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Prometheus Exporter for Kibana (7.10.*)

A standalone Prometheus exporter for Kibana metrics inspired by the Kibana Prometheus Exporter Plugin.

This makes use of the /api/status endpoint to gather and convert metrics to the Prometheus OpenMetrics format.

The source files are found at the GitHub repository chamilad/kibana-prometheus-exporter.


The metrics exposed by this Exporter are the following.

Metric Description Type
kibana_status Kibana overall status Gauge
kibana_concurrent_connections Kibana Concurrent Connections Gauge
kibana_millis_uptime Kibana uptime in milliseconds Gauge
kibana_heap_max_in_bytes Kibana Heap maximum in bytes Gauge
kibana_heap_used_in_bytes Kibana Heap usage in bytes Gauge
kibana_os_load_1m Kibana load average 1m Gauge
kibana_os_load_5m Kibana load average 5m Gauge
kibana_os_load_15m Kibana load average 15m Gauge
kibana_response_average Kibana average response time in milliseconds Gauge
kibana_response_max Kibana maximum response time in milliseconds Gauge
kibana_requests_disconnects Kibana request disconnections count Gauge
kibana_requests_total Kibana total request count Gauge


The Docker Image can be used directly to run the exporter in a Dockerized environment. The Container filesystem only contains the statically linked binary, so that it can be run independently.

NOTE: Currently tested against below Kibana versions only.

  1. 7.5
  2. 7.8
  3. 7.10

Please open an issue if you see errors or missing metrics with the Kibana version you're using.

Match the Kibana version with the release tag (ex: release v7.5.x.2 will work with Kibana 7.5.x versions. It's possible it will continue to work for a few more minor releases, but this depends on what Elastic decides to do with the idea of semantic versioning)

First 3 sections of the release tag represents the Kibana version compatibility, while the last section indicates patching increments.

# expose metrics from the local Kibana instance using the provided username and password
docker run -p 9684:9684 -it chamilad/kibana-prometheus-exporter:v7.10.x.1 -kibana.uri http://localhost:5601 -kibana.username elastic -kibana.password password
# expose metrics using /scrape endpint
docker run -p 9684:9684 -it chamilad/kibana-prometheus-exporter:v7.10.x.1 -kibana.uri http://localhost:5601 -web.telemetry-path "/scrape"


Refer the artifacts in k8s directory. There is a Deployment and a Service that exposes the Deployment.

kubectl apply -f k8s/kibana-prometheus-exporter.yaml
$  kubectl get all -l app=kibana-prometheus-exporter
  NAME                                             READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
  pod/kibana-prometheus-exporter-b8c888bcd-66kvx   1/1     Running   0          16s

  NAME                                 TYPE        CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)    AGE
  service/kibana-prometheus-exporter   ClusterIP   <none>        9684/TCP   16s

  NAME                                         READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
  deployment.apps/kibana-prometheus-exporter   1/1     1            1           16s

  NAME                                                   DESIRED   CURRENT   READY   AGE
  replicaset.apps/kibana-prometheus-exporter-b8c888bcd   1         1         1       16s

With these artifacts deployed, the following Prometheus scrape configuration can be used to scrape the metrics.

    - job_name: "kibana"
      scrape_interval: 1m
      metrics_path: "/metrics"
        - role: service
        - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_label_app]
          regex: "kibana-exporter"
          action: keep
        - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_namespace]
          action: replace
          target_label: kubernetes_namespace
        - source_labels: [__address__, __meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_prometheus_io_port]
          target_label: __address__
          regex: ([^:]+)(?::\d+)?;(\d+)
          replacement: $1:$2
Things to note about the Prometheus Scrape Config
  1. The scrape_interval for the job is kept to once per minute. This is to reduce the load on the ElasticSearch cluster, by frequent API calls.
  2. The port to connect is detected through a K8s Service annotation,
  3. The metrics will end up with the label job: kibana


The contents of this repository are licensed under Apache V2 License.