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kitblake edited this page Sep 27, 2022 · 18 revisions

Streaming Data Asset User Guide

Note: In order to test please visit our fork at

Table of Contents

Publishing a Streaming Asset
Procuring a Streaming Asset

To make use of the marketplace the first step is to connect your wallet. Then you can make use of various Ethereum networks.

We're using MetaMask for these docs. Click the ”Connect Wallet” button and follow the MetaMask instructions.


Once connected you can choose a network in MetaMask. You can filter for the same network in the marketplace by clicking the globe icon. Select the checkboxes for the networks you'd like to use. We're using the Polygon Mumbai testnet.


Publishing a Streaming Asset

On any marketplace page click the ”Publish” link in the menu bar. This will bring you to the publishing form. The form has five parts. Following are the steps required for each subform, with a description for each field.

Metadata subform

Publishing Form Metadata

Data NFT: The first field contains an auto-generated image for the Ocean Data NFT that will be created. You can use it as is or click the little reload icon in the lower left of the image to generate another variant.

Asset Type: Click “Datastream” to select the streaming data type.

Publishing Form Metadata Inputs

Title: Fill in a concise title.

Description: Add a description of the datastream. At least a few words are required.

Author: Fill in the name you'd like to be known as.

Tags: Create meaningful tags for the datastream. These will help it get found when users search.

Terms & Conditions: Click the checkbox to agree.

If all the required fields are filled in the “Continue” button will activate and you can proceed.

Access subform

Publishing Form Access

Datatoken: This is a suggested naming for the datatoken of your new asset. If for some reason you don't like it click the little reload icon at the right to generate a new name.

Provider URL: This field is automatically filled in with the Ocean Protocol provider. Unless you're doing advanced publishing you shouldn't change it.

Publishing Form Access Inputs
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