diff --git a/doc/acl.md b/doc/acl.md
index 547bbce..110f458 100644
--- a/doc/acl.md
+++ b/doc/acl.md
@@ -1 +1,914 @@
# ACL Module
+Module | HTTP Method | URL | Description
+--- | --- | --- | ---
+[List](#index) | GET | /access | Get All List Access
+[Add](#add) | POST | /access | Add New Record to Acos
+[View](#view) | GET | /access/:id | View detail Acos by id
+[Edit](#edit) | PUT | /access/:id | Edit Existing record in Acos by id
+[Delete](#delete) | DELETE | /access/:id | Delete Existing record in Acos by id
+[Grant](#grant) | POST | /access/grant/:id | insert new record in aros_acos. aco_id in path url. aro_id grab from header email
+[Revoke](#revoke) | POST | /access/revoke/:id | remove existing record in aros_acos. aco_id in path url. aro_id grab from header email.
+## Add Access
+### Endpoint
+POST /access
+### Database
+### Headers
+Key | Value
+--- | ---
+Content-Type | application/json
+Accept | application/json
+### Request Payloads
+Name | Type | Example Value
+--- | --- | ---
+parent_id | int | 1
+alias | int | Groups
+ "parent_id" : 1,
+ "alias" : "Groups",
+### Response Payloads
+HTTP Code | Status | Description
+--- | --- | ---
+400 | Bad Request | Bad request payload
+404 | Not Found | User not found in database
+500 | Internal Server Error | some un-handle error in server
+201 | Created | Success created new access
+ "status_code": "CDC-400",
+ "status_message": "Bad Request",
+ "data": null
+ "status_code": "CDC-201",
+ "status_message": "Created",
+ "data": {
+ "id":2,
+ "parent_id": 1,
+ "alias": "Groups",
+ "created": "2020-10-28T08:58:13+00:00",
+ "modified": "2020-10-28T08:58:13+00:00"
+ }
+### Logic
+ using [cakephp tree](https://book.cakephp.org/4/en/orm/behaviors/tree.html) behavior to get lft and rght from parent_id
+#### Validation
+- parent_id: required and not empty
+- alias: required, not empty and unique
+### Scenario Test
+#### Case : Negative Case 1
+Request Payload : empty
+Response HTTP Status Code : 400
+Response Payload :
+ "status_code": "cdc-400",
+ "status_message": "parent_id is required",
+ "data": null
+#### Case : Negative Case 2
+Request Payload :
+Response HTTP Status Code : 400
+Response Payload :
+ "status_code": "cdc-400",
+ "status_message": "parent_id is required",
+ "data": null
+#### Case : Negative Case 3
+Request payload :
+ "parent_id": ""
+Response HTTP Status Code : 400
+Response Payload :
+ "status_code": "cdc-400",
+ "status_message": "Parent_id is empty",
+ "data": null
+#### Case : Negative Case 4
+Request Payload :
+ "parent_id": 1
+Response HTTP Status Code : 400
+Response Payload :
+ "status_code": "cdc-400",
+ "status_message": "alias is required",
+ "data": null
+#### Case : Negative Case 5
+Request Payload :
+ "parent_id": 1,
+ "alias": ""
+Response HTTP Status Code : 400
+Response Payload:
+ "status_code": "cdc-400",
+ "status_message": " alias is empty",
+ "data": null
+#### Case : Negative Case 6
+Request Payload :
+ "parent_id": 1,
+ "alias": "Groups"
+Response HTTP Status Code : 400
+Response Payload:
+ "status_code": "cdc-400",
+ "status_message": " alias is already exist in acos table",
+ "data": null
+#### Case : Negative Case 7
+Request Payload :
+ "parent_id": 1,
+ "alias": "Groups"
+Response HTTP Status Code : 404
+Response Payload:
+ "status_code": "cdc-404",
+ "status_message": " parent_id not found in acos table",
+ "data": null
+#### Case : Positive Case
+Request Payload :
+ "parent_id": 1,
+ "alias": "Groups"
+Response HTTP Status Code : 201
+Response Payload :
+ "status_code": "CDC-201",
+ "status_message": "Created",
+ "data": {
+ "id":2,
+ "parent_id": 1,
+ "alias": "Groups",
+ "created": "2020-10-28T08:58:13+00:00",
+ "modified": "2020-10-28T08:58:13+00:00"
+ }
+## Index
+### Endpoint
+GET /access
+### Headers
+Key | Value
+--- | ---
+Content-Type | application/json
+Accept | application/json
+Email | cdc_user@gmail.com
+### Response Payloads
+HTTP Code | Status | Description
+--- | --- | ---
+404 | Not Found | User not found in database
+500 | Internal Server Error | some un-handle error in server
+200 | OK | OK
+ "status_code": "CDC-200",
+ "status_message": "OK",
+ "data": {
+ "access": {
+ "id": 1,
+ "parent_id": null,
+ "alias": "controllers",
+ "childrens": [
+ {
+ "id":2,
+ "parent_id": 1,
+ "alias": "groups",
+ "childrens": [
+ {
+ "id": 3,
+ "parent_id": 2,
+ "alias": "groups:index",
+ "children": null
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 6,
+ "parent_id": 1,
+ "alias": "users",
+ "childrens": [
+ {
+ "id": 7,
+ "parent_id": 6,
+ "alias": "users:create",
+ "childrens": null
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+### Logic
+- if there is no email header, it get all acos in tree.
+- if any email header, it get all acos which is grant to user login (you need join to aros_acos table).
+### Scenario Test
+#### Case : Positive Case 1
+Response HTTP Status Code : 200
+Response Payload :
+ "status_code": "CDC-200",
+ "status_message": "OK",
+ "data": {
+ "access": {
+ "id": 1,
+ "parent_id": null,
+ "alias": "controllers",
+ "children": null
+ }
+ }
+#### Case : Negative Case 2
+Response HTTP Status Code : 200
+Response Payload :
+ "status_code": "CDC-200",
+ "status_message": "OK",
+ "data": {
+ "access": {
+ "id": 1,
+ "parent_id": null,
+ "alias": "controllers",
+ "childrens": [
+ {
+ "id":2,
+ "parent_id": 1,
+ "alias": "groups",
+ "childrens": [
+ {
+ "id": 3,
+ "parent_id": 2,
+ "alias": "groups:index",
+ "children": null
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 6,
+ "parent_id": 1,
+ "alias": "users",
+ "childrens": [
+ {
+ "id": 7,
+ "parent_id": 6,
+ "alias": "users:create",
+ "childrens": null
+ },
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+## View
+### Endpoint
+GET /access/:id
+### Headers
+Key | Value
+--- | ---
+Content-Type | application/json
+Accept | application/json
+### Response Payloads
+HTTP Code | Status | Description
+--- | --- | ---
+404 | Not Found | Access not found in database
+500 | Internal Server Error | some un-handle error in server
+200 | OK | OK
+ "status_code": "CDC-200",
+ "status_message": "OK",
+ "data": {
+ "access": {
+ "id":2,
+ "parent_id": 1,
+ "alias": "groups",
+ "childrens": [
+ {
+ "id": 3,
+ "parent_id": 2,
+ "alias": "groups:index",
+ "children": null
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 4,
+ "parent_id": 2,
+ "alias": "groups:view",
+ "children": null
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+### Scenario Test
+#### Case : Positive Case 1
+Response HTTP Status Code : 200
+Response Payload :
+ "status_code": "CDC-200",
+ "status_message": "OK",
+ "data": {
+ "access": {
+ "id": 1,
+ "parent_id": null,
+ "alias": "controllers",
+ "childrens": null
+ }
+ }
+#### Case : Positive Case 2
+Response HTTP Status Code : 200
+Response Payload :
+ "status_code": "CDC-200",
+ "status_message": "OK",
+ "data": {
+ "access": {
+ "id": 1,
+ "parent_id": null,
+ "alias": "controllers",
+ "childrens": [
+ {
+ "id":2,
+ "parent_id": 1,
+ "alias": "groups",
+ "childrens": [
+ {
+ "id": 3,
+ "parent_id": 2,
+ "alias": "groups:index",
+ "children": null
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 6,
+ "parent_id": 1,
+ "alias": "users",
+ "childrens": [
+ {
+ "id": 7,
+ "parent_id": 6,
+ "alias": "users:create",
+ "childrens": null
+ },
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+## Edit
+### Endpoint
+PUT /access/:id
+### Headers
+Key | Value
+--- | ---
+Content-Type | application/json
+Accept | application/json
+### Request Payloads
+Name | Type | Example Value
+--- | --- | ---
+parent_id | int | 2
+alias | int | Groups:index
+ "parent_id" : 2,
+ "alias" : "Groups:index",
+### Response Payloads
+HTTP Code | Status | Description
+--- | --- | ---
+400 | Bad Request | Bad request payload
+404 | Not Found | User not found in database
+500 | Internal Server Error | some un-handle error in server
+200 | OK | OK
+ "status_code": "CDC-400",
+ "status_message": "Bad Request",
+ "data": null
+ "status_code": "CDC-200",
+ "status_message": "OK",
+ "data": {
+ "id":3,
+ "parent_id": 2,
+ "alias": "Groups:index",
+ "created": "2020-10-28T08:58:13+00:00",
+ "modified": "2020-10-28T08:58:13+00:00"
+ }
+### Logic
+ using [cakephp tree](https://book.cakephp.org/4/en/orm/behaviors/tree.html) behavior to get lft and rght from parent_id
+#### Validation
+- parent_id: required and not empty
+- alias: required, not empty and unique
+### Scenario Test
+#### Case : Negative Case 1
+Request Payload : empty
+Response HTTP Status Code : 400
+Response Payload :
+ "status_code": "cdc-400",
+ "status_message": "parent_id is required",
+ "data": null
+#### Case : Negative Case 2
+Request Payload :
+Response HTTP Status Code : 400
+Response Payload :
+ "status_code": "cdc-400",
+ "status_message": "parent_id is required",
+ "data": null
+#### Case : Negative Case 3
+Request payload :
+ "parent_id": ""
+Response HTTP Status Code : 400
+Response Payload :
+ "status_code": "cdc-400",
+ "status_message": "Parent_id is empty",
+ "data": null
+#### Case : Negative Case 4
+Request Payload :
+ "parent_id": 2
+Response HTTP Status Code : 400
+Response Payload :
+ "status_code": "cdc-400",
+ "status_message": "alias is required",
+ "data": null
+#### Case : Negative Case 5
+Request Payload :
+ "parent_id": 2,
+ "alias": ""
+Response HTTP Status Code : 400
+Response Payload:
+ "status_code": "cdc-400",
+ "status_message": " alias is empty",
+ "data": null
+#### Case : Negative Case 6
+Request Payload :
+ "parent_id": 2,
+ "alias": "Groups"
+Response HTTP Status Code : 400
+Response Payload:
+ "status_code": "cdc-400",
+ "status_message": " alias is already exist in acos table",
+ "data": null
+#### Case : Negative Case 7
+Request Payload :
+ "parent_id": 2,
+ "alias": "Groups:index"
+Response HTTP Status Code : 404
+Response Payload:
+ "status_code": "cdc-404",
+ "status_message": " parent_id not found in acos table",
+ "data": null
+#### Case : Positive Case
+Request Payload :
+ "parent_id": 2,
+ "alias": "Groups:index"
+Response HTTP Status Code : 200
+Response Payload :
+ "status_code": "CDC-200",
+ "status_message": "OK",
+ "data": {
+ "id":3,
+ "parent_id": 2,
+ "alias": "Groups:index",
+ "created": "2020-10-28T08:58:13+00:00",
+ "modified": "2020-10-28T08:58:13+00:00"
+ }
+### Endpoint
+DELETE /access/:id
+### Headers
+Key | Value
+--- | ---
+Content-Type |*
+Accept | application/json
+### Response Payloads
+HTTP Code | Status | Description
+--- | --- | ---
+403 | Forbidden | Can not be deleted
+404 | Not Found | User not found in database
+500 | Internal Server Error | some un-handle error in server
+204 | No Content | No Content
+### Logic
+- root can not be deleted.
+- root alias is 'controllers'.
+- root parent_id is null.
+- if the node has children, it should not be deleted
+### Scenario Test
+#### Case : Negative Case 1
+Response HTTP Status Code : 403
+#### Case : Positive Case
+Response HTTP Status Code : 204
+### Endpoint
+POST /access/grant/:id
+### Headers
+Key | Value
+--- | ---
+Content-Type | application/json
+Accept | application/json
+Email | cdc_user@cdcmail.com
+### Response Payloads
+HTTP Code | Status | Description
+--- | --- | ---
+400 | Bad Request | Bad request payload
+404 | Not Found | User not found in database
+409 | Already Exist | Access Already Exist
+500 | Internal Server Error | some un-handle error in server
+200 | OK | OK
+ "status_code": "CDC-400",
+ "status_message": "Bad Request",
+ "data": null
+ "status_code": "CDC-200",
+ "status_message": "OK",
+ "data": {
+ "id":1,
+ "aco_id": 1,
+ "aro_id": 1,
+ "created": "2020-10-28T08:58:13+00:00",
+ "modified": "2020-10-28T08:58:13+00:00"
+ }
+### Logic
+- aro_id grab from header email.
+### Scenario Test
+#### Case : Negative Case 1
+Response HTTP Status Code : 404
+Response Payload :
+ "status_code": "cdc-404",
+ "status_message": "id not found in acos table",
+ "data": null
+#### Case : Negative Case 2
+Response HTTP Status Code : 409
+Response Payload :
+ "status_code": "cdc-409",
+ "status_message": "access already exist for this user",
+ "data": null
+#### Case : Positive Case
+Response HTTP Status Code : 200
+Response Payload :
+ "status_code": "CDC-200",
+ "status_message": "OK",
+ "data": {
+ "id":1,
+ "aco_id": 1,
+ "aro_id": 1,
+ "created": "2020-10-28T08:58:13+00:00",
+ "modified": "2020-10-28T08:58:13+00:00"
+ }
+### Endpoint
+POST /access/revoke/:id
+### Headers
+Key | Value
+--- | ---
+Content-Type | application/json
+Accept | application/json
+Email | cdc_user@cdcmail.com
+### Response Payloads
+HTTP Code | Status | Description
+--- | --- | ---
+400 | Bad Request | Bad request payload
+404 | Not Found | User not found in database
+500 | Internal Server Error | some un-handle error in server
+200 | OK | OK
+ "status_code": "CDC-400",
+ "status_message": "Bad Request",
+ "data": null
+ "status_code": "CDC-200",
+ "status_message": "OK",
+ "data": {
+ "id":1,
+ "aco_id": 1,
+ "aro_id": 1,
+ "created": "2020-10-28T08:58:13+00:00",
+ "modified": "2020-10-28T08:58:13+00:00"
+ }
+### Logic
+- aro_id grab from header email.
+### Scenario Test
+#### Case : Negative Case
+Response HTTP Status Code : 404
+Response Payload :
+ "status_code": "cdc-404",
+ "status_message": "access not found for this user",
+ "data": null
+#### Case : Positive Case
+Response HTTP Status Code : 200
+Response Payload :
+ "status_code": "CDC-200",
+ "status_message": "Access Revoked",
+ "data": null
diff --git a/doc/acl_model.png b/doc/acl_model.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e78217b
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