diff --git a/doc/branches-layer.png b/doc/branches-layer.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1bdde14
Binary files /dev/null and b/doc/branches-layer.png differ
diff --git a/doc/branches.md b/doc/branches.md
index 64613a2..aa6bfe2 100644
--- a/doc/branches.md
+++ b/doc/branches.md
@@ -1 +1,1845 @@
# Branches Module
+Module | HTTP Method | URL | Description
+--- | --- | --- | ---
+[Create Branches](#create-branches) | POST | /create-branches | Create Branches API
+[Edit Branches](#edit-branches) | PUT | /edit-branches/{id} | Edit Branches API
+[Delete Branches](#delete-branches) | DELETE | /delete-branches/{id} | Delete Branches API
+[Get All Branches](#get-all-branches) | GET | /get-allbranches | Get All Branches API
+[Get Branches By ID](#get-branches-byid) | GET | /get-branches-byid/{id} | Get Branches By ID API
+[Get Branches By Branch Code](#get-branches-bybranchcode) | GET | /get-branches-bybranchcode/{kode} | Get Branches By Branch Code API
+## Create
+### Endpoint
+POST /create-branches
+### Database
+### Headers
+Key | Value
+--- | ---
+Content-Type | application/json
+Accept | application/json
+Email | administrator@gmail.com
+### Request Payloads
+Name | Type | Example Value
+--- | --- | ---
+branchcode | string | 12345
+companycode | string | TES
+branchname | string | Testing Jaya Motor
+address | string | Jl. Kebahagiaan 7
+pic | string | Budi
+kabeng | string | Ridwan
+kelurahan | string | Palmerah
+kecamatan | string | Palmerah
+kabkota | string | Jakarta Barat
+phonenumber | string | 5367896
+faxnumber | string | 5113470
+email | string | testingmotor@gmail.com
+ "branchcode": "12345",
+ "companycode": "TES",
+ "branchname": "Testing Jaya Motor",
+ "address": "Jl. Kebahagiaan 7",
+ "pic": "Budi",
+ "kabeng": "Ridwan",
+ "kelurahan": "Palmerah",
+ "kecamatan": "Palmerah",
+ "kabkota": "Jakarta Barat",
+ "phonenumber": "5367896",
+ "faxnumber": "5113470",
+ "email": "testingmotor@gmail.com"
+### Response Payloads
+HTTP Code | Status | Description
+--- | --- | ---
+400 | Bad Request | Bad request payload
+404 | Not Found | User not found in database
+500 | Internal Server Error | some un-handle error in server
+201 | Created | Success create to database
+ "status_code": "CDC-400",
+ "status_message": "Bad Request",
+ "data": null
+ "status_code": "CDC-201",
+ "status_message": "Data Created",
+ "data": {
+ "id": "359ed520-346f-11eb-adc1-0242ac120002",
+ "branchcode": "12345",
+ "companycode": "TES",
+ "branchname": "Testing Jaya Motor",
+ "address": "Jl. Kebahagiaan 7",
+ "pic": "Budi",
+ "kabeng": "Ridwan",
+ "kelurahan": "Palmerah",
+ "kecamatan": "Palmerah",
+ "kabkota": "Jakarta Barat",
+ "phonenumber": "5367896",
+ "faxnumber": "5113470",
+ "email": "testingmotor@gmail.com"
+ }
+ }
+### Logic
+#### Headers Validation
+- email : user email required and is not empty
+- email : check user email is login or not
+- email : must be top level, like administrator
+#### Request Payloads Validation
+- branchcode : required and not empty
+- branchcode : must be 5 digit
+- branchcode : unique and not exist in database
+- companycode : required and not empty
+- companycode : must be 3 digit
+- branchname : required and not empty
+- address : required and not empty
+- pic : required and not empty
+- kabeng : required and not empty
+### Scenario Test
+#### Case : Negative Case 1
+Headers : empty
+Response HTTP Status Code : 400
+Response Payload :
+ "status_code": "CDC-400",
+ "status_message": "headers email is required",
+ "data": null
+#### Case : Negative Case 2
+Headers : email is not login
+Response HTTP Status Code : 400
+Response Payload :
+ "status_code": "CDC-400",
+ "status_message": "headers email is not login",
+ "data": null
+#### Case : Negative Case 3
+Headers : email must be top level access
+Response HTTP Status Code : 400
+Response Payload :
+ "status_code": "CDC-400",
+ "status_message": "headers email must be top level access or administrator",
+ "data": null
+#### Case : Negative Case 4
+Request Payload : empty
+Response HTTP Status Code : 400
+Response Payload :
+ "status_code": "CDC-400",
+ "status_message": "branch code is required",
+ "data": null
+#### Case : Negative Case 5
+Request Payload :
+Response HTTP Status Code : 400
+Response Payload :
+ "status_code": "CDC-400",
+ "status_message": "branch code is required",
+ "data": null
+#### Case : Negative Case 6
+Request payload :
+ "branchcode": "",
+ "companycode": "TES",
+ "branchname": "Testing Jaya Motor",
+ "address": "Jl. Kebahagiaan 7",
+ "pic": "Budi",
+ "kabeng": "Ridwan",
+ "kelurahan": "Palmerah",
+ "kecamatan": "Palmerah",
+ "kabkota": "Jakarta Barat",
+ "phonenumber": "5367896",
+ "faxnumber": "5113470",
+ "email": "testingmotor@gmail.com"
+Response HTTP Status Code : 400
+Response Payload :
+ "status_code": "CDC-400",
+ "status_message": "branch code is empty",
+ "data": null
+#### Case : Negative Case 7
+Request Payload :
+ "branchcode": "1234",
+ "companycode": "TES",
+ "branchname": "Testing Jaya Motor",
+ "address": "Jl. Kebahagiaan 7",
+ "pic": "Budi",
+ "kabeng": "Ridwan",
+ "kelurahan": "Palmerah",
+ "kecamatan": "Palmerah",
+ "kabkota": "Jakarta Barat",
+ "phonenumber": "5367896",
+ "faxnumber": "5113470",
+ "email": "testingmotor@gmail.com"
+Response HTTP Status Code : 400
+Response Payload :
+ "status_code": "CDC-400",
+ "status_message": "branch code must be 5 digit",
+ "data": null
+#### Case : Negative Case 8
+Request Payload :
+ "branchcode": "12344",
+ "companycode": "TES",
+ "branchname": "Testing Jaya Motor",
+ "address": "Jl. Kebahagiaan 7",
+ "pic": "Budi",
+ "kabeng": "Ridwan",
+ "kelurahan": "Palmerah",
+ "kecamatan": "Palmerah",
+ "kabkota": "Jakarta Barat",
+ "phonenumber": "5367896",
+ "faxnumber": "5113470",
+ "email": "testingmotor@gmail.com"
+Response HTTP Status Code : 400
+Response Payload:
+ "status_code": "CDC-400",
+ "status_message": "branch code is exist in database",
+ "data": null
+#### Case : Negative Case 9
+Request Payload
+ "branchcode": "12345",
+ "branchname": "Testing Jaya Motor",
+ "address": "Jl. Kebahagiaan 7",
+ "pic": "Budi",
+ "kabeng": "Ridwan",
+ "kelurahan": "Palmerah",
+ "kecamatan": "Palmerah",
+ "kabkota": "Jakarta Barat",
+ "phonenumber": "5367896",
+ "faxnumber": "5113470",
+ "email": "testingmotor@gmail.com"
+Response HTTP Status Code : 400
+Response Payload
+ "status_code": "CDC-400",
+ "status_message": "company code is required",
+ "data": null
+#### Case : Negative Case 10
+Request Payload
+ "branchcode": "12345",
+ "companycode": "",
+ "branchname": "Testing Jaya Motor",
+ "address": "Jl. Kebahagiaan 7",
+ "pic": "Budi",
+ "kabeng": "Ridwan",
+ "kelurahan": "Palmerah",
+ "kecamatan": "Palmerah",
+ "kabkota": "Jakarta Barat",
+ "phonenumber": "5367896",
+ "faxnumber": "5113470",
+ "email": "testingmotor@gmail.com"
+Response HTTP Status Code : 400
+Response Payload
+ "status_code": "CDC-400",
+ "status_message": "company code is empty",
+ "data": null
+#### Case : Negative Case 11
+Request Payload
+ "branchcode": "12345",
+ "companycode": "TEST",
+ "branchname": "Testing Jaya Motor",
+ "address": "Jl. Kebahagiaan 7",
+ "pic": "Budi",
+ "kabeng": "Ridwan",
+ "kelurahan": "Palmerah",
+ "kecamatan": "Palmerah",
+ "kabkota": "Jakarta Barat",
+ "phonenumber": "5367896",
+ "faxnumber": "5113470",
+ "email": "testingmotor@gmail.com"
+Response HTTP Status Code : 400
+Response Payload
+ "status_code": "CDC-400",
+ "status_message": "company code must be 3 digit",
+ "data": null
+#### Case : Negative Case 12
+Request Payload
+ "branchcode": "12345",
+ "companycode": "TES",
+ "address": "Jl. Kebahagiaan 7",
+ "pic": "Budi",
+ "kabeng": "Ridwan",
+ "kelurahan": "Palmerah",
+ "kecamatan": "Palmerah",
+ "kabkota": "Jakarta Barat",
+ "phonenumber": "5367896",
+ "faxnumber": "5113470",
+ "email": "testingmotor@gmail.com"
+Response HTTP Status Code : 400
+Response Payload
+ "status_code": "CDC-400",
+ "status_message": "branch name is required",
+ "data": null
+#### Case : Negative Case 13
+Request Payload
+ "branchcode": "12345",
+ "companycode": "TES",
+ "branchname": "",
+ "address": "Jl. Kebahagiaan 7",
+ "pic": "Budi",
+ "kabeng": "Ridwan",
+ "kelurahan": "Palmerah",
+ "kecamatan": "Palmerah",
+ "kabkota": "Jakarta Barat",
+ "phonenumber": "5367896",
+ "faxnumber": "5113470",
+ "email": "testingmotor@gmail.com"
+Response HTTP Status Code : 400
+Response Payload
+ "status_code": "CDC-400",
+ "status_message": "branch name is empty",
+ "data": null
+#### Case : Negative Case 14
+Request Payload
+ "branchcode": "12345",
+ "companycode": "TES",
+ "branchname": "Testing Jaya Motor",
+ "pic": "Budi",
+ "kabeng": "Ridwan",
+ "kelurahan": "Palmerah",
+ "kecamatan": "Palmerah",
+ "kabkota": "Jakarta Barat",
+ "phonenumber": "5367896",
+ "faxnumber": "5113470",
+ "email": "testingmotor@gmail.com"
+Response HTTP Status Code : 400
+Response Payload
+ "status_code": "CDC-400",
+ "status_message": "address is required",
+ "data": null
+#### Case : Negative Case 15
+Request Payload
+ "branchcode": "12345",
+ "companycode": "TES",
+ "branchname": "Testing Jaya Motor",
+ "address": "",
+ "pic": "Budi",
+ "kabeng": "Ridwan",
+ "kelurahan": "Palmerah",
+ "kecamatan": "Palmerah",
+ "kabkota": "Jakarta Barat",
+ "phonenumber": "5367896",
+ "faxnumber": "5113470",
+ "email": "testingmotor@gmail.com"
+Response HTTP Status Code : 400
+Response Payload
+ "status_code": "CDC-400",
+ "status_message": "address is empty",
+ "data": null
+#### Case : Negative Case 16
+Request Payload
+ "branchcode": "12345",
+ "companycode": "TES",
+ "branchname": "Testing Jaya Motor",
+ "address": "Jl. Kebahagiaan 7",
+ "kabeng": "Ridwan",
+ "kelurahan": "Palmerah",
+ "kecamatan": "Palmerah",
+ "kabkota": "Jakarta Barat",
+ "phonenumber": "5367896",
+ "faxnumber": "5113470",
+ "email": "testingmotor@gmail.com"
+Response HTTP Status Code : 400
+Response Payload
+ "status_code": "CDC-400",
+ "status_message": "pic is required",
+ "data": null
+#### Case : Negative Case 17
+Request Payload
+ "branchcode": "12345",
+ "companycode": "TES",
+ "branchname": "Testing Jaya Motor",
+ "address": "Jl. Kebahagiaan 7",
+ "pic": "",
+ "kabeng": "Ridwan",
+ "kelurahan": "Palmerah",
+ "kecamatan": "Palmerah",
+ "kabkota": "Jakarta Barat",
+ "phonenumber": "5367896",
+ "faxnumber": "5113470",
+ "email": "testingmotor@gmail.com"
+Response HTTP Status Code : 400
+Response Payload
+ "status_code": "CDC-400",
+ "status_message": "pic is empty",
+ "data": null
+#### Case : Negative Case 18
+Request Payload
+ "branchcode": "12345",
+ "companycode": "TES",
+ "branchname": "Testing Jaya Motor",
+ "address": "Jl. Kebahagiaan 7",
+ "pic": "Budi",
+ "kelurahan": "Palmerah",
+ "kecamatan": "Palmerah",
+ "kabkota": "Jakarta Barat",
+ "phonenumber": "5367896",
+ "faxnumber": "5113470",
+ "email": "testingmotor@gmail.com"
+Response HTTP Status Code : 400
+Response Payload
+ "status_code": "CDC-400",
+ "status_message": "kabeng is required",
+ "data": null
+#### Case : Negative Case 19
+Request Payload
+ "branchcode": "12345",
+ "companycode": "TES",
+ "branchname": "Testing Jaya Motor",
+ "address": "Jl. Kebahagiaan 7",
+ "pic": "Budi",
+ "kabeng": "",
+ "kelurahan": "Palmerah",
+ "kecamatan": "Palmerah",
+ "kabkota": "Jakarta Barat",
+ "phonenumber": "5367896",
+ "faxnumber": "5113470",
+ "email": "testingmotor@gmail.com"
+Response HTTP Status Code : 400
+Response Payload
+ "status_code": "CDC-400",
+ "status_message": "kabeng is empty",
+ "data": null
+#### Case : Positive Case
+Headers :
+Key | Value
+--- | ---
+Content-Type | application/json
+Accept | application/json
+Email | administrator@gmail.com
+Request Payload :
+ "branchcode": "12345",
+ "companycode": "TES",
+ "branchname": "Testing Jaya Motor",
+ "address": "Jl. Kebahagiaan 7"
+ "pic": "Budi",
+ "kabeng": "Ridwan",
+ "kelurahan": "Palmerah",
+ "kecamatan": "Palmerah",
+ "kabkota": "Jakarta Barat",
+ "phonenumber": "5367896",
+ "faxnumber": "5113470",
+ "email": "testingmotor@gmail.com"
+Response HTTP Status Code : 201
+Response Payload :
+ "status_code": "CDC-201",
+ "status_message": "Data Created",
+ "data": {
+ "id": "359ed520-346f-11eb-adc1-0242ac120002",
+ "branchcode": "12345",
+ "companycode": "TES",
+ "branchname": "Testing Jaya Motor",
+ "address": "Jl. Kebahagiaan 7"
+ "pic": "Budi",
+ "kabeng": "Ridwan",
+ "kelurahan": "Palmerah",
+ "kecamatan": "Palmerah",
+ "kabkota": "Jakarta Barat",
+ "phonenumber": "5367896",
+ "faxnumber": "5113470",
+ "email": "testingmotor@gmail.com"
+ }
+## Edit
+### Endpoint
+PUT /edit-branches/{id}
+### Headers
+Key | Value
+--- | ---
+Content-Type | application/json
+Accept | application/json
+Email | administrator@gmail.com
+### Request Payloads
+Name | Type | Example Value
+--- | --- | ---
+branchname | string | Testing Jaya Motor
+address | string | Jl. Kebahagiaan No.7
+pic | string | Budi
+kabeng | string | Rojak
+kelurahan | string | Palmerah
+kecamatan | string | Palmerah
+kabkota | string | Jakarta Barat
+phonenumber | string | 5367896
+faxnumber | string | 5113470
+email | string | testingmotor@gmail.com
+ "branchname": "Testing Jaya Motor",
+ "address": "Jl. Kebahagiaan No.7",
+ "pic": "Rendi",
+ "kabeng": "Rojak",
+ "kelurahan": "Palmerah",
+ "kecamatan": "Palmerah",
+ "kabkota": "Jakarta Barat",
+ "phonenumber": "5367896",
+ "faxnumber": "5113470",
+ "email": "testingmotor@gmail.com"
+### Response Payloads
+HTTP Code | Status | Description
+--- | --- | ---
+400 | Bad Request | Bad request payload
+404 | Not Found | User not found in database
+500 | Internal Server Error | some un-handle error in server
+200 | OK | OK
+ "status_code": "CDC-400",
+ "status_message": "Bad Request",
+ "data": null
+ "status_code": "CDC-200",
+ "status_message": "Data Changed",
+ "data": {
+ "branchname": "Testing Jaya Motor",
+ "address": "Jl. Kebahagiaan No.7",
+ "pic": "Rendi",
+ "kabeng": "Rojak",
+ "kelurahan": "Palmerah",
+ "kecamatan": "Palmerah",
+ "kabkota": "Jakarta Barat",
+ "phonenumber": "5367896",
+ "faxnumber": "5113470",
+ "email": "testingmotor@gmail.com"
+ }
+ }
+### Logic
+#### Endpoint Validation
+must be add parameter id and must exist in database
+#### Headers Validation
+- email : user email required and is not empty
+- email : check user email is login or not
+- email : must be top level, like administrator
+#### Request Payloads Validation
+- branchname : required and not empty
+- address : required and not empty
+- pic : required and not empty
+- kabeng : required and not empty
+### Scenario Test
+#### Case : Negative Case 1
+Headers : empty
+Response HTTP Status Code : 400
+Response Payload :
+ "status_code": "CDC-400",
+ "status_message": "headers email is required",
+ "data": null
+#### Case : Negative Case 2
+Headers : email is not login
+Response HTTP Status Code : 400
+Response Payload :
+ "status_code": "CDC-400",
+ "status_message": "headers email is not login",
+ "data": null
+#### Case : Negative Case 3
+Headers : email must be top level access
+Response HTTP Status Code : 400
+Response Payload :
+ "status_code": "CDC-400",
+ "status_message": "headers email must be top level access or administrator",
+ "data": null
+#### Case : Negative Case 4
+- param id is empty
+Endpoint : /edit-branches
+Response HTTP Status Code : 404
+Response Payload :
+ "status_code": "CDC-404",
+ "status_message": "url Not Found, param id is required",
+ "data": null
+#### Case : Negative Case 5
+- param id is not exist in database
+Endpoint : /edit-branches/359ed520-346f-11eb-adc1-0242ac110001
+Response HTTP Status Code : 404
+Response Payload :
+ "status_code": "CDC-404",
+ "status_message": "data not found",
+ "data": null
+#### Case : Negative Case 6
+Request Payload : empty
+Response HTTP Status Code : 400
+Response Payload :
+ "status_code": "CDC-400",
+ "status_message": "branch name is required",
+ "data": null
+#### Case : Negative Case 7
+Request Payload :
+Response HTTP Status Code : 400
+Response Payload :
+ "status_code": "CDC-400",
+ "status_message": "branch name is required",
+ "data": null
+#### Case : Negative Case 8
+Request payload :
+ "branchname": "",
+ "address": "Jl. Kebahagiaan No.7",
+ "pic": "Rendi",
+ "kabeng": "Rojak",
+ "kelurahan": "Palmerah",
+ "kecamatan": "Palmerah",
+ "kabkota": "Jakarta Barat",
+ "phonenumber": "5367896",
+ "faxnumber": "5113470",
+ "email": "testingmotor@gmail.com"
+Response HTTP Status Code : 400
+Response Payload :
+ "status_code": "CDC-400",
+ "status_message": "branch name is empty",
+ "data": null
+#### Case : Negative Case 9
+Request Payload
+ "branchname": "Testing Jaya Motor",
+ "pic": "Budi",
+ "kabeng": "Ridwan",
+ "kelurahan": "Palmerah",
+ "kecamatan": "Palmerah",
+ "kabkota": "Jakarta Barat",
+ "phonenumber": "5367896",
+ "faxnumber": "5113470",
+ "email": "testingmotor@gmail.com"
+Response HTTP Status Code : 400
+Response Payload
+ "status_code": "CDC-400",
+ "status_message": "address is required",
+ "data": null
+#### Case : Negative Case 10
+Request Payload
+ "branchname": "Testing Jaya Motor",
+ "address": "",
+ "pic": "Budi",
+ "kabeng": "Ridwan",
+ "kelurahan": "Palmerah",
+ "kecamatan": "Palmerah",
+ "kabkota": "Jakarta Barat",
+ "phonenumber": "5367896",
+ "faxnumber": "5113470",
+ "email": "testingmotor@gmail.com"
+Response HTTP Status Code : 400
+Response Payload
+ "status_code": "CDC-400",
+ "status_message": "address is empty",
+ "data": null
+#### Case : Negative Case 11
+Request Payload
+ "branchname": "Testing Jaya Motor",
+ "address": "Jl. Kebahagiaan No.7",
+ "kabeng": "Rojak",
+ "kelurahan": "Palmerah",
+ "kecamatan": "Palmerah",
+ "kabkota": "Jakarta Barat",
+ "phonenumber": "5367896",
+ "faxnumber": "5113470",
+ "email": "testingmotor@gmail.com"
+Response HTTP Status Code : 400
+Response Payload
+ "status_code": "CDC-400",
+ "status_message": "pic is required",
+ "data": null
+#### Case : Negative Case 12
+Request Payload
+ "branchname": "Testing Jaya Motor",
+ "address": "Jl. Kebahagiaan No.7",
+ "pic": "",
+ "kabeng": "Rojak",
+ "kelurahan": "Palmerah",
+ "kecamatan": "Palmerah",
+ "kabkota": "Jakarta Barat",
+ "phonenumber": "5367896",
+ "faxnumber": "5113470",
+ "email": "testingmotor@gmail.com"
+Response HTTP Status Code : 400
+Response Payload
+ "status_code": "CDC-400",
+ "status_message": "pic is empty",
+ "data": null
+#### Case : Negative Case 13
+Request Payload
+ "branchname": "Testing Jaya Motor",
+ "address": "Jl. Kebahagiaan No.7",
+ "pic": "Rendi",
+ "kelurahan": "Palmerah",
+ "kecamatan": "Palmerah",
+ "kabkota": "Jakarta Barat",
+ "phonenumber": "5367896",
+ "faxnumber": "5113470",
+ "email": "testingmotor@gmail.com"
+Response HTTP Status Code : 400
+Response Payload
+ "status_code": "CDC-400",
+ "status_message": "kabeng is required",
+ "data": null
+#### Case : Negative Case 14
+Request Payload
+ "branchname": "Testing Jaya Motor",
+ "address": "Jl. Kebahagiaan No.7",
+ "pic": "Rendi",
+ "kabeng": "",
+ "kelurahan": "Palmerah",
+ "kecamatan": "Palmerah",
+ "kabkota": "Jakarta Barat",
+ "phonenumber": "5367896",
+ "faxnumber": "5113470",
+ "email": "testingmotor@gmail.com"
+Response HTTP Status Code : 400
+Response Payload
+ "status_code": "CDC-400",
+ "status_message": "kabeng is empty",
+ "data": null
+#### Case : Positive Case
+- param id is exist in database
+Endpoint : /edit-branches/359ed520-346f-11eb-adc1-0242ac120002
+Headers :
+Key | Value
+--- | ---
+Content-Type | application/json
+Accept | application/json
+Email | administrator@gmail.com
+Request Payload :
+ "branchname": "Testing Jaya Motor",
+ "address": "Jl. Kebahagiaan No.7",
+ "pic": "Rendi",
+ "kabeng": "Rojak",
+ "kelurahan": "Palmerah",
+ "kecamatan": "Palmerah",
+ "kabkota": "Jakarta Barat",
+ "phonenumber": "5367896",
+ "faxnumber": "5113470",
+ "email": "testingmotor@gmail.com"
+Response HTTP Status Code : 200
+Response Payload :
+ "status_code": "CDC-200",
+ "status_message": "Data Changed",
+ "data": {
+ "branchname": "Testing Jaya Motor",
+ "address": "Jl. Kebahagiaan No.7",
+ "pic": "Rendi",
+ "kabeng": "Rojak",
+ "kelurahan": "Palmerah",
+ "kecamatan": "Palmerah",
+ "kabkota": "Jakarta Barat",
+ "phonenumber": "5367896",
+ "faxnumber": "5113470",
+ "email": "testingmotor@gmail.com"
+ }
+## Delete
+### Endpoint
+DELETE /delete-branches/{id}
+### Headers
+Key | Value
+--- | ---
+Content-Type | application/json
+Accept | application/json
+Email | administrator@gmail.com
+### Request Payloads
+No Request Payloads
+### Response Payloads
+HTTP Code | Status | Description
+--- | --- | ---
+400 | Bad Request | Bad request payload
+404 | Not Found | User not found in database
+500 | Internal Server Error | some un-handle error in server
+204 | No Content | Server request has succeeded but response is no content
+ "status_code": "CDC-404",
+ "status_message": "Not Found",
+ "data": null
+ "status_code": "CDC-204",
+ "status_message": "Data Has Been Deleted",
+ "data": null
+### Logic
+#### Endpoint validation
+must be add parameter id and must exist in database
+#### Headers Validation
+- email : user email required and is not empty
+- email : check user email is login or not
+- email : must be top level, like administrator
+#### Request Payloads Validation
+No Request Payloads Validation
+### Scenario Test
+#### Case : Negative Case 1
+Headers : empty
+Response HTTP Status Code : 400
+Response Payload :
+ "status_code": "CDC-400",
+ "status_message": "headers email is required",
+ "data": null
+#### Case : Negative Case 2
+Headers : email is not login
+Response HTTP Status Code : 400
+Response Payload :
+ "status_code": "CDC-400",
+ "status_message": "headers email is not login",
+ "data": null
+#### Case : Negative Case 3
+Headers : email must be top level access
+Response HTTP Status Code : 400
+Response Payload :
+ "status_code": "CDC-400",
+ "status_message": "headers email must be top level access or administrator",
+ "data": null
+#### Case : Negative Case 4
+- param id is empty
+Endpoint : /delete-branches
+Response HTTP Status Code : 404
+Response Payload :
+ "status_code": "CDC-404",
+ "status_message": "url Not Found, param id is required",
+ "data": null
+#### Case : Negative Case 5
+- param id is not exist in database
+Endpoint : /delete-branches/359ed520-346f-11eb-adc1-0242ac120112
+Response HTTP Status Code : 404
+Response Payload :
+ "status_code": "CDC-404",
+ "status_message": "data not found",
+ "data": null
+#### Case : Positive Case
+- param id is exist in database
+Endpoint : /delete-branches/632c725e-35e6-11eb-adc1-0242ac120002
+Headers :
+Key | Value
+--- | ---
+Content-Type | application/json
+Accept | application/json
+Email | administrator@gmail.com
+Response HTTP Status Code : 204
+Response Payload :
+ "status_code": "CDC-204",
+ "status_message": "Data Has Been Deleted",
+ "data": null
+## Get All
+### Endpoint
+GET /get-allbranches
+### Headers
+Key | Value
+--- | ---
+Content-Type | application/json
+Accept | application/json
+Email | administrator@gmail.com
+### Request Payloads
+No Request Payloads
+### Response Payloads
+HTTP Code | Status | Description
+--- | --- | ---
+400 | Bad Request | Bad request payload
+404 | Not Found | User not found in database
+500 | Internal Server Error | some un-handle error in server
+200 | OK | OK
+ "status_code": "CDC-404",
+ "status_message": "data not found",
+ "data": null
+ "status_code": "CDC-200",
+ "status_message": "OK",
+ "data": [
+ {
+ "id": "359ed520-346f-11eb-adc1-0242ac120002",
+ "branchcode": "12345",
+ "companycode": "TES",
+ "branchname": "Testing Jaya Motor",
+ "address": "Jl. Kebahagiaan 7",
+ "pic": "Budi",
+ "kabeng": "Ridwan",
+ "kelurahan": "Palmerah",
+ "kecamatan": "Palmerah",
+ "kabkota": "Jakarta Barat",
+ "phonenumber": "5367896",
+ "faxnumber": "5113470",
+ "email": "testingmotor@gmail.com"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "359ede58-346f-11eb-adc1-0242ac120002",
+ "branchcode": "17721",
+ "companycode": "TST",
+ "branchname": "Tahta Sahabat Testing",
+ "address": "Jl. Bukit utara",
+ "pic": "Rini",
+ "kabeng": "Surya",
+ "kelurahan": "Manggarai",
+ "kecamatan": "Tebet",
+ "kabkota": "Jakarta Selatan",
+ "phonenumber": "5721136",
+ "faxnumber": "5805543",
+ "email": "tst@yahoo.com"
+ }
+ ]
+### Logic
+#### Headers Validation
+- email : user email required and is not empty
+- email : check user email is login or not
+- email : must be top level, like administrator
+#### Request Payloads Validation
+No Validation
+### Scenario Test
+#### Case : Negative Case 1
+Headers : empty
+Response HTTP Status Code : 400
+Response Payload :
+ "status_code": "CDC-400",
+ "status_message": "headers email is required",
+ "data": null
+#### Case : Negative Case 2
+Headers : email is not login
+Response HTTP Status Code : 400
+Response Payload :
+ "status_code": "CDC-400",
+ "status_message": "headers email is not login",
+ "data": null
+#### Case : Negative Case 3
+Headers : email must be top level access
+Response HTTP Status Code : 400
+Response Payload :
+ "status_code": "CDC-400",
+ "status_message": "headers email must be top level access or administrator",
+ "data": null
+#### Case : Negative Case 4
+Data in database is empty
+Response HTTP Status Code : 404
+Response Payload :
+ "status_code": "CDC-404",
+ "status_message": "data not found",
+ "data": null
+#### Case : Positive Case
+Headers :
+Key | Value
+--- | ---
+Content-Type | application/json
+Accept | application/json
+Email | administrator@gmail.com
+Response HTTP Status Code : 200
+Response Payload :
+ "status_code": "CDC-200",
+ "status_message": "OK",
+ "data": [
+ {
+ "id": "359ed520-346f-11eb-adc1-0242ac120002",
+ "branchcode": "12345",
+ "companycode": "TES",
+ "branchname": "Testing Jaya Motor",
+ "address": "Jl. Kebahagiaan 7",
+ "pic": "Budi",
+ "kabeng": "Ridwan",
+ "kelurahan": "Palmerah",
+ "kecamatan": "Palmerah",
+ "kabkota": "Jakarta Barat",
+ "phonenumber": "5367896",
+ "faxnumber": "5113470",
+ "email": "testingmotor@gmail.com"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "359ede58-346f-11eb-adc1-0242ac120002",
+ "branchcode": "17721",
+ "companycode": "TST",
+ "branchname": "Tahta Sahabat Testing",
+ "address": "Jl. Bukit utara",
+ "pic": "Rini",
+ "kabeng": "Surya",
+ "kelurahan": "Manggarai",
+ "kecamatan": "Tebet",
+ "kabkota": "Jakarta Selatan",
+ "phonenumber": "5721136",
+ "faxnumber": "5805543",
+ "email": "tst@yahoo.com"
+ }
+ ]
+## Get By ID
+### Endpoint
+GET /get-branches-byid/{id}
+### Headers
+Key | Value
+--- | ---
+Content-Type | application/json
+Accept | application/json
+Email | administrator@gmail.com
+### Request Payloads
+No Request Payloads
+### Response Payloads
+HTTP Code | Status | Description
+--- | --- | ---
+400 | Bad Request | Bad request payload
+404 | Not Found | User not found in database
+500 | Internal Server Error | some un-handle error in server
+200 | OK | OK
+ "status_code": "CDC-404",
+ "status_message": "Not Found",
+ "data": null
+ "status_code": "CDC-200",
+ "status_message": "OK",
+ "data": {
+ "id": "359ede58-346f-11eb-adc1-0242ac120002",
+ "branchcode": "17721",
+ "companycode": "TST",
+ "branchname": "Tahta Sahabat Testing",
+ "address": "Jl. Bukit utara",
+ "pic": "Rini",
+ "kabeng": "Surya",
+ "kelurahan": "Manggarai",
+ "kecamatan": "Tebet",
+ "kabkota": "Jakarta Selatan",
+ "phonenumber": "5721136",
+ "faxnumber": "5805543",
+ "email": "tst@yahoo.com"
+ }
+### Logic
+#### Endpoint Validation
+must be add parameter id and must exist in database
+#### Headers Validation
+- email : user email required and is not empty
+- email : check user email is login or not
+- email : must be top level, like administrator
+#### Request Payloads Validation
+No Request Payloads Validation
+### Scenario Test
+#### Case : Negative Case 1
+Headers : empty
+Response HTTP Status Code : 400
+Response Payload :
+ "status_code": "CDC-400",
+ "status_message": "headers email is required",
+ "data": null
+#### Case : Negative Case 2
+Headers : email is not login
+Response HTTP Status Code : 400
+Response Payload :
+ "status_code": "CDC-400",
+ "status_message": "headers email is not login",
+ "data": null
+#### Case : Negative Case 3
+Headers : email must be top level access
+Response HTTP Status Code : 400
+Response Payload :
+ "status_code": "CDC-400",
+ "status_message": "headers email must be top level access or administrator",
+ "data": null
+#### Case : Negative Case 4
+- param id is empty
+Endpoint : /get-branches-byid
+Response HTTP Status Code : 404
+Response Payload :
+ "status_code": "CDC-404",
+ "status_message": "url Not Found, param id is required",
+ "data": null
+#### Case : Negative Case 5
+- id not exist in database
+Endpoint : /get-branches-byid/359ed520-346f-11eb-adc1-0242ac120112
+Response HTTP Status Code : 404
+Response Payload :
+ "status_code": "CDC-404",
+ "status_message": "data not found",
+ "data": null
+#### Case : Positive Case
+- id is exist in database
+Endpoint : /get-branches-byid/359ede58-346f-11eb-adc1-0242ac120002
+Headers :
+Key | Value
+--- | ---
+Content-Type | application/json
+Accept | application/json
+Email | administrator@gmail.com
+Response HTTP Status Code : 200
+Response Payload :
+ "status_code": "CDC-200",
+ "status_message": "OK",
+ "data": {
+ "id": "359ede58-346f-11eb-adc1-0242ac120002",
+ "branchcode": "17721",
+ "companycode": "TST",
+ "branchname": "Tahta Sahabat Testing",
+ "address": "Jl. Bukit utara",
+ "pic": "Rini",
+ "kabeng": "Surya",
+ "kelurahan": "Manggarai",
+ "kecamatan": "Tebet",
+ "kabkota": "Jakarta Selatan",
+ "phonenumber": "5721136",
+ "faxnumber": "5805543",
+ "email": "tst@yahoo.com"
+ }
+## Get By Branch Code
+### Endpoint
+GET /get-branches-bybranchcode/{kode}
+### Headers
+Key | Value
+--- | ---
+Content-Type | application/json
+Accept | application/json
+Email | administrator@gmail.com
+### Request Payloads
+No Request Payloads
+### Response Payloads
+HTTP Code | Status | Description
+--- | --- | ---
+400 | Bad Request | Bad request payload
+404 | Not Found | User not found in database
+500 | Internal Server Error | some un-handle error in server
+200 | OK | OK
+ "status_code": "CDC-404",
+ "status_message": "Not Found",
+ "data": null
+ "status_code": "CDC-200",
+ "status_message": "OK",
+ "data": {
+ "id": "359ede58-346f-11eb-adc1-0242ac120002",
+ "branchcode": "17721",
+ "companycode": "TST",
+ "branchname": "Tahta Sahabat Testing",
+ "address": "Jl. Bukit utara",
+ "pic": "Rini",
+ "kabeng": "Surya",
+ "kelurahan": "Manggarai",
+ "kecamatan": "Tebet",
+ "kabkota": "Jakarta Selatan",
+ "phonenumber": "5721136",
+ "faxnumber": "5805543",
+ "email": "tst@yahoo.com"
+ }
+### Logic
+#### Endpoint Validation
+must be add parameter branch code and must exist in database
+#### Headers Validation
+- email : user email required and is not empty
+- email : check user email is login or not
+- email : must be top level, like administrator
+#### Request Payloads Validation
+No Request Payloads Validation
+### Scenario Test
+#### Case : Negative Case 1
+Headers : empty
+Response HTTP Status Code : 400
+Response Payload :
+ "status_code": "CDC-400",
+ "status_message": "headers email is required",
+ "data": null
+#### Case : Negative Case 2
+Headers : email is not login
+Response HTTP Status Code : 400
+Response Payload :
+ "status_code": "CDC-400",
+ "status_message": "headers email is not login",
+ "data": null
+#### Case : Negative Case 3
+Headers : email must be top level access
+Response HTTP Status Code : 400
+Response Payload :
+ "status_code": "CDC-400",
+ "status_message": "headers email must be top level access or administrator",
+ "data": null
+#### Case : Negative Case 4
+- param branch code is empty
+Endpoint : /get-branches-bybranchcode
+Response HTTP Status Code : 404
+Response Payload :
+ "status_code": "CDC-404",
+ "status_message": "url Not Found, param branch code is required",
+ "data": null
+#### Case : Negative Case 5
+- branch code not exist in database
+Endpoint : /get-branches-bybranchcode/32450
+Response HTTP Status Code : 404
+Response Payload :
+ "status_code": "CDC-404",
+ "status_message": "data not found",
+ "data": null
+#### Case : Positive Case
+- branch code is exist in database
+Endpoint : /get-branches-bybranchcode/17721
+Headers :
+Key | Value
+--- | ---
+Content-Type | application/json
+Accept | application/json
+Email | administrator@gmail.com
+Response HTTP Status Code : 200
+Response Payload :
+ "status_code": "CDC-200",
+ "status_message": "OK",
+ "data": {
+ "id": "359ede58-346f-11eb-adc1-0242ac120002",
+ "branchcode": "17721",
+ "companycode": "TST",
+ "branchname": "Tahta Sahabat Testing",
+ "address": "Jl. Bukit utara",
+ "pic": "Rini",
+ "kabeng": "Surya",
+ "kelurahan": "Manggarai",
+ "kecamatan": "Tebet",
+ "kabkota": "Jakarta Selatan",
+ "phonenumber": "5721136",
+ "faxnumber": "5805543",
+ "email": "tst@yahoo.com"
+ }
\ No newline at end of file