a-
+ Additional options include:
+ - ``encoding`` to specify the encoding of the glossary file
+ - ``unsorted`` to sort the glossary by order of first use (rather than alphanumerically)
+ - ``all`` to output all glossary terms (including unused)
+ .. code-block:: rst
+ :gls:`b-akey1`
+ .. bibglossary:: _static/example_glossary
+ :encoding: utf8
+ :unsorted:
+ :keyprefix: b-
+ :gls:`b-akey1`, :glsc:`b-gtkey1`
+ .. bibglossary:: _static/example_glossary
+ :encoding: utf8
+ :unsorted:
+ :keyprefix: b-
+.. seealso::
+ Additional options, known issues, and workarounds can be found in the
+ `sphinxcontrib-bibtex `_,
+ documentation.
+Python API
+The loading, conversion and storage of each glossary file is handled by a
+:py:class:`~ipypublish.bib2glossary.classes.BibGlossDB` instance.
+.. nbinput:: python
+ :execution-count: 1
+ from ipypublish.bib2glossary import BibGlossDB
+ bibdb = BibGlossDB()
+ bibdb.load("_static/example_glossary")
+ len(bibdb)
+.. nboutput::
+ :execution-count: 1
+ 3
+This class is a subclass of :py:class:`collections.abc.MutableMapping`,
+and so can be used as a dictionary.
+.. nbinput:: python
+ :execution-count: 2
+ print("gtkey1" in bibdb)
+ entry = bibdb["gtkey1"]
+ entry
+.. nboutput::
+ :execution-count: 2
+ True
+ BibGlossEntry(key=gtkey1,label=name)
+Entries have attributes for the main fields, and can output to latex.
+.. nbinput:: python
+ :execution-count: 3
+ print(entry.key)
+ print(entry.label)
+ print(entry.plural)
+ print(entry.to_latex())
+.. nboutput::
+ :execution-count: 3
+ gtkey1
+ name
+ some names
+ \newglossaryentry{gtkey1}{
+ description={full description \textbf{with latex}},
+ name={name},
+ plural={some names},
+ sort={a},
+ symbol={\ensuremath{n}},
+ text={alternative text}
+ }
diff --git a/docs/source/sphinx_ext_notebook.rst b/docs/source/sphinx_ext_notebook.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8a90253
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/source/sphinx_ext_notebook.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+.. _sphinx_ext_notebook:
+:py:mod:`ipypublish.sphinx.notebook` is adapted from
+`nbshinx `_, to provide a
+`sphinx extension `_
+for converting notebooks with :py:class:`ipypublish.convert.main.IpyPubMain`.
+This website is built using it,
+and a good example its use would be to look at the
+`ipypublish/docs/source/conf.py `_.
+This extension loads:
+- ``nbinput``, ``nboutput``, ``nbinfo`` and ``nbwarning`` directives,
+ that *wrap* input and output notebook cells
+ (see :py:mod:`ipypublish.sphinx.notebook.directives`)
+- a source parser for files with the ``.ipynb`` extension
+ (see :py:class:`ipypublish.sphinx.notebook.parser.NBParser`)
+The key addition to the sphinx configuration file (conf.py) is:
+.. code-block:: python
+ extensions = [
+ 'ipypublish.sphinx.notebook'
+ ]
+The extension is also pre-configured to convert .Rmd files,
+using `jupytext `_ (see :ref:`markdown_cells`).
+To turn this feature on (for sphinx>=1.8):
+.. code-block:: python
+ source_suffix = {
+ '.rst': 'restructuredtext',
+ '.ipynb': 'jupyter_notebook',
+ '.Rmd': 'jupyter_notebook'
+ }
+or for sphinx<1.8:
+.. code-block:: python
+ source_parsers = {
+ '.Rmd': 'ipypublish.sphinx.notebook.parser.NBParser'
+ }
+.. important::
+ To use the sphinx extension,
+ IPyPublish must be installed with the sphinx extras:
+ ``pip install ipypublish[sphinx]``
+ or the conda install already contains these extras.
+.. tip::
+ To convert a notebook directly to HTML *via* sphinx,
+ you can run:
+ ``nbpublish -f sphinx_ipypublish_main.run notebook.ipynb``
+ This will convert the notebook to .rst, create a basic conf.py file
+ (including the ipypublish extensions), and
+ call `sphinx-build `_.
+Additional configuration can be added,
+as described in :numref:`tbl:sphinx_config`, and numbered figures etc can be
+setup by adding to the conf.py:
+.. code-block:: python
+ numfig = True
+ math_numfig = True
+ numfig_secnum_depth = 2
+ numfig_format: {'section': 'Section %s',
+ 'figure': 'Fig. %s',
+ 'table': 'Table %s',
+ 'code-block': 'Code Block %s'}
+ math_number_all = True
+ mathjax_config = {
+ 'TeX': {'equationNumbers': {'autoNumber': 'AMS', 'useLabelIds': True}},
+ }
+.. important::
+ To number items, the initial toctree must include the ``:numbered:`` option
+.. table:: Configuration values to use in conf.py
+ :name: tbl:sphinx_config
+ ============================= =========================== ==================================================================
+ Name Default Description
+ ============================= =========================== ==================================================================
+ ipysphinx_export_config "sphinx_ipypublish_all.ext" ipypublish configuration file to use for conversion to .rst
+ ipysphinx_folder_suffix "_nbfiles" for dumping internal images, etc
+ ipysphinx_overwrite_existing False raise error if nb_name.rst already exists
+ ipysphinx_config_folders () additional folders containing ipypublish configuration files
+ ipysphinx_show_prompts False show cell prompts
+ ipysphinx_input_prompt "[%s]" format of input prompts
+ ipysphinx_output_prompt "[%s]" format of output prompts
+ ipysphinx_preconverters {} a mapping of additional file extensions to preconversion functions
+ ============================= =========================== ==================================================================
+.. code-block:: rst
+ .. nbinput:: python
+ :execution-count: 2
+ :caption: A caption for the code cell
+ :name: ref_label
+ print("hallo")
+.. nbinput:: python
+ :execution-count: 2
+ :caption: A caption for the code cell
+ :name: ref_label
+ print("hallo")
+.. code-block:: rst
+ .. nboutput::
+ :execution-count: 2
+ hallo
+.. nboutput::
+ :execution-count: 2
+ hallo
+.. code-block:: rst
+ .. nbinfo:: Some information
+.. nbinfo:: Some information
+.. code-block:: rst
+ .. nbwarning:: This is a warning
+.. nbwarning:: This is a warning
diff --git a/docs/source/sphinx_extension.rst b/docs/source/sphinx_extension.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index c5e8529..0000000
--- a/docs/source/sphinx_extension.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-.. _sphinx_extension:
-Sphinx Extension
-:py:mod:`ipypublish.ipysphinx` is adapted from
-`nbshinx `_, to provide a
-`sphinx extension `_
-for converting notebooks with :py:class:`ipypublish.convert.main.IpyPubMain`.
-This entire website is built using it,
-and a good example of using it would be to look at its conf.py.
-The key addition to the configuration file (conf.py) is:
-.. code-block:: python
- extensions = [
- 'sphinx.ext.mathjax',
- 'ipypublish.ipysphinx',
- 'sphinxcontrib.bibtex'
- ]
-.. important::
- To use the sphinx extension,
- IPyPublish must be installed with the sphinx extras:
- ``pip install ipypublish[sphinx]``
-Additional configuration can be added,
-as described in :numref:`tbl:sphinx_config`, and numbered figures etc can be
-setup by adding:
-.. code-block:: python
- numfig = True
- math_numfig = True
- numfig_secnum_depth = 2
- numfig_format: {'section': 'Section %s',
- 'figure': 'Fig. %s',
- 'table': 'Table %s',
- 'code-block': 'Code Block %s'}
- math_number_all = True
- mathjax_config = {
- 'TeX': {'equationNumbers': {'autoNumber': 'AMS', 'useLabelIds': True}},
- }
-.. important::
- To number items, the initial toctree must include the ``:numbered:`` option
-.. table:: Configuration values to use in conf.py
- :name: tbl:sphinx_config
- ============================= =========================== ================================================
- Name Default Description
- ============================= =========================== ================================================
- ipysphinx_export_config "sphinx_ipypublish_all.ext" ipypublish configuration file
- ipysphinx_folder_suffix "_nbfiles" for dumping internal images, etc
- ipysphinx_overwrite_existing False raise error if nb_name.rst already exists
- ipysphinx_config_folders () additional folders containing conversion files
- ipysphinx_show_prompts False show cell prompts
- ipysphinx_input_prompt "[%s]" format of input prompts
- ipysphinx_output_prompt "[%s]" format of output prompts
- ============================= =========================== ================================================
diff --git a/docs/source/sphinx_extensions.rst b/docs/source/sphinx_extensions.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..202d40b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/source/sphinx_extensions.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+.. _sphinx_extensions:
+Sphinx Extensions
+IPyPublish packages a number of `sphinx `_
+extensions which are used to convert notebooks to (primarily) HTML.
+.. tip::
+ To convert a notebook directly to HTML *via* sphinx,
+ you can run:
+ ``nbpublish -f sphinx_ipypublish_main.run notebook.ipynb``
+ This will convert the notebook to .rst, create a basic conf.py file
+ (including the ipypublish extensions), and
+ call `sphinx-build `_.
+.. toctree::
+ :maxdepth: 2
+ sphinx_ext_notebook
+ sphinx_ext_bibgloss
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ipypublish/__init__.py b/ipypublish/__init__.py
index 72fd147..d87d33d 100644
--- a/ipypublish/__init__.py
+++ b/ipypublish/__init__.py
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
from ipypublish.scripts import nb_setup # noqa: F401
-__version__ = '0.9.4'
+__version__ = '0.10.0'
diff --git a/ipypublish/bib2glossary/__init__.py b/ipypublish/bib2glossary/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..33475f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipypublish/bib2glossary/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+from ipypublish.bib2glossary.classes import ( # noqa: F401
+ BibGlossEntry, BibGlossDB)
diff --git a/ipypublish/bib2glossary/classes.py b/ipypublish/bib2glossary/classes.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..920f19b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipypublish/bib2glossary/classes.py
@@ -0,0 +1,381 @@
+import copy
+import io
+import logging
+import os
+import bibtexparser
+from ipypublish.bib2glossary.definitions import (
+ from collections.abc import MutableMapping
+except ImportError:
+ from collections import MutableMapping
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class BibGlossEntry(object):
+ _allowed_types = (
+ )
+ def __init__(self, entry_dict):
+ self._validate_dict(entry_dict)
+ self._entry_dict = entry_dict
+ def _validate_dict(self, dct):
+ if 'ID' not in dct:
+ raise KeyError
+ if 'ENTRYTYPE' not in dct:
+ raise KeyError
+ if dct['ENTRYTYPE'] not in self._allowed_types:
+ raise TypeError(
+ 'ENTRYTYPE must be one of: {}'.format(self._allowed_types))
+ if 'abbreviation' not in dct or 'longname' not in dct:
+ raise KeyError
+ elif (dct['ENTRYTYPE'] == ETYPE_GLOSS
+ if 'name' not in dct or 'description' not in dct:
+ raise KeyError
+ def _get_key(self):
+ return self._entry_dict['ID']
+ def _set_key(self, key):
+ self._entry_dict['ID'] = key
+ key = property(_get_key, _set_key)
+ @property
+ def type(self):
+ return self._entry_dict['ENTRYTYPE']
+ def __contains__(self, key):
+ return key in self._entry_dict
+ def get(self, key):
+ return self._entry_dict[key]
+ @property
+ def label(self):
+ if self.type == ETYPE_ACRONYM:
+ return self.get('abbreviation')
+ elif self.type == ETYPE_GLOSS:
+ return self.get('name')
+ elif self.type == ETYPE_SYMBOL:
+ return self.get('name')
+ else:
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ @property
+ def sortkey(self):
+ if "sort" in self:
+ return self.get("sort")
+ else:
+ return self.label.lower()
+ @property
+ def plural(self):
+ if 'plural' in self:
+ return self.get('plural')
+ else:
+ return "{}s".format(self.label)
+ @property
+ def text(self):
+ if self.type == ETYPE_ACRONYM:
+ return self.get('longname')
+ elif self.type == ETYPE_GLOSS:
+ return self.get('description')
+ elif self.type == ETYPE_SYMBOL:
+ return self.get('description')
+ else:
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "BibGlossEntry(key={0},label={1})".format(self.key, self.label)
+ def to_dict(self):
+ return copy.deepcopy(self._entry_dict)
+ def to_latex(self):
+ if self.type in [ETYPE_GLOSS, ETYPE_SYMBOL]:
+ options = []
+ for field in sorted(NEWGLOSS_FIELDS):
+ if field in self:
+ options.append("{0}={{{1}}}".format(
+ field, self.get(field)))
+ if self.type == ETYPE_SYMBOL:
+ options.append("type={symbols}")
+ body = "{{{key}}}{{\n {options}\n}}".format(
+ key=self.key, options=",\n ".join(options))
+ return "\\newglossaryentry" + body
+ elif self.type == ETYPE_ACRONYM:
+ body = "{{{key}}}{{{abbrev}}}{{{long}}}".format(
+ key=self.key, abbrev=self.label, long=self.text)
+ options = []
+ for field in sorted(NEWACRONYM_FIELDS):
+ if field in self:
+ options.append("{0}={{{1}}}".format(
+ field, self.get(field)))
+ if options:
+ body = "[" + ",".join(options) + "]" + body
+ return "\\newacronym" + body
+class BibGlossDB(MutableMapping):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self._entries = {}
+ def __getitem__(self, key):
+ return self._entries[key]
+ def __setitem__(self, key, entry):
+ if not isinstance(entry, BibGlossEntry):
+ raise ValueError('value must be a BibGlossEntry')
+ if key != entry.key:
+ raise ValueError('key must equal entry.key')
+ self._entries[key] = entry
+ def __delitem__(self, key):
+ del self._entries[key]
+ def __iter__(self):
+ return iter(self._entries)
+ def __len__(self):
+ return len(self._entries)
+ @staticmethod
+ def get_fake_entry_obj(key):
+ return BibGlossEntry({
+ 'ID': key,
+ 'name': key,
+ 'description': ''
+ })
+ def load_bib(self, text_str=None, path=None, bibdb=None, encoding="utf8",
+ ignore_nongloss_types=False,
+ ignore_duplicates=False):
+ """load a bib file
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ text_str=None: str or None
+ string representing the bib file contents
+ path=None: str or None
+ path to bibfile
+ bibdb=None: bibtexparser.bibdatabase.BibDatabase or None
+ encoding="utf8": str
+ bib file encoding
+ ignore_nongloss_types: bool
+ if False, a KeyError will be raised for non-gloss types
+ ignore_duplicates: bool
+ if False, a KeyError will be raised if multiple entries are found
+ with the same key, otherwise only the first entry will be used
+ """
+ bib = None
+ if sum([e is not None for e in [text_str, path, bibdb]]) != 1:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "only one of text_str, path or bib must be supplied")
+ if bibdb is not None:
+ if not isinstance(bibdb, bibtexparser.bibdatabase.BibDatabase):
+ raise ValueError("bib is not a BibDatabase instance")
+ bib = bibdb
+ elif path is not None:
+ if text_str is not None:
+ raise ValueError(
+ 'text_str and path cannot be set at the same time')
+ with io.open(path, encoding=encoding) as fobj:
+ text_str = fobj.read()
+ if bib is None:
+ parser = bibtexparser.bparser.BibTexParser()
+ parser.ignore_nonstandard_types = False
+ parser.encoding = encoding
+ bib = parser.parse(text_str)
+ # TODO doesn't appear to check for key duplication
+ # see https://github.com/sciunto-org/python-bibtexparser/issues/237
+ entries = {}
+ for entry_dict in bib.entries:
+ try:
+ entry = BibGlossEntry(entry_dict)
+ except TypeError:
+ if ignore_nongloss_types:
+ logger.warning('Skipping non-glossary entry')
+ continue
+ else:
+ raise
+ if entry.key in entries:
+ if ignore_duplicates:
+ logger.warning('Skipping duplicate key entry')
+ continue
+ else:
+ raise KeyError(
+ "the bib file contains "
+ "multiple entries with the key: {}".format(entry.key))
+ entries[entry.key] = entry
+ # self._bib = bib
+ self._entries = entries
+ return True
+ def load_tex(self, text_str=None, path=None, encoding='utf8',
+ skip_ioerrors=False, ignore_unknown_types=True):
+ """load a tex file
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ text_str=None: str or None
+ string representing the bib file contents
+ path=None: str or None
+ path to bibfile
+ bibdb=None: bibtexparser.bibdatabase.BibDatabase or None
+ encoding="utf8": str
+ bib file encoding
+ skip_ioerrors: bool
+ if False, an IOError will be raised if
+ newglossaryterm or newacronym is badly formatted
+ ignore_unknown_types: bool
+ if True, strip unknown types, otherwise raise a ValueError
+ Notes
+ -----
+ the texsoup package is required.
+ if a newglossaryterm has field 'type={symbols}', then
+ it will be loaded as a symbol
+ """
+ from ipypublish.bib2glossary.parse_tex import parse_tex
+ gterms, acronyms = parse_tex(
+ text_str=text_str, path=path, encoding=encoding,
+ skip_ioerrors=skip_ioerrors
+ )
+ entries = {}
+ for key, fields in gterms.items():
+ if fields.get("type", None) == "symbols":
+ fields.pop("type")
+ elif "type" in fields:
+ if not ignore_unknown_types:
+ raise ValueError("the 'type' is not recognised: "
+ "{}".format(fields['type']))
+ fields.pop("type")
+ fields["ID"] = key
+ entry = BibGlossEntry(fields)
+ entries[entry.key] = entry
+ for key, fields in acronyms.items():
+ fields["ID"] = key
+ entry = BibGlossEntry(fields)
+ entries[entry.key] = entry
+ self._entries = entries
+ return True
+ @staticmethod
+ def guess_path(path):
+ """ guess the path of a bib file, with or without a file extension,
+ from the available files in the path folder
+ """
+ basepath, extension = os.path.splitext(str(path))
+ if extension in [".bib", ".biblatex", ".bibtex"]:
+ return path
+ elif extension in [".tex", ".latex"]:
+ return path
+ elif os.path.exists(basepath + ".bib"):
+ return basepath + ".bib"
+ elif os.path.exists(basepath + ".bibtex"):
+ return basepath + ".bibtex"
+ elif os.path.exists(basepath + ".biblatex"):
+ return basepath + ".biblatex"
+ elif os.path.exists(basepath + ".tex"):
+ return basepath + ".tex"
+ elif os.path.exists(basepath + ".latex"):
+ return basepath + ".latex"
+ else:
+ return None
+ def load(self, path, encoding='utf8'):
+ """load a file, the type will be guessed from the extension,
+ or (if no extension is given), the available files in the path folder
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ path: str
+ encoding='utf8': str
+ encoding of the file
+ """
+ path = self.guess_path(path)
+ if path is None:
+ raise IOError(
+ "no acceptable loader found for path: {}".format(path))
+ basepath, extension = os.path.splitext(str(path))
+ if extension in [".bib", ".biblatex", ".bibtex"]:
+ self.load_bib(path=path, encoding=encoding)
+ elif extension in [".tex", ".latex"]:
+ self.load_tex(path=path, encoding=encoding)
+ def to_dict(self):
+ return {k: e.to_dict() for k, e in self.items()}
+ def to_bib_string(self):
+ bibdb = bibtexparser.bibdatabase.BibDatabase()
+ bibdb.entries = [e.to_dict() for e in self.values()]
+ writer = bibtexparser.bwriter.BibTexWriter()
+ writer.contents = ['comments', 'entries']
+ writer.indent = ' '
+ # writer.order_entries_by = ('ENTRYTYPE', 'ID')
+ return writer.write(bibdb)
+ def to_latex_dict(self, splitlines=True):
+ """convert to dict of latex strings
+ Returns
+ -------
+ dict:
+ {(, ): }
+ """
+ latex_stings = {}
+ for entry in self.values():
+ string = entry.to_latex()
+ if splitlines:
+ string = string.splitlines()
+ latex_stings[
+ (entry.type, entry.key)] = string
+ return latex_stings
+ def to_latex_string(self):
+ lines = []
+ latex_dict = self.to_latex_dict(splitlines=False)
+ for key in sorted(list(latex_dict.keys())):
+ lines.append(latex_dict[key])
+ return "\n".join(lines)
diff --git a/ipypublish/bib2glossary/definitions.py b/ipypublish/bib2glossary/definitions.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..924ee8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipypublish/bib2glossary/definitions.py
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+ETYPE_GLOSS = 'glsterm'
+ETYPE_ACRONYM = 'glsacronym'
+ETYPE_SYMBOL = 'glssymbol'
+ "name", "description", "plural", "symbol", "text", "sort"
+ "description", "plural", "longplural", "firstplural"
+# TODO allow mapping
+# DEFAULT_GLOSS_P2F = (("name", "name"),
+# ("description", "description"),
+# ("plural", "plural"),
+# ("symbol", "symbol"),
+# ("text", "text"),
+# ("sort", "sort"))
+# DEFAULT_ACRONYM_P2F = (("abbreviation", "abbreviation"),
+# ("longname", "longname"),
+# ("description", "description"),
+# ("plural", "plural"),
+# ("longplural", "longplural"),
+# ("firstplural", "firstplural"))
diff --git a/ipypublish/bib2glossary/parse_tex.py b/ipypublish/bib2glossary/parse_tex.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e042004
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipypublish/bib2glossary/parse_tex.py
@@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
+from collections import deque
+import io
+import logging
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+def import_texsoup():
+ try:
+ from TexSoup import TexSoup
+ from TexSoup.utils import TokenWithPosition
+ from TexSoup.data import RArg, OArg
+ except ImportError:
+ raise ImportError(
+ "to parse tex files, TexSoup must be installed: \n"
+ "pip install texsoup\n"
+ "conda install -c conda-forge texsoup")
+ except SyntaxError:
+ raise ImportError('TexSoup package is broken on python 2.7, '
+ 'so can not be imported for tex parsing')
+ return {
+ "TexSoup": TexSoup,
+ "RArg": RArg,
+ "OArg": OArg,
+ "TokenWithPosition": TokenWithPosition
+ }
+def _create_msg_error(msg, node=None, row=None):
+ """create error message, optionally including TexNode and row"""
+ text = msg.strip()
+ if row is not None:
+ text = "(row {}) ".format(row) + text
+ if hasattr(node, "name"):
+ text = text + ": {}".format(node.name)
+ return text
+def extract_required_val(rarg):
+ """extract the value of a TexSoup RArg"""
+ RArg = import_texsoup()["RArg"]
+ if not isinstance(rarg, RArg):
+ raise ValueError(
+ "expected {} to be a required argument".format(type(rarg)))
+ return rarg.value
+def _extract_parameters(texsoup_exprs):
+ """extract the parameters from a TexSoup expression list"""
+ RArg = import_texsoup()["RArg"]
+ TokenWithPosition = import_texsoup()["TokenWithPosition"]
+ expressions = deque(texsoup_exprs)
+ param_name = None
+ params = {}
+ errors = []
+ while expressions:
+ expr = expressions.popleft()
+ if isinstance(expr, TokenWithPosition):
+ # TODO is this the best way to extract parameter name?
+ param_name = expr.text.replace(",", "").replace("=", "").strip()
+ elif isinstance(expr, RArg):
+ if param_name is None:
+ errors.append(
+ "expected expression "
+ "'{}' to precede a parameter name".format(expr))
+ break
+ if param_name in params:
+ errors.append(
+ "parameter '{}' already defined".format(param_name))
+ else:
+ params[param_name] = expr.value
+ param_name = None
+ else:
+ errors.append(
+ "expected expression '{}' ".format(expr) +
+ "to be a parameter name or required argument")
+ break
+ if param_name is not None:
+ pass # allowed since last expr may be new line
+ # errors.append(
+ # "parameter '{}' is not assigned a value".format(param_name))
+ return params, errors
+def extract_parameters(argument):
+ """extract parameters from a TexSoup OArg or Arg"""
+ RArg = import_texsoup()["RArg"]
+ OArg = import_texsoup()["OArg"]
+ if not isinstance(argument, (OArg, RArg)):
+ raise ValueError(
+ "expected {} to be of type OArg or RArg".format(type(argument)))
+ opt_params, errors = _extract_parameters(argument.exprs)
+ return opt_params, errors
+def create_newgloss_dict(gterm, row=None):
+ """
+ """
+ arguments = list(gterm.args)
+ fields = {}
+ if len(arguments) != 2:
+ msg = _create_msg_error(
+ "could not parse newglossaryterm (arguments != 2)", gterm, row)
+ raise IOError(msg)
+ key = extract_required_val(arguments[0])
+ params, errors = extract_parameters(arguments[1])
+ for error in errors:
+ msg = _create_msg_error(
+ "error reading 'parameter' block: {}".format(error),
+ gterm, row)
+ raise IOError(msg)
+ for param_name, param_value in params.items():
+ if param_name in fields:
+ raise IOError(
+ "duplicate parameter '{0}' in key '{1}'".format(
+ param_name, key))
+ fields[param_name] = param_value
+ return key, fields
+def create_newacronym_dict(acronym, row=None):
+ """
+ """
+ OArg = import_texsoup()["OArg"]
+ arguments = list(acronym.args)
+ fields = {}
+ if len(arguments) < 3:
+ msg = _create_msg_error(
+ "could not parse newacronym (too few arguments)", acronym, row)
+ raise IOError(msg)
+ if len(arguments) > 4:
+ msg = _create_msg_error(
+ "could not parse newacronym (too many arguments)", acronym, row)
+ raise IOError(msg)
+ key = extract_required_val(arguments[-3])
+ abbreviation = extract_required_val(arguments[-2])
+ name = extract_required_val(arguments[-1])
+ if len(arguments) == 4:
+ options = arguments[0]
+ if not isinstance(options, OArg):
+ msg = _create_msg_error(
+ "expected first argument of newacronym to be 'optional",
+ acronym, row)
+ raise IOError(msg)
+ opt_params, errors = extract_parameters(options)
+ for error in errors:
+ msg = _create_msg_error(
+ "error reading newacronym 'optional' block: {}".format(error),
+ acronym, row)
+ raise IOError(msg)
+ for opt_name, opt_value in opt_params.items():
+ if opt_name in fields:
+ raise IOError(
+ "duplicate parameter '{0}' in key '{1}'".format(
+ opt_name, key))
+ fields[opt_name] = opt_value
+ return key, abbreviation, name, fields
+def parse_tex(text_str=None, path=None, encoding='utf8',
+ abbrev_field="abbreviation", fname_field="longname",
+ skip_ioerrors=False):
+ """parse a tex file containing newglossaryentry and/or newacronym to dict
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ text_str=None: str
+ string representing the tex file
+ path=None: str
+ path to the tex file
+ encoding='utf8': str
+ tex file encoding
+ abbrev_field="abbreviation": str
+ field key for acronym abbreviation
+ fname_field="longname": str
+ field key for acronym full name
+ skip_ioerrors=False: bool
+ skip errors on reading a single entry
+ Returns
+ -------
+ dict: glossaryterms
+ {key: fields}
+ dict: acronyms
+ {key: fields}
+ """
+ TexSoup = import_texsoup()["TexSoup"]
+ if sum([e is not None for e in [text_str, path]]) != 1:
+ raise ValueError("only one of text_str or path must be supplied")
+ elif path is not None:
+ if text_str is not None:
+ raise ValueError(
+ 'text_str and path cannot be set at the same time')
+ with io.open(path, encoding=encoding) as fobj:
+ text_str = fobj.read()
+ latex_tree = TexSoup(text_str)
+ keys = []
+ gterms = {}
+ acronyms = {}
+ for gterm in latex_tree.find_all("newglossaryentry"):
+ try:
+ key, fields = create_newgloss_dict(gterm)
+ except IOError:
+ if skip_ioerrors:
+ continue
+ raise
+ if key in keys:
+ raise KeyError("duplicate key: {}".format(key))
+ keys.append(key)
+ gterms[key] = fields
+ for acronym in latex_tree.find_all("newacronym"):
+ try:
+ key, abbreviation, name, fields = create_newacronym_dict(acronym)
+ except IOError:
+ if skip_ioerrors:
+ continue
+ raise
+ if key in keys:
+ raise KeyError("duplicate key: {}".format(key))
+ keys.append(key)
+ fields[abbrev_field] = abbreviation
+ fields[fname_field] = name
+ acronyms[key] = fields
+ return gterms, acronyms
diff --git a/ipypublish/bib2glossary/test_bib2gloss.py b/ipypublish/bib2glossary/test_bib2gloss.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6ad05c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipypublish/bib2glossary/test_bib2gloss.py
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+import re
+import sys
+from textwrap import dedent
+import pytest
+from ipypublish.bib2glossary import BibGlossDB
+bib_str = """\
+ @glsterm{gtkey1,
+ description = {the description},
+ name = {name}
+ }
+ @glsterm{gtkey2,
+ description = {the description of other},
+ name = {other name}
+ }
+ @glsacronym{akey1,
+ abbreviation = {ABRV},
+ longname = {Abbreviation},
+ description = {a description}
+ }
+ @glsacronym{akey2,
+ abbreviation = {OTHER},
+ longname = {Abbrev of other},
+ plural = {OTHERs}
+ }
+ @glssymbol{skey1,
+ description = {the description of symbol},
+ name = {\\pi}
+ }
+ @badtype{bkey1,
+ field = {text}
+ }
+ """
+# TODO check for key duplication
+# see https://github.com/sciunto-org/python-bibtexparser/issues/237
+tex_str = """\
+ \\newacronym[description={a description}]{akey1}{OTHER}{Abbreviation of other}
+ \\newglossaryentry{gtkey1}{
+ name={other name},
+ description={the description of other}
+ }
+ \\newglossaryentry{skey1}{
+ name={name},
+ description={the description},
+ type={symbols}
+ }
+ """ # noqa: E501
+def test_load_bib_type_error():
+ bibgloss = BibGlossDB()
+ with pytest.raises(TypeError):
+ bibgloss.load_bib(
+ text_str=dedent(bib_str), ignore_nongloss_types=False)
+def test_load_bib_type_ignore():
+ bibgloss = BibGlossDB()
+ bibgloss.load_bib(text_str=dedent(bib_str), ignore_nongloss_types=True)
+ assert set(bibgloss.keys()) == {
+ 'gtkey1', 'gtkey2', 'akey1', 'akey2', 'skey1'}
+ sys.version_info < (3, 0),
+ reason="SyntaxError on import of texsoup/data.py line 135")
+def test_load_tex():
+ bibgloss = BibGlossDB()
+ bibgloss.load_tex(text_str=dedent(tex_str))
+ assert {k: e.type for k, e in bibgloss.items()} == {
+ 'gtkey1': 'glsterm',
+ 'akey1': 'glsacronym',
+ 'skey1': 'glssymbol'}
+def test_to_dict():
+ bibgloss = BibGlossDB()
+ bibgloss.load_bib(text_str=dedent(bib_str), ignore_nongloss_types=True)
+ dct = bibgloss.to_dict()
+ assert set(dct.keys()) == {
+ 'gtkey1', 'gtkey2', 'akey1', 'akey2', 'skey1'}
+def test_to_bib_string():
+ bibgloss = BibGlossDB()
+ bibgloss.load_bib(text_str=dedent(bib_str), ignore_nongloss_types=True)
+ string = bibgloss.to_bib_string()
+ assert re.search(
+ "@glsacronym\\{akey1,.*@glsterm\\{gtkey1,.*@glssymbol\\{skey1.*",
+ string,
+ )
+def test_to_latex_dict():
+ bibgloss = BibGlossDB()
+ bibgloss.load_bib(text_str=dedent(bib_str), ignore_nongloss_types=True)
+ latex_dict = bibgloss.to_latex_dict()
+ print(latex_dict)
+ assert latex_dict == {
+ ('glsacronym',
+ 'akey1'): [(
+ '\\newacronym[description={a description}]{'
+ 'akey1}{ABRV}{Abbreviation}')],
+ ('glsacronym',
+ 'akey2'): [(
+ '\\newacronym[plural={OTHERs}]{'
+ 'akey2}{OTHER}{Abbrev of other}')],
+ ('glsterm',
+ 'gtkey1'): [
+ '\\newglossaryentry{gtkey1}{',
+ ' description={the description},',
+ ' name={name}',
+ '}'],
+ ('glsterm',
+ 'gtkey2'): [
+ '\\newglossaryentry{gtkey2}{',
+ ' description={the description of other},',
+ ' name={other name}',
+ '}'],
+ ('glssymbol',
+ 'skey1'): [
+ '\\newglossaryentry{skey1}{',
+ ' description={the description of symbol},',
+ ' name={\\pi},',
+ ' type={symbols}',
+ '}']
+ }
diff --git a/ipypublish/bib2glossary/test_parse_tex.py b/ipypublish/bib2glossary/test_parse_tex.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..34514ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipypublish/bib2glossary/test_parse_tex.py
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+import sys
+import pytest
+if sys.version_info >= (3, 0):
+ from ipypublish.bib2glossary.parse_tex import parse_tex
+ sys.version_info < (3, 0),
+ reason="SyntaxError on import of texsoup/data.py line 135")
+def test_parse_acronyms():
+ text_str = """
+ \\newacronym{otherkey}{OTHER}{Abbreviation of other}
+ \\newacronym{thekey}{ABRV}{Abbreviation}
+ """
+ gterms, acronyms = parse_tex(text_str=text_str)
+ assert gterms == {}
+ assert acronyms == {
+ 'otherkey': {
+ 'abbreviation': 'OTHER',
+ 'longname': 'Abbreviation of other'},
+ 'thekey': {
+ 'abbreviation': 'ABRV',
+ 'longname': 'Abbreviation'}
+ }
+ sys.version_info < (3, 0),
+ reason="SyntaxError on import of texsoup/data.py line 135")
+def test_parse_acronyms_with_options():
+ text_str = """
+ \\newacronym[description={a description}]{otherkey}{OTHER}{Abbreviation of other}
+ \\newacronym[plural={ABRVs},longplural={Abbreviations}]{thekey}{ABRV}{Abbreviation}
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ gterms, acronyms = parse_tex(text_str=text_str)
+ assert gterms == {}
+ assert acronyms == {
+ 'otherkey': {
+ 'abbreviation': 'OTHER',
+ 'longname': 'Abbreviation of other',
+ 'description': 'a description'},
+ 'thekey': {
+ 'abbreviation': 'ABRV',
+ 'longname': 'Abbreviation',
+ 'longplural': 'Abbreviations',
+ 'plural': 'ABRVs'}
+ }
+ sys.version_info < (3, 0),
+ reason="SyntaxError on import of texsoup/data.py line 135")
+def test_parse_gterms():
+ text_str = """
+ \\newglossaryentry{otherkey}{
+ name={other name},
+ description={the description of other}
+ }
+ \\newglossaryentry{thekey}{
+ name={name},
+ description={the description},
+ type={symbols}
+ }
+ """
+ gterms, acronyms = parse_tex(text_str=text_str)
+ assert acronyms == {}
+ assert gterms == {
+ 'otherkey': {
+ 'description': 'the description of other',
+ 'name': 'other name'},
+ 'thekey': {
+ 'description': 'the description',
+ 'name': 'name',
+ 'type': 'symbols'}
+ }
+ sys.version_info < (3, 0),
+ reason="SyntaxError on import of texsoup/data.py line 135")
+def test_parse_mixed():
+ text_str = """
+ \\newacronym{otherkey}{OTHER}{Abbreviation of other}
+ \\newglossaryentry{thekey}{
+ name={name},
+ description={the description},
+ type={symbols}
+ }
+ """
+ gterms, acronyms = parse_tex(text_str=text_str)
+ assert acronyms == {
+ 'otherkey': {
+ 'abbreviation': 'OTHER',
+ 'longname': 'Abbreviation of other'}
+ }
+ assert gterms == {
+ 'thekey': {
+ 'description': 'the description',
+ 'name': 'name',
+ 'type': 'symbols'}
+ }
+ sys.version_info < (3, 0),
+ reason="SyntaxError on import of texsoup/data.py line 135")
+def test_duplicate_key():
+ text_str = """
+ \\newacronym{thekey}{OTHER}{Abbreviation of other}
+ \\newglossaryentry{thekey}{
+ name={name},
+ description={the description},
+ type={symbols}
+ }
+ """
+ with pytest.raises(KeyError):
+ parse_tex(text_str=text_str)
+ sys.version_info < (3, 0),
+ reason="SyntaxError on import of texsoup/data.py line 135")
+def test_acronym_ioerror():
+ text_str = """
+ \\newacronym{thekey}{Abbreviation of other}
+ """
+ with pytest.raises(IOError):
+ parse_tex(text_str=text_str)
+ sys.version_info < (3, 0),
+ reason="SyntaxError on import of texsoup/data.py line 135")
+def test_gterm_ioerror():
+ text_str = """
+ \\newglossaryentry{}
+ """
+ with pytest.raises(IOError):
+ parse_tex(text_str=text_str)
+ sys.version_info < (3, 0),
+ reason="SyntaxError on import of texsoup/data.py line 135")
+def test_ioerror_skip():
+ text_str = """
+ \\newacronym{thekey}{Abbreviation of other}
+ \\newacronym{thekey2}{ABBR}{Abbreviation of other}
+ """
+ gterms, acronyms = parse_tex(text_str=text_str, skip_ioerrors=True)
+ assert gterms == {}
+ assert acronyms == {
+ "thekey2": {
+ 'abbreviation': 'ABBR',
+ 'longname': 'Abbreviation of other'
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/ipypublish/convert/config_manager.py b/ipypublish/convert/config_manager.py
index 197859c..13309bb 100644
--- a/ipypublish/convert/config_manager.py
+++ b/ipypublish/convert/config_manager.py
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
from six import string_types
from jinja2 import DictLoader
import jsonschema
+import nbconvert # noqa: F401
from ipypublish.utils import (pathlib, handle_error, get_module_path,
read_file_from_directory, read_file_from_module)
@@ -100,10 +101,11 @@ def create_exporter_cls(class_str):
class_name = export_class_path[-1]
export_module = importlib.import_module(module_path)
- except ModuleNotFoundError:
+ except ModuleNotFoundError: # noqa: F821
"module {} containing exporter class {} not found".format(
- module_path, class_name), ModuleNotFoundError, logger=logger)
+ module_path, class_name),
+ ModuleNotFoundError, logger=logger) # noqa: F821
if hasattr(export_module, class_name):
export_class = getattr(export_module, class_name)
diff --git a/ipypublish/convert/main.py b/ipypublish/convert/main.py
index 53dc3f2..62f9358 100755
--- a/ipypublish/convert/main.py
+++ b/ipypublish/convert/main.py
@@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ def _validate_pre_conversion_funcs(self, proposal):
default_ppconfig_kwargs = T.Dict(
- trait=T.Bool,
+ trait=T.Bool(),
('pdf_in_temp', False),
('pdf_debug', False),
@@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ def _validate_pre_conversion_funcs(self, proposal):
default_pporder_kwargs = T.Dict(
- trait=T.Bool,
+ trait=T.Bool(),
('dry_run', False),
('clear_existing', False),
@@ -226,6 +226,9 @@ def _create_default_ppconfig(self, pdf_in_temp=False, pdf_debug=False,
"CopyResourcePaths": {
"files_folder": "${files_path}"
+ },
+ "ConvertBibGloss": {
+ "files_folder": "${files_path}"
@@ -245,7 +248,10 @@ def _create_default_pporder(self, dry_run=False, clear_existing=False,
if dump_files or create_pdf or serve_html:
- ['write-resource-files', 'copy-resource-paths'])
+ [
+ 'write-resource-files',
+ 'copy-resource-paths',
+ 'convert-bibgloss'])
if create_pdf:
elif serve_html:
@@ -343,8 +349,8 @@ def publish(self, ipynb_path, nb_node=None):
if isinstance(ipynb_path, string_types):
ipynb_path = pathlib.Path(ipynb_path)
ipynb_name, ipynb_ext = os.path.splitext(ipynb_path.name)
- outdir = os.path.join(
- os.getcwd(), 'converted') if self.outpath is None else self.outpath
+ outdir = (os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'converted')
+ if self.outpath is None else str(self.outpath))
self._setup_logger(ipynb_name, outdir)
diff --git a/ipypublish/export_plugins/latex_ipypublish_all.exec.json b/ipypublish/export_plugins/latex_ipypublish_all.exec.json
index 180676d..0321762 100644
--- a/ipypublish/export_plugins/latex_ipypublish_all.exec.json
+++ b/ipypublish/export_plugins/latex_ipypublish_all.exec.json
@@ -110,6 +110,10 @@
"module": "ipypublish.templates.segments",
"file": "ipy-contents_framed_code-new.yaml.tex.j2"
+ },
+ {
+ "module": "ipypublish.templates.segments",
+ "file": "ipy-glossary.yaml.tex.j2"
diff --git a/ipypublish/export_plugins/latex_ipypublish_all.json b/ipypublish/export_plugins/latex_ipypublish_all.json
index ac731d2..b1ed41a 100644
--- a/ipypublish/export_plugins/latex_ipypublish_all.json
+++ b/ipypublish/export_plugins/latex_ipypublish_all.json
@@ -102,6 +102,10 @@
"module": "ipypublish.templates.segments",
"file": "ipy-contents_framed_code-new.yaml.tex.j2"
+ },
+ {
+ "module": "ipypublish.templates.segments",
+ "file": "ipy-glossary.yaml.tex.j2"
diff --git a/ipypublish/export_plugins/latex_ipypublish_main.json b/ipypublish/export_plugins/latex_ipypublish_main.json
index 41043d0..ba1e698 100644
--- a/ipypublish/export_plugins/latex_ipypublish_main.json
+++ b/ipypublish/export_plugins/latex_ipypublish_main.json
@@ -71,6 +71,10 @@
"module": "ipypublish.templates.segments",
"file": "ipy-contents_framed_code-new.yaml.tex.j2"
+ },
+ {
+ "module": "ipypublish.templates.segments",
+ "file": "ipy-glossary.yaml.tex.j2"
diff --git a/ipypublish/export_plugins/latex_ipypublish_nocode.json b/ipypublish/export_plugins/latex_ipypublish_nocode.json
index 9738f86..e9d2a0b 100644
--- a/ipypublish/export_plugins/latex_ipypublish_nocode.json
+++ b/ipypublish/export_plugins/latex_ipypublish_nocode.json
@@ -104,6 +104,10 @@
"module": "ipypublish.templates.segments",
"file": "ipy-contents_framed_code-new.yaml.tex.j2"
+ },
+ {
+ "module": "ipypublish.templates.segments",
+ "file": "ipy-glossary.yaml.tex.j2"
diff --git a/ipypublish/export_plugins/sphinx_ipypublish_all.exec.json b/ipypublish/export_plugins/sphinx_ipypublish_all.exec.json
index 414426c..1d8fcc9 100644
--- a/ipypublish/export_plugins/sphinx_ipypublish_all.exec.json
+++ b/ipypublish/export_plugins/sphinx_ipypublish_all.exec.json
@@ -14,7 +14,8 @@
"choose_output_type": "ipypublish.filters.rst_choose_output.choose_output_type",
"ipypandoc": "ipypublish.filters_pandoc.main.jinja_filter",
"is_equation": "ipypublish.filters.filters.is_equation",
- "basename": "ipypublish.filters.filters.basename"
+ "basename": "ipypublish.filters.filters.basename",
+ "strip_ext": "ipypublish.filters.filters.strip_ext"
"preprocessors": [
diff --git a/ipypublish/export_plugins/sphinx_ipypublish_all.ext.json b/ipypublish/export_plugins/sphinx_ipypublish_all.ext.json
index 112cdb5..99f67f9 100644
--- a/ipypublish/export_plugins/sphinx_ipypublish_all.ext.json
+++ b/ipypublish/export_plugins/sphinx_ipypublish_all.ext.json
@@ -17,7 +17,8 @@
"choose_output_type": "ipypublish.filters.rst_choose_output.choose_output_type",
"ipypandoc": "ipypublish.filters_pandoc.main.jinja_filter",
"is_equation": "ipypublish.filters.filters.is_equation",
- "basename": "ipypublish.filters.filters.basename"
+ "basename": "ipypublish.filters.filters.basename",
+ "strip_ext": "ipypublish.filters.filters.strip_ext"
"preprocessors": [
diff --git a/ipypublish/export_plugins/sphinx_ipypublish_all.ext.noexec.json b/ipypublish/export_plugins/sphinx_ipypublish_all.ext.noexec.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9909518
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipypublish/export_plugins/sphinx_ipypublish_all.ext.noexec.json
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+ "$schema": "../schema/export_config.schema.json",
+ "description": [
+ "For use with the ipypublish.ipyshinx Sphinx extension (no initial notebook execution)",
+ "- unlike the, conventional version, this does not output a file, ",
+ " and does not redirect/copy external files to the files_folder",
+ "- execute the notebook",
+ "- only output cells with metadata tags are used",
+ "- code, figures, tables and code are formatted accordingly"
+ ],
+ "exporter": {
+ "class": "nbconvert.exporters.RSTExporter",
+ "filters": {
+ "get_empty_lines": "ipypublish.filters.filters.get_empty_lines",
+ "get_caption": "ipypublish.filters.filters.get_caption",
+ "wrap_eqn": "ipypublish.filters.filters.wrap_eqn",
+ "choose_output_type": "ipypublish.filters.rst_choose_output.choose_output_type",
+ "ipypandoc": "ipypublish.filters_pandoc.main.jinja_filter",
+ "is_equation": "ipypublish.filters.filters.is_equation",
+ "basename": "ipypublish.filters.filters.basename",
+ "strip_ext": "ipypublish.filters.filters.strip_ext"
+ },
+ "preprocessors": [
+ {
+ "class": "ipypublish.preprocessors.latex_doc_defaults.MetaDefaults",
+ "args": {
+ "cell_defaults": {
+ "ipub": {
+ "figure": {
+ "placement": "H"
+ },
+ "table": {
+ "placement": "H"
+ },
+ "equation": {
+ "environment": "equation"
+ },
+ "text": true,
+ "mkdown": true,
+ "code": true,
+ "error": true
+ }
+ },
+ "nb_defaults": {
+ "ipub": {
+ "titlepage": {},
+ "toc": true,
+ "listfigures": true,
+ "listtables": true,
+ "listcode": true
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "class": "ipypublish.preprocessors.split_outputs.SplitOutputs",
+ "args": {
+ "split": true
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "class": "ipypublish.preprocessors.latex_doc_links.LatexDocLinks",
+ "args": {
+ "metapath": "${meta_path}",
+ "filesfolder": "${files_path}",
+ "redirect_external": false
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "class": "ipypublish.preprocessors.latex_doc_captions.LatexCaptions",
+ "args": {}
+ }
+ ],
+ "other_args": {
+ "ExecutePreprocessor": {
+ "enabled": false
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "template": {
+ "outline": {
+ "module": "ipypublish.templates.outline_schemas",
+ "file": "rst_outline.rst.j2"
+ },
+ "segments": [
+ {
+ "module": "ipypublish.templates.segments",
+ "file": "ipy-sphinx.yaml.j2"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "postprocessors": {
+ "order": [
+ "remove-blank-lines",
+ "remove-trailing-space",
+ "filter-output-files",
+ "remove-folder",
+ "write-resource-files"
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ipypublish/export_plugins/sphinx_ipypublish_all.json b/ipypublish/export_plugins/sphinx_ipypublish_all.json
index fed64d9..4469efc 100644
--- a/ipypublish/export_plugins/sphinx_ipypublish_all.json
+++ b/ipypublish/export_plugins/sphinx_ipypublish_all.json
@@ -13,7 +13,8 @@
"choose_output_type": "ipypublish.filters.rst_choose_output.choose_output_type",
"ipypandoc": "ipypublish.filters_pandoc.main.jinja_filter",
"is_equation": "ipypublish.filters.filters.is_equation",
- "basename": "ipypublish.filters.filters.basename"
+ "basename": "ipypublish.filters.filters.basename",
+ "strip_ext": "ipypublish.filters.filters.strip_ext"
"preprocessors": [
diff --git a/ipypublish/export_plugins/sphinx_ipypublish_all.run.json b/ipypublish/export_plugins/sphinx_ipypublish_all.run.json
index 70b1641..dc59150 100644
--- a/ipypublish/export_plugins/sphinx_ipypublish_all.run.json
+++ b/ipypublish/export_plugins/sphinx_ipypublish_all.run.json
@@ -14,7 +14,8 @@
"choose_output_type": "ipypublish.filters.rst_choose_output.choose_output_type",
"ipypandoc": "ipypublish.filters_pandoc.main.jinja_filter",
"is_equation": "ipypublish.filters.filters.is_equation",
- "basename": "ipypublish.filters.filters.basename"
+ "basename": "ipypublish.filters.filters.basename",
+ "strip_ext": "ipypublish.filters.filters.strip_ext"
"preprocessors": [
diff --git a/ipypublish/export_plugins/sphinx_ipypublish_main.json b/ipypublish/export_plugins/sphinx_ipypublish_main.json
index ed523a1..8b4b402 100644
--- a/ipypublish/export_plugins/sphinx_ipypublish_main.json
+++ b/ipypublish/export_plugins/sphinx_ipypublish_main.json
@@ -13,7 +13,8 @@
"choose_output_type": "ipypublish.filters.rst_choose_output.choose_output_type",
"ipypandoc": "ipypublish.filters_pandoc.main.jinja_filter",
"is_equation": "ipypublish.filters.filters.is_equation",
- "basename": "ipypublish.filters.filters.basename"
+ "basename": "ipypublish.filters.filters.basename",
+ "strip_ext": "ipypublish.filters.filters.strip_ext"
"preprocessors": [
diff --git a/ipypublish/export_plugins/sphinx_ipypublish_main.run.json b/ipypublish/export_plugins/sphinx_ipypublish_main.run.json
index b48517a..b6f8bbf 100644
--- a/ipypublish/export_plugins/sphinx_ipypublish_main.run.json
+++ b/ipypublish/export_plugins/sphinx_ipypublish_main.run.json
@@ -13,7 +13,8 @@
"choose_output_type": "ipypublish.filters.rst_choose_output.choose_output_type",
"ipypandoc": "ipypublish.filters_pandoc.main.jinja_filter",
"is_equation": "ipypublish.filters.filters.is_equation",
- "basename": "ipypublish.filters.filters.basename"
+ "basename": "ipypublish.filters.filters.basename",
+ "strip_ext": "ipypublish.filters.filters.strip_ext"
"preprocessors": [
diff --git a/ipypublish/export_plugins/sphinx_ipypublish_nocode.json b/ipypublish/export_plugins/sphinx_ipypublish_nocode.json
index 8b1aa0e..874ed57 100644
--- a/ipypublish/export_plugins/sphinx_ipypublish_nocode.json
+++ b/ipypublish/export_plugins/sphinx_ipypublish_nocode.json
@@ -13,7 +13,8 @@
"choose_output_type": "ipypublish.filters.rst_choose_output.choose_output_type",
"ipypandoc": "ipypublish.filters_pandoc.main.jinja_filter",
"is_equation": "ipypublish.filters.filters.is_equation",
- "basename": "ipypublish.filters.filters.basename"
+ "basename": "ipypublish.filters.filters.basename",
+ "strip_ext": "ipypublish.filters.filters.strip_ext"
"preprocessors": [
diff --git a/ipypublish/filters/rst_choose_output.py b/ipypublish/filters/rst_choose_output.py
index 8123a5d..a7a8479 100644
--- a/ipypublish/filters/rst_choose_output.py
+++ b/ipypublish/filters/rst_choose_output.py
@@ -45,4 +45,4 @@ def choose_output_type(output):
latex_datatype = ', '.join(output.data.keys())
- return html_datatype, latex_datatype
\ No newline at end of file
+ return html_datatype, latex_datatype
diff --git a/ipypublish/filters_pandoc/definitions.py b/ipypublish/filters_pandoc/definitions.py
index 921e24e..a60661b 100644
--- a/ipypublish/filters_pandoc/definitions.py
+++ b/ipypublish/filters_pandoc/definitions.py
@@ -30,16 +30,33 @@
("classes", ("capital",)),
("attributes", (("latex", "Cref"), ("rst", "numref")))
+ ("&", (
+ ("classes", ()),
+ ("attributes", (("latex", "gls"), ("rst", "gls"))),
+ )),
+ ("%", (
+ ("classes", ("capital",)),
+ ("attributes", (("latex", "Gls"), ("rst", "glsc")))
+ )),
-# PREFIX_ALLOWED = ('+', '!', '=', '?')
-# PREFIX_MAP_LATEX = (('+', 'cref'), ('?', 'Cref'),
-# ('!', 'ref'), ('=', 'eqref'), ("", "cite"))
-PREFIX_MAP_LATEX_R = (('cref', '+'), ('Cref', '?'),
- ('ref', '!'), ('eqref', '='), ("cite", ""))
-# PREFIX_MAP_RST = (('+', 'numref'), ('?', 'numref'), ('!', 'ref'),
-# ('=', 'eq'), ("", "cite"))
-PREFIX_MAP_RST_R = (('numref', '+'), ('ref', '!'), ('eq', '='), ("cite", ""))
+ ('cref', '+'),
+ ('Cref', '?'),
+ ('ref', '!'),
+ ('eqref', '='),
+ ("cite", ""),
+ ("gls", "&"),
+ ("Gls", "%")
+ )
+ ('numref', '+'),
+ ('ref', '!'),
+ ('eq', '='),
+ ("cite", ""),
+ ("gls", "&"),
+ ("glsc", "%")
+ )
("Math", "eqn."),
diff --git a/ipypublish/filters_pandoc/format_cite_elements.py b/ipypublish/filters_pandoc/format_cite_elements.py
index b8e8be6..b6b2f59 100644
--- a/ipypublish/filters_pandoc/format_cite_elements.py
+++ b/ipypublish/filters_pandoc/format_cite_elements.py
@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ def format_cites(cite, doc):
names.setdefault(prefix, set()).add(
'{1}'.format(citation.id, ref["number"])
elif citation.id in doc.bibdatabase:
citation.id, doc.bibdatabase, doc.bibnums))
@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ def format_cites(cite, doc):
# 'No reference found for: {}'.format(
", ".join([l for l in unknown]))))
return elements
diff --git a/ipypublish/filters_pandoc/format_label_elements.py b/ipypublish/filters_pandoc/format_label_elements.py
index 7e5f82c..70576a9 100644
--- a/ipypublish/filters_pandoc/format_label_elements.py
+++ b/ipypublish/filters_pandoc/format_label_elements.py
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
first to access the functionality below:
If the parent of the element is a Span (or Div for Table), with a class
then the label of the element will be span.identifier, and
the attributes and classes from this Span will be used to inform the format.
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
# TODO format headers with section labels
-# (see ipysphinx.docutils_transforms.CreateNotebookSectionAnchors)
+# (see ipysphinx.transforms.CreateNotebookSectionAnchors)
import json
from panflute import Element, Doc, Span, Div, Math, Image, Table # noqa: F401
import panflute as pf
diff --git a/ipypublish/filters_pandoc/format_raw_spans.py b/ipypublish/filters_pandoc/format_raw_spans.py
index fc7b6fb..9719ed8 100644
--- a/ipypublish/filters_pandoc/format_raw_spans.py
+++ b/ipypublish/filters_pandoc/format_raw_spans.py
@@ -30,6 +30,9 @@ def process_raw_spans(container, doc):
return pf.Str("\n\n.. {}:: {}\n\n".format(
+ if container.attributes["tag"] == "ensuremath":
+ return pf.RawInline(":math:`{}`".format(
+ container.attributes["content"]), format='rst')
return pf.RawInline(container.attributes.get("original"),
diff --git a/ipypublish/filters_pandoc/main.py b/ipypublish/filters_pandoc/main.py
index 7194286..dc508fc 100644
--- a/ipypublish/filters_pandoc/main.py
+++ b/ipypublish/filters_pandoc/main.py
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
- [reStructuredText Directives](http://docutils.sourceforge.net/docs/ref/rst/directives.html#figure)
- [sphinxcontrib-bibtex](https://sphinxcontrib-bibtex.readthedocs.io/en/latest/usage.html)
+""" # noqa: E501
import panflute as pf
from ipypublish.filters_pandoc.definitions import IPUB_META_ROUTE
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ def pandoc_filters():
out_doc = doc
for func in filters:
- out_doc = func(out_doc) # type: Doc
+ out_doc = func(out_doc) # type: pf.Doc
# TODO strip meta?
diff --git a/ipypublish/filters_pandoc/prepare_labels.py b/ipypublish/filters_pandoc/prepare_labels.py
index 3f452ec..b4d206f 100644
--- a/ipypublish/filters_pandoc/prepare_labels.py
+++ b/ipypublish/filters_pandoc/prepare_labels.py
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
Then, for each Image, Math and Table found;
-2) Extract labels and attributes to the right of Math or Table captions,
+2) Extract labels and attributes to the right of Math or Table captions,
in the form; ``{#id .class-name a="an attribute"}``
3) If attributes found, remove them from the document and wrap the associated
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ def resolve_equations_images(element, doc):
# "attributes": subel.attributes,
"elements": []
attributes = find_attributes(subel)
if attributes:
diff --git a/ipypublish/filters_pandoc/prepare_raw.py b/ipypublish/filters_pandoc/prepare_raw.py
index 98377f6..742191e 100644
--- a/ipypublish/filters_pandoc/prepare_raw.py
+++ b/ipypublish/filters_pandoc/prepare_raw.py
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ def process_html_cites(container, doc):
def process_latex_raw(element, doc):
- # type: (Union[RawInline, RawBlock], Doc) -> Element
+ # type: (Union[pf.RawInline, pf.RawBlock], pf.Doc) -> pf.Element
"""extract all latex adhering to \\tag{content} or \\tag[options]{content}
to a Span element with class RAWSPAN_CLASS attributes:
@@ -141,14 +141,13 @@ def process_latex_raw(element, doc):
def process_latex_str(block, doc):
# type: (pf.Block, Doc) -> Union[pf.Block,None]
- """see process_latex_raw
+ """see process_latex_raw
same but sometimes pandoc doesn't convert to a raw element
- # TODO in the tests '\cite{a}' -> RawInline,
- # yet running a file with pandoc \cite{a}' -> Str?!
- # if not (isinstance(block, get_panflute_containers(pf.Str))):
- # return None
+ # TODO why is pandoc sometimes converting latex tags to Str?
+ # >> echo "\cite{a}" | pandoc -f markdown -t json
+ # {"blocks":[{"t":"Para","c":[{"t":"RawInline","c":["tex","\\cite{a}"]}]}],"pandoc-api-version":[1,17,5,4],"meta":{}}
content_attr = get_pf_content_attr(block, pf.Str)
if not content_attr:
@@ -180,6 +179,21 @@ def process_latex_str(block, doc):
def assess_latex(text, is_block):
+ """ test if text is a latex command
+ ``\\tag{content}`` or ``\\tag[options]{content}``
+ if so return a panflute.Span, with attributes:
+ - format: "latex"
+ - tag:
+ - options:
+ - content:
+ - original:
+ """
+ # TODO these regexes do not match labels containing nested {} braces
+ # use recursive regexes (https://stackoverflow.com/a/26386070/5033292)
+ # with https://pypi.org/project/regex/
# find tags with no option, i.e \tag{label}
match_latex_noopts = re.match(
@@ -214,8 +228,9 @@ def assess_latex(text, is_block):
span = pf.Span(
attributes={"format": "latex",
- "tag": tag, "content": content,
- options: "options",
+ "tag": tag,
+ "content": content,
+ "options": options,
"original": text}
if is_block:
diff --git a/ipypublish/filters_pandoc/tests/test_convert_raw.py b/ipypublish/filters_pandoc/tests/test_convert_raw.py
index 4eea349..bc826fb 100644
--- a/ipypublish/filters_pandoc/tests/test_convert_raw.py
+++ b/ipypublish/filters_pandoc/tests/test_convert_raw.py
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ def test_cite_in_table_caption():
'- -',
'1 2',
- 'Table: Caption \cite{a}'
+ 'Table: Caption \\cite{a}'
out_string = apply_filter(
@@ -181,8 +181,8 @@ def test_citations_latex():
- "\includegraphics{path/to/image.png}",
- "\\caption{a citation \cite{label}}",
+ "\\includegraphics{path/to/image.png}",
+ "\\caption{a citation \\cite{label}}",
@@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ def test_rst_directive_to_latex():
' xyz'
out_string = apply_filter(
[prepare_raw.main, format_raw_spans.main], "latex")
@@ -353,4 +353,4 @@ def test_rst_label_to_rst():
assert out_string.strip() == "\n".join([
'.. _alabel:'
- ])
\ No newline at end of file
+ ])
diff --git a/ipypublish/filters_pandoc/tests/test_format_cite_elements.py b/ipypublish/filters_pandoc/tests/test_format_cite_elements.py
index 1fb60b7..cb12b2f 100644
--- a/ipypublish/filters_pandoc/tests/test_format_cite_elements.py
+++ b/ipypublish/filters_pandoc/tests/test_format_cite_elements.py
@@ -33,5 +33,39 @@ def test_multiple_references_latex():
assert out_string == "\n".join([
- r"multiple references \cref{fig:id,tbl:id,eq:id1}"
- ])
\ No newline at end of file
+ "multiple references \\cref{fig:id,tbl:id,eq:id1}"
+ ])
+def test_reference_prefixes_latex():
+ """
+ """
+ in_string = [
+ '(?@key1 &@key2 =@key3)'
+ ]
+ out_string = apply_filter(in_string,
+ [prepare_cites.main,
+ format_cite_elements.main], "latex")
+ print(out_string)
+ assert out_string == "\n".join([
+ "(\\Cref{key1} \\gls{key2} \\eqref{key3})"
+ ])
+def test_reference_prefixes_rst():
+ """
+ """
+ in_string = [
+ '(?@key1 &@key2 %@key3 =@key4)'
+ ]
+ out_string = apply_filter(in_string,
+ [prepare_cites.main,
+ format_cite_elements.main], "rst")
+ print(out_string)
+ assert out_string == "\n".join([
+ "(:ref:`key1` :gls:`key2` :glsc:`key3` :eq:`key4`)"
+ ])
diff --git a/ipypublish/filters_pandoc/tests/test_jinja_filter.py b/ipypublish/filters_pandoc/tests/test_jinja_filter.py
index 01e626d..4766f6b 100644
--- a/ipypublish/filters_pandoc/tests/test_jinja_filter.py
+++ b/ipypublish/filters_pandoc/tests/test_jinja_filter.py
@@ -76,4 +76,4 @@ def test_remove_filter():
out_str = jinja_filter(
"+@label", "rst", create_ipub_meta({"apply_filters": False}), {}
- assert out_str == "+@label"
\ No newline at end of file
+ assert out_str == "+@label"
diff --git a/ipypublish/filters_pandoc/tests/test_prepare_labels.py b/ipypublish/filters_pandoc/tests/test_prepare_labels.py
index d3878a2..a64222d 100644
--- a/ipypublish/filters_pandoc/tests/test_prepare_labels.py
+++ b/ipypublish/filters_pandoc/tests/test_prepare_labels.py
@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@
from panflute import Element, Doc # noqa: F401
from types import FunctionType # noqa: F401
-from ipypublish.filters_pandoc.utils import apply_filter
from ipypublish.filters_pandoc.prepare_labels import main
diff --git a/ipypublish/filters_pandoc/utils.py b/ipypublish/filters_pandoc/utils.py
index c927925..3a0cbc9 100644
--- a/ipypublish/filters_pandoc/utils.py
+++ b/ipypublish/filters_pandoc/utils.py
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ def apply_filter(in_object, filter_func=None,
replace_api_version=True, dry_run=False,
# type: (list[str], FunctionType) -> str
- """convenience function to apply a panflute filter(s)
+ """convenience function to apply a panflute filter(s)
to a string, list of string lines, pandoc AST or panflute.Doc
@@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ def strip_quotes(string):
def find_attributes(element, allow_space=True,
search_left=False, include_element=False):
- """find an attribute 'container' for an element,
+ """find an attribute 'container' for an element,
of the form {#id .class1 .class2 a=1 b="a string"}
and extract its content
@@ -265,7 +265,7 @@ def _search_attribute_right(element, include_element, allow_space):
pf.Para(*attr_elements)).replace("\n", " ").strip()
# split into the label and the rest
- match = re.match("^\\{(#[^\s]+|)([^\\}]*)\\}", attribute_str)
+ match = re.match(r"^\{(#[^\s]+|)([^\}]*)\}", attribute_str)
if not match:
raise ValueError(attribute_str)
classes, attributes = process_attributes(match.group(2))
@@ -339,7 +339,7 @@ def _search_attribute_left(element, include_element, allow_space):
pf.Para(*attr_elements)).replace("\n", " ").strip()
# split into the label and the rest
- match = re.match("^\\{(#[^\s]+|)([^\\}]*)\\}$", attribute_str)
+ match = re.match("^\\{(#[^\\s]+|)([^\\}]*)\\}$", attribute_str)
if not match:
raise ValueError(attribute_str)
classes, attributes = process_attributes(match.group(2))
@@ -354,7 +354,7 @@ def _search_attribute_left(element, include_element, allow_space):
def process_attributes(attr_string):
- """process a string of classes and attributes,
+ """process a string of classes and attributes,
e.g. '.class-name .other a=1 b="some text"' will be returned as:
["class-name", "other"], {"a": 1, "b": "some text"}
@@ -363,11 +363,11 @@ def process_attributes(attr_string):
dict: attributes
# find classes, denoted by .class-name
- classes = [c[1][1:] for c in re.findall('(^|\s)(\\.[\\-\\_a-zA-Z]+)',
+ classes = [c[1][1:] for c in re.findall('(^|\\s)(\\.[\\-\\_a-zA-Z]+)',
# find attributes, denoted by a=b, respecting quotes
attr = {c[1]: strip_quotes(c[2]) for c in re.findall(
- '(^|\s)([\\-\\_a-zA-Z]+)\s*=\s*(\\".+\\"|\\\'.+\\\'|[^\s\\"\\\']+)',
+ '(^|\\s)([\\-\\_a-zA-Z]+)\\s*=\\s*(\\".+\\"|\\\'.+\\\'|[^\\s\\"\\\']+)', # noqa: E501
# TODO this generally works, but should be stricter against any weird
# fringe cases
diff --git a/ipypublish/frontend/nbpresent.py b/ipypublish/frontend/nbpresent.py
index 5097951..14c5e28 100644
--- a/ipypublish/frontend/nbpresent.py
+++ b/ipypublish/frontend/nbpresent.py
@@ -41,11 +41,10 @@ def nbpresent(inpath,
inpath_name, inpath_ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(inpath))
- outpath = None
output_mimetype = guess_type(inpath, strict=False)[0]
output_mimetype = 'unknown' if output_mimetype is None else output_mimetype
- if inpath_ext == '.ipynb':
+ if output_mimetype != "text/html":
config = {"IpyPubMain": {
"conversion": outformat,
@@ -74,12 +73,13 @@ def nbpresent(inpath,
except Exception as err:
logger.error("Run Failed: {}".format(err))
if print_traceback:
- raise err
+ raise
return 1
+ logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stdout, level=logging.INFO)
server = RevealServer()
if not dry_run:
- server.postprocess("", output_mimetype, outpath)
+ server.postprocess("", output_mimetype, os.path.abspath(inpath))
return 0
diff --git a/ipypublish/frontend/nbpublish.py b/ipypublish/frontend/nbpublish.py
index 82e1ae7..837b38c 100644
--- a/ipypublish/frontend/nbpublish.py
+++ b/ipypublish/frontend/nbpublish.py
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ def nbpublish(ipynb_path,
except Exception as err:
logger.error("Run Failed: {}".format(err))
if print_traceback:
- raise err
+ raise
return 1
return 0
diff --git a/ipypublish/ipysphinx/__init__.py b/ipypublish/ipysphinx/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 51e7c1a..0000000
--- a/ipypublish/ipysphinx/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-# expose setup function for sphinx
-from ipypublish.ipysphinx.extension import setup # noqa: F401
diff --git a/ipypublish/port_api/convert_format_str.py b/ipypublish/port_api/convert_format_str.py
index 6927ea6..020e604 100644
--- a/ipypublish/port_api/convert_format_str.py
+++ b/ipypublish/port_api/convert_format_str.py
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ def convert_format_str(template):
"{{{{ super() }}}}",
"{{% endblock codecell %}}",
"{{% block in_prompt %}}{{% endblock in_prompt %}}",
- "{{% block input %}}{{{{ cell.metadata | meta2yaml('#~~ ') }}}}",
+ "{{% block input %}}{{{{ cell.metadata | meta2yaml('#~~ ') }}}}", # noqa: E501
"{{{{ cell.source | ipython2python }}}}",
"{{% endblock input %}}",
"{{% block markdowncell scoped %}}#%% [markdown]",
diff --git a/ipypublish/port_api/plugin_to_json.py b/ipypublish/port_api/plugin_to_json.py
index 009de38..8e67852 100644
--- a/ipypublish/port_api/plugin_to_json.py
+++ b/ipypublish/port_api/plugin_to_json.py
@@ -25,8 +25,8 @@ def assess_syntax(path):
elif isinstance(child, ast.ImportFrom):
module = child.module
for n in child.names:
- importPath = module + "." + n.name
- imported[n.name if n.asname is None else n.asname] = importPath
+ import_pth = module + "." + n.name
+ imported[n.name if n.asname is None else n.asname] = import_pth
elif isinstance(child, ast.Assign):
targets = child.targets
if len(targets) > 1:
@@ -79,14 +79,14 @@ def ast_to_json(item, imported, assignments):
def convert_dict(dct, imported, assignments):
# type: (ast.Dict, Dict[str, str], dict) -> dict
"""recurse through and replace keys"""
- outDict = {}
+ out_dict = {}
for key, val in zip(dct.keys, dct.values):
if not isinstance(key, ast.Str):
raise ValueError(
"expected key to be a Str; {}".format(key))
- outDict[key.s] = ast_to_json(val, imported, assignments)
+ out_dict[key.s] = ast_to_json(val, imported, assignments)
- return outDict
+ return out_dict
def convert_oformat(oformat):
@@ -142,8 +142,6 @@ def convert_config(config, exporter_class, allow_other):
preprocs[pname]["args"]["metapath"] = "${meta_path}"
preprocs[pname]["args"]["filesfolder"] = "${files_path}"
# second parse
for key, val in config.items():
if key in ["Exporter.filters", "TemplateExporter.filters",
@@ -245,27 +243,27 @@ def create_json(docstring, imported, assignments, allow_other=True):
keywords = expr.keywords
if len(args) != 1 or len(keywords) > 0:
raise ValueError("expected create_tpl(x) to have one argument")
- segList = args[0]
- if isinstance(segList, ast.ListComp):
- segList = segList.generators[0].iter
- if not isinstance(segList, ast.List):
+ seg_list = args[0]
+ if isinstance(seg_list, ast.ListComp):
+ seg_list = seg_list.generators[0].iter
+ if not isinstance(seg_list, ast.List):
raise ValueError(
"expected create_tpl(x) arg to be a List; {}".format(
- segList))
+ seg_list))
segments = []
- for seg in segList.elts:
+ for seg in seg_list.elts:
if isinstance(seg, ast.Attribute):
- segName = seg.value.id
+ seg_name = seg.value.id
elif isinstance(seg, ast.Name):
- segName = seg.id
+ seg_name = seg.id
raise ValueError(
"expected seg in template to be an Attribute; " +
- if segName not in imported:
- raise ValueError("segment '{}' not found".format(segName))
- segments.append(imported[segName])
+ if seg_name not in imported:
+ raise ValueError("segment '{}' not found".format(seg_name))
+ segments.append(imported[seg_name])
template = segments
if oformat is None:
diff --git a/ipypublish/port_api/tpl_dct_to_json.py b/ipypublish/port_api/tpl_dct_to_json.py
index bb90b5c..a257c91 100644
--- a/ipypublish/port_api/tpl_dct_to_json.py
+++ b/ipypublish/port_api/tpl_dct_to_json.py
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ def assess_syntax(path):
dtype, child.value))
dct = child.value
if dct is None:
raise IOError("could not find tpl(x)_dict")
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ def assess_syntax(path):
"expected {} value be of type Str: {}".format(
dtype, value))
output[key.s] = value.s
return {
"identifier": os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(path))[0],
"description": docstring,
diff --git a/ipypublish/postprocessors/base.py b/ipypublish/postprocessors/base.py
index cf8e021..8ccdb51 100644
--- a/ipypublish/postprocessors/base.py
+++ b/ipypublish/postprocessors/base.py
@@ -115,8 +115,7 @@ def postprocess(self, stream, mimetype, filepath,
if not filepath.is_absolute():
- "the post-processor requires a folder, "
- "but the filepath is not absolute",
+ "the post-processor requires an absolute folder path",
if filepath.parent.exists() and not filepath.parent.is_dir():
@@ -131,9 +130,9 @@ def postprocess(self, stream, mimetype, filepath,
if resources is None:
resources = {}
- return self.run_postprocess(stream, filepath, resources)
+ return self.run_postprocess(stream, mimetype, filepath, resources)
- def run_postprocess(self, stream, filepath, resources):
+ def run_postprocess(self, stream, mimetype, filepath, resources):
""" should not be called directly
override in sub-class
diff --git a/ipypublish/postprocessors/convert_bibgloss.py b/ipypublish/postprocessors/convert_bibgloss.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cd1f627
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipypublish/postprocessors/convert_bibgloss.py
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+import os
+import sys
+from traitlets import Unicode
+from ipypublish.postprocessors.base import IPyPostProcessor
+from ipypublish.bib2glossary import BibGlossDB
+class ConvertBibGloss(IPyPostProcessor):
+ """ convert a bibglossary to the required format
+ """
+ @property
+ def allowed_mimetypes(self):
+ return None
+ @property
+ def requires_path(self):
+ return True
+ @property
+ def logger_name(self):
+ return "convert-bibgloss"
+ encoding = Unicode(
+ "utf8",
+ help="the encoding of the input file"
+ ).tag(config=True)
+ resource_key = Unicode(
+ "bibglosspath",
+ help="the key in the resources dict containing the path to the file"
+ ).tag(config=True)
+ files_folder = Unicode(
+ "_static",
+ help="the path (relative to the main file path) to dump to"
+ ).tag(config=True)
+ def run_postprocess(self, stream, mimetype, filepath, resources):
+ if "bibglosspath" not in resources:
+ return stream, filepath, resources
+ bibpath = resources["bibglosspath"]
+ if not os.path.exists(str(bibpath)):
+ self.logger.warning(
+ "the bibglossary could not be converted, "
+ "since its path does not exist: {}".format(bibpath))
+ return stream, filepath, resources
+ bibname, extension = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(bibpath))
+ outstr = None
+ outext = None
+ if extension in [".bib"]:
+ if mimetype == "text/restructuredtext":
+ pass
+ elif mimetype == "text/latex":
+ self.logger.info("converting bibglossary to tex")
+ bibdb = BibGlossDB()
+ bibdb.load_bib(path=str(bibpath), encoding=self.encoding)
+ outstr = bibdb.to_latex_string()
+ outext = ".tex"
+ elif extension in [".tex"]:
+ if mimetype == "text/latex":
+ pass
+ elif mimetype == "text/restructuredtext":
+ self.logger.info("converting bibglossary to bibtex")
+ bibdb = BibGlossDB()
+ bibdb.load_tex(path=str(bibpath), encoding=self.encoding)
+ outstr = bibdb.to_bib_string()
+ outext = ".bib"
+ else:
+ self.logger.warning(
+ "the bibglossary could not be converted, "
+ "since its file extension was not one of: "
+ "bib, tex")
+ if outstr is None:
+ return stream, filepath, resources
+ if sys.version_info < (3, 0):
+ outstr = unicode(outstr, encoding=self.encoding) # noqa: F821
+ output_folder = filepath.parent.joinpath(self.files_folder)
+ if not output_folder.exists():
+ output_folder.mkdir(parents=True)
+ outfile = output_folder.joinpath(bibname + outext)
+ self.logger.info("writing bibglossary: {}".format(outfile))
+ with outfile.open("w", encoding=self.encoding) as fh:
+ fh.write(outstr)
+ self.logger.debug("finished")
+ return stream, filepath, resources
diff --git a/ipypublish/postprocessors/file_actions.py b/ipypublish/postprocessors/file_actions.py
index 98a1ca7..12615f1 100644
--- a/ipypublish/postprocessors/file_actions.py
+++ b/ipypublish/postprocessors/file_actions.py
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ def logger_name(self):
help="the encoding of the output file"
- def run_postprocess(self, stream, filepath, resources):
+ def run_postprocess(self, stream, mimetype, filepath, resources):
self.logger.info('writing stream to file: {}'.format(filepath))
with filepath.open("w", encoding=self.encoding) as fh:
@@ -55,13 +55,13 @@ def logger_name(self):
help="the path (relative to the main file path) to remove"
- def run_postprocess(self, stream, filepath, resources):
+ def run_postprocess(self, stream, mimetype, filepath, resources):
remove_folder = filepath.parent.joinpath(self.files_folder)
if remove_folder.exists() and remove_folder.is_dir():
'removing folder: {0}'.format(remove_folder))
- shutil.rmtree(remove_folder)
+ shutil.rmtree(str(remove_folder))
return stream, filepath, resources
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ def logger_name(self):
return "write-resource-files"
resource_keys = List(
- Unicode,
+ Unicode(),
help="the key names in the resources dict that contain files"
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ def logger_name(self):
# help="the path (relative to the main file path) to write to"
# ).tag(config=True)
- def run_postprocess(self, stream, filepath, resources):
+ def run_postprocess(self, stream, mimetype, filepath, resources):
output_folder = filepath.parent
if not output_folder.exists():
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ def logger_name(self):
return "copy-resource-paths"
resource_keys = List(
- Unicode,
+ Unicode(),
help="the key names in the resources dict that contain filepaths"
@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ def logger_name(self):
help="the path (relative to the main file path) to copy to"
- def run_postprocess(self, stream, filepath, resources):
+ def run_postprocess(self, stream, mimetype, filepath, resources):
output_folder = filepath.parent.joinpath(self.files_folder)
if not output_folder.exists():
diff --git a/ipypublish/postprocessors/pdfexport.py b/ipypublish/postprocessors/pdfexport.py
index 341b2a3..175db16 100755
--- a/ipypublish/postprocessors/pdfexport.py
+++ b/ipypublish/postprocessors/pdfexport.py
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ def logger_name(self):
help="launch a html page containing a pdf browser").tag(config=True)
- def run_postprocess(self, stream, filepath, resources):
+ def run_postprocess(self, stream, mimetype, filepath, resources):
""" should not be called directly
@@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ def log_latexmk_output(pipe):
return exitcode
-class change_dir:
+class change_dir: # noqa: N801
"""Context manager for changing the current working directory"""
def __init__(self, new_path):
@@ -240,4 +240,4 @@ def __exit__(self, etype, value, traceback):