There are two kind of tests. The folder tests/phpcr-api
contains the
phpcr-api-tests suite to test
against the specification. This is what you want to look at when using
jackalope as a PHPCR implementation.
The folder tests/Jackalope
contains unit tests for the jackalope
implementation. You should only need those if you want to debug jackalope
itself or implement new features.
For both, you need to have the test workspace created in the storage (see below).
There is one bootstrap and one phpunit file per backend implementation. The additional classes required to bootstrap the tests are found in inc/ Utility code is placed in bin/ and lib/.
The phpunit_*.xml.dist are configured to run all tests. You can limit the tests to run by specifying the path to those tests to phpunit.
Note that the phpcr-api tests are skipped for features not implemented in jackalope. Have a look at the tests/inc/*ImplementationLoader.php files to see which features are skipped for what backend.
Jackalope bundles the extensive phpcr-api-tests suite to test compliance with the PHPCR standard. Additionally jackalope contains a set of unit tests. After setting tests up (see below), you can simply run them with phpunit
You should only see success or skipped tests, no failures or errors.
You need to create a new workspace. The simplest way to do this is
java -jar jackrabbit-*.jar
# when it says "Apache Jackrabbit is now running at http://localhost:8080/" ctrl-c to stop
cp -r jackrabbit/workspaces/default jackrabbit/workspace/tests
edit jackrabbit/workspaces/tests/workspace.xml
# change the line <Workspace name="default"> to <Workspace name="tests">
java -jar jackrabbit-*.jar
See also "Jackrabbit Doc":
Once you have jackrabbit with a tests workspace, run the tests.
cd /path/to/jackalope/tests
cp phpunit_jackrabbit.xml.dist phpunit.xml
There is a phpunit_doctrinedbal.xml.dist file in the tests/ folder. Copy that to phpunit.xml and adjust settings as you need them.
To setup a new mysql database to run the tests against, you can do something like - or use your favorite GUI frontend
sudo mysqladmin -u root -p create jackalope_doctrine
echo "grant all privileges on jackalope_doctrine.* to 'jackalope'@'localhost' identified by '1234test'; flush privileges;" | mysql -u root -p
Test fixtures for functional tests are written in JCR System XML format. Use the converter script tests/generate_doctrine_dbal_fixture.php
to prepare the fixtures for doctrine tests.
The converted fixtures are written into tests/fixtures/doctrine. The converted fixtures are not tracked in the repository, you should regenerate them whenever the fixtures in tests/phpcr-api/fixtures change.
cd /path/to/jackalope/tests
cp phpunit_doctrine_dbal.xml.dist phpunit.xml
Note that the best would be to implement the Session::importXML method
Until this happens, you can use the class JackrabbitFixtureLoader found in inc/JackrabbitFixtureLoader.php to import fixtures in the JCR XML formats. It relies on jack.jar. The class can be plugged in Symfony2 autoload mechanism through autoload.php, which can be used to feed a MapFileClassLoader instance. E.g:
$phpcr_loader = new MapFileClassLoader(
It would be nice if we were able to run the relevant parts of the JSR-283 Technology Compliance Kit (TCK) against php implementations. Note that we would need to have some glue for things that look different in PHP than in Java, like the whole topic of Value and ValueFactory.
Once we manage to do that, we could hopefully also use the performance test suite