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File metadata and controls

145 lines (108 loc) · 6.73 KB

Hacking on the Tutanota client


Basic structure

  • src/: Common part and the desktop client code
  • app-android/: Android specific parts
  • app-ios/: iOS specific parts
  • libs/: "vendor" directory containing our dependencies in non-minified and minified form. May be improved. We take security seriously so we review diff between each version.
  • resources/: some resources (mostly images) which are used in the project. Most of the are embedded to the code.
  • test/: test code
  • android.js: script for building Android app
  • make.js: script for building dev version
  • desktop.js: script for building the release version of the desktop clients
  • webapp.js: script for building release versions of the web application
  • fdroid-metadata-workaround: is a link inside app-android so that F-Droid can find our metadata because our Android project is not in the root. Can be removed once it's fixed in F-Droid.
  • tutao-pub.pem: public key which is used to verify desktop clients

Code structure

Web part of the app is split in three parts: client, worker and common. All code in the src/ except for the api/ directory is intended for GUI and system interaction. Code in the api contains most of the logic for server communication, encryption, indexing etc.


  • SomethingView: Big part of the app, corresponds to the URL, e.g. mail, contact, settings, search
  • SomethingListView: Component which displays things in the list, usually in the second column
  • SomethingViewer: Component which usually displays one element (e.g. selected email or contact)
  • SomethingModel: Logic for some part of the app, lives in the main part
  • SomethingController: Something that does some bookkeeping or general action but is not tied to the specific part
  • SomethingFacade: Logic for one domain, lives in the api part
  • SomethingApp: Something that communicates with native part to execute tasks in certain domain
  • app: Part of the bigger domain structure. Currently there's system app for accounts and such and tutanota app for mails and contacts
  • Entity: Object corresponding to the server database entity
  • TypeModel: Describes entity type
  • TypeRef: Small object which lets us know which entity it is and find TypeModel if needed


Worker, main thread & apps communicate through the messages. Protocol is described in the RemoteMessageDispatcher. See WorkerClient and WorkerImpl for the client and server part.

Native code communicates through the NativeInterface.

UI code

UI code uses Mithril. It is a tiny framework which does routing & implement virtual DOM. It uses a "hyperscript" language (m(ComponentOrDomElement, {param: value}, [children]). It may seem intimidating at first but it's actually quite simple.

Defining a new Mithril component

Our preferred way of making Mithril components is through the ES6 classes. Before we've been creating instances of these classes manually but that's not how Mithril should be used. Preferred way is to pass class and attributes ("props" if you come from React) to hyperscript and let it do its thing. Because of that we sometimes have two versions of the components, newer one has "N" suffix like ButtonN. It is almost always preferable to use new-style components.

Current preferred way looks roughly like that:

// Defining
import {Component} from "mithril"

type Attrs = { param1: string, paramTwo?: number }

class MyComponent implements Component<Attrs> {
	view(vnode: Vnode<Attrs>) {
		return m(".h1", "Hello " + vnode.attrs.param1)

// Usage

// ...
m(MyComponent, {param1: "Mithril", param2: 1})


For working with entities it is preferable to use injected EntityWorker whenever possible and not using freestanding functions. It makes easier to substitute network interfaces when needed.

One level below EntityWorker lays EntityRestInterface which is either EntityRestClient or EntityRestCache currently. Caches saves requested entities is the memory and updates them with WebSocket events.

If you're listening for WebSocket updates in the worker part (and you should justify doing that) then you should change EventBus to do that. For the main thread you can subscribe to the EventController.

EventBus and EntityRestClient make sure that entities are automatically encrypted/decrypted when needed. See decryptAndMapToInstance().

Entity updates

Most of the server database changes are reflected in the EntityUpdates we receive from server. They describe operation which happened to the entity. Updates are grouped into EntityEventBatches. These batches are ordered and client tries tp stay up-to-date with the server (for caching and indexing).


node make -w prod

This will start the dev server in hot reloading mode.

Point browser of your choice to the localhost:9001 and you should be good to go.

To run tests:

cd test


node test api or node test client

Chunking rules

  • Don't import things statically which you don't want to be bundled together (e.g. importing settings from login will load whole settings at startup)
  • common-min is api/common which is used by main and worker threads and is needed on startup (marked by @bundleInto) . rest of api/common is just common.
  • main is the rest of the main thread code that is not gui related and does not depend on sanitizer/luxon
  • date is luxon and everything that depends on it statically
  • rest is obvious: login, mail-view, mail-editor, calendar-view, search, settings, worker
  • anything can depend on common-min
  • anything can depend on common except for common-min and app.js
  • anything can depend on app.js except worker, common-min, common
  • gui-related things (like login or mail-view) can depend on gui-base. Currently main also depends on gui-base but it's not good
  • don't depend on settings/subscription/login/mail-view/mail-editor/calendar-view/contacts things statically
  • anything that depends on luxon goes into date and is being imported dynamically
  • native code is only imported from common code dynamically. Worker is exception for technical reasons.
  • contacts and mail-editor depend on sanitizer statically, rest of the app doesn't