The goal of the cert-manager Steering Committee is to ensure that cert-manager meets the needs of its current and future users. The Steering Committee represents the voice of the user, and works with the cert-manager maintainers to help guide development efforts towards solving concrete and immediate problems for cert-manager adopters.
The members of the Steering Committee are:
- Florian Liebhart (@FlorianLiebhart) (Volkswagen)
- Spyros Synodinos (@ssyno) (Giantswarm)
- Ian Arsenault (@ianarsenault) (Snowplow)
- Trilok Geer (@TrilokGeer) (Red Hat)
The Steering Committee’s responsibilities are to:
- Provide feedback to project maintainers about cert-manager's feature set, UX, and operational model.
- Assist cert-manager maintainers in prioritizing upcoming roadmap items and planned work.
- Represent the "voice of the cert-manager user" both internally and to the broader community.
- Provide neutral mediation for non-technical disputes.
- Develop and maintain a project continuity plan.
- Sit on the "Code of Conduct Committee" in the event that a violation of the Code of Conduct is reported
The Steering Committee comprises at most 7 people. To be eligible for membership in the Steering Committee, you must:
- Be responsible for a production cert-manager deployment of non-trivial size
- Be willing and able to attend regularly-scheduled Steering Committee meetings
- Abide by cert-manager's Code of Conduct.
Candidates for membership will be nominated by current Steering Committee members or by cert-manager maintainers. To be accepted as a candidate, a person must have at least two nominators from this group.
If there are fewer proposed candidates than there are open seats, then the proposed candidates may assume their seats immediately.
If there are more nominations than there are open seats remaining, existing Steering Committee members may vote for candidates using the single transferable vote system wherein candidates are ranked in order.
In the event of a tie, the tie shall be broken by a simple vote among cert-manager maintainers. If the vote among maintainers is tied, then the tie shall be broken by random chance using a method to be determined fair by all participants.
Membership expires if any of the eligibility conditions are unmet, or after one year. Members may seek reinstatement immediately in accordance with the rules above.
Steering Committee meetings will happen at least once per quarter but can be more frequent if needed.
All recordings and minutes will be posted publicly.
It is the responsibility of maintainers to ensure that meetings are scheduled and run, and maintainers are generally expected to attend these meetings to provide input and to listen.
Meeting notes: Link
Summary of discussion:
- Mostly a series of announcements from maintainers, including:
- LTS changes
- Adding post-quantum cryptography to the cert-manager open roadmap
- Dropping support for publishing the cert-manager OLM bundle
- General discussion around ongoing work
Meeting notes: Link
Summary of discussion:
- Discussed a new 4-monthly release schedule for cert-manager. This was approved, although we also discussed how we can better enable users to consume alpha releases, including discussions on naming and frequency of pre-releases.
- Mostly focused on the roadmap. We agreed several areas we'd like to focus on, and several areas which are listed in the current roadmap and which we think shouldn't be called out there.
- We agreed to collaborate on a roadmap asynchronously via a GitHub PR.
Changes to this document must be approved by a majority of Steering Committee members and a majority of cert-manager maintainers, except for the list of steering committee members that may be changed under the conditions listed under "Steering Committee Membership".