Demonstrates using dockle to find issues with images.
Container Image Linter for Security, Helping build the Best-Practice Docker Image
- Show how to fix the issues raised
Install dockle
brew install goodwithtech/r/dockle
# build image
docker build -t dockletest .
# scan the local image
dockle dockletest
Example output
FATAL - DKL-DI-0005: Clear apt-get caches
* Use 'rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists' after 'apt-get install' : /bin/sh -c apt-get update && apt-get install curl -y
WARN - CIS-DI-0001: Create a user for the container
* Last user should not be root
WARN - DKL-DI-0006: Avoid latest tag
* Avoid 'latest' tag
INFO - CIS-DI-0005: Enable Content trust for Docker
* export DOCKER_CONTENT_TRUST=1 before docker pull/build
INFO - CIS-DI-0006: Add HEALTHCHECK instruction to the container image
* not found HEALTHCHECK statement
INFO - CIS-DI-0008: Confirm safety of setuid/setgid files
* setuid file: bin/mount urwxr-xr-x
* setuid file: usr/bin/gpasswd urwxr-xr-x
* setuid file: bin/umount urwxr-xr-x
* setgid file: sbin/unix_chkpwd grwxr-xr-x
* setgid file: sbin/pam_extrausers_chkpwd grwxr-xr-x
* setuid file: usr/bin/chsh urwxr-xr-x
* setuid file: usr/bin/passwd urwxr-xr-x
* setuid file: usr/bin/chfn urwxr-xr-x
* setgid file: usr/bin/expiry grwxr-xr-x
* setuid file: bin/su urwxr-xr-x
* setgid file: usr/bin/chage grwxr-xr-x
* setuid file: usr/bin/newgrp urwxr-xr-x
* setgid file: usr/bin/wall grwxr-xr-x
- Goto Dockle