veinmind-weakpass is a container/image weak password scanning tool developed by Changting Technology
- Quickly scan images/containers for weak passwords
- Support for weak password macros
- Support concurrent scanning of weak passwords
- Support for custom usernames and dictionaries
- Support for the 'containerd'/' dockerd 'container runtime
- linux/amd64
- linux/386
- linux/arm64
- linux/arm
Please install libveinmind
, installation method can refer to [official documentation] (
make run ARG="scan xxx"
Compile the executable
make build
Run the executable file for scanning
chmod +x veinmind-weakpass && ./veinmind-weakpass scan xxx
Make sure you have 'docker' and 'docker-compose' installed on your machine
make run.docker ARG="scan xxxx"
Build the 'veinmind-weakpass' image
make build.docker
Run the container to scan
docker run --rm -it --mount 'type=bind,source=/,target=/host,readonly,bind-propagation=rslave' veinmind-weakpass scan xxx
- Specify the image name or image ID and scan (if the image exists locally)
./veinmind-weakpass scan image [imagename/imageid]
2. Specify the container name or ID and scan (if the corresponding container exists locally)
./veinmind-weakpass scan container [containername/containerid]
- Scan all local images
./veinmind-weakpass scan container [containername/containerid]
- Scan all local containers
./veinmind-weakpass scan container
Specify the scan username type
./veinmind-weakpass scan image -u username
- Specify a custom scan dictionary
./veinmind-weakpass scan image -d ./pass.dict
- Specify the service for the custom scan
./veinmind-weakpass scan image -s ssh,mysql,redis
Currently supported services
| serverName | version |
| ssh | all |
| mysql | 8.X |
| redis | all |
| tomcat | all |
| ftp | all |
- Unzip the default dictionary to local disk
./veinmind-weakpass extract
- Specify the output format Supported output formats:
- html
- json
- cli (default)
./veinmind-weakpass scan image [imageID/imageName] -f html