All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
- Fixed bad documentation
- Typescript declaration file generation from jsdoc.
- Fixed bad documentation
- .coin(pTrue); method on each generator that generates a true flip with the given probability of occurring.
- Added new documentation for .coin(pTrue) method.
- Fixed bad links for array generation methods.
1.0.3 - Additional Generators, bug fixes, 53/64 bit output. (02/06/2021)
- Added XorShift64 generator.
- Added XorShift128 generator.
- Added XorShift128+ generator.
- Added PRNG64 class for common 64 bit output code.
- Additional testing for 64 bit output.
- Fixed randRange() maximum number output.
- Changed default generator to use XORShift64.
- More in-depth testing.
1.0.2 - ESLint, smaller package size (21/05/2021)
- Fixed linting.
- Fixed lcov output reporting.
- Fixed coveralls.
1.0.1 - Fixed coverage command (21/05/2021)
- Fixed coverage command as istanbul/nyc doesn't work with es modules by default.
1.0.0 - Initial release (20/05/2021)
- 32 bit Mersenne Twister.
- 32 bit PCG.
- 32 bit LCG.
- 32 bit XorShift.
- 32 bit XorWow.
- Boolean, int, bigInt, float, float53 and respective Array generation.
- Rand Range function.
- Benchmarking.
- Shuffle and choice functions.