Add first and third digit
Checking for Perfect Batch
Checking whether the string is rotated or not
Converting Integer to String
Converting String to Float
Counting the occurrence of a substring
Decoding a string column-wise
Deletion in LinkedHashMap
Deletion of elements from the set.
Deletion operation in Map.
Extrct second digit from the first
Find the duplicate elements
Find the month in the list
Finding the Increasing subsequences in an array
Finding the K'th largest number
Finding the Maximum Contiguous 1's
Finding the Maximum sum subsequence
Finding the Most repeated element
Finding the Strictly increasing Subsequences
Finding the area of different shapes
Finding the factorial of a number
Finding the frequency of alphabets
Finding the frequency of the numbers
Finding the maximum element's index
Finding the missing alphabets
Finding the missing number
Finding the sum of 'n' natural numbers
Finding the transpose of a matrix
Finding the value of a number raised to a power
GCD of three numbers using functions
Greatest of three numbers using functions
Greatest of three numbers
Largest number in an array
Moving all the zeroes to the end of an array
Power of a number using functions
Prime numbers from 2 to given number using functions
Print grade for your marks
Print the Index value and Occurrences
Print the given number in words
Print the output using Generics Class
Printing stars in vertical fashion
Printing "I am a Java Developer" n times
Printing * and # alternatively in a right angled triangular pattern
Printing Half Diamond pattern
Printing N numbers in the same line with comma for every 3 value
Printing Patterns using Strings.
Printing all odd numbers from 1 to n
Printing custom zigzag number pattern
Printing numbers from 30 to 50
Printing numbers in Right angle triangle
Printing numbers in inverse right angle triangle
Printing numbers in pyramid pattern
Printing numbers in square pattern
Printing subsets of size 3
Printing the spiral pattern in the anticlockwise direction
Printing the upper triangular matrix elements
Removing characters from a string.
Removing the duplicate words in a string.
Removing the vowels in a String
Replacing and splitting strings
Reversing each word in a string
Rotating the matrix by 90 degrees anticlockwise
Searching for two elements
Sorting the first half of the array in ascending order and the second half of the array in descending order.
Sorting the first half of the array.
Sorting the words in alphabetical order
Square of a number using function
Subtraction of two matrices
Sum of digits of a number
Sum of first and last digit
Sum of numbers from 1 to n
Sum of numbers using function
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parent directory May 1, 2019
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