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Releases: chaoss/grimoirelab-elk


20 Oct 10:20
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grimoire-elk 0.109.0-rc.1 - (2023-10-20)

New features:

  • Anonymize repository URLs in graal backend
    The raw data generated by the graal backend had non-anonymized URLs on
    the meta fields 'origin' and 'tag'. This was necessary to generate
    enriched data for non-public repositories.
  • Bug description in Bugzilla
    Include the description of the bugs in Bugzilla. The new fields are
    'description' and 'description_analyzed'. The second allows to query
    any of the words of the description.
  • SortingHat backend name per data source
    Allow to define the name of the backend for the identities stored in
    SortingHat. From now on github2 is renamed as github in SortingHat

Bug fixes:

  • Individual id incorrectly assigned
    Correct a bug that results in enriched items using the individual ID
    as the identity ID, and vice versa.
  • Error in OpenSearch response stops demography study
    Fix an issue that stops demography study when OpenSearch occasionally
    provides a response without some expected fields.
  • Undefined identities in GitHub comments
    Fix a bug that causes certain identities from commentaries to not be
    imported into SortingHat, resulting in them appearing as UNDEFINED in

Dependencies updateds:

  • Add Python 3.9 and 3.10 and drop 3.7 support
    Python 3.7 reached the end of life phase on June 27 2023 and is no
    longer supported.
  • Bump urllib3 version
    Bump urllib3 from ^1.26 to ^2.0.7
  • Remove Python pymsql dependency
    Remove the dependency with PyMySQL because it is not used anymore.


20 Oct 11:50
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grimoire-elk 0.109.0 - (2023-10-20)

New features:

  • Anonymize repository URLs in graal backend
    The raw data generated by the graal backend had non-anonymized URLs on
    the meta fields 'origin' and 'tag'. This was necessary to generate
    enriched data for non-public repositories.
  • Bug description in Bugzilla
    Include the description of the bugs in Bugzilla. The new fields are
    'description' and 'description_analyzed'. The second allows to query
    any of the words of the description.
  • SortingHat backend name per data source
    Allow to define the name of the backend for the identities stored in
    SortingHat. From now on github2 is renamed as github in SortingHat

Bug fixes:

  • Individual id incorrectly assigned
    Correct a bug that results in enriched items using the individual ID
    as the identity ID, and vice versa.
  • Error in OpenSearch response stops demography study
    Fix an issue that stops demography study when OpenSearch occasionally
    provides a response without some expected fields.
  • Undefined identities in GitHub comments
    Fix a bug that causes certain identities from commentaries to not be
    imported into SortingHat, resulting in them appearing as UNDEFINED in

Dependencies updateds:

  • Add Python 3.9 and 3.10 and drop 3.7 support
    Python 3.7 reached the end of life phase on June 27 2023 and is no
    longer supported.
  • Bump urllib3 version
    Bump urllib3 from ^1.26 to ^2.0.7
  • Remove Python pymsql dependency
    Remove the dependency with PyMySQL because it is not used anymore.


06 Aug 17:44
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grimoire-elk 0.108.1-rc.1 - (2023-08-06)

  • Update Poetry's package dependencies


06 Aug 19:10
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grimoire-elk 0.108.1 - (2023-08-06)

  • Update Poetry's package dependencies


23 Jul 17:09
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grimoire-elk 0.108.0-rc.1 - (2023-07-23)

Bug fixes:

  • Enrich items with multiple enrollments
    The date field must be a string since improved performance by
    decreasing calls to the str_to_datetime method.

Performance improvements:

  • Load identities performance
    Improve the load identities process performance by reducing the number
    of queries to SortingHat.


23 Jul 21:25
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grimoire-elk 0.108.0 - (2023-07-23)

Bug fixes:

  • Enrich items with multiple enrollments
    The date field must be a string since improved performance by
    decreasing calls to the str_to_datetime method.

Performance improvements:

  • Load identities performance
    Improve the load identities process performance by reducing the number
    of queries to SortingHat.


11 Jul 14:46
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grimoire-elk 0.107.0-rc.1 - (2023-07-11)

Performance improvements:

  • Enrichment processing time reduced by 50%
    The general performance was improved reducing the number of calls to
    the identities manager (i.g. SortingHat). There were some deprecated
    calls that weren't needed any longer and also, we increased the cache
    of individuals in ELKs. We were also able to reduce the processing
    time of the Git backend by converting commit dates only once.


11 Jul 16:17
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grimoire-elk 0.107.0 - (2023-07-11)

Performance improvements:

  • Enrichment processing time reduced by 50%
    The general performance was improved reducing the number of calls to
    the identities manager (i.g. SortingHat). There were some deprecated
    calls that weren't needed any longer and also, we increased the cache
    of individuals in ELKs. We were also able to reduce the processing
    time of the Git backend by converting commit dates only once.


28 Jun 11:33
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grimoire-elk 0.106.0 - (2023-06-28)

Performance improvements:

  • Refreshing identities performance
    Decrease the time required to execute the autorefresh process by
    reducing the number of queries to SortingHat.


23 Jun 08:59
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grimoire-elk 0.106.0-rc.2 - (2023-06-23)

  • Update Poetry's package dependencies