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+.btn-default .badge,
+.btn-primary .badge,
+.btn-success .badge,
+.btn-info .badge,
+.btn-warning .badge,
+.btn-danger .badge {
+ text-shadow: none;
+.btn.active {
+ background-image: none;
+.btn-default {
+ filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(enabled = false);
+ background-repeat: repeat-x;
+ border-color: #bbbbbb;
+ border-color: #ccc;
+.btn-default:focus {
+ background-color: #bbbbbb;
+ background-position: 0 -15px;
+.btn-default.active {
+ background-color: #bbbbbb;
+ border-color: #bbbbbb;
+.btn-default[disabled] {
+ background-color: #bbbbbb;
+ background-image: none;
+.btn-primary {
+ filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(enabled = false);
+ background-repeat: repeat-x;
+ border-color: #00aaaa;
+.btn-primary:focus {
+ background-color: #00aaaa;
+ background-position: 0 -15px;
+.btn-primary.active {
+ background-color: #00aaaa;
+ border-color: #00aaaa;
+.btn-primary[disabled] {
+ background-color: #00aaaa;
+ background-image: none;
+.btn-success {
+ filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(enabled = false);
+ background-repeat: repeat-x;
+ border-color: #00aa00;
+.btn-success:focus {
+ background-color: #00aa00;
+ background-position: 0 -15px;
+.btn-success.active {
+ background-color: #00aa00;
+ border-color: #00aa00;
+.btn-success[disabled] {
+ background-color: #00aa00;
+ background-image: none;
+.btn-info {
+ filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(enabled = false);
+ background-repeat: repeat-x;
+ border-color: #aa5500;
+.btn-info:focus {
+ background-color: #aa5500;
+ background-position: 0 -15px;
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+ background-color: #aa5500;
+ border-color: #aa5500;
+.btn-info[disabled] {
+ background-color: #aa5500;
+ background-image: none;
+.btn-warning {
+ filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(enabled = false);
+ background-repeat: repeat-x;
+ border-color: #aa00aa;
+.btn-warning:focus {
+ background-color: #aa00aa;
+ background-position: 0 -15px;
+.btn-warning.active {
+ background-color: #aa00aa;
+ border-color: #aa00aa;
+.btn-warning[disabled] {
+ background-color: #aa00aa;
+ background-image: none;
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+ filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(enabled = false);
+ background-repeat: repeat-x;
+ border-color: #aa0000;
+.btn-danger:focus {
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+ background-position: 0 -15px;
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+ background-color: #aa0000;
+ border-color: #aa0000;
+.btn-danger[disabled] {
+ background-color: #aa0000;
+ background-image: none;
+.dropdown-menu > li > a:hover,
+.dropdown-menu > li > a:focus {
+ background-color: #000000;
+.dropdown-menu > .active > a,
+.dropdown-menu > .active > a:hover,
+.dropdown-menu > .active > a:focus {
+ background-color: #000000;
+.navbar-default {
+ filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(enabled = false);
+.navbar-inverse {
+ filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(enabled = false);
+@media (max-width: 768px) {
+ .navbar .navbar-nav .open .dropdown-menu > .active > a,
+ .navbar .navbar-nav .open .dropdown-menu > .active > a:hover,
+ .navbar .navbar-nav .open .dropdown-menu > .active > a:focus {
+ color: #fff;
+ }
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+ border-color: #00aa00;
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+ border-color: #aa5500;
+.alert-warning {
+ border-color: #aa00aa;
+.alert-danger {
+ border-color: #000000;
+.list-group-item.active:focus {
+ border-color: #000000;
+.list-group-item.active .badge,
+.list-group-item.active:hover .badge,
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+ text-shadow: none;
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+ border-color: #00aa00;
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// Disable gradients for IE9 because filter bleeds through rounded corners; see https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/issues/10620\n background-repeat: repeat-x;\n border-color: @btn-color;\n\n &:hover,\n &:focus {\n background-color: @btn-color;\n background-position: 0 -15px;\n }\n\n &:active,\n &.active {\n background-color: @btn-color;\n border-color: @btn-color;\n }\n\n &.disabled,\n &:disabled,\n &[disabled] {\n background-color: @btn-color;\n background-image: none;\n }\n}\n\n// Common styles\n.btn {\n // Remove the gradient for the pressed/active state\n &:active,\n &.active {\n background-image: none;\n }\n}\n\n// Apply the mixin to the buttons\n.btn-default { .btn-styles(@btn-default-bg); border-color: #ccc; }\n.btn-primary { .btn-styles(@btn-primary-bg); }\n.btn-success { .btn-styles(@btn-success-bg); }\n.btn-info { .btn-styles(@btn-info-bg); }\n.btn-warning { .btn-styles(@btn-warning-bg); }\n.btn-danger { .btn-styles(@btn-danger-bg); }\n\n\n//\n// Images\n// --------------------------------------------------\n\n.thumbnail,\n.img-thumbnail {\n}\n\n\n//\n// Dropdowns\n// --------------------------------------------------\n\n.dropdown-menu > li > a:hover,\n.dropdown-menu > li > a:focus {\n background-color: @dropdown-link-hover-bg;\n}\n.dropdown-menu > .active > a,\n.dropdown-menu > .active > a:hover,\n.dropdown-menu > .active > a:focus {\n background-color: @dropdown-link-active-bg;\n}\n\n\n//\n// Navbar\n// --------------------------------------------------\n\n// Default navbar\n.navbar-default {\n .reset-filter(); // Remove gradient in IE<10 to fix bug where dropdowns don't get triggered\n\n .navbar-nav > .open > a,\n .navbar-nav > .active > a {\n }\n}\n.navbar-brand,\n.navbar-nav > li > a {\n}\n\n// Inverted navbar\n.navbar-inverse {\n .reset-filter(); // Remove gradient in IE<10 to fix bug where dropdowns don't get triggered; see https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/issues/10257\n\n .navbar-nav > .open > a,\n .navbar-nav > .active > a {\n }\n\n .navbar-brand,\n .navbar-nav > li > a {\n }\n}\n\n// Undo rounded corners in static and fixed navbars\n.navbar-static-top,\n.navbar-fixed-top,\n.navbar-fixed-bottom {\n}\n\n// Fix active state of dropdown items in collapsed mode\n@media (max-width: @grid-float-breakpoint-max) {\n .navbar .navbar-nav .open .dropdown-menu > .active > a {\n &,\n &:hover,\n &:focus {\n color: #fff;\n }\n }\n}\n\n\n//\n// Alerts\n// --------------------------------------------------\n\n// Common styles\n.alert {\n}\n\n// Mixin for generating new styles\n.alert-styles(@color) {\n border-color: @color;\n}\n\n// Apply the mixin to the alerts\n.alert-success { .alert-styles(@alert-success-bg); }\n.alert-info { .alert-styles(@alert-info-bg); }\n.alert-warning { .alert-styles(@alert-warning-bg); }\n.alert-danger { .alert-styles(@alert-danger-bg); }\n\n\n//\n// Progress bars\n// --------------------------------------------------\n\n// Give the progress background some depth\n.progress {\n}\n\n// Mixin for generating new styles\n.progress-bar-styles(@color) {\n}\n\n// Apply the mixin to the progress bars\n.progress-bar { .progress-bar-styles(@progress-bar-bg); }\n.progress-bar-success { .progress-bar-styles(@progress-bar-success-bg); }\n.progress-bar-info { .progress-bar-styles(@progress-bar-info-bg); }\n.progress-bar-warning { .progress-bar-styles(@progress-bar-warning-bg); }\n.progress-bar-danger { .progress-bar-styles(@progress-bar-danger-bg); }\n\n// Reset the striped class because our mixins don't do multiple gradients and\n// the above custom styles override the new `.progress-bar-striped` in v3.2.0.\n.progress-bar-striped {\n}\n\n\n//\n// List groups\n// --------------------------------------------------\n\n.list-group {\n}\n.list-group-item.active,\n.list-group-item.active:hover,\n.list-group-item.active:focus {\n border-color: @list-group-active-border;\n\n .badge {\n text-shadow: none;\n }\n}\n\n\n//\n// Panels\n// --------------------------------------------------\n\n// Common styles\n.panel {\n}\n\n// Mixin for generating new styles\n.panel-heading-styles(@color) {\n}\n\n// Apply the mixin to the panel headings only\n.panel-default > .panel-heading { .panel-heading-styles(@panel-default-heading-bg); }\n.panel-primary > .panel-heading { .panel-heading-styles(@panel-primary-heading-bg); }\n.panel-success > .panel-heading { .panel-heading-styles(@panel-success-heading-bg); }\n.panel-info > .panel-heading { .panel-heading-styles(@panel-info-heading-bg); }\n.panel-warning > .panel-heading { .panel-heading-styles(@panel-warning-heading-bg); }\n.panel-danger > .panel-heading { .panel-heading-styles(@panel-danger-heading-bg); }\n\n\n//\n// Wells\n// --------------------------------------------------\n\n.well {\n border-color: @well-bg;\n}\n","// Reset filters for IE\n//\n// When you need to remove a gradient background, do not forget to use this to reset\n// the IE filter for IE9 and below.\n\n.reset-filter() {\n filter: e(%(\"progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(enabled = false)\"));\n}\n"]}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/webshit/public/assets/bootstra.386/dist/css/bootstrap-theme.min.css b/webshit/public/assets/bootstra.386/dist/css/bootstrap-theme.min.css
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+.btn-default .badge,
+.btn-primary .badge,
+.btn-success .badge,
+.btn-info .badge,
+.btn-warning .badge,
+.btn-danger .badge {
+ text-shadow: none;
+.btn.active {
+ background-image: none;
+.btn-default {
+ filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(enabled = false);
+ background-repeat: repeat-x;
+ border-color: #bbbbbb;
+ border-color: #ccc;
+.btn-default:focus {
+ background-color: #bbbbbb;
+ background-position: 0 -15px;
+.btn-default.active {
+ background-color: #bbbbbb;
+ border-color: #bbbbbb;
+.btn-default[disabled] {
+ background-color: #bbbbbb;
+ background-image: none;
+.btn-primary {
+ filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(enabled = false);
+ background-repeat: repeat-x;
+ border-color: #00aaaa;
+.btn-primary:focus {
+ background-color: #00aaaa;
+ background-position: 0 -15px;
+.btn-primary.active {
+ background-color: #00aaaa;
+ border-color: #00aaaa;
+.btn-primary[disabled] {
+ background-color: #00aaaa;
+ background-image: none;
+.btn-success {
+ filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(enabled = false);
+ background-repeat: repeat-x;
+ border-color: #00aa00;
+.btn-success:focus {
+ background-color: #00aa00;
+ background-position: 0 -15px;
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+ background-color: #00aa00;
+ border-color: #00aa00;
+.btn-success[disabled] {
+ background-color: #00aa00;
+ background-image: none;
+.btn-info {
+ filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(enabled = false);
+ background-repeat: repeat-x;
+ border-color: #aa5500;
+.btn-info:focus {
+ background-color: #aa5500;
+ background-position: 0 -15px;
+.btn-info.active {
+ background-color: #aa5500;
+ border-color: #aa5500;
+.btn-info[disabled] {
+ background-color: #aa5500;
+ background-image: none;
+.btn-warning {
+ filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(enabled = false);
+ background-repeat: repeat-x;
+ border-color: #aa00aa;
+.btn-warning:focus {
+ background-color: #aa00aa;
+ background-position: 0 -15px;
+.btn-warning.active {
+ background-color: #aa00aa;
+ border-color: #aa00aa;
+.btn-warning[disabled] {
+ background-color: #aa00aa;
+ background-image: none;
+.btn-danger {
+ filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(enabled = false);
+ background-repeat: repeat-x;
+ border-color: #aa0000;
+.btn-danger:focus {
+ background-color: #aa0000;
+ background-position: 0 -15px;
+.btn-danger.active {
+ background-color: #aa0000;
+ border-color: #aa0000;
+.btn-danger[disabled] {
+ background-color: #aa0000;
+ background-image: none;
+.dropdown-menu > li > a:hover,
+.dropdown-menu > li > a:focus {
+ background-color: #000000;
+.dropdown-menu > .active > a,
+.dropdown-menu > .active > a:hover,
+.dropdown-menu > .active > a:focus {
+ background-color: #000000;
+.navbar-default {
+ filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(enabled = false);
+.navbar-inverse {
+ filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(enabled = false);
+@media (max-width: 768px) {
+ .navbar .navbar-nav .open .dropdown-menu > .active > a,
+ .navbar .navbar-nav .open .dropdown-menu > .active > a:hover,
+ .navbar .navbar-nav .open .dropdown-menu > .active > a:focus {
+ color: #fff;
+ }
+.alert-success {
+ border-color: #00aa00;
+.alert-info {
+ border-color: #aa5500;
+.alert-warning {
+ border-color: #aa00aa;
+.alert-danger {
+ border-color: #000000;
+.list-group-item.active:focus {
+ border-color: #000000;
+.list-group-item.active .badge,
+.list-group-item.active:hover .badge,
+.list-group-item.active:focus .badge {
+ text-shadow: none;
+.well {
+ border-color: #00aa00;
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+ -ms-overflow-style: -ms-autohiding-scrollbar;
+ border: 2px solid #bbbbbb;
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+ margin-bottom: 0;
+ }
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+ .table-responsive > .table > tbody > tr > th,
+ .table-responsive > .table > tfoot > tr > th,
+ .table-responsive > .table > thead > tr > td,
+ .table-responsive > .table > tbody > tr > td,
+ .table-responsive > .table > tfoot > tr > td {
+ white-space: nowrap;
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+ border: 0;
+ }
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+ line-height: 19px;
+ color: #555555;
+ border: 0;
+legend:before {
+ content: "## ";
+legend:after {
+ content: " ##";
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+ display: inline-block;
+ max-width: 100%;
+ font-weight: normal;
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+ -webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
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+ box-sizing: border-box;
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+ margin: 0 4.75px;
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+ content: "[";
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+ content: "]";
+input[type="file"] {
+ display: block;
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+ display: block;
+ width: 100%;
+select[size] {
+ height: auto;
+input[type="checkbox"]:focus {
+ outline: thin dotted;
+ outline: 5px auto -webkit-focus-ring-color;
+ outline-offset: -2px;
+output {
+ display: block;
+ padding-top: 0;
+ font-size: 18px;
+ line-height: 19px;
+ color: #ffffff;
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+ display: block;
+ width: 100%;
+ height: 19px;
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+ line-height: 19px;
+ color: #ffffff;
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+ border: none;
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+ outline: 0;
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+ color: #000000;
+ opacity: 1;
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+ color: #000000;
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+ color: #000000;
+fieldset[disabled] .form-control {
+ cursor: not-allowed;
+ background-color: #bbbbbb;
+ opacity: 1;
+textarea.form-control {
+ height: auto;
+input[type="search"] {
+ -webkit-appearance: none;
+@media screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 0) {
+ input[type="date"],
+ input[type="time"],
+ input[type="datetime-local"],
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+ line-height: 19px;
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+ input[type="time"].input-sm,
+ input[type="datetime-local"].input-sm,
+ input[type="month"].input-sm,
+ .input-group-sm input[type="date"],
+ .input-group-sm input[type="time"],
+ .input-group-sm input[type="datetime-local"],
+ .input-group-sm input[type="month"] {
+ line-height: 19px;
+ }
+ input[type="date"].input-lg,
+ input[type="time"].input-lg,
+ input[type="datetime-local"].input-lg,
+ input[type="month"].input-lg,
+ .input-group-lg input[type="date"],
+ .input-group-lg input[type="time"],
+ .input-group-lg input[type="datetime-local"],
+ .input-group-lg input[type="month"] {
+ line-height: 19px;
+ }
+.form-group {
+ margin-bottom: 19px;
+.checkbox {
+ position: relative;
+ display: block;
+ margin-top: 8.5px;
+ margin-bottom: 8.5px;
+.radio label,
+.checkbox label {
+ min-height: 19px;
+ padding-left: 20px;
+ margin-bottom: 0;
+ font-weight: normal;
+ cursor: pointer;
+.radio input[type="radio"],
+.radio-inline input[type="radio"],
+.checkbox input[type="checkbox"],
+.checkbox-inline input[type="checkbox"] {
+ position: absolute;
+ margin-left: -20px;
+ margin-top: 4px \9;
+.radio + .radio,
+.checkbox + .checkbox {
+ margin-top: -8.5px;
+.checkbox-inline {
+ display: inline-block;
+ padding-left: 10px;
+ margin-bottom: 0;
+ vertical-align: middle;
+ font-weight: normal;
+ cursor: pointer;
+.radio-inline + .radio-inline,
+.checkbox-inline + .checkbox-inline {
+ margin-top: 0;
+ margin-left: 10px;
+fieldset[disabled] input[type="radio"],
+fieldset[disabled] input[type="checkbox"] {
+ cursor: not-allowed;
+fieldset[disabled] .radio-inline,
+fieldset[disabled] .checkbox-inline {
+ cursor: not-allowed;
+.radio.disabled label,
+.checkbox.disabled label,
+fieldset[disabled] .radio label,
+fieldset[disabled] .checkbox label {
+ cursor: not-allowed;
+.form-control-static {
+ padding-top: 1px;
+ padding-bottom: 1px;
+ margin-bottom: 0;
+.form-control-static.input-sm {
+ padding-left: 0;
+ padding-right: 0;
+.input-sm {
+ height: 19px;
+ padding: 0 0;
+ font-size: 18px;
+ line-height: 19px;
+select.input-sm {
+ height: 19px;
+ line-height: 19px;
+select[multiple].input-sm {
+ height: auto;
+.form-group-sm .form-control {
+ height: 19px;
+ padding: 0 0;
+ font-size: 18px;
+ line-height: 19px;
+select.form-group-sm .form-control {
+ height: 19px;
+ line-height: 19px;
+textarea.form-group-sm .form-control,
+select[multiple].form-group-sm .form-control {
+ height: auto;
+.form-group-sm .form-control-static {
+ height: 19px;
+ padding: 0px 0px;
+ font-size: 18px;
+ line-height: 19px;
+.input-lg {
+ height: 19px;
+ padding: 0 0;
+ font-size: 18px;
+ line-height: 19px;
+select.input-lg {
+ height: 19px;
+ line-height: 19px;
+select[multiple].input-lg {
+ height: auto;
+.form-group-lg .form-control {
+ height: 19px;
+ padding: 0 0;
+ font-size: 18px;
+ line-height: 19px;
+select.form-group-lg .form-control {
+ height: 19px;
+ line-height: 19px;
+textarea.form-group-lg .form-control,
+select[multiple].form-group-lg .form-control {
+ height: auto;
+.form-group-lg .form-control-static {
+ height: 19px;
+ padding: 0px 5px;
+ font-size: 18px;
+ line-height: 19px;
+.has-feedback {
+ position: relative;
+.has-feedback .form-control {
+ padding-right: 23.75px;
+.form-control-feedback {
+ position: absolute;
+ top: 0;
+ right: 0;
+ z-index: 2;
+ display: block;
+ width: 19px;
+ height: 19px;
+ line-height: 19px;
+ text-align: center;
+ pointer-events: none;
+.input-lg + .form-control-feedback {
+ width: 19px;
+ height: 19px;
+ line-height: 19px;
+.input-sm + .form-control-feedback {
+ width: 19px;
+ height: 19px;
+ line-height: 19px;
+.has-success .help-block,
+.has-success .control-label,
+.has-success .radio,
+.has-success .checkbox,
+.has-success .radio-inline,
+.has-success .checkbox-inline,
+.has-success.radio label,
+.has-success.checkbox label,
+.has-success.radio-inline label,
+.has-success.checkbox-inline label {
+ color: #55ff55;
+.has-success .form-control {
+ border-color: #55ff55;
+.has-success .form-control:focus {
+ border-color: #55ff55;
+.has-success .input-group-addon {
+ color: #55ff55;
+ border-color: #55ff55;
+ background-color: #00aa00;
+.has-success .form-control-feedback {
+ color: #55ff55;
+.has-warning .help-block,
+.has-warning .control-label,
+.has-warning .radio,
+.has-warning .checkbox,
+.has-warning .radio-inline,
+.has-warning .checkbox-inline,
+.has-warning.radio label,
+.has-warning.checkbox label,
+.has-warning.radio-inline label,
+.has-warning.checkbox-inline label {
+ color: #ff55ff;
+.has-warning .form-control {
+ border-color: #ff55ff;
+.has-warning .form-control:focus {
+ border-color: #ff55ff;
+.has-warning .input-group-addon {
+ color: #ff55ff;
+ border-color: #ff55ff;
+ background-color: #aa00aa;
+.has-warning .form-control-feedback {
+ color: #ff55ff;
+.has-error .help-block,
+.has-error .control-label,
+.has-error .radio,
+.has-error .checkbox,
+.has-error .radio-inline,
+.has-error .checkbox-inline,
+.has-error.radio label,
+.has-error.checkbox label,
+.has-error.radio-inline label,
+.has-error.checkbox-inline label {
+ color: #ff5555;
+.has-error .form-control {
+ border-color: #ff5555;
+.has-error .form-control:focus {
+ border-color: #ff5555;
+.has-error .input-group-addon {
+ color: #ff5555;
+ border-color: #ff5555;
+ background-color: #000000;
+.has-error .form-control-feedback {
+ color: #ff5555;
+.has-feedback label ~ .form-control-feedback {
+ top: 24px;
+.has-feedback label.sr-only ~ .form-control-feedback {
+ top: 0;
+.help-block {
+ display: block;
+ margin-top: 8.5px;
+ margin-bottom: 8.5px;
+ color: #bbbbbb;
+@media (min-width: 768px) {
+ .form-inline .form-group {
+ display: inline-block;
+ margin-bottom: 0;
+ vertical-align: middle;
+ }
+ .form-inline .form-control {
+ display: inline-block;
+ width: auto;
+ vertical-align: middle;
+ }
+ .form-inline .form-control-static {
+ display: inline-block;
+ }
+ .form-inline .input-group {
+ display: inline-table;
+ vertical-align: middle;
+ }
+ .form-inline .input-group .input-group-addon,
+ .form-inline .input-group .input-group-btn,
+ .form-inline .input-group .form-control {
+ width: auto;
+ }
+ .form-inline .input-group > .form-control {
+ width: 100%;
+ }
+ .form-inline .control-label {
+ margin-bottom: 0;
+ vertical-align: middle;
+ }
+ .form-inline .radio,
+ .form-inline .checkbox {
+ display: inline-block;
+ margin-top: 0;
+ margin-bottom: 0;
+ vertical-align: middle;
+ }
+ .form-inline .radio label,
+ .form-inline .checkbox label {
+ padding-left: 0;
+ }
+ .form-inline .radio input[type="radio"],
+ .form-inline .checkbox input[type="checkbox"] {
+ position: relative;
+ margin-left: 0;
+ }
+ .form-inline .has-feedback .form-control-feedback {
+ top: 0;
+ }
+.form-horizontal .radio,
+.form-horizontal .checkbox,
+.form-horizontal .radio-inline,
+.form-horizontal .checkbox-inline {
+ margin-top: 0;
+ margin-bottom: 0;
+ padding-top: 1px;
+.form-horizontal .radio,
+.form-horizontal .checkbox {
+ min-height: 20px;
+.form-horizontal .form-group {
+ margin-left: -10px;
+ margin-right: -10px;
+@media (min-width: 768px) {
+ .form-horizontal .control-label {
+ text-align: right;
+ margin-bottom: 0;
+ padding-top: 1px;
+ }
+.form-horizontal .has-feedback .form-control-feedback {
+ right: 10px;
+@media (min-width: 768px) {
+ .form-horizontal .form-group-lg .control-label {
+ padding-top: 1px;
+ }
+@media (min-width: 768px) {
+ .form-horizontal .form-group-sm .control-label {
+ padding-top: 1px;
+ }
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+ display: inline-block;
+ text-align: center;
+ vertical-align: middle;
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+ box-shadow: 9.5px 9.5px 0 rgb(0,0,0);
+ cursor: default;
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+ color: #aa0000;
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+ outline: 0;
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+ color: #bbbbbb !important;
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+ cursor: not-allowed;
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+ color: #ffffff;
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+ color: #fefe54;
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+ color: #000000;
+ background-color: #bbbbbb;
+ /*
+ &:hover,
+ &:focus,
+ &.focus,
+ &:active,
+ &.active,
+ .open > .dropdown-toggle& {
+ color: @color;
+ background-color: @background;
+ border-color: @border;
+ }
+ */
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+ color: #000000;
+ background-color: #00aaaa;
+ /*
+ &:hover,
+ &:focus,
+ &.focus,
+ &:active,
+ &.active,
+ .open > .dropdown-toggle& {
+ color: @color;
+ background-color: @background;
+ border-color: @border;
+ }
+ */
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+ background-color: #00aaaa;
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+ color: #00aaaa;
+ background-color: #000000;
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+ color: #ffffff;
+ background-color: #00aa00;
+ /*
+ &:hover,
+ &:focus,
+ &.focus,
+ &:active,
+ &.active,
+ .open > .dropdown-toggle& {
+ color: @color;
+ background-color: @background;
+ border-color: @border;
+ }
+ */
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+ color: #fefe54;
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+ background-color: #00aa00;
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+ color: #00aa00;
+ background-color: #ffffff;
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+ color: #ffffff;
+ background-color: #aa5500;
+ /*
+ &:hover,
+ &:focus,
+ &.focus,
+ &:active,
+ &.active,
+ .open > .dropdown-toggle& {
+ color: @color;
+ background-color: @background;
+ border-color: @border;
+ }
+ */
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+ color: #fefe54;
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+ color: #aa5500;
+ background-color: #ffffff;
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+ color: #ffffff;
+ background-color: #aa00aa;
+ /*
+ &:hover,
+ &:focus,
+ &.focus,
+ &:active,
+ &.active,
+ .open > .dropdown-toggle& {
+ color: @color;
+ background-color: @background;
+ border-color: @border;
+ }
+ */
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+ color: #fefe54;
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+ background-image: none;
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+ background-color: #aa00aa;
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+ color: #aa00aa;
+ background-color: #ffffff;
+.btn-danger {
+ color: #ffffff;
+ background-color: #aa0000;
+ /*
+ &:hover,
+ &:focus,
+ &.focus,
+ &:active,
+ &.active,
+ .open > .dropdown-toggle& {
+ color: @color;
+ background-color: @background;
+ border-color: @border;
+ }
+ */
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+ color: #fefe54;
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+ background-image: none;
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+ background-color: #aa0000;
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+ color: #aa0000;
+ background-color: #ffffff;
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+ background-color: transparent;
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+ color: #ffffff;
+ background-color: transparent;
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+ color: #bbbbbb;
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+ padding: 19px 9.5px;
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+ box-shadow: none;
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+ display: block;
+ width: 100%;
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+ margin-top: 19px;
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+ width: 100%;
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+ position: relative;
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+ color: #bbbbbb;
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+ height: 19px;
+ line-height: 19px;
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+ height: auto;
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+ margin-bottom: ((@navbar-height - @element-height) / 2);
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+ margin-bottom: ((@navbar-height - @element-height) / 2);
+ */
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+ /*
+ margin-top: ((@navbar-height - @element-height) / 2);
+ margin-bottom: ((@navbar-height - @element-height) / 2);
+ */
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+ /*
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+ margin-bottom: ((@navbar-height - @element-height) / 2);
+ */
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+ /*
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+ margin-bottom: ((@navbar-height - @element-height) / 2);
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normalize.css v3.0.2 | MIT License | git.io/normalize */\n\n//\n// 1. Set default font family to sans-serif.\n// 2. Prevent iOS text size adjust after orientation change, without disabling\n// user zoom.\n//\n\nhtml {\n font-family: sans-serif; // 1\n -ms-text-size-adjust: 100%; // 2\n -webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%; // 2\n}\n\n//\n// Remove default margin.\n//\n\nbody {\n margin: 0;\n}\n\n// HTML5 display definitions\n// ==========================================================================\n\n//\n// Correct `block` display not defined for any HTML5 element in IE 8/9.\n// Correct `block` display not defined for `details` or `summary` in IE 10/11\n// and Firefox.\n// Correct `block` display not defined for `main` in IE 11.\n//\n\narticle,\naside,\ndetails,\nfigcaption,\nfigure,\nfooter,\nheader,\nhgroup,\nmain,\nmenu,\nnav,\nsection,\nsummary {\n display: block;\n}\n\n//\n// 1. Correct `inline-block` display not defined in IE 8/9.\n// 2. Normalize vertical alignment of `progress` in Chrome, Firefox, and Opera.\n//\n\naudio,\ncanvas,\nprogress,\nvideo {\n display: inline-block; // 1\n vertical-align: baseline; // 2\n}\n\n//\n// Prevent modern browsers from displaying `audio` without controls.\n// Remove excess height in iOS 5 devices.\n//\n\naudio:not([controls]) {\n display: none;\n height: 0;\n}\n\n//\n// Address `[hidden]` styling not present in IE 8/9/10.\n// Hide the `template` element in IE 8/9/11, Safari, and Firefox < 22.\n//\n\n[hidden],\ntemplate {\n display: none;\n}\n\n// Links\n// ==========================================================================\n\n//\n// Remove the gray background color from active links in IE 10.\n//\n\na {\n background-color: transparent;\n}\n\n//\n// Improve readability when focused and also mouse hovered in all browsers.\n//\n\na:active,\na:hover {\n outline: 0;\n}\n\n// Text-level semantics\n// ==========================================================================\n\n//\n// Address styling not present in IE 8/9/10/11, Safari, and Chrome.\n//\n\nabbr[title] {\n border-bottom: 1px dotted;\n}\n\n//\n// Address style set to `bolder` in Firefox 4+, Safari, and Chrome.\n//\n\nb,\nstrong {\n font-weight: normal;\n}\n\n//\n// Address styling not present in Safari and Chrome.\n//\n\ndfn {\n font-style: normal;\n}\n\n//\n// Address variable `h1` font-size and margin within `section` and `article`\n// contexts in Firefox 4+, Safari, and Chrome.\n//\n\nh1 {\n font-size: @font-size-base;\n margin: 0;\n}\n\n//\n// Address styling not present in IE 8/9.\n//\n\nmark {\n background: #ff0;\n color: #000;\n}\n\n//\n// Address inconsistent and variable font size in all browsers.\n//\n\nsmall {\n font-size: @font-size-base;\n}\n\n//\n// Prevent `sub` and `sup` affecting `line-height` in all browsers.\n//\n\nsub,\nsup {\n font-size: @font-size-base;\n line-height: 0;\n position: relative;\n vertical-align: baseline;\n}\n\nsup {\n top: -0.5em;\n}\n\nsub {\n bottom: -0.25em;\n}\n\n// Embedded content\n// ==========================================================================\n\n//\n// Remove border when inside `a` element in IE 8/9/10.\n//\n\nimg {\n border: 0;\n}\n\n//\n// Correct overflow not hidden in IE 9/10/11.\n//\n\nsvg:not(:root) {\n overflow: hidden;\n}\n\n// Grouping content\n// ==========================================================================\n\n//\n// Address margin not present in IE 8/9 and Safari.\n//\n\nfigure {\n margin: 1em 40px;\n}\n\n//\n// Address differences between Firefox and other browsers.\n//\n\nhr {\n -moz-box-sizing: content-box;\n box-sizing: content-box;\n height: 0;\n}\n\n//\n// Contain overflow in all browsers.\n//\n\npre {\n overflow: auto;\n}\n\n//\n// Address odd `em`-unit font size rendering in all browsers.\n//\n\ncode,\nkbd,\npre,\nsamp {\n font-family: monospace, monospace;\n font-size: @font-size-base;\n}\n\n// Forms\n// ==========================================================================\n\n//\n// Known limitation: by default, Chrome and Safari on OS X allow very limited\n// styling of `select`, unless a `border` property is set.\n//\n\n//\n// 1. Correct color not being inherited.\n// Known issue: affects color of disabled elements.\n// 2. Correct font properties not being inherited.\n// 3. Address margins set differently in Firefox 4+, Safari, and Chrome.\n//\n\nbutton,\ninput,\noptgroup,\nselect,\ntextarea {\n color: inherit; // 1\n font: inherit; // 2\n margin: 0; // 3\n}\n\n//\n// Address `overflow` set to `hidden` in IE 8/9/10/11.\n//\n\nbutton {\n overflow: visible;\n}\n\n//\n// Address inconsistent `text-transform` inheritance for `button` and `select`.\n// All other form control elements do not inherit `text-transform` values.\n// Correct `button` style inheritance in Firefox, IE 8/9/10/11, and Opera.\n// Correct `select` style inheritance in Firefox.\n//\n\nbutton,\nselect {\n text-transform: none;\n}\n\n//\n// 1. Avoid the WebKit bug in Android 4.0.* where (2) destroys native `audio`\n// and `video` controls.\n// 2. Correct inability to style clickable `input` types in iOS.\n// 3. Improve usability and consistency of cursor style between image-type\n// `input` and others.\n//\n\nbutton,\nhtml input[type=\"button\"], // 1\ninput[type=\"reset\"],\ninput[type=\"submit\"] {\n -webkit-appearance: button; // 2\n}\n\n//\n// Re-set default cursor for disabled elements.\n//\n\nbutton[disabled],\nhtml input[disabled] {\n cursor: default;\n}\n\n//\n// Remove inner padding and border in Firefox 4+.\n//\n\nbutton::-moz-focus-inner,\ninput::-moz-focus-inner {\n border: 0;\n padding: 0;\n}\n\n//\n// Address Firefox 4+ setting `line-height` on `input` using `!important` in\n// the UA stylesheet.\n//\n\ninput {\n line-height: normal;\n}\n\n//\n// It's recommended that you don't attempt to style these elements.\n// Firefox's implementation doesn't respect box-sizing, padding, or width.\n//\n// 1. Address box sizing set to `content-box` in IE 8/9/10.\n// 2. Remove excess padding in IE 8/9/10.\n//\n\ninput[type=\"checkbox\"],\ninput[type=\"radio\"] {\n box-sizing: border-box; // 1\n padding: 0; // 2\n}\n\n//\n// Fix the cursor style for Chrome's increment/decrement buttons. For certain\n// `font-size` values of the `input`, it causes the cursor style of the\n// decrement button to change from `default` to `text`.\n//\n\ninput[type=\"number\"]::-webkit-inner-spin-button,\ninput[type=\"number\"]::-webkit-outer-spin-button {\n height: auto;\n}\n\n//\n// 1. Address `appearance` set to `searchfield` in Safari and Chrome.\n// 2. Address `box-sizing` set to `border-box` in Safari and Chrome\n// (include `-moz` to future-proof).\n//\n\ninput[type=\"search\"] {\n -webkit-appearance: textfield; // 1\n -moz-box-sizing: content-box;\n -webkit-box-sizing: content-box; // 2\n box-sizing: content-box;\n}\n\n//\n// Remove inner padding and search cancel button in Safari and Chrome on OS X.\n// Safari (but not Chrome) clips the cancel button when the search input has\n// padding (and `textfield` appearance).\n//\n\ninput[type=\"search\"]::-webkit-search-cancel-button,\ninput[type=\"search\"]::-webkit-search-decoration {\n -webkit-appearance: none;\n}\n\n//\n// Define consistent border, margin, and padding.\n//\n\nfieldset {\n border: 1px solid #c0c0c0;\n margin: 0 2px;\n padding: 0.35em 0.625em 0.75em;\n}\n\n//\n// 1. Correct `color` not being inherited in IE 8/9/10/11.\n// 2. Remove padding so people aren't caught out if they zero out fieldsets.\n//\n\nlegend {\n border: 0; // 1\n padding: 0; // 2\n}\n\n//\n// Remove default vertical scrollbar in IE 8/9/10/11.\n//\n\ntextarea {\n overflow: auto;\n}\n\n//\n// Don't inherit the `font-weight` (applied by a rule above).\n// NOTE: the default cannot safely be changed in Chrome and Safari on OS X.\n//\n\noptgroup {\n font-weight: normal;\n}\n\n// Tables\n// ==========================================================================\n\n//\n// Remove most spacing between table cells.\n//\n\ntable {\n border-collapse: collapse;\n border-spacing: 0;\n}\n\nli,ul {\n list-style-type: square;\n}\n\ntd,\nth {\n padding: 0;\n}\n","/*! Source: https://github.com/h5bp/html5-boilerplate/blob/master/src/css/main.css */\n\n// ==========================================================================\n// Print styles.\n// Inlined to avoid the additional HTTP request: h5bp.com/r\n// ==========================================================================\n\n@media print {\n *,\n *:before,\n *:after {\n background: transparent !important;\n color: #000 !important; // Black prints faster: h5bp.com/s\n box-shadow: none !important;\n text-shadow: none !important;\n }\n\n a,\n a:visited {\n text-decoration: underline;\n }\n\n a[href]:after {\n content: \" (\" attr(href) \")\";\n }\n\n abbr[title]:after {\n content: \" (\" attr(title) \")\";\n }\n\n // Don't show links that are fragment identifiers,\n // or use the `javascript:` pseudo protocol\n a[href^=\"#\"]:after,\n a[href^=\"javascript:\"]:after {\n content: \"\";\n }\n\n pre,\n blockquote {\n border: 1px solid #999;\n page-break-inside: avoid;\n }\n\n thead {\n display: table-header-group; // h5bp.com/t\n }\n\n tr,\n img {\n page-break-inside: avoid;\n }\n\n img {\n max-width: 100% !important;\n }\n\n p,\n h2,\n h3 {\n orphans: 3;\n widows: 3;\n }\n\n h2,\n h3 {\n page-break-after: avoid;\n }\n\n // Bootstrap specific changes start\n //\n // Chrome (OSX) fix for https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/issues/11245\n // Once fixed, we can just straight up remove this.\n select {\n background: #fff !important;\n }\n\n // Bootstrap components\n .navbar {\n display: none;\n }\n .btn,\n .dropup > .btn {\n > .caret {\n border-top-color: #000 !important;\n }\n }\n .label {\n border: 1px solid #000;\n }\n\n .table {\n border-collapse: collapse !important;\n\n td,\n th {\n background-color: #fff !important;\n }\n }\n .table-bordered {\n th,\n td {\n border: 1px solid #ddd !important;\n }\n }\n\n // Bootstrap specific changes end\n}\n","//\n// Glyphicons for Bootstrap\n//\n// Since icons are fonts, they can be placed anywhere text is placed and are\n// thus automatically sized to match the surrounding child. To use, create an\n// inline element with the appropriate classes, like so:\n//\n// Star \n\n// Import the fonts\n@font-face {\n font-family: 'Glyphicons Halflings';\n src: url('@{icon-font-path}@{icon-font-name}.eot');\n src: url('@{icon-font-path}@{icon-font-name}.eot?#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'),\n url('@{icon-font-path}@{icon-font-name}.woff2') format('woff2'),\n url('@{icon-font-path}@{icon-font-name}.woff') format('woff'),\n url('@{icon-font-path}@{icon-font-name}.ttf') format('truetype'),\n url('@{icon-font-path}@{icon-font-name}.svg#@{icon-font-svg-id}') format('svg');\n}\n\n// Catchall baseclass\n.glyphicon {\n position: relative;\n top: 1px;\n display: inline-block;\n font-family: 'Glyphicons Halflings';\n font-style: normal;\n font-weight: normal;\n line-height: 1;\n -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;\n -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;\n}\n\n// Individual icons\n.glyphicon-asterisk { &:before { content: \"\\2a\"; } }\n.glyphicon-plus { &:before { content: \"\\2b\"; } }\n.glyphicon-euro,\n.glyphicon-eur { &:before { content: \"\\20ac\"; } }\n.glyphicon-minus { &:before { content: \"\\2212\"; } }\n.glyphicon-cloud { &:before { content: \"\\2601\"; } }\n.glyphicon-envelope { &:before { content: \"\\2709\"; } }\n.glyphicon-pencil { &:before { content: \"\\270f\"; } }\n.glyphicon-glass { &:before { content: \"\\e001\"; } }\n.glyphicon-music { &:before { content: \"\\e002\"; } }\n.glyphicon-search { &:before { content: \"\\e003\"; } }\n.glyphicon-heart { &:before { content: \"\\e005\"; } }\n.glyphicon-star { &:before { content: \"\\e006\"; } }\n.glyphicon-star-empty { &:before { content: \"\\e007\"; } }\n.glyphicon-user { &:before { content: \"\\e008\"; } }\n.glyphicon-film { &:before { content: \"\\e009\"; } }\n.glyphicon-th-large { &:before { content: \"\\e010\"; } }\n.glyphicon-th { &:before { content: \"\\e011\"; } }\n.glyphicon-th-list { &:before { content: \"\\e012\"; } }\n.glyphicon-ok { &:before { content: \"\\e013\"; } }\n.glyphicon-remove { &:before { content: \"\\e014\"; } }\n.glyphicon-zoom-in { &:before { content: \"\\e015\"; } }\n.glyphicon-zoom-out { &:before { content: \"\\e016\"; } }\n.glyphicon-off { &:before { content: \"\\e017\"; } }\n.glyphicon-signal { &:before { content: \"\\e018\"; } }\n.glyphicon-cog { &:before { content: \"\\e019\"; } }\n.glyphicon-trash { &:before { content: \"\\e020\"; } }\n.glyphicon-home { &:before { content: \"\\e021\"; } }\n.glyphicon-file { &:before { content: \"\\e022\"; } }\n.glyphicon-time { &:before { content: \"\\e023\"; } }\n.glyphicon-road { &:before { content: \"\\e024\"; } }\n.glyphicon-download-alt { &:before { content: \"\\e025\"; } }\n.glyphicon-download { &:before { content: \"\\e026\"; } }\n.glyphicon-upload { &:before { content: \"\\e027\"; } }\n.glyphicon-inbox { &:before { content: \"\\e028\"; } }\n.glyphicon-play-circle { &:before { content: \"\\e029\"; } }\n.glyphicon-repeat { &:before { content: \"\\e030\"; } }\n.glyphicon-refresh { &:before { content: \"\\e031\"; } }\n.glyphicon-list-alt { &:before { content: \"\\e032\"; 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} }\n.glyphicon-expand { &:before { content: \"\\e158\"; } }\n.glyphicon-collapse-down { &:before { content: \"\\e159\"; } }\n.glyphicon-collapse-up { &:before { content: \"\\e160\"; } }\n.glyphicon-log-in { &:before { content: \"\\e161\"; } }\n.glyphicon-flash { &:before { content: \"\\e162\"; } }\n.glyphicon-log-out { &:before { content: \"\\e163\"; } }\n.glyphicon-new-window { &:before { content: \"\\e164\"; } }\n.glyphicon-record { &:before { content: \"\\e165\"; } }\n.glyphicon-save { &:before { content: \"\\e166\"; } }\n.glyphicon-open { &:before { content: \"\\e167\"; } }\n.glyphicon-saved { &:before { content: \"\\e168\"; } }\n.glyphicon-import { &:before { content: \"\\e169\"; } }\n.glyphicon-export { &:before { content: \"\\e170\"; } }\n.glyphicon-send { &:before { content: \"\\e171\"; } }\n.glyphicon-floppy-disk { &:before { content: \"\\e172\"; } }\n.glyphicon-floppy-saved { &:before { content: \"\\e173\"; } }\n.glyphicon-floppy-remove { &:before { content: \"\\e174\"; } }\n.glyphicon-floppy-save { &:before { content: \"\\e175\"; } }\n.glyphicon-floppy-open { &:before { content: \"\\e176\"; } }\n.glyphicon-credit-card { &:before { content: \"\\e177\"; } }\n.glyphicon-transfer { &:before { content: \"\\e178\"; } }\n.glyphicon-cutlery { &:before { content: \"\\e179\"; } }\n.glyphicon-header { &:before { content: \"\\e180\"; } }\n.glyphicon-compressed { &:before { content: \"\\e181\"; } }\n.glyphicon-earphone { &:before { content: \"\\e182\"; } }\n.glyphicon-phone-alt { &:before { content: \"\\e183\"; } }\n.glyphicon-tower { &:before { content: \"\\e184\"; } }\n.glyphicon-stats { &:before { content: \"\\e185\"; } }\n.glyphicon-sd-video { &:before { content: \"\\e186\"; } }\n.glyphicon-hd-video { &:before { content: \"\\e187\"; } }\n.glyphicon-subtitles { &:before { content: \"\\e188\"; } }\n.glyphicon-sound-stereo { &:before { content: \"\\e189\"; } }\n.glyphicon-sound-dolby { &:before { content: \"\\e190\"; } }\n.glyphicon-sound-5-1 { &:before { content: \"\\e191\"; } }\n.glyphicon-sound-6-1 { &:before { content: \"\\e192\"; } }\n.glyphicon-sound-7-1 { &:before { content: \"\\e193\"; } }\n.glyphicon-copyright-mark { &:before { content: \"\\e194\"; } }\n.glyphicon-registration-mark { &:before { content: \"\\e195\"; } }\n.glyphicon-cloud-download { &:before { content: \"\\e197\"; } }\n.glyphicon-cloud-upload { &:before { content: \"\\e198\"; } }\n.glyphicon-tree-conifer { &:before { content: \"\\e199\"; } }\n.glyphicon-tree-deciduous { &:before { content: \"\\e200\"; } }\n.glyphicon-cd { &:before { content: \"\\e201\"; } }\n.glyphicon-save-file { &:before { content: \"\\e202\"; } }\n.glyphicon-open-file { &:before { content: \"\\e203\"; } }\n.glyphicon-level-up { &:before { content: \"\\e204\"; } }\n.glyphicon-copy { &:before { content: \"\\e205\"; } }\n.glyphicon-paste { &:before { content: \"\\e206\"; } }\n// The following 2 Glyphicons are omitted for the time being because\n// they currently use Unicode codepoints that are outside the\n// Basic Multilingual Plane (BMP). Older buggy versions of WebKit can't handle\n// non-BMP codepoints in CSS string escapes, and thus can't display these two icons.\n// Notably, the bug affects some older versions of the Android Browser.\n// More info: https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/issues/10106\n// .glyphicon-door { &:before { content: \"\\1f6aa\"; } }\n// .glyphicon-key { &:before { content: \"\\1f511\"; } }\n.glyphicon-alert { &:before { content: \"\\e209\"; } }\n.glyphicon-equalizer { &:before { content: \"\\e210\"; } }\n.glyphicon-king { &:before { content: \"\\e211\"; } }\n.glyphicon-queen { &:before { content: \"\\e212\"; } }\n.glyphicon-pawn { &:before { content: \"\\e213\"; } }\n.glyphicon-bishop { &:before { content: \"\\e214\"; } }\n.glyphicon-knight { &:before { content: \"\\e215\"; } }\n.glyphicon-baby-formula { &:before { content: \"\\e216\"; } }\n.glyphicon-tent { &:before { content: \"\\26fa\"; } }\n.glyphicon-blackboard { &:before { content: \"\\e218\"; } }\n.glyphicon-bed { &:before { content: \"\\e219\"; } }\n.glyphicon-apple { &:before { content: \"\\f8ff\"; } }\n.glyphicon-erase { &:before { content: \"\\e221\"; } }\n.glyphicon-hourglass { &:before { content: \"\\231b\"; } }\n.glyphicon-lamp { &:before { content: \"\\e223\"; } }\n.glyphicon-duplicate { &:before { content: \"\\e224\"; } }\n.glyphicon-piggy-bank { &:before { content: \"\\e225\"; } }\n.glyphicon-scissors { &:before { content: \"\\e226\"; } }\n.glyphicon-bitcoin { &:before { content: \"\\e227\"; } }\n.glyphicon-yen { &:before { content: \"\\00a5\"; } }\n.glyphicon-ruble { &:before { content: \"\\20bd\"; } }\n.glyphicon-scale { &:before { content: \"\\e230\"; } }\n.glyphicon-ice-lolly { &:before { content: \"\\e231\"; } }\n.glyphicon-ice-lolly-tasted { &:before { content: \"\\e232\"; } }\n.glyphicon-education { &:before { content: \"\\e233\"; } }\n.glyphicon-option-horizontal { &:before { content: \"\\e234\"; } }\n.glyphicon-option-vertical { &:before { content: \"\\e235\"; } }\n.glyphicon-menu-hamburger { &:before { content: \"\\e236\"; } }\n.glyphicon-modal-window { &:before { content: \"\\e237\"; } }\n.glyphicon-oil { &:before { content: \"\\e238\"; } }\n.glyphicon-grain { &:before { content: \"\\e239\"; } }\n.glyphicon-sunglasses { &:before { content: \"\\e240\"; } }\n.glyphicon-text-size { &:before { content: \"\\e241\"; } }\n.glyphicon-text-color { &:before { content: \"\\e242\"; } }\n.glyphicon-text-background { &:before { content: \"\\e243\"; } }\n.glyphicon-object-align-top { &:before { content: \"\\e244\"; } }\n.glyphicon-object-align-bottom { &:before { content: \"\\e245\"; } }\n.glyphicon-object-align-horizontal{ &:before { content: \"\\e246\"; } }\n.glyphicon-object-align-left { &:before { content: \"\\e247\"; } }\n.glyphicon-object-align-vertical { &:before { content: \"\\e248\"; } }\n.glyphicon-object-align-right { &:before { content: \"\\e249\"; } }\n.glyphicon-triangle-right { &:before { content: \"\\e250\"; } }\n.glyphicon-triangle-left { &:before { content: \"\\e251\"; } }\n.glyphicon-triangle-bottom { &:before { content: \"\\e252\"; } }\n.glyphicon-triangle-top { &:before { content: \"\\e253\"; } }\n.glyphicon-console { &:before { content: \"\\e254\"; } }\n.glyphicon-superscript { &:before { content: \"\\e255\"; } }\n.glyphicon-subscript { &:before { content: \"\\e256\"; } }\n.glyphicon-menu-left { &:before { content: \"\\e257\"; } }\n.glyphicon-menu-right { &:before { content: \"\\e258\"; } }\n.glyphicon-menu-down { &:before { content: \"\\e259\"; } }\n.glyphicon-menu-up { &:before { content: \"\\e260\"; } }\n","//\n// Scaffolding\n// --------------------------------------------------\n@font-face {\n font-family: 'DOS';\n src: url('fonts/Fixedsys500c.eot');\n src: local('☺'), url('fonts/Fixedsys500c.woff') format('woff'), url('fonts/Fixedsys500c.ttf') format('truetype'), url('fonts/Fixedsys500c.svg') format('svg');\n font-weight: normal;\n font-style: normal;\n}\n\n// Reset the box-sizing\n//\n// Heads up! This reset may cause conflicts with some third-party widgets.\n// For recommendations on resolving such conflicts, see\n// http://getbootstrap.com/getting-started/#third-box-sizing\n* {\n .box-sizing(border-box);\n}\n*:before,\n*:after {\n .box-sizing(border-box);\n}\n\n\n// Body reset\n\nhtml {\n font-size: @font-size-base;\n -webkit-tap-highlight-color: @black;\n}\n\nbody {\n font-family: @font-family-base;\n font-size: @font-size-base;\n line-height: @line-height-base;\n color: @text-color;\n background-color: @body-bg;\n}\n\n// Reset fonts for relevant elements\ninput,\nbutton,\nselect,\ntextarea {\n font-family: inherit;\n font-size: inherit;\n line-height: inherit;\n}\n\n\n// Links\n\na {\n color: inherit;\n text-decoration: none;\n\n &:hover,\n &:focus {\n color: @link-hover-color;\n background: @component-active-bg;\n text-decoration: @link-hover-decoration;\n &::first-letter {\n color: @gray;\n }\n }\n\n &:focus {\n .tab-focus();\n }\n}\n\n\n// Figures\n//\n// We reset this here because previously Normalize had no `figure` margins. This\n// ensures we don't break anyone's use of the element.\n\nfigure {\n margin: 0;\n}\n\n\n// Images\n\nimg {\n vertical-align: middle;\n}\n\n// Responsive images (ensure images don't scale beyond their parents)\n.img-responsive {\n .img-responsive();\n}\n\n// Rounded corners\n.img-rounded {\n}\n\n// Image thumbnails\n//\n// Heads up! This is mixin-ed into thumbnails.less for `.thumbnail`.\n.img-thumbnail {\n padding: @thumbnail-padding;\n line-height: @line-height-base;\n background-color: @thumbnail-bg;\n border: @borderWidth solid @thumbnail-border;\n\n // Keep them at most 100% wide\n .img-responsive(inline-block);\n}\n\n// Perfect circle\n.img-circle {\n}\n\n\n// Horizontal rules\n\nhr {\n margin-top: @bs;\n padding-top: @ts;\n border: 0;\n border-top: @borderWidth solid @hr-border;\n}\n\n\n// Only display content to screen readers\n//\n// See: http://a11yproject.com/posts/how-to-hide-content/\n\n.sr-only {\n position: absolute;\n width: 1px;\n height: 1px;\n margin: -1px;\n padding: 0;\n overflow: hidden;\n clip: rect(0,0,0,0);\n border: 0;\n}\n\n// Use in conjunction with .sr-only to only display content when it's focused.\n// Useful for \"Skip to main content\" links; see http://www.w3.org/TR/2013/NOTE-WCAG20-TECHS-20130905/G1\n// Credit: HTML5 Boilerplate\n\n.sr-only-focusable {\n &:active,\n &:focus {\n position: static;\n width: auto;\n height: auto;\n margin: 0;\n overflow: visible;\n clip: auto;\n }\n}\n","// Vendor Prefixes\n//\n// All vendor mixins are deprecated as of v3.2.0 due to the introduction of\n// Autoprefixer in our Gruntfile. They will be removed in v4.\n\n// - Animations\n// - Backface visibility\n// - Box shadow\n// - Box sizing\n// - Content columns\n// - Hyphens\n// - Placeholder text\n// - Transformations\n// - Transitions\n// - User Select\n\n\n// Animations\n.animation(@animation) {\n -webkit-animation: @animation;\n -o-animation: @animation;\n animation: @animation;\n}\n.animation-name(@name) {\n -webkit-animation-name: @name;\n animation-name: @name;\n}\n.animation-duration(@duration) {\n -webkit-animation-duration: @duration;\n animation-duration: @duration;\n}\n.animation-timing-function(@timing-function) {\n -webkit-animation-timing-function: @timing-function;\n animation-timing-function: @timing-function;\n}\n.animation-delay(@delay) {\n -webkit-animation-delay: @delay;\n animation-delay: @delay;\n}\n.animation-iteration-count(@iteration-count) {\n -webkit-animation-iteration-count: @iteration-count;\n animation-iteration-count: @iteration-count;\n}\n.animation-direction(@direction) {\n -webkit-animation-direction: @direction;\n animation-direction: @direction;\n}\n.animation-fill-mode(@fill-mode) {\n -webkit-animation-fill-mode: @fill-mode;\n animation-fill-mode: @fill-mode;\n}\n\n// Backface visibility\n// Prevent browsers from flickering when using CSS 3D transforms.\n// Default value is `visible`, but can be changed to `hidden`\n\n.backface-visibility(@visibility){\n -webkit-backface-visibility: @visibility;\n -moz-backface-visibility: @visibility;\n backface-visibility: @visibility;\n}\n\n// Drop shadows\n//\n// Note: Deprecated `.box-shadow()` as of v3.1.0 since all of Bootstrap's\n// supported browsers that have box shadow capabilities now support it.\n\n.box-shadow(@shadow) {\n -webkit-box-shadow: @shadow; // iOS <4.3 & Android <4.1\n box-shadow: @shadow;\n}\n\n// Box sizing\n.box-sizing(@boxmodel) {\n -webkit-box-sizing: @boxmodel;\n -moz-box-sizing: @boxmodel;\n box-sizing: @boxmodel;\n}\n\n// CSS3 Content Columns\n.content-columns(@column-count; @column-gap: @grid-gutter-width) {\n -webkit-column-count: @column-count;\n -moz-column-count: @column-count;\n column-count: @column-count;\n -webkit-column-gap: @column-gap;\n -moz-column-gap: @column-gap;\n column-gap: @column-gap;\n}\n\n// Optional hyphenation\n.hyphens(@mode: auto) {\n word-wrap: break-word;\n -webkit-hyphens: @mode;\n -moz-hyphens: @mode;\n -ms-hyphens: @mode; // IE10+\n -o-hyphens: @mode;\n hyphens: @mode;\n}\n\n// Placeholder text\n.placeholder(@color: @input-color-placeholder) {\n // Firefox\n &::-moz-placeholder {\n color: @color;\n opacity: 1; // Override Firefox's unusual default opacity; see https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/pull/11526\n }\n &:-ms-input-placeholder { color: @color; } // Internet Explorer 10+\n &::-webkit-input-placeholder { color: @color; } // Safari and Chrome\n}\n\n// Transformations\n.scale(@ratio) {\n -webkit-transform: scale(@ratio);\n -ms-transform: scale(@ratio); // IE9 only\n -o-transform: scale(@ratio);\n transform: scale(@ratio);\n}\n.scale(@ratioX; @ratioY) {\n -webkit-transform: scale(@ratioX, @ratioY);\n -ms-transform: scale(@ratioX, @ratioY); // IE9 only\n -o-transform: scale(@ratioX, @ratioY);\n transform: scale(@ratioX, @ratioY);\n}\n.scaleX(@ratio) {\n -webkit-transform: scaleX(@ratio);\n -ms-transform: scaleX(@ratio); // IE9 only\n -o-transform: scaleX(@ratio);\n transform: scaleX(@ratio);\n}\n.scaleY(@ratio) {\n -webkit-transform: scaleY(@ratio);\n -ms-transform: scaleY(@ratio); // IE9 only\n -o-transform: scaleY(@ratio);\n transform: scaleY(@ratio);\n}\n.skew(@x; @y) {\n -webkit-transform: skewX(@x) skewY(@y);\n -ms-transform: skewX(@x) skewY(@y); // See https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/issues/4885; IE9+\n -o-transform: skewX(@x) skewY(@y);\n transform: skewX(@x) skewY(@y);\n}\n.translate(@x; @y) {\n -webkit-transform: translate(@x, @y);\n -ms-transform: translate(@x, @y); // IE9 only\n -o-transform: translate(@x, @y);\n transform: translate(@x, @y);\n}\n.translate3d(@x; @y; @z) {\n -webkit-transform: translate3d(@x, @y, @z);\n transform: translate3d(@x, @y, @z);\n}\n.rotate(@degrees) {\n -webkit-transform: rotate(@degrees);\n -ms-transform: rotate(@degrees); // IE9 only\n -o-transform: rotate(@degrees);\n transform: rotate(@degrees);\n}\n.rotateX(@degrees) {\n -webkit-transform: rotateX(@degrees);\n -ms-transform: rotateX(@degrees); // IE9 only\n -o-transform: rotateX(@degrees);\n transform: rotateX(@degrees);\n}\n.rotateY(@degrees) {\n -webkit-transform: rotateY(@degrees);\n -ms-transform: rotateY(@degrees); // IE9 only\n -o-transform: rotateY(@degrees);\n transform: rotateY(@degrees);\n}\n.perspective(@perspective) {\n -webkit-perspective: @perspective;\n -moz-perspective: @perspective;\n perspective: @perspective;\n}\n.perspective-origin(@perspective) {\n -webkit-perspective-origin: @perspective;\n -moz-perspective-origin: @perspective;\n perspective-origin: @perspective;\n}\n.transform-origin(@origin) {\n -webkit-transform-origin: @origin;\n -moz-transform-origin: @origin;\n -ms-transform-origin: @origin; // IE9 only\n transform-origin: @origin;\n}\n\n\n// Transitions\n\n.transition(@transition) {\n -webkit-transition: @transition;\n -o-transition: @transition;\n transition: @transition;\n}\n.transition-property(@transition-property) {\n -webkit-transition-property: @transition-property;\n transition-property: @transition-property;\n}\n.transition-delay(@transition-delay) {\n -webkit-transition-delay: @transition-delay;\n transition-delay: @transition-delay;\n}\n.transition-duration(@transition-duration) {\n -webkit-transition-duration: @transition-duration;\n transition-duration: @transition-duration;\n}\n.transition-timing-function(@timing-function) {\n -webkit-transition-timing-function: @timing-function;\n transition-timing-function: @timing-function;\n}\n.transition-transform(@transition) {\n -webkit-transition: -webkit-transform @transition;\n -moz-transition: -moz-transform @transition;\n -o-transition: -o-transform @transition;\n transition: transform @transition;\n}\n\n\n// User select\n// For selecting text on the page\n\n.user-select(@select) {\n -webkit-user-select: @select;\n -moz-user-select: @select;\n -ms-user-select: @select; // IE10+\n user-select: @select;\n}\n","//\n// Variables\n// --------------------------------------------------\n\n\n//== Colors\n//\n//## Gray and brand colors for use across Bootstrap.\n\n//// colors from bs-2 \n// Grays\n// -------------------------\n@black: #000;\n@grayDark: #555;\n@gray: #bbb;\n@grayLight: #bbb;\n@white: #FFF;\n\n\n// Accent colors\n// -------------------------\n@blue: #5555Ff;\n@cyan: #55FFFF;\n@cyanDark: #00AAAA;\n@blueDark: #000084;\n@green: #55FF55;\n@greenDark: #00AA00;\n@magenta: #FF55FF;\n@magentaDark: #AA00AA;\n@red: #FF5555;\n@redDark: #AA0000;\n@yellow: #FEFE54;\n@brown: #AA5500;\n@orange: #A85400;\n@pink: #FE54FE;\n@purple: #FE5454;\n\n// end colors\n\n@gray-base: @gray;\n@gray-darker: @grayDark; \n@gray-dark: @grayDark;\n@gray-light: @grayLight;\n@gray-lighter: @grayLight;\n\n@brand-primary: @gray;\n@brand-primary-bg: @cyanDark;\n@brand-success: @greenDark;\n@brand-info: @brown;\n@brand-warning: @magentaDark;\n@brand-danger: @redDark;\n\n\n//== Scaffolding\n//\n//## Settings for some of the most global styles.\n\n//** Background color for `
`.\n@body-bg: @blueDark;\n//** Global text color on ``.\n@text-color: @gray-light;\n\n//** Global textual link color.\n@link-color: @brand-primary;\n//** Link hover color set via `darken()` function.\n@link-hover-color: @white;\n//** Link hover decoration.\n@link-hover-decoration: none;\n\n\n//== Typography\n//\n//## Font, line-height, and color for body text, headings, and more.\n\n@font-family-sans-serif: DOS, Monaco, Menlo, Consolas, \"Courier New\", monospace;\n@font-family-serif: DOS, Monaco, Menlo, Consolas, \"Courier New\", monospace;\n//** Default monospace fonts for ``, ``, and ``.\n@font-family-monospace: DOS, Monaco, Menlo, Consolas, \"Courier New\", monospace;\n@font-family-base: @font-family-sans-serif;\n\n@baseWidth: 10px;\n@font-size-base: 18px;\n@font-size-large: @font-size-base;\n@font-size-small: @font-size-base;\n\n@font-size-h1: @font-size-base;\n@font-size-h2: @font-size-base;\n@font-size-h3: @font-size-base;\n@font-size-h4: @font-size-base;\n@font-size-h5: @font-size-base;\n@font-size-h6: @font-size-base;\n\n//** Unit-less `line-height` for use in components like buttons.\n@baseLineHeight: 19px;\n@line-height-base: @baseLineHeight;\n//** Computed \"line-height\" (`font-size` * `line-height`) for use with `margin`, `padding`, etc.\n@line-height-computed: @line-height-base;\n\n//** By default, this inherits from the ``.\n@headings-font-family: inherit;\n@headings-font-weight: normal;\n@headings-line-height: @line-height-base; \n@headings-color: inherit;\n\n@space: @baseWidth;\n@halfbaseLineHeight: (@baseLineHeight / 2);\n@borderWidth: 2px;\n@baseLineWidth: (@baseLineHeight / 2);\n@halfSpace: (@baseWidth / 2);\n@lhsNB: (@baseWidth / 2 + 1);\n@rhsNB: (@baseWidth / 2 - 1);\n@lhs: (@lhsNB - (@borderWidth));\n@rhs: (@rhsNB - (@borderWidth / 2));\n@tsNB: (@baseLineHeight / 2);\n@bsNB: @tsNB;\n@ts: (@tsNB - (@borderWidth / 2));\n@bs: @ts;\n@tsMargin: 3px;\n\n\n//== Iconography\n//\n//## Specify custom location and filename of the included Glyphicons icon font. Useful for those including Bootstrap via Bower.\n\n//** Load fonts from this directory.\n@icon-font-path: \"../fonts/\";\n//** File name for all font files.\n@icon-font-name: \"glyphicons-halflings-regular\";\n//** Element ID within SVG icon file.\n@icon-font-svg-id: \"glyphicons_halflingsregular\";\n\n\n//== Components\n//\n//## Define common padding and border radius sizes and more. Values based on 14px text and 1.428 line-height (~20px to start).\n\n@padding-base-vertical: 0px;\n@padding-base-horizontal: 0px;\n\n@padding-large-vertical: 0px;\n@padding-large-horizontal: @halfSpace;\n\n@padding-small-vertical: 0px;\n@padding-small-horizontal: 0px;\n\n@padding-xs-vertical: 0px;\n@padding-xs-horizontal: 0px;\n\n@line-height-large: @baseLineHeight;\n@line-height-small: @baseLineHeight;\n\n@border-radius-base: 0;\n@border-radius-large: 0;\n@border-radius-small: 0;\n\n//** Global color for active items (e.g., navs or dropdowns).\n@component-active-color: @white;\n//** Global background color for active items (e.g., navs or dropdowns).\n@component-active-bg: @black;\n\n//** Width of the `border` for generating carets that indicator dropdowns.\n@caret-width-base: 4px;\n//** Carets increase slightly in size for larger components.\n@caret-width-large: 5px;\n\n\n//== Tables\n//\n//## Customizes the `.table` component with basic values, each used across all table variations.\n\n//** Padding for ``s and ` `s.\n@table-cell-padding: @ts @rhs @bs @lhs; \n//** Padding for cells in `.table-condensed`.\n@table-condensed-cell-padding: @ts @rhs @bs @lhs;\n\n//** Default background color used for all tables.\n@table-bg: transparent;\n//** Background color used for `.table-striped`.\n@table-bg-accent: @black;\n//** Background color used for `.table-hover`.\n@table-bg-hover: #f5f5f5;\n@table-bg-active: @table-bg-hover;\n\n//** Border color for table and cell borders.\n@table-border-color: @gray;\n\n\n//== Buttons\n//\n//## For each of Bootstrap's buttons, define text, background and border color.\n\n@btn-font-weight: normal;\n\n@btn-default-color: @black;\n@btn-default-bg: @grayLight;\n@btn-default-border: @grayLight;\n\n@btn-primary-color: @black;\n@btn-primary-bg: @cyanDark;\n@btn-primary-border: @grayLight;\n\n@btn-success-color: #fff;\n@btn-success-bg: @brand-success;\n@btn-success-border: @btn-success-bg;\n\n@btn-info-color: #fff;\n@btn-info-bg: @brand-info;\n@btn-info-border: @btn-info-bg;\n\n@btn-warning-color: #fff;\n@btn-warning-bg: @brand-warning;\n@btn-warning-border: @btn-warning-bg;\n\n@btn-danger-color: #fff;\n@btn-danger-bg: @brand-danger;\n@btn-danger-border: @btn-danger-bg;\n\n@btn-link-disabled-color: @gray-light;\n\n\n//== Forms\n//\n//##\n\n//** ` ` background color\n@input-bg: @cyanDark;\n//** ` ` background color\n@input-bg-disabled: @gray-lighter;\n\n//** Text color for ` `s\n@input-color: @white;\n//** ` ` border color\n@input-border: #ccc;\n\n// TODO: Rename `@input-border-radius` to `@input-border-radius-base` in v4\n//** Default `.form-control` border radius\n// This has no effect on ``s in some browsers, due to the limited stylability of ``s in CSS.\n@input-border-radius: @border-radius-base;\n//** Large `.form-control` border radius\n@input-border-radius-large: @border-radius-large;\n//** Small `.form-control` border radius\n@input-border-radius-small: @border-radius-small;\n\n//** Border color for inputs on focus\n@input-border-focus: @black;\n\n//** Placeholder text color\n@input-color-placeholder: @black;\n\n//** Default `.form-control` height\n@input-height-base: @line-height-computed;\n//** Large `.form-control` height\n@input-height-large: @input-height-base;\n//** Small `.form-control` height\n@input-height-small: @input-height-base;\n\n@legend-color: @gray-dark;\n@legend-border-color: #e5e5e5;\n\n//** Background color for textual input addons\n@input-group-addon-bg: @gray-lighter;\n//** Border color for textual input addons\n@input-group-addon-border-color: @input-border;\n\n//** Disabled cursor for form controls and buttons.\n@cursor-disabled: not-allowed;\n\n\n//== Dropdowns\n//\n//## Dropdown menu container and contents.\n\n//** Background for the dropdown menu.\n@dropdown-bg: @gray;\n//** Dropdown menu `border-color`.\n@dropdown-border: rgb(0,0,0);\n//** Dropdown menu `border-color` **for IE8**.\n@dropdown-fallback-border: #ccc;\n//** Divider color for between dropdown items.\n@dropdown-divider-bg: @black;\n\n//** Dropdown link text color.\n@dropdown-link-color: @black;\n//** Hover color for dropdown links.\n@dropdown-link-hover-color: @gray;\n//** Hover background for dropdown links.\n@dropdown-link-hover-bg: @black;\n\n//** Active dropdown menu item text color.\n@dropdown-link-active-color: @component-active-color;\n//** Active dropdown menu item background color.\n@dropdown-link-active-bg: @component-active-bg;\n\n//** Disabled dropdown menu item background color.\n@dropdown-link-disabled-color: @gray-light;\n\n//** Text color for headers within dropdown menus.\n@dropdown-header-color: @black;\n\n//** Deprecated `@dropdown-caret-color` as of v3.1.0\n@dropdown-caret-color: #000;\n\n\n//-- Z-index master list\n//\n// Warning: Avoid customizing these values. They're used for a bird's eye view\n// of components dependent on the z-axis and are designed to all work together.\n//\n// Note: These variables are not generated into the Customizer.\n\n@zindex-navbar: 1000;\n@zindex-dropdown: 1000;\n@zindex-popover: 1060;\n@zindex-tooltip: 1070;\n@zindex-navbar-fixed: 1030;\n@zindex-modal: 1040;\n\n\n//== Media queries breakpoints\n//\n//## Define the breakpoints at which your layout will change, adapting to different screen sizes.\n\n// Extra small screen / phone\n//** Deprecated `@screen-xs` as of v3.0.1\n@screen-xs: 480px;\n//** Deprecated `@screen-xs-min` as of v3.2.0\n@screen-xs-min: @screen-xs;\n//** Deprecated `@screen-phone` as of v3.0.1\n@screen-phone: @screen-xs-min;\n\n// Small screen / tablet\n//** Deprecated `@screen-sm` as of v3.0.1\n@screen-sm: 768px;\n@screen-sm-min: @screen-sm;\n//** Deprecated `@screen-tablet` as of v3.0.1\n@screen-tablet: @screen-sm-min;\n\n// Medium screen / desktop\n//** Deprecated `@screen-md` as of v3.0.1\n@screen-md: 992px;\n@screen-md-min: @screen-md;\n//** Deprecated `@screen-desktop` as of v3.0.1\n@screen-desktop: @screen-md-min;\n\n// Large screen / wide desktop\n//** Deprecated `@screen-lg` as of v3.0.1\n@screen-lg: 1200px;\n@screen-lg-min: @screen-lg;\n//** Deprecated `@screen-lg-desktop` as of v3.0.1\n@screen-lg-desktop: @screen-lg-min;\n\n// So media queries don't overlap when required, provide a maximum\n@screen-xs-max: (@screen-sm-min - 1);\n@screen-sm-max: (@screen-md-min - 1);\n@screen-md-max: (@screen-lg-min - 1);\n\n\n//== Grid system\n//\n//## Define your custom responsive grid.\n\n//** Number of columns in the grid.\n@grid-columns: 12;\n//** Padding between columns. Gets divided in half for the left and right.\n@grid-gutter-width: (@baseWidth * 2);\n// Navbar collapse\n//** Point at which the navbar becomes uncollapsed.\n@grid-float-breakpoint: @screen-sm-min;\n//** Point at which the navbar begins collapsing.\n@grid-float-breakpoint-max: (@grid-float-breakpoint);\n\n\n//== Container sizes\n//\n//## Define the maximum width of `.container` for different screen sizes.\n\n// Small screen / tablet\n@container-tablet: (720px + @grid-gutter-width);\n//** For `@screen-sm-min` and up.\n@container-sm: @container-tablet;\n\n// Medium screen / desktop\n@container-desktop: (940px + @grid-gutter-width);\n//** For `@screen-md-min` and up.\n@container-md: @container-desktop;\n\n// Large screen / wide desktop\n@container-large-desktop: (1140px + @grid-gutter-width);\n//** For `@screen-lg-min` and up.\n@container-lg: @container-large-desktop;\n\n\n//== Navbar\n//\n//##\n\n// Basics of a navbar\n@navbar-height: 0px;\n@navbar-margin-bottom: @line-height-computed;\n@navbar-border-radius: @border-radius-base;\n@navbar-padding-horizontal: (@baseWidth * 2);\n@navbar-padding-vertical: 0;\n@navbar-collapse-max-height: 340px;\n\n@navbar-default-color: @black;\n@navbar-default-bg: @grayLight;\n@navbar-default-border: @navbar-default-bg;\n\n// Navbar links\n@navbar-default-link-color: @black;\n@navbar-default-link-hover-color: @white;\n@navbar-default-link-hover-bg: @black;\n@navbar-default-link-active-color: @white;\n@navbar-default-link-active-bg: @black;\n@navbar-default-link-disabled-color: @gray;\n@navbar-default-link-disabled-bg: transparent;\n\n// Navbar brand label\n@navbar-default-brand-color: @navbar-default-link-color;\n@navbar-default-brand-hover-color: @navbar-default-brand-color;\n@navbar-default-brand-hover-bg: transparent;\n\n// Navbar toggle\n@navbar-default-toggle-hover-bg: #ddd;\n@navbar-default-toggle-icon-bar-bg: #888;\n@navbar-default-toggle-border-color: #ddd;\n\n\n// Inverted navbar\n// Reset inverted navbar basics\n@navbar-inverse-color: @gray;\n@navbar-inverse-bg: @black;\n@navbar-inverse-border: @navbar-inverse-bg;\n\n// Inverted navbar links\n@navbar-inverse-link-color: @gray-light;\n@navbar-inverse-link-hover-color: @black;\n@navbar-inverse-link-hover-bg: @grayLight;\n@navbar-inverse-link-active-color: @white;\n@navbar-inverse-link-active-bg: @grayDark;\n@navbar-inverse-link-disabled-color: @gray;\n@navbar-inverse-link-disabled-bg: transparent;\n\n// Inverted navbar brand label\n@navbar-inverse-brand-color: @navbar-inverse-link-color;\n@navbar-inverse-brand-hover-color: #fff;\n@navbar-inverse-brand-hover-bg: transparent;\n\n// Inverted navbar toggle\n@navbar-inverse-toggle-hover-bg: @grayLight;\n@navbar-inverse-toggle-icon-bar-bg: #fff;\n@navbar-inverse-toggle-border-color: #333;\n\n\n//== Navs\n//\n//##\n\n//=== Shared nav styles\n@nav-link-padding: 0 @baseWidth;\n@nav-link-hover-bg: @gray-lighter;\n\n@nav-disabled-link-color: @gray-light;\n@nav-disabled-link-hover-color: @gray-light;\n\n//== Tabs\n@nav-tabs-border-color: #ddd;\n\n@nav-tabs-link-hover-border-color: @gray-lighter;\n\n@nav-tabs-active-link-hover-bg: @black;\n@nav-tabs-active-link-hover-color: @white;\n\n@nav-tabs-justified-active-link-border-color: @body-bg;\n\n//== Pills\n@nav-pills-border-radius: @border-radius-base;\n@nav-pills-active-link-hover-bg: @component-active-bg;\n@nav-pills-active-link-hover-color: @component-active-color;\n\n\n//== Pagination\n//\n//##\n\n@pagination-color: @black;\n@pagination-bg: @gray;\n@pagination-border: #ddd;\n\n@pagination-hover-color: @link-hover-color;\n@pagination-hover-bg: @gray-lighter;\n@pagination-hover-border: #ddd;\n\n@pagination-active-color: #fff;\n@pagination-active-bg: @brand-primary;\n@pagination-active-border: @brand-primary;\n\n@pagination-disabled-color: @gray-light;\n@pagination-disabled-bg: #fff;\n@pagination-disabled-border: #ddd;\n\n\n//== Pager\n//\n//##\n\n@pager-bg: @pagination-bg;\n@pager-border: @pagination-border;\n@pager-border-radius: 0;\n\n@pager-hover-bg: @pagination-hover-bg;\n\n@pager-active-bg: @pagination-active-bg;\n@pager-active-color: @pagination-active-color;\n\n@pager-disabled-color: @pagination-disabled-color;\n\n\n//== Jumbotron\n//\n//##\n\n@jumbotron-padding: (@ts) (@rhs + @baseWidth) (@bs) (@lhs + @baseWidth);\n@jumbotron-color: @white;\n@jumbotron-bg: transparent;\n@jumbotron-heading-color: inherit;\n@jumbotron-font-size: @font-size-base;\n\n\n//== Form states and alerts\n//\n//## Define colors for form feedback states and, by default, alerts.\n\n@state-success-text: @green;\n@state-success-bg: @greenDark;\n@state-success-border: @state-success-bg;\n\n@state-info-text: @yellow;\n@state-info-bg: @brown;\n@state-info-border: @state-info-bg;\n\n@state-warning-text: @magenta;\n@state-warning-bg: @magentaDark;\n@state-warning-border: @state-warning-bg;\n\n@state-danger-text: @red;\n@state-danger-bg: @black;\n@state-danger-border: @state-danger-bg;\n\n\n//== Tooltips\n//\n//##\n\n//** Tooltip max width\n@tooltip-max-width: (@baseWidth * 25);\n//** Tooltip text color\n@tooltip-color: @white;\n//** Tooltip background color\n@tooltip-bg: @grayDark;\n@tooltip-opacity: 1;\n\n//** Tooltip arrow width\n@tooltip-arrow-width: 0px;\n//** Tooltip arrow color\n@tooltip-arrow-color: @tooltip-bg;\n\n\n//== Popovers\n//\n//##\n\n//** Popover body background color\n@popover-bg: @gray;\n//** Popover maximum width\n@popover-max-width: (@baseWidth * 20);\n//** Popover border color\n@popover-border-color: rgb(0,0,0);\n//** Popover fallback border color\n@popover-fallback-border-color: #ccc;\n\n//** Popover title background color\n@popover-title-bg: @greenDark;\n\n//** Popover arrow width\n@popover-arrow-width: 10px;\n//** Popover arrow color\n@popover-arrow-color: @popover-bg;\n\n//** Popover outer arrow width\n@popover-arrow-outer-width: (@popover-arrow-width + 1);\n//** Popover outer arrow color\n@popover-arrow-outer-color: @popover-border-color;\n//** Popover outer arrow fallback color\n@popover-arrow-outer-fallback-color: @popover-fallback-border-color;\n\n\n//== Labels\n//\n//##\n\n//** Default label background color\n@label-default-bg: @gray-light;\n//** Primary label background color\n@label-primary-bg: @brand-primary-bg;\n//** Success label background color\n@label-success-bg: @brand-success;\n//** Info label background color\n@label-info-bg: @brand-info;\n//** Warning label background color\n@label-warning-bg: @brand-warning;\n//** Danger label background color\n@label-danger-bg: @brand-danger;\n\n//** Default label text color\n@label-color: #fff;\n//** Default text color of a linked label\n@label-link-hover-color: #fff;\n\n\n//== Modals\n//\n//##\n\n//** Padding applied to the modal body\n@modal-inner-padding: 0 @baseWidth;\n\n//** Padding applied to the modal title\n@modal-title-padding: 0 @baseWidth;\n//** Modal title line-height\n@modal-title-line-height: @line-height-base;\n\n//** Background color of modal content area\n@modal-content-bg: @gray;\n//** Modal content border color\n@modal-content-border-color: rgb(0,0,0);\n//** Modal content border color **for IE8**\n@modal-content-fallback-border-color: #999;\n\n//** Modal backdrop background color\n@modal-backdrop-bg: #000;\n//** Modal backdrop opacity\n@modal-backdrop-opacity: .5;\n//** Modal header border color\n@modal-header-border-color: #e5e5e5;\n//** Modal footer border color\n@modal-footer-border-color: @modal-header-border-color;\n\n@modal-lg: 900px;\n@modal-md: 600px;\n@modal-sm: 300px;\n\n\n//== Alerts\n//\n//## Define alert colors, border radius, and padding.\n\n@alert-padding: @line-height-base (@baseWidth * 2);\n@alert-border-radius: @border-radius-base;\n@alert-link-font-weight: normal;\n\n@alert-success-bg: @state-success-bg;\n@alert-success-text: @state-success-text;\n@alert-success-border: @state-success-border;\n\n@alert-info-bg: @state-info-bg;\n@alert-info-text: @state-info-text;\n@alert-info-border: @state-info-border;\n\n@alert-warning-bg: @state-warning-bg;\n@alert-warning-text: @state-warning-text;\n@alert-warning-border: @state-warning-border;\n\n@alert-danger-bg: @state-danger-bg;\n@alert-danger-text: @state-danger-text;\n@alert-danger-border: @state-danger-border;\n\n\n//== Progress bars\n//\n//##\n\n//** Background color of the whole progress component\n@progress-bg: @black;\n//** Progress bar text color\n@progress-bar-color: @black;\n//** Variable for setting rounded corners on progress bar.\n@progress-border-radius: @border-radius-base;\n\n//** Default progress bar color\n@progress-bar-bg: @brand-primary;\n//** Success progress bar color\n@progress-bar-success-bg: @brand-success;\n//** Warning progress bar color\n@progress-bar-warning-bg: @brand-warning;\n//** Danger progress bar color\n@progress-bar-danger-bg: @brand-danger;\n//** Info progress bar color\n@progress-bar-info-bg: @brand-info;\n\n\n//== List group\n//\n//##\n\n//** Background color on `.list-group-item`\n@list-group-bg: @gray;\n//** `.list-group-item` border color\n@list-group-border: #ddd;\n//** List group border radius\n@list-group-border-radius: @border-radius-base;\n\n//** Background color of single list items on hover\n@list-group-hover-bg: @black;\n//** Text color of active list items\n@list-group-active-color: @component-active-color;\n//** Background color of active list items\n@list-group-active-bg: @component-active-bg;\n//** Border color of active list elements\n@list-group-active-border: @list-group-active-bg;\n//** Text color for content within active list items\n@list-group-active-text-color: @component-active-color;\n\n//** Text color of disabled list items\n@list-group-disabled-color: @gray-dark;\n//** Background color of disabled list items\n@list-group-disabled-bg: @gray-lighter;\n//** Text color for content within disabled list items\n@list-group-disabled-text-color: @list-group-disabled-color;\n\n@list-group-link-color: @black;\n@list-group-link-hover-color: @list-group-link-color;\n@list-group-link-heading-color: #333;\n\n\n//== Panels\n//\n//##\n\n@panel-bg: @gray;\n@panel-body-padding: 0 @rhsNB 0 @lhsNB;\n@panel-heading-padding: 0 @rhsNB 0 @lhsNB;\n@panel-footer-padding: @panel-heading-padding;\n@panel-border-radius: @border-radius-base;\n\n//** Border color for elements within panels\n@panel-inner-border: #ddd;\n@panel-footer-bg: #f5f5f5;\n\n@panel-default-text: @white;\n@panel-default-border: #ddd;\n@panel-default-heading-bg: @grayDark;\n\n@panel-primary-text: @white;\n@panel-primary-border: @brand-primary;\n@panel-primary-heading-bg: @cyanDark;\n\n@panel-success-text: @state-success-text;\n@panel-success-border: @state-success-border;\n@panel-success-heading-bg: @state-success-bg;\n\n@panel-info-text: @state-info-text;\n@panel-info-border: @state-info-border;\n@panel-info-heading-bg: @state-info-bg;\n\n@panel-warning-text: @state-warning-text;\n@panel-warning-border: @state-warning-border;\n@panel-warning-heading-bg: @state-warning-bg;\n\n@panel-danger-text: @state-danger-text;\n@panel-danger-border: @state-danger-border;\n@panel-danger-heading-bg: @state-danger-bg;\n\n\n//== Thumbnails\n//\n//##\n\n//** Padding around the thumbnail image\n@thumbnail-padding: 4px;\n//** Thumbnail background color\n@thumbnail-bg: @body-bg;\n//** Thumbnail border color\n@thumbnail-border: #ddd;\n//** Thumbnail border radius\n@thumbnail-border-radius: @border-radius-base;\n\n//** Custom text color for thumbnail captions\n@thumbnail-caption-color: @text-color;\n//** Padding around the thumbnail caption\n@thumbnail-caption-padding: 9px;\n\n\n//== Wells\n//\n//##\n\n@well-bg: @greenDark;\n@well-border: @well-bg;\n\n\n//== Badges\n//\n//##\n\n@badge-color: @black;\n//** Linked badge text color on hover\n@badge-link-hover-color: #fff;\n@badge-bg: @gray-light;\n\n//** Badge text color in active nav link\n@badge-active-color: @link-color;\n//** Badge background color in active nav link\n@badge-active-bg: @black;\n\n@badge-font-weight: normal;\n@badge-line-height: @line-height-base;\n@badge-border-radius: 0;\n\n\n//== Breadcrumbs\n//\n//##\n\n@breadcrumb-padding-vertical: 8px;\n@breadcrumb-padding-horizontal: 15px;\n//** Breadcrumb background color\n@breadcrumb-bg: #f5f5f5;\n//** Breadcrumb text color\n@breadcrumb-color: #ccc;\n//** Text color of current page in the breadcrumb\n@breadcrumb-active-color: @gray-light;\n//** Textual separator for between breadcrumb elements\n@breadcrumb-separator: \"/\";\n\n\n//== Carousel\n//\n//##\n\n@carousel-text-shadow: none;\n\n@carousel-control-color: #fff;\n@carousel-control-width: 15%;\n@carousel-control-opacity: 1;\n@carousel-control-font-size: @font-size-base;\n\n@carousel-indicator-active-bg: #fff;\n@carousel-indicator-border-color: #fff;\n\n@carousel-caption-color: #fff;\n\n\n//== Close\n//\n//##\n\n@close-font-weight: normal;\n@close-color: #000;\n@close-text-shadow: none;\n\n\n//== Code\n//\n//##\n\n@code-color: #c7254e;\n@code-bg: #f9f2f4;\n\n@kbd-color: #fff;\n@kbd-bg: #333;\n\n@pre-bg: #f5f5f5;\n@pre-color: @gray-dark;\n@pre-border-color: #ccc;\n@pre-scrollable-max-height: 340px;\n\n\n//== Type\n//\n//##\n\n//** Horizontal offset for forms and lists.\n@component-offset-horizontal: 180px;\n//** Text muted color\n@text-muted: @gray-dark;\n//** Abbreviations and acronyms border color\n@abbr-border-color: @gray-light;\n//** Headings small color\n@headings-small-color: @gray-light;\n//** Blockquote small color\n@blockquote-small-color: @gray-light;\n//** Blockquote font size\n@blockquote-font-size: @font-size-base;\n//** Blockquote border color\n@blockquote-border-color: @gray-lighter;\n//** Page header border color\n@page-header-border-color: @gray-lighter;\n//** Width of horizontal description list titles\n@dl-horizontal-offset: @component-offset-horizontal;\n//** Horizontal line color.\n@hr-border: @black;\n","// WebKit-style focus\n\n.tab-focus() {\n // Default\n outline: thin dotted;\n // WebKit\n outline: 5px auto -webkit-focus-ring-color;\n outline-offset: -2px;\n}\n","//\n// Thumbnails\n// --------------------------------------------------\n\n\n// Mixin and adjust the regular image class\n.thumbnail {\n display: block;\n padding: @thumbnail-padding;\n margin-bottom: @line-height-computed;\n line-height: @line-height-base;\n background-color: @thumbnail-bg;\n border: @borderWidth solid @thumbnail-border;\n\n > img,\n a > img {\n &:extend(.img-responsive);\n margin-left: auto;\n margin-right: auto;\n }\n\n // Add a hover state for linked versions only\n a&:hover,\n a&:focus,\n a&.active {\n border-color: @link-color;\n }\n\n // Image captions\n .caption {\n padding: @thumbnail-caption-padding;\n color: @thumbnail-caption-color;\n }\n}\n","//\n// Carousel\n// --------------------------------------------------\n\n\n// Wrapper for the slide container and indicators\n.carousel {\n position: relative;\n}\n\n.carousel-inner {\n position: relative;\n overflow: hidden;\n width: 100%;\n\n > .item {\n display: none;\n position: relative;\n\n // Account for jankitude on images\n > img,\n > a > img {\n &:extend(.img-responsive);\n line-height: 1;\n }\n\n // WebKit CSS3 transforms for supported devices\n @media all and (transform-3d), (-webkit-transform-3d) {\n .backface-visibility(~'hidden');\n .perspective(1000);\n\n &.next,\n &.active.right {\n .translate3d(100%, 0, 0);\n left: 0;\n }\n &.prev,\n &.active.left {\n .translate3d(-100%, 0, 0);\n left: 0;\n }\n &.next.left,\n &.prev.right,\n &.active {\n .translate3d(0, 0, 0);\n left: 0;\n }\n }\n }\n\n > .active,\n > .next,\n > .prev {\n display: block;\n }\n\n > .active {\n left: 0;\n }\n\n > .next,\n > .prev {\n position: absolute;\n top: 0;\n width: 100%;\n }\n\n > .next {\n left: 100%;\n }\n > .prev {\n left: -100%;\n }\n > .next.left,\n > .prev.right {\n left: 0;\n }\n\n > .active.left {\n left: -100%;\n }\n > .active.right {\n left: 100%;\n }\n\n}\n\n// Left/right controls for nav\n// ---------------------------\n\n.carousel-control {\n position: absolute;\n top: 0;\n left: 0;\n bottom: 0;\n width: @carousel-control-width;\n .opacity(@carousel-control-opacity);\n font-size: @carousel-control-font-size;\n color: @carousel-control-color;\n text-align: center;\n text-shadow: @carousel-text-shadow;\n // We can't have this transition here because WebKit cancels the carousel\n // animation if you trip this while in the middle of another animation.\n\n // Set gradients for backgrounds\n &.left {\n }\n &.right {\n left: auto;\n right: 0;\n }\n\n // Hover/focus state\n &:hover,\n &:focus {\n outline: 0;\n color: @carousel-control-color;\n text-decoration: none;\n .opacity(.9);\n }\n\n // Toggles\n .icon-prev,\n .icon-next,\n .glyphicon-chevron-left,\n .glyphicon-chevron-right {\n position: absolute;\n top: 50%;\n z-index: 5;\n display: inline-block;\n }\n .icon-prev,\n .glyphicon-chevron-left {\n left: 50%;\n margin-left: -10px;\n }\n .icon-next,\n .glyphicon-chevron-right {\n right: 50%;\n margin-right: -10px;\n }\n .icon-prev,\n .icon-next {\n width: 20px;\n height: 20px;\n margin-top: -10px;\n line-height: 1;\n font-family: serif;\n }\n\n\n .icon-prev {\n &:before {\n content: '\\2039';// SINGLE LEFT-POINTING ANGLE QUOTATION MARK (U+2039)\n }\n }\n .icon-next {\n &:before {\n content: '\\203a';// SINGLE RIGHT-POINTING ANGLE QUOTATION MARK (U+203A)\n }\n }\n}\n\n// Optional indicator pips\n//\n// Add an unordered list with the following class and add a list item for each\n// slide your carousel holds.\n\n.carousel-indicators {\n position: absolute;\n bottom: 10px;\n left: 50%;\n z-index: 15;\n width: 60%;\n margin-left: -30%;\n padding-left: 0;\n list-style: none;\n text-align: center;\n\n li {\n display: inline-block;\n width: 10px;\n height: 10px;\n margin: 1px;\n text-indent: -999px;\n border: @borderWidth solid @carousel-indicator-border-color;\n cursor: pointer;\n\n // IE8-9 hack for event handling\n //\n // Internet Explorer 8-9 does not support clicks on elements without a set\n // `background-color`. We cannot use `filter` since that's not viewed as a\n // background color by the browser. Thus, a hack is needed.\n // See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Events/click#Internet_Explorer\n //\n // For IE8, we set solid black as it doesn't support `rgba()`. For IE9, we\n // set alpha transparency for the best results possible.\n background-color: #000 \\9; // IE8\n background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0); // IE9\n }\n .active {\n margin: 0;\n width: 12px;\n height: 12px;\n background-color: @carousel-indicator-active-bg;\n }\n}\n\n// Optional captions\n// -----------------------------\n// Hidden by default for smaller viewports\n.carousel-caption {\n position: absolute;\n left: 15%;\n right: 15%;\n bottom: 20px;\n z-index: 10;\n padding-top: 20px;\n padding-bottom: 20px;\n color: @carousel-caption-color;\n text-align: center;\n text-shadow: @carousel-text-shadow;\n & .btn {\n text-shadow: none; // No shadow for button elements in carousel-caption\n }\n}\n\n\n// Scale up controls for tablets and up\n@media screen and (min-width: @screen-sm-min) {\n\n // Scale up the controls a smidge\n .carousel-control {\n .glyphicon-chevron-left,\n .glyphicon-chevron-right,\n .icon-prev,\n .icon-next {\n width: 30px;\n height: 30px;\n margin-top: -15px;\n font-size: @font-size-base;\n }\n .glyphicon-chevron-left,\n .icon-prev {\n margin-left: -15px;\n }\n .glyphicon-chevron-right,\n .icon-next {\n margin-right: -15px;\n }\n }\n\n // Show and left align the captions\n .carousel-caption {\n left: 20%;\n right: 20%;\n padding-bottom: 30px;\n }\n\n // Move up the indicators\n .carousel-indicators {\n bottom: 20px;\n }\n}\n","// Image Mixins\n// - Responsive image\n// - Retina image\n\n\n// Responsive image\n//\n// Keep images from scaling beyond the width of their parents.\n.img-responsive(@display: block) {\n display: @display;\n max-width: 100%; // Part 1: Set a maximum relative to the parent\n height: auto; // Part 2: Scale the height according to the width, otherwise you get stretching\n}\n\n\n// Retina image\n//\n// Short retina mixin for setting background-image and -size. Note that the\n// spelling of `min--moz-device-pixel-ratio` is intentional.\n.img-retina(@file-1x; @file-2x; @width-1x; @height-1x) {\n background-image: url(\"@{file-1x}\");\n\n @media\n only screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2),\n only screen and ( min--moz-device-pixel-ratio: 2),\n only screen and ( -o-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2/1),\n only screen and ( min-device-pixel-ratio: 2),\n only screen and ( min-resolution: 192dpi),\n only screen and ( min-resolution: 2dppx) {\n background-image: url(\"@{file-2x}\");\n background-size: @width-1x @height-1x;\n }\n}\n","//\n// Typography\n// --------------------------------------------------\n\n\n// Headings\n// -------------------------\n\nh1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6,\n.h1, .h2, .h3, .h4, .h5, .h6 {\n font-family: @headings-font-family;\n font-weight: @headings-font-weight;\n line-height: @baseLineHeight;\n margin: 0 0 @baseLineHeight 0;\n color: @headings-color;\n\n small,\n .small {\n font-weight: normal;\n line-height: 1;\n color: @headings-small-color;\n }\n}\n\nh1,\nh2,\nh3 { line-height: @baseLineHeight; }\nh3:before {\n content: \"[\";\n}\nh3:after {\n content: \"]\";\n}\n\nh1 { font-size: @font-size-base; \ntext-transform: uppercase;} // ~38px\nh2 { font-size: @font-size-base; \nwhite-space:nowrap;\n} // ~32px\nh3 { font-size: @font-size-base; } // ~24px\nh4 { font-size: @font-size-base; color: @white} // ~18px\nh5 { font-size: @font-size-base; }\nh6 { font-size: @font-size-base; } // ~12px\n\nh1 small { font-size: @font-size-base; } // ~24px\nh2 small { font-size: @font-size-base; } // ~18px\nh3 small { font-size: @font-size-base; }\nh4 small { font-size: @font-size-base; }\n\n\n// Body text\n// -------------------------\n\np {\n margin: 0 0 @line-height-computed;\n}\n\n.lead {\n margin-bottom: @line-height-computed;\n font-size: @font-size-base;\n font-weight: normal;\n line-height: 1;\n\n @media (min-width: @screen-sm-min) {\n font-size: @font-size-base;\n }\n}\n\n\n// Emphasis & misc\n// -------------------------\n\n// Ex: (12px small font / 14px base font) * 100% = about 85%\nsmall,\n.small {\n font-size: @font-size-small;\n}\n\nmark,\n.mark {\n background-color: @state-warning-bg;\n padding: 0;\n}\n\n// Alignment\n.text-left { text-align: left; }\n.text-right { text-align: right; }\n.text-center { text-align: center; }\n.text-justify { text-align: justify; }\n.text-nowrap { white-space: nowrap; }\n\n// Transformation\n.text-lowercase { text-transform: lowercase; }\n.text-uppercase { text-transform: uppercase; }\n.text-capitalize { text-transform: capitalize; }\n\n// Contextual colors\n.text-muted {\n color: @text-muted;\n}\n.text-primary {\n .text-emphasis-variant(@brand-primary);\n}\n.text-success {\n .text-emphasis-variant(@state-success-text);\n}\n.text-info {\n .text-emphasis-variant(@state-info-text);\n}\n.text-warning {\n .text-emphasis-variant(@state-warning-text);\n}\n.text-danger {\n .text-emphasis-variant(@state-danger-text);\n}\n\n// Contextual backgrounds\n// For now we'll leave these alongside the text classes until v4 when we can\n// safely shift things around (per SemVer rules).\n.bg-primary {\n // Given the contrast here, this is the only class to have its color inverted\n // automatically.\n color: #fff;\n .bg-variant(@brand-primary);\n}\n.bg-success {\n .bg-variant(@state-success-bg);\n}\n.bg-info {\n .bg-variant(@state-info-bg);\n}\n.bg-warning {\n .bg-variant(@state-warning-bg);\n}\n.bg-danger {\n .bg-variant(@state-danger-bg);\n}\n\n\n// Page header\n// -------------------------\n\n.page-header {\n padding-bottom: ((@line-height-computed / 2) - 1);\n margin: (@line-height-computed * 2) 0 @line-height-computed;\n border-bottom: @borderWidth solid @page-header-border-color;\n}\n\n\n// Lists\n// -------------------------\n\n// Unordered and Ordered lists\nul,\nol {\n margin-top: 0;\n margin-bottom: (@line-height-computed / 2);\n ul,\n ol {\n margin-bottom: 0;\n }\n}\n\ni, cite, em, var, address, dfn,\ndel,s,ins,u {\n font-style: normal;\n text-decoration: none;\n}\ndel,s {\n background: @black;\n color: @grayDark;\n}\nins {\n background: @cyanDark;\n color: @white;\n}\nsmall {\n text-transform: lowercase;\n}\nsmall:before { content: '*note: '}\nins:before { content: '<'; }\nins:after { content: '>'; }\ndel:before,s:before, { content: '[' };\ndel:after,s:after { content: '](removed)'; }\nu:before, u:after { content: '_'; }\nem:before, em:after { content: '/'; }\n\nstrong {\n text-transform: uppercase;\n}\n\n// List options\n\n// Unstyled keeps list items block level, just removes default browser padding and list-style\n.list-unstyled {\n padding-left: 0;\n list-style: none;\n}\n\n// Inline turns list items into inline-block\n.list-inline {\n .list-unstyled();\n margin: 0;\n padding: 0;\n\n > li {\n display: inline-block;\n padding: 0 @baseWidth;\n }\n}\n\n// Description Lists\ndl {\n margin-top: 0; // Remove browser default\n margin-bottom: @line-height-computed;\n}\ndt,\ndd {\n line-height: @line-height-base;\n}\ndt {\n font-weight: normal;\n}\ndd {\n margin-left: 0; // Undo browser default\n}\n\n// Horizontal description lists\n//\n// Defaults to being stacked without any of the below styles applied, until the\n// grid breakpoint is reached (default of ~768px).\n\n.dl-horizontal {\n dd {\n &:extend(.clearfix all); // Clear the floated `dt` if an empty `dd` is present\n }\n\n @media (min-width: @grid-float-breakpoint) {\n dt {\n float: left;\n width: (@dl-horizontal-offset - 20);\n clear: left;\n text-align: right;\n .text-overflow();\n }\n dd {\n margin-left: @dl-horizontal-offset;\n }\n }\n}\n\n\n// Misc\n// -------------------------\n\n// Abbreviations and acronyms\nabbr[title],\n// Add data-* attribute to help out our tooltip plugin, per https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/issues/5257\nabbr[data-original-title] {\n cursor: help;\n border-bottom: 0px dotted @abbr-border-color;\n}\n.initialism {\n font-size: @font-size-base;\n text-transform: uppercase;\n}\n\n// Blockquotes\nblockquote {\n padding: (@line-height-computed) @line-height-computed;\n margin: 0 0 @baseLineHeight;\n border-left: (@baseLineWidth / 2) solid @gray;\n\n p,\n ul,\n ol {\n &:last-child {\n margin-bottom: 0;\n }\n }\n\n // Note: Deprecated small and .small as of v3.1.0\n // Context: https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/issues/11660\n footer,\n small,\n .small {\n display: block;\n font-size: @font-size-base;\n line-height: @line-height-base;\n color: @blockquote-small-color;\n\n &:before {\n content: '\\2014 \\00A0'; // em dash, nbsp\n }\n }\n}\n\n// Opposite alignment of blockquote\n//\n// Heads up: `blockquote.pull-right` has been deprecated as of v3.1.0.\n.blockquote-reverse,\nblockquote.pull-right {\n padding-right: @baseWidth;\n padding-left: 0;\n border-right: (@baseLineWidth / 2) solid @gray;\n border-left: 0;\n text-align: right;\n\n // Account for citation\n footer,\n small,\n .small {\n &:before { content: ''; }\n &:after {\n content: '\\00A0 \\2014'; // nbsp, em dash\n }\n }\n}\n\n// Addresses\naddress {\n margin-bottom: @line-height-computed;\n font-style: normal;\n line-height: @line-height-base;\n}\n","// Typography\n\n.text-emphasis-variant(@color) {\n color: @color;\n a&:hover {\n color: darken(@color, 10%);\n }\n}\n","// Contextual backgrounds\n\n.bg-variant(@color) {\n background-color: @color;\n a&:hover {\n background-color: darken(@color, 10%);\n }\n}\n","// Text overflow\n// Requires inline-block or block for proper styling\n\n.text-overflow() {\n overflow: hidden;\n text-overflow: ellipsis;\n white-space: nowrap;\n}\n","//\n// Code (inline and block)\n// --------------------------------------------------\n\n\n// Inline and block code styles\ncode,\nkbd,\npre,\nsamp {\n font-family: @font-family-monospace;\n}\n\n// Inline code\ncode {\n padding: 0;\n font-size: @font-size-base;\n color: @code-color;\n background-color: @code-bg;\n}\n\n// User input typically entered via keyboard\nkbd {\n padding: 0;\n font-size: @font-size-base;\n color: @kbd-color;\n background-color: @kbd-bg;\n\n kbd {\n padding: 0;\n font-size: @font-size-base;\n font-weight: normal;\n }\n}\n\n// Blocks of code\npre {\n display: block;\n padding: ((@line-height-computed - 1) / 2);\n margin: 0 0 (@line-height-computed / 2);\n font-size: @font-size-base;\n line-height: @line-height-base;\n word-break: break-all;\n word-wrap: break-word;\n color: @pre-color;\n background-color: @pre-bg;\n border: @borderWidth solid @pre-border-color;\n\n // Account for some code outputs that place code tags in pre tags\n code {\n padding: 0;\n font-size: inherit;\n color: inherit;\n white-space: pre-wrap;\n background-color: transparent;\n }\n}\n\n// Enable scrollable blocks of code\n.pre-scrollable {\n max-height: @pre-scrollable-max-height;\n overflow-y: scroll;\n}\n","//\n// Grid system\n// --------------------------------------------------\n\n\n// Container widths\n//\n// Set the container width, and override it for fixed navbars in media queries.\n\n.container {\n .container-fixed();\n\n @media (min-width: @screen-sm-min) {\n width: @container-sm;\n }\n @media (min-width: @screen-md-min) {\n width: @container-md;\n }\n @media (min-width: @screen-lg-min) {\n width: @container-lg;\n }\n}\n\n\n// Fluid container\n//\n// Utilizes the mixin meant for fixed width containers, but without any defined\n// width for fluid, full width layouts.\n\n.container-fluid {\n .container-fixed();\n}\n\n\n// Row\n//\n// Rows contain and clear the floats of your columns.\n\n.row {\n .make-row();\n}\n\n\n// Columns\n//\n// Common styles for small and large grid columns\n\n.make-grid-columns();\n\n\n// Extra small grid\n//\n// Columns, offsets, pushes, and pulls for extra small devices like\n// smartphones.\n\n.make-grid(xs);\n\n\n// Small grid\n//\n// Columns, offsets, pushes, and pulls for the small device range, from phones\n// to tablets.\n\n@media (min-width: @screen-sm-min) {\n .make-grid(sm);\n}\n\n\n// Medium grid\n//\n// Columns, offsets, pushes, and pulls for the desktop device range.\n\n@media (min-width: @screen-md-min) {\n .make-grid(md);\n}\n\n\n// Large grid\n//\n// Columns, offsets, pushes, and pulls for the large desktop device range.\n\n@media (min-width: @screen-lg-min) {\n .make-grid(lg);\n}\n","// Grid system\n//\n// Generate semantic grid columns with these mixins.\n\n// Centered container element\n.container-fixed(@gutter: @grid-gutter-width) {\n margin-right: auto;\n margin-left: auto;\n padding-left: (@gutter / 2);\n padding-right: (@gutter / 2);\n &:extend(.clearfix all);\n}\n\n// Creates a wrapper for a series of columns\n.make-row(@gutter: @grid-gutter-width) {\n margin-left: (@gutter / -2);\n margin-right: (@gutter / -2);\n &:extend(.clearfix all);\n}\n\n// Generate the extra small columns\n.make-xs-column(@columns; @gutter: @grid-gutter-width) {\n position: relative;\n float: left;\n width: percentage((@columns / @grid-columns));\n min-height: 1px;\n padding-left: (@gutter / 2);\n padding-right: (@gutter / 2);\n}\n.make-xs-column-offset(@columns) {\n margin-left: percentage((@columns / @grid-columns));\n}\n.make-xs-column-push(@columns) {\n left: percentage((@columns / @grid-columns));\n}\n.make-xs-column-pull(@columns) {\n right: percentage((@columns / @grid-columns));\n}\n\n// Generate the small columns\n.make-sm-column(@columns; @gutter: @grid-gutter-width) {\n position: relative;\n min-height: 1px;\n padding-left: (@gutter / 2);\n padding-right: (@gutter / 2);\n\n @media (min-width: @screen-sm-min) {\n float: left;\n width: percentage((@columns / @grid-columns));\n }\n}\n.make-sm-column-offset(@columns) {\n @media (min-width: @screen-sm-min) {\n margin-left: percentage((@columns / @grid-columns));\n }\n}\n.make-sm-column-push(@columns) {\n @media (min-width: @screen-sm-min) {\n left: percentage((@columns / @grid-columns));\n }\n}\n.make-sm-column-pull(@columns) {\n @media (min-width: @screen-sm-min) {\n right: percentage((@columns / @grid-columns));\n }\n}\n\n// Generate the medium columns\n.make-md-column(@columns; @gutter: @grid-gutter-width) {\n position: relative;\n min-height: 1px;\n padding-left: (@gutter / 2);\n padding-right: (@gutter / 2);\n\n @media (min-width: @screen-md-min) {\n float: left;\n width: percentage((@columns / @grid-columns));\n }\n}\n.make-md-column-offset(@columns) {\n @media (min-width: @screen-md-min) {\n margin-left: percentage((@columns / @grid-columns));\n }\n}\n.make-md-column-push(@columns) {\n @media (min-width: @screen-md-min) {\n left: percentage((@columns / @grid-columns));\n }\n}\n.make-md-column-pull(@columns) {\n @media (min-width: @screen-md-min) {\n right: percentage((@columns / @grid-columns));\n }\n}\n\n// Generate the large columns\n.make-lg-column(@columns; @gutter: @grid-gutter-width) {\n position: relative;\n min-height: 1px;\n padding-left: (@gutter / 2);\n padding-right: (@gutter / 2);\n\n @media (min-width: @screen-lg-min) {\n float: left;\n width: percentage((@columns / @grid-columns));\n }\n}\n.make-lg-column-offset(@columns) {\n @media (min-width: @screen-lg-min) {\n margin-left: percentage((@columns / @grid-columns));\n }\n}\n.make-lg-column-push(@columns) {\n @media (min-width: @screen-lg-min) {\n left: percentage((@columns / @grid-columns));\n }\n}\n.make-lg-column-pull(@columns) {\n @media (min-width: @screen-lg-min) {\n right: percentage((@columns / @grid-columns));\n }\n}\n","// Framework grid generation\n//\n// Used only by Bootstrap to generate the correct number of grid classes given\n// any value of `@grid-columns`.\n\n.make-grid-columns() {\n // Common styles for all sizes of grid columns, widths 1-12\n .col(@index) { // initial\n @item: ~\".col-xs-@{index}, .col-sm-@{index}, .col-md-@{index}, .col-lg-@{index}\";\n .col((@index + 1), @item);\n }\n .col(@index, @list) when (@index =< @grid-columns) { // general; \"=<\" isn't a typo\n @item: ~\".col-xs-@{index}, .col-sm-@{index}, .col-md-@{index}, .col-lg-@{index}\";\n .col((@index + 1), ~\"@{list}, @{item}\");\n }\n .col(@index, @list) when (@index > @grid-columns) { // terminal\n @{list} {\n position: relative;\n // Prevent columns from collapsing when empty\n min-height: 1px;\n // Inner gutter via padding\n padding-left: (@grid-gutter-width / 2);\n padding-right: (@grid-gutter-width / 2);\n }\n }\n .col(1); // kickstart it\n}\n\n.float-grid-columns(@class) {\n .col(@index) { // initial\n @item: ~\".col-@{class}-@{index}\";\n .col((@index + 1), @item);\n }\n .col(@index, @list) when (@index =< @grid-columns) { // general\n @item: ~\".col-@{class}-@{index}\";\n .col((@index + 1), ~\"@{list}, @{item}\");\n }\n .col(@index, @list) when (@index > @grid-columns) { // terminal\n @{list} {\n float: left;\n }\n }\n .col(1); // kickstart it\n}\n\n.calc-grid-column(@index, @class, @type) when (@type = width) and (@index > 0) {\n .col-@{class}-@{index} {\n width: percentage((@index / @grid-columns));\n }\n}\n.calc-grid-column(@index, @class, @type) when (@type = push) and (@index > 0) {\n .col-@{class}-push-@{index} {\n left: percentage((@index / @grid-columns));\n }\n}\n.calc-grid-column(@index, @class, @type) when (@type = push) and (@index = 0) {\n .col-@{class}-push-0 {\n left: auto;\n }\n}\n.calc-grid-column(@index, @class, @type) when (@type = pull) and (@index > 0) {\n .col-@{class}-pull-@{index} {\n right: percentage((@index / @grid-columns));\n }\n}\n.calc-grid-column(@index, @class, @type) when (@type = pull) and (@index = 0) {\n .col-@{class}-pull-0 {\n right: auto;\n }\n}\n.calc-grid-column(@index, @class, @type) when (@type = offset) {\n .col-@{class}-offset-@{index} {\n margin-left: percentage((@index / @grid-columns));\n }\n}\n\n// Basic looping in LESS\n.loop-grid-columns(@index, @class, @type) when (@index >= 0) {\n .calc-grid-column(@index, @class, @type);\n // next iteration\n .loop-grid-columns((@index - 1), @class, @type);\n}\n\n// Create grid for specific class\n.make-grid(@class) {\n .float-grid-columns(@class);\n .loop-grid-columns(@grid-columns, @class, width);\n .loop-grid-columns(@grid-columns, @class, pull);\n .loop-grid-columns(@grid-columns, @class, push);\n .loop-grid-columns(@grid-columns, @class, offset);\n}\n","//\n// Tables\n// --------------------------------------------------\n\n\ntable {\n background-color: @table-bg;\n}\ncaption {\n padding-top: @table-cell-padding;\n padding-bottom: @table-cell-padding;\n color: @text-muted;\n text-align: left;\n}\nth {\n text-align: left;\n font-weight: normal;\n}\n\n\n// Baseline styles\n\n.table {\n width: 100%;\n max-width: 100%;\n margin-bottom: @line-height-computed;\n // Cells\n > thead,\n > tbody,\n > tfoot {\n > tr {\n > th,\n > td {\n padding: @table-cell-padding;\n line-height: @line-height-base;\n vertical-align: top;\n border-top: @borderWidth solid @table-border-color;\n }\n }\n }\n // Bottom align for column headings\n > thead > tr > th {\n vertical-align: bottom;\n border-bottom: @borderWidth solid @table-border-color;\n }\n // Remove top border from thead by default\n > caption + thead,\n > colgroup + thead,\n > thead:first-child {\n > tr:first-child {\n > th,\n > td {\n border-top: 1px;\n }\n }\n }\n // Account for multiple tbody instances\n > tbody + tbody {\n border-top: @borderWidth solid @table-border-color;\n }\n\n // Nesting\n .table {\n background-color: @body-bg;\n }\n}\n\n\n// Condensed table w/ half padding\n\n.table-condensed {\n > thead,\n > tbody,\n > tfoot {\n > tr {\n > th,\n > td {\n padding: @table-condensed-cell-padding;\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\n\n// Bordered version\n//\n// Add borders all around the table and between all the columns.\n\n.table-bordered {\n border: 1px solid @table-border-color;\n > thead,\n > tbody,\n > tfoot {\n > tr {\n > th,\n > td {\n border: @borderWidth solid @table-border-color;\n }\n }\n }\n > thead > tr {\n > th,\n > td {\n border-bottom-width: @borderWidth;\n }\n }\n}\n\n\n// Zebra-striping\n//\n// Default zebra-stripe styles (alternating gray and transparent backgrounds)\n\n.table-striped {\n > tbody > tr:nth-of-type(odd) {\n color: @cyan;\n }\n}\n\n\n// Hover effect\n//\n// Placed here since it has to come after the potential zebra striping\n\n.table-hover {\n > tbody > tr:hover {\n background-color: @table-bg-hover;\n }\n}\n\n\n// Table cell sizing\n//\n// Reset default table behavior\n\ntable col[class*=\"col-\"] {\n position: static; // Prevent border hiding in Firefox and IE9-11 (see https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/issues/11623)\n float: none;\n display: table-column;\n}\ntable {\n td,\n th {\n &[class*=\"col-\"] {\n position: static; // Prevent border hiding in Firefox and IE9-11 (see https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/issues/11623)\n float: none;\n display: table-cell;\n }\n }\n}\n\n\n// Table backgrounds\n//\n// Exact selectors below required to override `.table-striped` and prevent\n// inheritance to nested tables.\n\n// Generate the contextual variants\n.table-row-variant(active; @table-bg-active);\n.table-row-variant(success; @state-success-bg);\n.table-row-variant(info; @state-info-bg);\n.table-row-variant(warning; @state-warning-bg);\n.table-row-variant(danger; @state-danger-bg);\n\n\n// Responsive tables\n//\n// Wrap your tables in `.table-responsive` and we'll make them mobile friendly\n// by enabling horizontal scrolling. Only applies <768px. Everything above that\n// will display normally.\n\n.table-responsive {\n overflow-x: auto;\n min-height: 0.01%; // Workaround for IE9 bug (see https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/issues/14837)\n\n @media screen and (max-width: @screen-xs-max) {\n width: 100%;\n margin-bottom: @bs;\n overflow-y: hidden;\n -ms-overflow-style: -ms-autohiding-scrollbar;\n border: @borderWidth solid @table-border-color;\n\n // Tighten up spacing\n > .table {\n margin-bottom: 0;\n\n // Ensure the content doesn't wrap\n > thead,\n > tbody,\n > tfoot {\n > tr {\n > th,\n > td {\n white-space: nowrap;\n }\n }\n }\n }\n\n // Special overrides for the bordered tables\n > .table-bordered {\n border: 0;\n\n // Nuke the appropriate borders so that the parent can handle them\n > thead,\n > tbody,\n > tfoot {\n > tr {\n > th:first-child,\n > td:first-child {\n }\n > th:last-child,\n > td:last-child {\n }\n }\n }\n\n // Only nuke the last row's bottom-border in `tbody` and `tfoot` since\n // chances are there will be only one `tr` in a `thead` and that would\n // remove the border altogether.\n > tbody,\n > tfoot {\n > tr:last-child {\n > th,\n > td {\n }\n }\n }\n\n }\n }\n}\n","// Tables\n\n.table-row-variant(@state; @background) {\n // Exact selectors below required to override `.table-striped` and prevent\n // inheritance to nested tables.\n .table > thead > tr,\n .table > tbody > tr,\n .table > tfoot > tr {\n > td.@{state},\n > th.@{state},\n &.@{state} > td,\n &.@{state} > th {\n color: @background;\n }\n }\n}\n","//\n// Forms\n// --------------------------------------------------\n\n\n// Normalize non-controls\n//\n// Restyle and baseline non-control form elements.\n\nfieldset {\n padding: 0;\n margin: 0;\n border: 0;\n // Chrome and Firefox set a `min-width: min-content;` on fieldsets,\n // so we reset that to ensure it behaves more like a standard block element.\n // See https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/issues/12359.\n min-width: 0;\n}\n\nlegend {\n display: block;\n width: 100%;\n padding: 0;\n margin-bottom: @line-height-computed;\n font-size: @font-size-base;\n line-height: @baseLineHeight;\n color: @legend-color;\n border: 0;\n}\nlegend:before {\n content: \"## \";\n}\nlegend:after {\n content: \" ##\";\n}\n\nlabel {\n display: inline-block;\n max-width: 100%; // Force IE8 to wrap long content (see https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/issues/13141)\n font-weight: normal;\n}\n\n\n// Normalize form controls\n//\n// While most of our form styles require extra classes, some basic normalization\n// is required to ensure optimum display with or without those classes to better\n// address browser inconsistencies.\n\n// Override content-box in Normalize (* isn't specific enough)\ninput[type=\"search\"] {\n .box-sizing(border-box);\n}\n\n// Position radios and checkboxes better\ninput[type=\"radio\"],\ninput[type=\"checkbox\"] {\n margin: 0 (@baseLineWidth / 2);\n line-height: @baseLineHeight;\n}\ninput[type=\"text\"]:before {\n content: \"[\";\n}\ninput[type=\"text\"]:after {\n content: \"]\";\n}\n\n// Set the height of file controls to match text inputs\ninput[type=\"file\"] {\n display: block;\n}\n\n// Make range inputs behave like textual form controls\ninput[type=\"range\"] {\n display: block;\n width: 100%;\n}\n\n// Make multiple select elements height not fixed\nselect[multiple],\nselect[size] {\n height: auto;\n}\n\n// Focus for file, radio, and checkbox\ninput[type=\"file\"]:focus,\ninput[type=\"radio\"]:focus,\ninput[type=\"checkbox\"]:focus {\n .tab-focus();\n}\n\n// Adjust output element\noutput {\n display: block;\n padding-top: 0;\n font-size: @font-size-base;\n line-height: @line-height-base;\n color: @input-color;\n}\n\n\n// Common form controls\n//\n// Shared size and type resets for form controls. Apply `.form-control` to any\n// of the following form controls:\n//\n// select\n// textarea\n// input[type=\"text\"]\n// input[type=\"password\"]\n// input[type=\"datetime\"]\n// input[type=\"datetime-local\"]\n// input[type=\"date\"]\n// input[type=\"month\"]\n// input[type=\"time\"]\n// input[type=\"week\"]\n// input[type=\"number\"]\n// input[type=\"email\"]\n// input[type=\"url\"]\n// input[type=\"search\"]\n// input[type=\"tel\"]\n// input[type=\"color\"]\n\n.form-control {\n display: block;\n width: 100%;\n height: @input-height-base; // Make inputs at least the height of their button counterpart (base line-height + padding + border)\n padding: @padding-base-vertical @padding-base-horizontal;\n line-height: @line-height-base;\n color: @input-color;\n background-color: @input-bg;\n background-image: none; // Reset unusual Firefox-on-Android default style; see https://github.com/necolas/normalize.css/issues/214\n border: none;\n\n // Customize the `:focus` state to imitate native WebKit styles.\n .form-control-focus();\n\n // Placeholder\n .placeholder();\n\n // Disabled and read-only inputs\n //\n // HTML5 says that controls under a fieldset > legend:first-child won't be\n // disabled if the fieldset is disabled. Due to implementation difficulty, we\n // don't honor that edge case; we style them as disabled anyway.\n &[disabled],\n &[readonly],\n fieldset[disabled] & {\n cursor: @cursor-disabled;\n background-color: @input-bg-disabled;\n opacity: 1; // iOS fix for unreadable disabled content; see https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/issues/11655\n }\n\n // Reset height for `textarea`s\n textarea& {\n height: auto;\n }\n}\n\n\n// Search inputs in iOS\n//\n// This overrides the extra rounded corners on search inputs in iOS so that our\n// `.form-control` class can properly style them. Note that this cannot simply\n// be added to `.form-control` as it's not specific enough. For details, see\n// https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/issues/11586.\n\ninput[type=\"search\"] {\n -webkit-appearance: none;\n}\n\n\n// Special styles for iOS temporal inputs\n//\n// In Mobile Safari, setting `display: block` on temporal inputs causes the\n// text within the input to become vertically misaligned. As a workaround, we\n// set a pixel line-height that matches the given height of the input, but only\n// for Safari. See https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=139848\n\n@media screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 0) {\n input[type=\"date\"],\n input[type=\"time\"],\n input[type=\"datetime-local\"],\n input[type=\"month\"] {\n line-height: @input-height-base;\n\n &.input-sm,\n .input-group-sm & {\n line-height: @input-height-small;\n }\n\n &.input-lg,\n .input-group-lg & {\n line-height: @input-height-large;\n }\n }\n}\n\n\n// Form groups\n//\n// Designed to help with the organization and spacing of vertical forms. For\n// horizontal forms, use the predefined grid classes.\n\n.form-group {\n margin-bottom: @baseLineHeight;\n}\n\n\n// Checkboxes and radios\n//\n// Indent the labels to position radios/checkboxes as hanging controls.\n\n.radio,\n.checkbox {\n position: relative;\n display: block;\n margin-top: @ts;\n margin-bottom: @bs;\n\n label {\n min-height: @line-height-computed; // Ensure the input doesn't jump when there is no text\n padding-left: 20px;\n margin-bottom: 0;\n font-weight: normal;\n cursor: pointer;\n }\n}\n.radio input[type=\"radio\"],\n.radio-inline input[type=\"radio\"],\n.checkbox input[type=\"checkbox\"],\n.checkbox-inline input[type=\"checkbox\"] {\n position: absolute;\n margin-left: -20px;\n margin-top: 4px \\9;\n}\n\n.radio + .radio,\n.checkbox + .checkbox {\n margin-top: -@ts; // Move up sibling radios or checkboxes for tighter spacing\n}\n\n// Radios and checkboxes on same line\n.radio-inline,\n.checkbox-inline {\n display: inline-block;\n padding-left: @baseWidth;\n margin-bottom: 0;\n vertical-align: middle;\n font-weight: normal;\n cursor: pointer;\n}\n.radio-inline + .radio-inline,\n.checkbox-inline + .checkbox-inline {\n margin-top: 0;\n margin-left: 10px; // space out consecutive inline controls\n}\n\n// Apply same disabled cursor tweak as for inputs\n// Some special care is needed because s don't inherit their parent's `cursor`.\n//\n// Note: Neither radios nor checkboxes can be readonly.\ninput[type=\"radio\"],\ninput[type=\"checkbox\"] {\n &[disabled],\n &.disabled,\n fieldset[disabled] & {\n cursor: @cursor-disabled;\n }\n}\n// These classes are used directly on s\n.radio-inline,\n.checkbox-inline {\n &.disabled,\n fieldset[disabled] & {\n cursor: @cursor-disabled;\n }\n}\n// These classes are used on elements with descendants\n.radio,\n.checkbox {\n &.disabled,\n fieldset[disabled] & {\n label {\n cursor: @cursor-disabled;\n }\n }\n}\n\n\n// Static form control text\n//\n// Apply class to a `p` element to make any string of text align with labels in\n// a horizontal form layout.\n\n.form-control-static {\n // Size it appropriately next to real form controls\n padding-top: (@padding-base-vertical + 1);\n padding-bottom: (@padding-base-vertical + 1);\n // Remove default margin from `p`\n margin-bottom: 0;\n\n &.input-lg,\n &.input-sm {\n padding-left: 0;\n padding-right: 0;\n }\n}\n\n\n// Form control sizing\n//\n// Build on `.form-control` with modifier classes to decrease or increase the\n// height and font-size of form controls.\n//\n// The `.form-group-* form-control` variations are sadly duplicated to avoid the\n// issue documented in https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/issues/15074.\n\n.input-sm {\n .input-size(@input-height-small; @padding-small-vertical; @padding-small-horizontal; @font-size-small; @line-height-small; @input-border-radius-small);\n}\n.form-group-sm {\n .form-control {\n .input-size(@input-height-small; @padding-small-vertical; @padding-small-horizontal; @font-size-small; @line-height-small; @input-border-radius-small);\n }\n .form-control-static {\n height: @input-height-small;\n padding: @padding-small-vertical @padding-small-horizontal;\n font-size: @font-size-small;\n line-height: @line-height-small;\n }\n}\n\n.input-lg {\n .input-size(@input-height-large; @padding-large-vertical; @padding-large-horizontal; @font-size-large; @line-height-large; @input-border-radius-large);\n}\n.form-group-lg {\n .form-control {\n .input-size(@input-height-large; @padding-large-vertical; @padding-large-horizontal; @font-size-large; @line-height-large; @input-border-radius-large);\n }\n .form-control-static {\n height: @input-height-large;\n padding: @padding-large-vertical @padding-large-horizontal;\n font-size: @font-size-large;\n line-height: @line-height-large;\n }\n}\n\n\n// Form control feedback states\n//\n// Apply contextual and semantic states to individual form controls.\n\n.has-feedback {\n // Enable absolute positioning\n position: relative;\n\n // Ensure icons don't overlap text\n .form-control {\n padding-right: (@input-height-base * 1.25);\n }\n}\n// Feedback icon (requires .glyphicon classes)\n.form-control-feedback {\n position: absolute;\n top: 0;\n right: 0;\n z-index: 2; // Ensure icon is above input groups\n display: block;\n width: @input-height-base;\n height: @input-height-base;\n line-height: @input-height-base;\n text-align: center;\n pointer-events: none;\n}\n.input-lg + .form-control-feedback {\n width: @input-height-large;\n height: @input-height-large;\n line-height: @input-height-large;\n}\n.input-sm + .form-control-feedback {\n width: @input-height-small;\n height: @input-height-small;\n line-height: @input-height-small;\n}\n\n// Feedback states\n.has-success {\n .form-control-validation(@state-success-text; @state-success-text; @state-success-bg);\n}\n.has-warning {\n .form-control-validation(@state-warning-text; @state-warning-text; @state-warning-bg);\n}\n.has-error {\n .form-control-validation(@state-danger-text; @state-danger-text; @state-danger-bg);\n}\n\n// Reposition feedback icon if input has visible label above\n.has-feedback label {\n\n & ~ .form-control-feedback {\n top: (@line-height-computed + 5); // Height of the `label` and its margin\n }\n &.sr-only ~ .form-control-feedback {\n top: 0;\n }\n}\n\n\n// Help text\n//\n// Apply to any element you wish to create light text for placement immediately\n// below a form control. Use for general help, formatting, or instructional text.\n\n.help-block {\n display: block; // account for any element using help-block\n margin-top: @ts;\n margin-bottom: @bs;\n color: @text-color;\n}\n\n\n// Inline forms\n//\n// Make forms appear inline(-block) by adding the `.form-inline` class. Inline\n// forms begin stacked on extra small (mobile) devices and then go inline when\n// viewports reach <768px.\n//\n// Requires wrapping inputs and labels with `.form-group` for proper display of\n// default HTML form controls and our custom form controls (e.g., input groups).\n//\n// Heads up! This is mixin-ed into `.navbar-form` in navbars.less.\n\n.form-inline {\n\n // Kick in the inline\n @media (min-width: @screen-sm-min) {\n // Inline-block all the things for \"inline\"\n .form-group {\n display: inline-block;\n margin-bottom: 0;\n vertical-align: middle;\n }\n\n // In navbar-form, allow folks to *not* use `.form-group`\n .form-control {\n display: inline-block;\n width: auto; // Prevent labels from stacking above inputs in `.form-group`\n vertical-align: middle;\n }\n\n // Make static controls behave like regular ones\n .form-control-static {\n display: inline-block;\n }\n\n .input-group {\n display: inline-table;\n vertical-align: middle;\n\n .input-group-addon,\n .input-group-btn,\n .form-control {\n width: auto;\n }\n }\n\n // Input groups need that 100% width though\n .input-group > .form-control {\n width: 100%;\n }\n\n .control-label {\n margin-bottom: 0;\n vertical-align: middle;\n }\n\n // Remove default margin on radios/checkboxes that were used for stacking, and\n // then undo the floating of radios and checkboxes to match.\n .radio,\n .checkbox {\n display: inline-block;\n margin-top: 0;\n margin-bottom: 0;\n vertical-align: middle;\n\n label {\n padding-left: 0;\n }\n }\n .radio input[type=\"radio\"],\n .checkbox input[type=\"checkbox\"] {\n position: relative;\n margin-left: 0;\n }\n\n // Re-override the feedback icon.\n .has-feedback .form-control-feedback {\n top: 0;\n }\n }\n}\n\n\n// Horizontal forms\n//\n// Horizontal forms are built on grid classes and allow you to create forms with\n// labels on the left and inputs on the right.\n\n.form-horizontal {\n\n // Consistent vertical alignment of radios and checkboxes\n //\n // Labels also get some reset styles, but that is scoped to a media query below.\n .radio,\n .checkbox,\n .radio-inline,\n .checkbox-inline {\n margin-top: 0;\n margin-bottom: 0;\n padding-top: (@padding-base-vertical + 1); // Default padding plus a border\n }\n // Account for padding we're adding to ensure the alignment and of help text\n // and other content below items\n .radio,\n .checkbox {\n min-height: (@line-height-computed + (@padding-base-vertical + 1));\n }\n\n // Make form groups behave like rows\n .form-group {\n .make-row();\n }\n\n // Reset spacing and right align labels, but scope to media queries so that\n // labels on narrow viewports stack the same as a default form example.\n @media (min-width: @screen-sm-min) {\n .control-label {\n text-align: right;\n margin-bottom: 0;\n padding-top: (@padding-base-vertical + 1); // Default padding plus a border\n }\n }\n\n // Validation states\n //\n // Reposition the icon because it's now within a grid column and columns have\n // `position: relative;` on them. Also accounts for the grid gutter padding.\n .has-feedback .form-control-feedback {\n right: (@grid-gutter-width / 2);\n }\n\n // Form group sizes\n //\n // Quick utility class for applying `.input-lg` and `.input-sm` styles to the\n // inputs and labels within a `.form-group`.\n .form-group-lg {\n @media (min-width: @screen-sm-min) {\n .control-label {\n padding-top: ((@padding-large-vertical * @line-height-large) + 1);\n }\n }\n }\n .form-group-sm {\n @media (min-width: @screen-sm-min) {\n .control-label {\n padding-top: (@padding-small-vertical + 1);\n }\n }\n }\n}\n","// Form validation states\n//\n// Used in forms.less to generate the form validation CSS for warnings, errors,\n// and successes.\n\n.form-control-validation(@text-color: #555; @border-color: #ccc; @background-color: #f5f5f5) {\n // Color the label and help text\n .help-block,\n .control-label,\n .radio,\n .checkbox,\n .radio-inline,\n .checkbox-inline,\n &.radio label,\n &.checkbox label,\n &.radio-inline label,\n &.checkbox-inline label {\n color: @text-color;\n }\n // Set the border and box shadow on specific inputs to match\n .form-control {\n border-color: @border-color;\n &:focus {\n border-color: @border-color;\n }\n }\n // Set validation states also for addons\n .input-group-addon {\n color: @text-color;\n border-color: @border-color;\n background-color: @background-color;\n }\n // Optional feedback icon\n .form-control-feedback {\n color: @text-color;\n }\n}\n\n\n// Form control focus state\n//\n// Generate a customized focus state and for any input with the specified color,\n// which defaults to the `@input-border-focus` variable.\n//\n// We highly encourage you to not customize the default value, but instead use\n// this to tweak colors on an as-needed basis. This aesthetic change is based on\n// WebKit's default styles, but applicable to a wider range of browsers. Its\n// usability and accessibility should be taken into account with any change.\n//\n// Example usage: change the default blue border and shadow to white for better\n// contrast against a dark gray background.\n.form-control-focus(@color: @input-border-focus) {\n @color-rgba: rgba(red(@color), green(@color), blue(@color), .6);\n &:focus {\n outline: 0;\n }\n}\n\n// Form control sizing\n//\n// Relative text size, padding, and border-radii changes for form controls. For\n// horizontal sizing, wrap controls in the predefined grid classes. ``\n// element gets special love because it's special, and that's a fact!\n.input-size(@input-height; @padding-vertical; @padding-horizontal; @font-size; @line-height; @border-radius) {\n height: @baseLineHeight;\n padding: 0 0;\n font-size: @font-size;\n line-height: @baseLineHeight;\n\n select& {\n height: @input-height;\n line-height: @input-height;\n }\n\n textarea&,\n select[multiple]& {\n height: auto;\n }\n}\n","//\n// Buttons\n// --------------------------------------------------\n\n\n// Base styles\n// --------------------------------------------------\n\n.btn {\n display: inline-block;\n text-align: center;\n vertical-align: middle;\n touch-action: manipulation;\n background-image: none; // Reset unusual Firefox-on-Android default style; see https://github.com/necolas/normalize.css/issues/214\n padding: 0 @baseLineWidth;\n .box-shadow(~\"@{baseLineWidth} @{halfbaseLineHeight} 0 rgb(0,0,0)\");\n cursor: default;\n border: 0px;\n .user-select(none);\n\n &::first-letter {\n color: @redDark;\n }\n\n &,\n &:active,\n &.active {\n &:focus,\n &.focus {\n outline: 0;\n }\n }\n\n &:hover,\n &:focus,\n &.focus {\n outline: 0;\n }\n\n &:active,\n &.active {\n color: @gray !important;\n background: @black !important;\n outline: 0;\n &::first-letter {\n color: @gray !important;\n }\n }\n\n\n &.disabled,\n &[disabled],\n fieldset[disabled] & {\n cursor: @cursor-disabled;\n pointer-events: none; // Future-proof disabling of clicks\n .box-shadow(none);\n }\n}\n.navbar .btn {\n background: @grayDark;\n color: @white;\n .box-shadow(none);\n &::first-letter {\n color: @yellow;\n }\n}\n\n\n// Alternate buttons\n// --------------------------------------------------\n\n.btn-default {\n .button-variant(@btn-default-color; @btn-default-bg; @btn-default-border);\n}\n.btn-primary {\n .button-variant(@btn-primary-color; @btn-primary-bg; @btn-primary-border);\n}\n// Success appears as green\n.btn-success {\n &::first-letter {\n color: @yellow;\n }\n .button-variant(@btn-success-color; @btn-success-bg; @btn-success-border);\n}\n// Info appears as blue-green\n.btn-info {\n &::first-letter {\n color: @yellow;\n }\n .button-variant(@btn-info-color; @btn-info-bg; @btn-info-border);\n}\n// Warning appears as orange\n.btn-warning {\n &::first-letter {\n color: @yellow;\n }\n .button-variant(@btn-warning-color; @btn-warning-bg; @btn-warning-border);\n}\n// Danger and error appear as red\n.btn-danger {\n &::first-letter {\n color: @yellow;\n }\n .button-variant(@btn-danger-color; @btn-danger-bg; @btn-danger-border);\n}\n\n\n// Link buttons\n// -------------------------\n\n// Make a button look and behave like a link\n.btn-link {\n color: @link-color;\n font-weight: normal;\n\n &,\n &:active,\n &.active,\n &[disabled],\n fieldset[disabled] & {\n background-color: transparent;\n .box-shadow(none);\n }\n &,\n &:hover,\n &:focus,\n &:active {\n border-color: transparent;\n }\n &:hover,\n &:focus {\n color: @link-hover-color;\n background-color: transparent;\n }\n &[disabled],\n fieldset[disabled] & {\n &:hover,\n &:focus {\n color: @btn-link-disabled-color;\n }\n }\n}\n\n\n// Button Sizes\n// --------------------------------------------------\n\n.btn-lg {\n // line-height: ensure even-numbered height of button next to large input\n //.button-size(@padding-large-vertical; @padding-large-horizontal; @font-size-large; @line-height-large; @border-radius-large);\n padding: @baseLineHeight @baseLineWidth;\n}\n.btn-sm,.btn-xs {\n .box-shadow(none);\n}\n\n\n// Block button\n// --------------------------------------------------\n\n.btn-block {\n display: block;\n width: 100%;\n}\n\n// Vertically space out multiple block buttons\n.btn-block + .btn-block {\n margin-top: @baseLineHeight;\n}\n\n// Specificity overrides\ninput[type=\"submit\"],\ninput[type=\"reset\"],\ninput[type=\"button\"] {\n &.btn-block {\n width: 100%;\n }\n}\n","// Button variants\n//\n// Easily pump out default styles, as well as :hover, :focus, :active,\n// and disabled options for all buttons\n\n.button-variant(@color; @background; @border) {\n color: @color;\n background-color: @background;\n\n/*\n &:hover,\n &:focus,\n &.focus,\n &:active,\n &.active,\n .open > .dropdown-toggle& {\n color: @color;\n background-color: @background;\n border-color: @border;\n }\n */\n &:active,\n &.active,\n .open > .dropdown-toggle& {\n background-image: none;\n }\n &.disabled,\n &[disabled],\n fieldset[disabled] & {\n &,\n &:hover,\n &:focus,\n &.focus,\n &:active,\n &.active {\n background-color: @background;\n }\n }\n\n .badge {\n color: @background;\n background-color: @color;\n }\n}\n\n// Button sizes\n.button-size(@padding-vertical; @padding-horizontal; @font-size; @line-height; @border-radius) {\n //padding: @padding-vertical @padding-horizontal;\n font-size: @font-size;\n line-height: @line-height;\n}\n","//\n// Button groups\n// --------------------------------------------------\n\n// Make the div behave like a button\n.btn-group,\n.btn-group-vertical {\n position: relative;\n display: inline-block;\n vertical-align: middle; // match .btn alignment given font-size hack above\n > .btn {\n position: relative;\n float: left;\n // Bring the \"active\" button to the front\n &:hover,\n &:focus,\n &:active,\n &.active {\n color: @gray;\n background: @black;\n &::first-letter {\n color: @gray;\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\n// Prevent double borders when buttons are next to each other\n.btn-group {\n .btn + .btn,\n .btn + .btn-group,\n .btn-group + .btn,\n .btn-group + .btn-group {\n margin-left: -1px;\n }\n}\n\n// Optional: Group multiple button groups together for a toolbar\n.btn-toolbar {\n margin-left: -5px; // Offset the first child's margin\n &:extend(.clearfix all);\n\n .btn-group,\n .input-group {\n float: left;\n }\n > .btn,\n > .btn-group,\n > .input-group {\n margin-left: @lhs;\n }\n}\n\n.btn-group > .btn:not(:first-child):not(:last-child):not(.dropdown-toggle) {\n}\n\n// Set corners individual because sometimes a single button can be in a .btn-group and we need :first-child and :last-child to both match\n.btn-group > .btn:first-child {\n margin-left: 0;\n &:not(:last-child):not(.dropdown-toggle) {\n }\n}\n// Need .dropdown-toggle since :last-child doesn't apply given a .dropdown-menu immediately after it\n.btn-group > .btn:last-child:not(:first-child),\n.btn-group > .dropdown-toggle:not(:first-child) {\n}\n\n// Custom edits for including btn-groups within btn-groups (useful for including dropdown buttons within a btn-group)\n.btn-group > .btn-group {\n float: left;\n}\n.btn-group > .btn-group:not(:first-child):not(:last-child) > .btn {\n}\n.btn-group > .btn-group:first-child:not(:last-child) {\n > .btn:last-child,\n > .dropdown-toggle {\n }\n}\n.btn-group > .btn-group:last-child:not(:first-child) > .btn:first-child {\n .border-left-radius(0);\n}\n\n// On active and open, don't show outline\n.btn-group .dropdown-toggle:active,\n.btn-group.open .dropdown-toggle {\n outline: 0;\n}\n\n\n// Sizing\n//\n// Remix the default button sizing classes into new ones for easier manipulation.\n\n.btn-group-xs > .btn { &:extend(.btn-xs); }\n.btn-group-sm > .btn { &:extend(.btn-sm); }\n.btn-group-lg > .btn { &:extend(.btn-lg); }\n\n\n// Split button dropdowns\n// ----------------------\n\n// Give the line between buttons some depth\n.btn-group > .btn + .dropdown-toggle {\n padding-left: @baseWidth;\n padding-right: @baseWidth;\n}\n.btn-group > .btn-lg + .dropdown-toggle {\n padding-left: @baseWidth;\n padding-right: @baseWidth;\n}\n\n// The clickable button for toggling the menu\n// Remove the gradient and set the same inset shadow as the :active state\n.btn-group.open .dropdown-toggle {\n\n // Show no shadow for `.btn-link` since it has no other button styles.\n &.btn-link {\n .box-shadow(none);\n }\n}\n\n\n// Reposition the caret\n.btn .caret {\n margin-left: 0;\n}\n// Carets in other button sizes\n.btn-lg .caret {\n border-width: @caret-width-large @caret-width-large 0;\n border-bottom-width: 0;\n}\n// Upside down carets for .dropup\n.dropup .btn-lg .caret {\n}\n\n\n// Vertical button groups\n// ----------------------\n\n.btn-group-vertical {\n > .btn,\n > .btn-group,\n > .btn-group > .btn {\n display: block;\n float: none;\n width: 100%;\n max-width: 100%;\n }\n\n // Clear floats so dropdown menus can be properly placed\n > .btn-group {\n &:extend(.clearfix all);\n > .btn {\n float: none;\n }\n }\n\n > .btn + .btn,\n > .btn + .btn-group,\n > .btn-group + .btn,\n > .btn-group + .btn-group {\n margin-top: -1px;\n margin-left: 0;\n }\n}\n\n.btn-group-vertical > .btn {\n &:not(:first-child):not(:last-child) {\n }\n &:first-child:not(:last-child) {\n }\n &:last-child:not(:first-child) {\n }\n}\n.btn-group-vertical > .btn-group:not(:first-child):not(:last-child) > .btn {\n}\n.btn-group-vertical > .btn-group:first-child:not(:last-child) {\n > .btn:last-child,\n > .dropdown-toggle {\n }\n}\n.btn-group-vertical > .btn-group:last-child:not(:first-child) > .btn:first-child {\n .border-top-radius(0);\n}\n\n\n// Justified button groups\n// ----------------------\n\n.btn-group-justified {\n display: table;\n width: 100%;\n table-layout: fixed;\n border-collapse: separate;\n > .btn,\n > .btn-group {\n float: none;\n display: table-cell;\n width: 1%;\n }\n > .btn-group .btn {\n width: 100%;\n }\n\n > .btn-group .dropdown-menu {\n left: auto;\n }\n}\n\n\n// Checkbox and radio options\n//\n// In order to support the browser's form validation feedback, powered by the\n// `required` attribute, we have to \"hide\" the inputs via `clip`. We cannot use\n// `display: none;` or `visibility: hidden;` as that also hides the popover.\n// Simply visually hiding the inputs via `opacity` would leave them clickable in\n// certain cases which is prevented by using `clip` and `pointer-events`.\n// This way, we ensure a DOM element is visible to position the popover from.\n//\n// See https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/pull/12794 and\n// https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/pull/14559 for more information.\n\n[data-toggle=\"buttons\"] {\n > .btn,\n > .btn-group > .btn {\n input[type=\"radio\"],\n input[type=\"checkbox\"] {\n position: absolute;\n clip: rect(0,0,0,0);\n pointer-events: none;\n }\n }\n}\n","//\n// Component animations\n// --------------------------------------------------\n\n// Heads up!\n//\n// We don't use the `.opacity()` mixin here since it causes a bug with text\n// fields in IE7-8. Source: https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/pull/3552.\n\n.fade {\n opacity: 0;\n &.in {\n opacity: 1;\n }\n}\n\n.collapse {\n display: none;\n visibility: hidden;\n\n &.in { display: block; visibility: visible; }\n tr&.in { display: table-row; }\n tbody&.in { display: table-row-group; }\n}\n\n.collapsing {\n position: relative;\n height: 0;\n overflow: hidden;\n}\n","//\n// Dropdown menus\n// --------------------------------------------------\n\n\n// Dropdown arrow/caret\n.caret {\n display: inline-block;\n width: 0;\n height: 0;\n margin-left: 0;\n vertical-align: middle;\n border-top: @caret-width-base solid;\n border-right: @caret-width-base solid transparent;\n border-left: @caret-width-base solid transparent;\n}\n\n// The dropdown wrapper (div)\n.dropup,\n.dropdown {\n position: relative;\n}\n\n// Prevent the focus on the dropdown toggle when closing dropdowns\n.dropdown-toggle:focus {\n outline: 0;\n}\n\n// The dropdown menu (ul)\n.dropdown-menu {\n position: absolute;\n top: 100%;\n left: 0;\n z-index: @zindex-dropdown;\n display: none; // none by default, but block on \"open\" of the menu\n float: left;\n min-width: (@baseLineWidth * 10);\n padding: @ts @rhs @bs @lhs;\n margin: @tsMargin @rhs 8px @rhsNB;\n list-style: none;\n font-size: @font-size-base;\n text-align: left; // Ensures proper alignment if parent has it changed (e.g., modal footer)\n background-color: @dropdown-bg;\n background-clip: padding-box;\n\n border: @borderWidth solid @black;\n .box-shadow(0px 0px 0 4px @gray);\n -webkit-background-clip: padding-box;\n -moz-background-clip: padding;\n background-clip: padding-box;\n\n // Aligns the dropdown menu to right\n //\n // Deprecated as of 3.1.0 in favor of `.dropdown-menu-[dir]`\n &.pull-right {\n right: 0;\n left: auto;\n }\n\n // Dividers (basically an hr) within the dropdown\n .divider {\n .nav-divider(@dropdown-divider-bg);\n }\n\n > li {\n list-style-type: none;\n > a {\n display: block;\n padding: 0 @baseWidth;\n clear: both;\n font-weight: normal;\n line-height: @line-height-base;\n color: @dropdown-link-color;\n white-space: nowrap; // prevent links from randomly breaking onto new lines\n }\n }\n}\n\n// Hover/Focus state\n.dropdown-menu > li > a {\n &:hover,\n &:focus {\n text-decoration: none;\n color: @dropdown-link-hover-color;\n background-color: @dropdown-link-hover-bg;\n }\n}\n\n// Active state\n.dropdown-menu > .active > a {\n &,\n &:hover,\n &:focus {\n color: @dropdown-link-active-color;\n text-decoration: none;\n outline: 0;\n background-color: @dropdown-link-active-bg;\n }\n}\n\n// Disabled state\n//\n// Gray out text and ensure the hover/focus state remains gray\n\n.dropdown-menu > .disabled > a {\n &,\n &:hover,\n &:focus {\n color: @dropdown-link-disabled-color;\n }\n\n // Nuke hover/focus effects\n &:hover,\n &:focus {\n text-decoration: none;\n background-color: transparent;\n background-image: none; // Remove CSS gradient\n .reset-filter();\n cursor: @cursor-disabled;\n }\n}\n\n// Open state for the dropdown\n.open {\n // Show the menu\n > .dropdown-menu {\n display: block;\n }\n\n // Remove the outline when :focus is triggered\n > a {\n outline: 0;\n }\n}\n\n// Menu positioning\n//\n// Add extra class to `.dropdown-menu` to flip the alignment of the dropdown\n// menu with the parent.\n.dropdown-menu-right {\n left: auto; // Reset the default from `.dropdown-menu`\n right: 0;\n}\n// With v3, we enabled auto-flipping if you have a dropdown within a right\n// aligned nav component. To enable the undoing of that, we provide an override\n// to restore the default dropdown menu alignment.\n//\n// This is only for left-aligning a dropdown menu within a `.navbar-right` or\n// `.pull-right` nav component.\n.dropdown-menu-left {\n left: 0;\n right: auto;\n}\n\n// Dropdown section headers\n.dropdown-header {\n display: block;\n padding: 0px @baseWidth;\n font-size: @font-size-small;\n line-height: @line-height-base;\n color: @dropdown-header-color;\n white-space: nowrap; // as with > li > a\n}\n\n// Backdrop to catch body clicks on mobile, etc.\n.dropdown-backdrop {\n position: fixed;\n left: 0;\n right: 0;\n bottom: 0;\n top: 0;\n z-index: (@zindex-dropdown - 10);\n}\n\n// Right aligned dropdowns\n.pull-right > .dropdown-menu {\n right: 0;\n left: auto;\n}\n\n// Allow for dropdowns to go bottom up (aka, dropup-menu)\n//\n// Just add .dropup after the standard .dropdown class and you're set, bro.\n// TODO: abstract this so that the navbar fixed styles are not placed here?\n\n.dropup,\n.navbar-fixed-bottom .dropdown {\n // Reverse the caret\n .caret {\n border-top: 0;\n border-bottom: @caret-width-base solid;\n content: \"\";\n }\n // Different positioning for bottom up menu\n .dropdown-menu {\n top: auto;\n bottom: 100%;\n margin-bottom: 4px;\n }\n}\n\n\n// Component alignment\n//\n// Reiterate per navbar.less and the modified component alignment there.\n\n@media (min-width: @grid-float-breakpoint) {\n .navbar-right {\n .dropdown-menu {\n .dropdown-menu-right();\n }\n // Necessary for overrides of the default right aligned menu.\n // Will remove come v4 in all likelihood.\n .dropdown-menu-left {\n .dropdown-menu-left();\n }\n }\n}\n","// Horizontal dividers\n//\n// Dividers (basically an hr) within dropdowns and nav lists\n\n.nav-divider(@color: #e5e5e5) {\n height: @borderWidth;\n margin: ((@line-height-computed / 2) - @borderWidth) 0;\n overflow: hidden;\n background-color: @color;\n}\n","// Reset filters for IE\n//\n// When you need to remove a gradient background, do not forget to use this to reset\n// the IE filter for IE9 and below.\n\n.reset-filter() {\n filter: e(%(\"progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(enabled = false)\"));\n}\n","// Single side border-radius\n\n.border-top-radius(@radius) {\n border-top-right-radius: @radius;\n border-top-left-radius: @radius;\n}\n.border-right-radius(@radius) {\n border-bottom-right-radius: @radius;\n border-top-right-radius: @radius;\n}\n.border-bottom-radius(@radius) {\n border-bottom-right-radius: @radius;\n border-bottom-left-radius: @radius;\n}\n.border-left-radius(@radius) {\n border-bottom-left-radius: @radius;\n border-top-left-radius: @radius;\n}\n","//\n// Input groups\n// --------------------------------------------------\n\n// Base styles\n// -------------------------\n.input-group {\n position: relative; // For dropdowns\n display: table;\n border-collapse: separate; // prevent input groups from inheriting border styles from table cells when placed within a table\n\n // Undo padding and float of grid classes\n &[class*=\"col-\"] {\n float: none;\n padding-left: 0;\n padding-right: 0;\n }\n\n .form-control {\n // Ensure that the input is always above the *appended* addon button for\n // proper border colors.\n position: relative;\n\n // IE9 fubars the placeholder attribute in text inputs and the arrows on\n // select elements in input groups. To fix it, we float the input. Details:\n // https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/issues/11561#issuecomment-28936855\n float: left;\n\n width: 100%;\n margin-bottom: 0;\n }\n}\n\n// Sizing options\n//\n// Remix the default form control sizing classes into new ones for easier\n// manipulation.\n\n.input-group-lg > .form-control,\n.input-group-lg > .input-group-addon,\n.input-group-lg > .input-group-btn > .btn {\n .input-lg();\n}\n.input-group-sm > .form-control,\n.input-group-sm > .input-group-addon,\n.input-group-sm > .input-group-btn > .btn {\n .input-sm();\n}\n\n\n// Display as table-cell\n// -------------------------\n.input-group-addon,\n.input-group-btn,\n.input-group .form-control {\n display: table-cell;\n\n &:not(:first-child):not(:last-child) {\n }\n}\n// Addon and addon wrapper for buttons\n.input-group-addon,\n.input-group-btn {\n width: 1%;\n white-space: nowrap;\n vertical-align: middle; // Match the inputs\n}\n\n// Text input groups\n// -------------------------\n.input-group-addon {\n margin: 0;\n padding: @padding-base-vertical @padding-base-horizontal;\n font-size: @font-size-base;\n line-height: @baseLineHeight;\n color: @cyan;\n text-align: center;\n background-color: @black;\n\n // Sizing\n &.input-sm {\n padding: @padding-small-vertical @padding-small-horizontal;\n font-size: @font-size-small;\n }\n &.input-lg {\n padding: @padding-large-vertical @padding-large-horizontal;\n font-size: @font-size-large;\n }\n\n // Nuke default margins from checkboxes and radios to vertically center within.\n input[type=\"radio\"],\n input[type=\"checkbox\"] {\n margin-top: 0;\n }\n}\n\n// Reset rounded corners\n.input-group .form-control:first-child,\n.input-group-addon:first-child,\n.input-group-btn:first-child > .btn,\n.input-group-btn:first-child > .btn-group > .btn,\n.input-group-btn:first-child > .dropdown-toggle,\n.input-group-btn:last-child > .btn:not(:last-child):not(.dropdown-toggle),\n.input-group-btn:last-child > .btn-group:not(:last-child) > .btn {\n}\n.input-group-addon:first-child {\n border-right: 0;\n}\n.input-group .form-control:last-child,\n.input-group-addon:last-child,\n.input-group-btn:last-child > .btn,\n.input-group-btn:last-child > .btn-group > .btn,\n.input-group-btn:last-child > .dropdown-toggle,\n.input-group-btn:first-child > .btn:not(:first-child),\n.input-group-btn:first-child > .btn-group:not(:first-child) > .btn {\n}\n.input-group-addon:last-child {\n border-left: 0;\n}\n\n// Button input groups\n// -------------------------\n.input-group-btn {\n position: relative;\n // Jankily prevent input button groups from wrapping with `white-space` and\n // `font-size` in combination with `inline-block` on buttons.\n font-size: 0;\n white-space: nowrap;\n\n // Negative margin for spacing, position for bringing hovered/focused/actived\n // element above the siblings.\n > .btn {\n .box-shadow(none);\n position: relative;\n + .btn {\n }\n // Bring the \"active\" button to the front\n &:hover,\n &:focus,\n &:active {\n }\n }\n\n // Negative margin to only have a 1px border between the two\n &:first-child {\n > .btn,\n > .btn-group {\n }\n }\n &:last-child {\n > .btn,\n > .btn-group {\n }\n }\n}\n","//\n// Navs\n// --------------------------------------------------\n\n\n// Base class\n// --------------------------------------------------\n\n.nav {\n margin-bottom: 0;\n padding-left: 0; // Override default ul/ol\n list-style: none;\n &:extend(.clearfix all);\n\n > li {\n position: relative;\n display: block;\n\n > a {\n position: relative;\n display: block;\n margin: 0;\n padding: @nav-link-padding;\n &::first-letter {\n color: @yellow;\n }\n &:hover,\n &:focus {\n color: @black;\n text-decoration: none;\n background-color: @nav-link-hover-bg;\n }\n }\n\n // Disabled state sets text to gray and nukes hover/tab effects\n &.disabled > a {\n color: @nav-disabled-link-color;\n &::first-letter {\n color: @grayDark;\n }\n\n &:hover,\n &:focus {\n color: @white;\n text-decoration: none;\n background-color: transparent;\n cursor: @cursor-disabled;\n }\n }\n }\n\n // Open dropdowns\n .open > a {\n &,\n &:hover,\n &:focus {\n background-color: @nav-link-hover-bg;\n border-color: @link-color;\n }\n }\n\n // Nav dividers (deprecated with v3.0.1)\n //\n // This should have been removed in v3 with the dropping of `.nav-list`, but\n // we missed it. We don't currently support this anywhere, but in the interest\n // of maintaining backward compatibility in case you use it, it's deprecated.\n .nav-divider {\n .nav-divider();\n }\n\n // Prevent IE8 from misplacing imgs\n //\n // See https://github.com/h5bp/html5-boilerplate/issues/984#issuecomment-3985989\n > li > a > img {\n max-width: none;\n }\n}\n\n\n// Tabs\n// -------------------------\n\n// Give the tabs something to sit on\n.nav-tabs {\n background: @black;\n > li {\n float: left;\n // Make the list-items overlay the bottom border\n\n // Actual tabs (as links)\n > a {\n line-height: @line-height-base;\n &::first-letter {\n color: @red;\n }\n &:hover {\n }\n }\n\n // Active state, and its :hover to override normal :hover\n &.active > a {\n &,\n &:hover,\n &:focus {\n color: @nav-tabs-active-link-hover-color;\n background-color: @nav-tabs-active-link-hover-bg;\n cursor: default;\n }\n }\n }\n // pulling this in mainly for less shorthand\n &.nav-justified {\n .nav-justified();\n .nav-tabs-justified();\n }\n}\n\n\n// Pills\n// -------------------------\n.nav-pills {\n > li {\n float: left;\n\n // Links rendered as pills\n > a {\n color: @black;\n &::first-letter {\n color: @redDark;\n }\n }\n + li {\n margin-left: 0;\n }\n\n // Active state\n &.active > a {\n &,\n &:hover,\n &:focus {\n color: @nav-pills-active-link-hover-color;\n background-color: @nav-pills-active-link-hover-bg;\n &::first-letter {\n color: @red;\n }\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\n\n// Stacked pills\n.nav-stacked {\n > li {\n float: none;\n + li {\n margin-top: 0;\n margin-left: 0; // no need for this gap between nav items\n }\n }\n}\n\n\n// Nav variations\n// --------------------------------------------------\n\n// Justified nav links\n// -------------------------\n\n.nav-justified {\n width: 100%;\n\n > li {\n float: none;\n > a {\n text-align: center;\n margin-bottom: 0;\n }\n }\n\n > .dropdown .dropdown-menu {\n top: auto;\n left: auto;\n }\n\n @media (min-width: @screen-sm-min) {\n > li {\n display: table-cell;\n width: 1%;\n > a {\n margin-bottom: 0;\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\n// Move borders to anchors instead of bottom of list\n//\n// Mixin for adding on top the shared `.nav-justified` styles for our tabs\n.nav-tabs-justified {\n\n > li > a {\n // Override margin from .nav-tabs\n margin-right: 0;\n }\n\n > .active > a,\n > .active > a:hover,\n > .active > a:focus {\n }\n\n @media (min-width: @screen-sm-min) {\n > li > a {\n }\n > .active > a,\n > .active > a:hover,\n > .active > a:focus {\n }\n }\n}\n\n\n// Tabbable tabs\n// -------------------------\n\n// Hide tabbable panes to start, show them when `.active`\n.tab-content {\n > .tab-pane {\n display: none;\n visibility: hidden;\n }\n > .active {\n display: block;\n visibility: visible;\n }\n}\n","//\n// Navbars\n// --------------------------------------------------\n\n\n// Wrapper and base class\n//\n// Provide a static navbar from which we expand to create full-width, fixed, and\n// other navbar variations.\n\n.navbar {\n position: relative;\n margin-bottom: @navbar-margin-bottom;\n\n // Prevent floats from breaking the navbar\n &:extend(.clearfix all);\n\n @media (min-width: @grid-float-breakpoint) {\n }\n}\n\n\n// Navbar heading\n//\n// Groups `.navbar-brand` and `.navbar-toggle` into a single component for easy\n// styling of responsive aspects.\n\n.navbar-header {\n &:extend(.clearfix all);\n\n @media (min-width: @grid-float-breakpoint) {\n float: left;\n }\n}\n\n\n// Navbar collapse (body)\n//\n// Group your navbar content into this for easy collapsing and expanding across\n// various device sizes. By default, this content is collapsed when <768px, but\n// will expand past that for a horizontal display.\n//\n// To start (on mobile devices) the navbar links, forms, and buttons are stacked\n// vertically and include a `max-height` to overflow in case you have too much\n// content for the user's viewport.\n\n.navbar-collapse {\n overflow-x: visible;\n padding-right: @navbar-padding-horizontal;\n padding-left: @navbar-padding-horizontal;\n border-top: 0px solid transparent;\n &:extend(.clearfix all);\n -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch;\n\n &.in {\n overflow-y: auto;\n }\n\n @media (min-width: @grid-float-breakpoint) {\n width: auto;\n border-top: 0;\n\n &.collapse {\n display: block !important;\n visibility: visible !important;\n height: auto !important;\n padding-bottom: 0; // Override default setting\n overflow: visible !important;\n }\n\n &.in {\n overflow-y: visible;\n }\n\n // Undo the collapse side padding for navbars with containers to ensure\n // alignment of right-aligned contents.\n .navbar-fixed-top &,\n .navbar-static-top &,\n .navbar-fixed-bottom & {\n padding-left: 0;\n padding-right: 0;\n }\n }\n}\n\n.navbar-fixed-top,\n.navbar-fixed-bottom {\n .navbar-collapse {\n max-height: @navbar-collapse-max-height;\n\n @media (max-device-width: @screen-xs-min) and (orientation: landscape) {\n max-height: 200px;\n }\n }\n}\n\n\n// Both navbar header and collapse\n//\n// When a container is present, change the behavior of the header and collapse.\n\n.container,\n.container-fluid {\n > .navbar-header,\n > .navbar-collapse {\n margin-right: -@navbar-padding-horizontal;\n margin-left: -@navbar-padding-horizontal;\n\n @media (min-width: @grid-float-breakpoint) {\n margin-right: 0;\n margin-left: 0;\n }\n }\n}\n\n\n//\n// Navbar alignment options\n//\n// Display the navbar across the entirety of the page or fixed it to the top or\n// bottom of the page.\n\n// Static top (unfixed, but 100% wide) navbar\n.navbar-static-top {\n z-index: @zindex-navbar;\n\n @media (min-width: @grid-float-breakpoint) {\n }\n}\n\n// Fix the top/bottom navbars when screen real estate supports it\n.navbar-fixed-top,\n.navbar-fixed-bottom {\n position: fixed;\n right: 0;\n left: 0;\n z-index: @zindex-navbar-fixed;\n\n // Undo the rounded corners\n @media (min-width: @grid-float-breakpoint) {\n }\n}\n.navbar-fixed-top {\n top: 0;\n}\n.navbar-fixed-bottom {\n bottom: 0;\n margin-bottom: 0; // override .navbar defaults\n}\n\n\n// Brand/project name\n\n.navbar-brand {\n float: left;\n padding: @navbar-padding-vertical @navbar-padding-horizontal;\n line-height: @line-height-computed;\n\n &:hover,\n &:focus {\n text-decoration: none;\n }\n\n > img {\n display: block;\n }\n\n @media (min-width: @grid-float-breakpoint) {\n .navbar > .container &,\n .navbar > .container-fluid & {\n margin-left: -@navbar-padding-horizontal;\n }\n }\n}\n\n\n// Navbar toggle\n//\n// Custom button for toggling the `.navbar-collapse`, powered by the collapse\n// JavaScript plugin.\n\n.navbar-toggle {\n position: relative;\n float: right;\n margin-right: @navbar-padding-horizontal;\n padding: 0px @baseWidth;\n .navbar-vertical-align(34px);\n background-color: transparent;\n background-image: none; // Reset unusual Firefox-on-Android default style; see https://github.com/necolas/normalize.css/issues/214\n\n // We remove the `outline` here, but later compensate by attaching `:hover`\n // styles to `:focus`.\n &:focus {\n outline: 0;\n }\n\n // Bars\n .icon-bar {\n display: block;\n width: 22px;\n height: 2px;\n }\n .icon-bar + .icon-bar {\n margin-top: 0;\n }\n\n @media (min-width: @grid-float-breakpoint) {\n display: none;\n }\n}\n\n\n// Navbar nav links\n//\n// Builds on top of the `.nav` components with its own modifier class to make\n// the nav the full height of the horizontal nav (above 768px).\n\n.navbar-nav {\n margin: (@navbar-padding-vertical / 2) -@navbar-padding-horizontal;\n\n > li > a {\n padding-top: 0px;\n padding-bottom: 0px;\n line-height: @line-height-computed;\n }\n\n @media (max-width: @grid-float-breakpoint-max) {\n // Dropdowns get custom display when collapsed\n .open .dropdown-menu {\n position: static;\n float: none;\n width: auto;\n margin-top: 0;\n background-color: transparent;\n border: 0;\n > li > a,\n .dropdown-header {\n padding: 5px 15px 5px 25px;\n }\n > li > a {\n line-height: @line-height-computed;\n &:hover,\n &:focus {\n background-image: none;\n }\n }\n }\n }\n\n // Uncollapse the nav\n @media (min-width: @grid-float-breakpoint) {\n float: left;\n margin: 0;\n\n > li {\n float: left;\n > a {\n padding-top: 0;\n padding-bottom: 0;\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\n\n// Navbar form\n//\n// Extension of the `.form-inline` with some extra flavor for optimum display in\n// our navbars.\n\n.navbar-form {\n margin: 0 -@navbar-padding-horizontal;\n padding: 0px @navbar-padding-horizontal;\n\n // Mixin behavior for optimum display\n .form-inline();\n\n .form-group {\n @media (max-width: @grid-float-breakpoint-max) {\n margin-bottom: 0px;\n\n &:last-child {\n margin-bottom: 0;\n }\n }\n }\n\n // Vertically center in expanded, horizontal navbar\n // .navbar-vertical-align(@input-height-base);\n\n // Undo 100% width for pull classes\n @media (min-width: @grid-float-breakpoint) {\n width: auto;\n border: 0;\n margin-left: 0;\n margin-right: 0;\n padding-top: 0;\n padding-bottom: 0;\n }\n}\n\n\n// Dropdown menus\n\n// Menu position and menu carets\n.navbar-nav > li > .dropdown-menu {\n}\n// Menu position and menu caret support for dropups via extra dropup class\n.navbar-fixed-bottom .navbar-nav > li > .dropdown-menu {\n margin-bottom: 0;\n}\n\n\n// Buttons in navbars\n//\n// Vertically center a button within a navbar (when *not* in a form).\n\n.navbar-btn {\n .navbar-vertical-align(@input-height-base);\n\n &.btn-sm {\n .navbar-vertical-align(@input-height-small);\n }\n &.btn-xs {\n .navbar-vertical-align(22);\n }\n}\n\n\n// Text in navbars\n//\n// Add a class to make any element properly align itself vertically within the navbars.\n\n.navbar-text {\n .navbar-vertical-align(@line-height-computed);\n\n @media (min-width: @grid-float-breakpoint) {\n float: left;\n margin-left: @navbar-padding-horizontal;\n margin-right: @navbar-padding-horizontal;\n }\n}\n\n\n// Component alignment\n//\n// Repurpose the pull utilities as their own navbar utilities to avoid specificity\n// issues with parents and chaining. Only do this when the navbar is uncollapsed\n// though so that navbar contents properly stack and align in mobile.\n//\n// Declared after the navbar components to ensure more specificity on the margins.\n\n@media (min-width: @grid-float-breakpoint) {\n .navbar-left { .pull-left(); }\n .navbar-right {\n .pull-right();\n margin-right: -@navbar-padding-horizontal;\n\n ~ .navbar-right {\n margin-right: 0;\n }\n }\n}\n\n\n// Alternate navbars\n// --------------------------------------------------\n\n// Default navbar\n.navbar-default {\n background-color: @navbar-default-bg;\n border-color: @navbar-default-border;\n\n .navbar-brand {\n color: @navbar-default-brand-color;\n &:hover,\n &:focus {\n color: @navbar-default-brand-hover-color;\n background-color: @navbar-default-brand-hover-bg;\n }\n }\n\n .navbar-text {\n color: @navbar-default-color;\n }\n\n .navbar-nav {\n > li > a {\n color: @navbar-default-link-color;\n\n &:hover,\n &:focus {\n color: @navbar-default-link-hover-color;\n background-color: @navbar-default-link-hover-bg;\n }\n }\n > .active > a {\n &,\n &:hover,\n &:focus {\n color: @navbar-default-link-active-color;\n background-color: @navbar-default-link-active-bg;\n }\n }\n > .disabled > a {\n &,\n &:hover,\n &:focus {\n color: @navbar-default-link-disabled-color;\n background-color: @navbar-default-link-disabled-bg;\n }\n }\n }\n\n .navbar-toggle {\n border-color: @navbar-default-toggle-border-color;\n &:hover,\n &:focus {\n background-color: @navbar-default-toggle-hover-bg;\n }\n .icon-bar {\n background-color: @navbar-default-toggle-icon-bar-bg;\n }\n }\n\n .navbar-collapse,\n .navbar-form {\n border-color: @navbar-default-border;\n }\n\n // Dropdown menu items\n .navbar-nav {\n // Remove background color from open dropdown\n > .open > a {\n &,\n &:hover,\n &:focus {\n background-color: @navbar-default-link-active-bg;\n color: @navbar-default-link-active-color;\n }\n }\n\n @media (max-width: @grid-float-breakpoint-max) {\n // Dropdowns get custom display when collapsed\n .open .dropdown-menu {\n > li > a {\n color: @navbar-default-link-color;\n &:hover,\n &:focus {\n color: @navbar-default-link-hover-color;\n background-color: @navbar-default-link-hover-bg;\n }\n }\n > .active > a {\n &,\n &:hover,\n &:focus {\n color: @navbar-default-link-active-color;\n background-color: @navbar-default-link-active-bg;\n }\n }\n > .disabled > a {\n &,\n &:hover,\n &:focus {\n color: @navbar-default-link-disabled-color;\n background-color: @navbar-default-link-disabled-bg;\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n\n\n // Links in navbars\n //\n // Add a class to ensure links outside the navbar nav are colored correctly.\n\n .navbar-link {\n color: @navbar-default-link-color;\n &:hover {\n color: @navbar-default-link-hover-color;\n }\n }\n\n .btn-link {\n color: @navbar-default-link-color;\n &:hover,\n &:focus {\n color: @navbar-default-link-hover-color;\n }\n &[disabled],\n fieldset[disabled] & {\n &:hover,\n &:focus {\n color: @navbar-default-link-disabled-color;\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\n// Inverse navbar\n\n.navbar-inverse {\n background-color: @navbar-inverse-bg;\n border-color: @navbar-inverse-border;\n\n .navbar-brand {\n color: @navbar-inverse-brand-color;\n &:hover,\n &:focus {\n color: @navbar-inverse-brand-hover-color;\n background-color: @navbar-inverse-brand-hover-bg;\n }\n }\n\n .navbar-text {\n color: @navbar-inverse-color;\n }\n\n .navbar-nav {\n > li > a {\n color: @navbar-inverse-link-color;\n\n &:hover,\n &:focus {\n color: @navbar-inverse-link-hover-color;\n background-color: @navbar-inverse-link-hover-bg;\n }\n }\n > .active > a {\n &,\n &:hover,\n &:focus {\n color: @navbar-inverse-link-active-color;\n background-color: @navbar-inverse-link-active-bg;\n }\n }\n > .disabled > a {\n &,\n &:hover,\n &:focus {\n color: @navbar-inverse-link-disabled-color;\n background-color: @navbar-inverse-link-disabled-bg;\n }\n }\n }\n\n // Darken the responsive nav toggle\n .navbar-toggle {\n border-color: @navbar-inverse-toggle-border-color;\n &:hover,\n &:focus {\n background-color: @navbar-inverse-toggle-hover-bg;\n }\n .icon-bar {\n background-color: @navbar-inverse-toggle-icon-bar-bg;\n }\n }\n\n .navbar-collapse,\n .navbar-form {\n border-color: @navbar-inverse-bg;\n }\n\n // Dropdowns\n .navbar-nav {\n > .open > a {\n &,\n &:hover,\n &:focus {\n background-color: @navbar-inverse-link-active-bg;\n color: @navbar-inverse-link-active-color;\n }\n }\n\n @media (max-width: @grid-float-breakpoint-max) {\n // Dropdowns get custom display\n .open .dropdown-menu {\n > .dropdown-header {\n border-color: @navbar-inverse-border;\n }\n .divider {\n background-color: @navbar-inverse-border;\n }\n > li > a {\n color: @navbar-inverse-link-color;\n &:hover,\n &:focus {\n color: @navbar-inverse-link-hover-color;\n background-color: @navbar-inverse-link-hover-bg;\n }\n }\n > .active > a {\n &,\n &:hover,\n &:focus {\n color: @navbar-inverse-link-active-color;\n background-color: @navbar-inverse-link-active-bg;\n }\n }\n > .disabled > a {\n &,\n &:hover,\n &:focus {\n color: @navbar-inverse-link-disabled-color;\n background-color: @navbar-inverse-link-disabled-bg;\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n\n .navbar-link {\n color: @navbar-inverse-link-color;\n &:hover {\n color: @navbar-inverse-link-hover-color;\n }\n }\n\n .btn-link {\n color: @navbar-inverse-link-color;\n &:hover,\n &:focus {\n color: @navbar-inverse-link-hover-color;\n }\n &[disabled],\n fieldset[disabled] & {\n &:hover,\n &:focus {\n color: @navbar-inverse-link-disabled-color;\n }\n }\n }\n}\n","// Navbar vertical align\n//\n// Vertically center elements in the navbar.\n// Example: an element has a height of 30px, so write out `.navbar-vertical-align(30px);` to calculate the appropriate top margin.\n\n.navbar-vertical-align(@element-height) {\n margin: 0;\n/*\n margin-top: ((@navbar-height - @element-height) / 2);\n margin-bottom: ((@navbar-height - @element-height) / 2);\n */\n}\n","//\n// Utility classes\n// --------------------------------------------------\n\n\n// Floats\n// -------------------------\n\n.clearfix {\n .clearfix();\n}\n.center-block {\n .center-block();\n}\n.pull-right {\n float: right !important;\n}\n.pull-left {\n float: left !important;\n}\n\n\n// Toggling content\n// -------------------------\n\n// Note: Deprecated .hide in favor of .hidden or .sr-only (as appropriate) in v3.0.1\n.hide {\n display: none !important;\n}\n.show {\n display: block !important;\n}\n.invisible {\n visibility: hidden;\n}\n.text-hide {\n .text-hide();\n}\n\n\n// Hide from screenreaders and browsers\n//\n// Credit: HTML5 Boilerplate\n\n.hidden {\n display: none !important;\n visibility: hidden !important;\n}\n\n\n// For Affix plugin\n// -------------------------\n\n.affix {\n position: fixed;\n}\n","//\n// Breadcrumbs\n// --------------------------------------------------\n\n\n.breadcrumb {\n padding: @breadcrumb-padding-vertical @breadcrumb-padding-horizontal;\n margin-bottom: @line-height-computed;\n list-style: none;\n background-color: @breadcrumb-bg;\n\n > li {\n display: inline-block;\n\n + li:before {\n content: \"@{breadcrumb-separator}\\00a0\"; // Unicode space added since inline-block means non-collapsing white-space\n padding: 0 @baseWidth;\n color: @breadcrumb-color;\n }\n }\n\n > .active {\n color: @breadcrumb-active-color;\n }\n}\n","//\n// Pagination (multiple pages)\n// --------------------------------------------------\n.pagination {\n display: inline-block;\n padding-left: 0;\n margin: @line-height-computed 0;\n\n > li {\n display: inline; // Remove list-style and block-level defaults\n > a,\n > span {\n position: relative;\n padding: 0 @baseWidth;\n float: left; // Collapse white-space\n line-height: @line-height-base;\n text-decoration: none;\n color: @pagination-color;\n background-color: @pagination-bg;\n }\n &:first-child {\n > a,\n > span {\n margin-left: 0;\n }\n }\n &:last-child {\n > a,\n > span {\n }\n }\n }\n\n > li > a,\n > li > span {\n &:hover,\n &:focus {\n color: @pagination-hover-color;\n background-color: @pagination-hover-bg;\n border-color: @pagination-hover-border;\n }\n }\n\n > .active > a,\n > .active > span {\n &,\n &:hover,\n &:focus {\n z-index: 2;\n color: @pagination-active-color;\n background-color: @pagination-active-bg;\n border-color: @pagination-active-border;\n cursor: default;\n }\n }\n\n > .disabled {\n > span,\n > span:hover,\n > span:focus,\n > a,\n > a:hover,\n > a:focus {\n color: @pagination-disabled-color;\n background-color: @pagination-disabled-bg;\n border-color: @pagination-disabled-border;\n cursor: @cursor-disabled;\n }\n }\n}\n\n// Sizing\n// --------------------------------------------------\n\n// Large\n.pagination-lg {\n .pagination-size(@padding-large-vertical; @padding-large-horizontal; @font-size-large; @border-radius-large);\n}\n\n// Small\n.pagination-sm {\n .pagination-size(@padding-small-vertical; @padding-small-horizontal; @font-size-small; @border-radius-small);\n}\n","// Pagination\n\n.pagination-size(@padding-vertical; @padding-horizontal; @font-size; @border-radius) {\n > li {\n > a,\n > span {\n padding: @padding-vertical @padding-horizontal;\n font-size: @font-size;\n }\n &:first-child {\n > a,\n > span {\n }\n }\n &:last-child {\n > a,\n > span {\n }\n }\n }\n}\n","//\n// Pager pagination\n// --------------------------------------------------\n\n\n.pager {\n padding-left: 0;\n margin: @line-height-computed 0;\n list-style: none;\n text-align: center;\n &:extend(.clearfix all);\n li {\n display: inline;\n > a,\n > span {\n color: @pagination-color;\n display: inline-block;\n padding: @ts @rhs @bs @lhs;\n margin: 4px @rhs 8px @rhsNB;\n background-color: @pager-bg;\n border: @borderWidth solid @black;\n .box-shadow(0px 0px 0 4px @gray);\n -webkit-background-clip: padding-box;\n -moz-background-clip: padding;\n background-clip: padding-box;\n }\n\n > a:hover,\n > a:focus {\n text-decoration: none;\n background-color: @pager-hover-bg;\n }\n }\n\n .next {\n > a,\n > span {\n float: right;\n }\n }\n\n .previous {\n > a,\n > span {\n float: left;\n }\n }\n\n .disabled {\n > a,\n > a:hover,\n > a:focus,\n > span {\n color: @pager-disabled-color;\n background-color: @pager-bg;\n cursor: @cursor-disabled;\n }\n }\n}\n","//\n// Labels\n// --------------------------------------------------\n\n.label {\n display: inline;\n padding: 0 @baseWidth;\n font-size: @font-size-base;\n line-height: @baseLineHeight;\n color: @label-color;\n text-align: center;\n white-space: nowrap;\n vertical-align: baseline;\n\n // Add hover effects, but only for links\n a& {\n &:hover,\n &:focus {\n color: @label-link-hover-color;\n text-decoration: none;\n cursor: pointer;\n }\n }\n\n // Empty labels collapse automatically (not available in IE8)\n &:empty {\n display: none;\n }\n\n // Quick fix for labels in buttons\n .btn & {\n position: relative;\n }\n}\n\n// Colors\n// Contextual variations (linked labels get darker on :hover)\n\n.label-default {\n color: @black;\n .label-variant(@label-default-bg);\n}\n\n.label-primary {\n color: @black;\n .label-variant(@label-primary-bg);\n}\n\n.label-success {\n .label-variant(@label-success-bg);\n}\n\n.label-info {\n .label-variant(@label-info-bg);\n}\n\n.label-warning {\n .label-variant(@label-warning-bg);\n}\n\n.label-danger {\n .label-variant(@label-danger-bg);\n}\n","// Labels\n\n.label-variant(@color) {\n background-color: @color;\n\n &[href] {\n &:hover,\n &:focus {\n background-color: darken(@color, 10%);\n }\n }\n}\n","//\n// Badges\n// --------------------------------------------------\n\n\n// Base class\n.badge {\n display: inline-block;\n min-width: @baseWidth;\n padding: 0 @rhsNB 0 @lhsNB;\n font-size: @font-size-small;\n color: @badge-color;\n line-height: @badge-line-height;\n vertical-align: baseline;\n white-space: nowrap;\n text-align: center;\n background-color: @badge-bg;\n\n // Empty badges collapse automatically (not available in IE8)\n &:empty {\n display: none;\n }\n\n // Quick fix for badges in buttons\n .btn & {\n position: relative;\n }\n \n .btn-xs & {\n top: 0;\n }\n\n // Hover state, but only for links\n a& {\n &:hover,\n &:focus {\n color: @badge-link-hover-color;\n text-decoration: none;\n cursor: pointer;\n }\n }\n\n // Account for badges in navs\n .list-group-item.active > &,\n .nav-pills > .active > a > & {\n color: @badge-active-color;\n background-color: @badge-active-bg;\n }\n \n .list-group-item > & {\n float: right;\n }\n \n .list-group-item > & + & {\n //margin-right: @rhsNB;\n }\n \n .nav-pills > li > a > & {\n //margin-left: @lhsNB;\n }\n}\n","//\n// Jumbotron\n// --------------------------------------------------\n\n\n.jumbotron {\n padding: @jumbotron-padding (@jumbotron-padding);\n margin-bottom: @jumbotron-padding;\n color: @jumbotron-color;\n padding: @jumbotron-padding;\n margin: @ts @lhs @bs @rhs;\n background-color: @jumbotron-bg;\n border: @borderWidth solid @gray;\n\n h1,\n .h1 {\n margin: 0;\n color: @jumbotron-heading-color;\n }\n \n p {\n margin-bottom: 0;\n }\n\n > hr {\n border-top-color: @jumbotron-bg;\n }\n\n .container &,\n .container-fluid & {\n }\n\n .container {\n max-width: 100%;\n }\n\n @media screen and (min-width: @screen-sm-min) {\n padding: (@jumbotron-padding) 0;\n\n .container &,\n .container-fluid & {\n padding-left: (@jumbotron-padding);\n padding-right: (@jumbotron-padding);\n }\n\n h1,\n .h1 {\n font-size: @font-size-base;\n }\n }\n}\n","//\n// Alerts\n// --------------------------------------------------\n\n\n// Base styles\n// -------------------------\n\n.alert {\n padding: @alert-padding;\n margin-bottom: @line-height-computed;\n\n // Headings for larger alerts\n h4 {\n margin-top: 0;\n // Specified for the h4 to prevent conflicts of changing @headings-color\n color: inherit;\n }\n \n // Provide class for links that match alerts\n .alert-link {\n font-weight: @alert-link-font-weight;\n }\n\n // Improve alignment and spacing of inner content\n > p,\n > ul {\n margin-bottom: 0;\n }\n \n > p + p {\n margin-top: 0;\n }\n}\n\n// Dismissible alerts\n//\n// Expand the right padding and account for the close button's positioning.\n\n.alert-dismissable, // The misspelled .alert-dismissable was deprecated in 3.2.0.\n.alert-dismissible {\n padding-right: @rhsNB;\n\n // Adjust close link position\n .close {\n position: relative;\n top: -2px;\n right: -21px;\n color: inherit;\n }\n}\n\n// Alternate styles\n//\n// Generate contextual modifier classes for colorizing the alert.\n\n.alert-success {\n .alert-variant(@alert-success-bg; @alert-success-border; @alert-success-text);\n}\n\n.alert-info {\n .alert-variant(@alert-info-bg; @alert-info-border; @alert-info-text);\n}\n\n.alert-warning {\n .alert-variant(@alert-warning-bg; @alert-warning-border; @alert-warning-text);\n}\n\n.alert-danger {\n .alert-variant(@alert-danger-bg; @alert-danger-border; @alert-danger-text);\n}\n","// Alerts\n\n.alert-variant(@background; @border; @text-color) {\n background-color: @background;\n border-color: @border;\n color: @text-color;\n\n hr {\n border-top-color: @border;\n }\n .alert-link {\n color: @text-color;\n }\n}\n","//\n// Progress bars\n// --------------------------------------------------\n\n\n// Bar animations\n// -------------------------\n\n// WebKit\n@-webkit-keyframes progress-bar-stripes {\n from { background-position: 40px 0; }\n to { background-position: 0 0; }\n}\n\n// Spec and IE10+\n@keyframes progress-bar-stripes {\n from { background-position: 40px 0; }\n to { background-position: 0 0; }\n}\n\n\n// Bar itself\n// -------------------------\n\n// Outer container\n.progress {\n overflow: hidden;\n height: @line-height-computed;\n margin-bottom: @line-height-computed;\n background-color: @progress-bg;\n}\n\n// Bar of progress\n.progress-bar {\n float: left;\n width: 0%;\n height: 100%;\n font-size: @font-size-small;\n line-height: @line-height-computed;\n color: @progress-bar-color;\n text-align: center;\n background-color: @progress-bar-bg;\n}\n\n// Striped bars\n//\n// `.progress-striped .progress-bar` is deprecated as of v3.2.0 in favor of the\n// `.progress-bar-striped` class, which you just add to an existing\n// `.progress-bar`.\n.progress-striped .progress-bar,\n.progress-bar-striped {\n background-size: 40px 40px;\n}\n\n// Call animation for the active one\n//\n// `.progress.active .progress-bar` is deprecated as of v3.2.0 in favor of the\n// `.progress-bar.active` approach.\n.progress.active .progress-bar,\n.progress-bar.active {\n .animation(progress-bar-stripes 2s linear infinite);\n}\n\n\n// Variations\n// -------------------------\n\n.progress-bar-success {\n .progress-bar-variant(@progress-bar-success-bg);\n}\n\n.progress-bar-info {\n .progress-bar-variant(@progress-bar-info-bg);\n}\n\n.progress-bar-warning {\n .progress-bar-variant(@progress-bar-warning-bg);\n}\n\n.progress-bar-danger {\n .progress-bar-variant(@progress-bar-danger-bg);\n}\n","// Progress bars\n\n.progress-bar-variant(@color) {\n background-color: @color;\n\n // Deprecated parent class requirement as of v3.2.0\n .progress-striped & {\n }\n}\n",".media {\n // Proper spacing between instances of .media\n margin-top: 15px;\n\n &:first-child {\n margin-top: 0;\n }\n}\n\n.media,\n.media-body {\n zoom: 1;\n overflow: hidden;\n}\n\n.media-body {\n width: 10000px;\n}\n\n.media-object {\n display: block;\n}\n\n.media-right,\n.media > .pull-right {\n padding-left: 10px;\n}\n\n.media-left,\n.media > .pull-left {\n padding-right: 10px;\n}\n\n.media-left,\n.media-right,\n.media-body {\n display: table-cell;\n vertical-align: top;\n}\n\n.media-middle {\n vertical-align: middle;\n}\n\n.media-bottom {\n vertical-align: bottom;\n}\n\n// Reset margins on headings for tighter default spacing\n.media-heading {\n margin-top: 0;\n margin-bottom: 5px;\n}\n\n// Media list variation\n//\n// Undo default ul/ol styles\n.media-list {\n padding-left: 0;\n list-style: none;\n}\n","//\n// List groups\n// --------------------------------------------------\n\n\n// Base class\n//\n// Easily usable on , , or .\n\n.list-group {\n // No need to set list-style: none; since .list-group-item is block level\n margin: 0 @baseWidth (@baseLineHeight * 2) @baseWidth;\n background-color: @list-group-bg;\n padding: @tsNB @rhs @bsNB @lhs;\n border: @borderWidth solid @black;\n .box-shadow(0px 0px 0 5px @gray);\n -webkit-background-clip: padding-box;\n -moz-background-clip: padding;\n background-clip: padding-box;\n}\n\n\n// Individual list items\n//\n// Use on `li`s or `div`s within the `.list-group` parent.\n\n.list-group-item {\n color: @black;\n position: relative;\n display: block;\n padding: 0px @baseWidth;\n // Place the border on the list items and negative margin up for better styling\n background-color: @list-group-bg;\n\n // Round the first and last items\n &:first-child {\n }\n &:last-child {\n margin-bottom: 0;\n }\n}\n\n\n// Linked list items\n//\n// Use anchor elements instead of `li`s or `div`s to create linked list items.\n// Includes an extra `.active` modifier class for showing selected items.\n\na.list-group-item {\n color: @list-group-link-color;\n\n .list-group-item-heading {\n color: @list-group-link-heading-color;\n }\n\n // Hover state\n &:hover,\n &:focus {\n text-decoration: none;\n color: @list-group-link-hover-color;\n background-color: @list-group-hover-bg;\n }\n}\n\n.list-group-item {\n // Disabled state\n &.disabled,\n &.disabled:hover,\n &.disabled:focus {\n background-color: @list-group-disabled-bg;\n color: @list-group-disabled-color;\n cursor: @cursor-disabled;\n\n // Force color to inherit for custom content\n .list-group-item-heading {\n color: inherit;\n }\n .list-group-item-text {\n color: @list-group-disabled-text-color;\n }\n }\n\n // Active class on item itself, not parent\n &.active,\n &.active:hover,\n &.active:focus {\n z-index: 2; // Place active items above their siblings for proper border styling\n color: @list-group-active-color;\n background-color: @list-group-active-bg;\n border-color: @list-group-active-border;\n\n // Force color to inherit for custom content\n .list-group-item-heading,\n .list-group-item-heading > small,\n .list-group-item-heading > .small {\n color: inherit;\n }\n .list-group-item-text {\n color: @list-group-active-text-color;\n }\n }\n}\n\n\n// Contextual variants\n//\n// Add modifier classes to change text and background color on individual items.\n// Organizationally, this must come after the `:hover` states.\n\n.list-group-item-variant(success; @state-success-bg; @state-success-text);\n.list-group-item-variant(info; @state-info-bg; @state-info-text);\n.list-group-item-variant(warning; @state-warning-bg; @state-warning-text);\n.list-group-item-variant(danger; @state-danger-bg; @state-danger-text);\n\n\n// Custom content options\n//\n// Extra classes for creating well-formatted content within `.list-group-item`s.\n\n.list-group-item-heading {\n margin-top: 0;\n margin-bottom: 0px;\n}\n.list-group-item-text {\n margin-bottom: 0;\n line-height: @line-height-base;\n}\n","// List Groups\n\n.list-group-item-variant(@state; @background; @color) {\n .list-group-item-@{state} {\n color: @color;\n background-color: @background;\n\n a& {\n color: @color;\n\n .list-group-item-heading {\n color: inherit;\n }\n\n &:hover,\n &:focus {\n color: @color;\n background-color: darken(@background, 5%);\n }\n &.active,\n &.active:hover,\n &.active:focus {\n color: #fff;\n background-color: @color;\n border-color: @color;\n }\n }\n }\n}\n","//\n// Panels\n// --------------------------------------------------\n\n\n// Base class\n.panel {\n color: @black;\n margin-bottom: @line-height-computed;\n background-color: @panel-bg;\n}\n\n// Panel contents\n.panel-body {\n padding: @panel-body-padding;\n &:extend(.clearfix all);\n\n a:before {\n content: '<';\n }\n a:after {\n content: '>';\n }\n}\n\n// Optional heading\n.panel-heading {\n padding: @panel-heading-padding;\n\n > .dropdown .dropdown-toggle {\n color: inherit;\n }\n}\n\n// Within heading, strip any `h*` tag of its default margins for spacing.\n.panel-title {\n margin-top: 0;\n margin-bottom: 0;\n font-size: @font-size-base;\n color: inherit;\n\n > a,\n > small,\n > .small,\n > small > a,\n > .small > a {\n color: inherit;\n }\n}\n\n// Optional footer (stays gray in every modifier class)\n.panel-footer {\n padding: @panel-footer-padding;\n background-color: @panel-footer-bg;\n}\n\n.panel-title:before {\n content: '-= ';\n}\n.panel-title:after {\n content: ' =-';\n}\n\n// List groups in panels\n//\n// By default, space out list group content from panel headings to account for\n// any kind of custom content between the two.\n\n.panel {\n > .list-group,\n > .panel-collapse > .list-group {\n margin-bottom: 0;\n\n .list-group-item {\n border-width: 0px 0;\n }\n\n // Add border top radius for first one\n &:first-child {\n .list-group-item:first-child {\n }\n }\n // Add border bottom radius for last one\n &:last-child {\n .list-group-item:last-child {\n }\n }\n }\n}\n// Collapse space between when there's no additional content.\n.panel-heading + .list-group {\n .list-group-item:first-child {\n }\n}\n.list-group + .panel-footer {\n border-top-width: 0;\n}\n\n// Tables in panels\n//\n// Place a non-bordered `.table` within a panel (not within a `.panel-body`) and\n// watch it go full width.\n\n.panel {\n > .table,\n > .table-responsive > .table,\n > .panel-collapse > .table {\n margin-bottom: 0;\n\n caption {\n padding-left: @panel-body-padding;\n padding-right: @panel-body-padding;\n }\n }\n // Add border top radius for first one\n > .table:first-child,\n > .table-responsive:first-child > .table:first-child {\n\n > thead:first-child,\n > tbody:first-child {\n > tr:first-child {\n\n td:first-child,\n th:first-child {\n }\n td:last-child,\n th:last-child {\n }\n }\n }\n }\n // Add border bottom radius for last one\n > .table:last-child,\n > .table-responsive:last-child > .table:last-child {\n\n > tbody:last-child,\n > tfoot:last-child {\n > tr:last-child {\n\n td:first-child,\n th:first-child {\n }\n td:last-child,\n th:last-child {\n }\n }\n }\n }\n > .panel-body + .table,\n > .panel-body + .table-responsive,\n > .table + .panel-body,\n > .table-responsive + .panel-body {\n border-top: 0px solid @table-border-color;\n }\n > .table > tbody:first-child > tr:first-child th,\n > .table > tbody:first-child > tr:first-child td {\n border-top: 0;\n }\n > .table-bordered,\n > .table-responsive > .table-bordered {\n border: 0;\n > thead,\n > tbody,\n > tfoot {\n > tr {\n > th:first-child,\n > td:first-child {\n border-left: 0;\n }\n > th:last-child,\n > td:last-child {\n border-right: 0;\n }\n }\n }\n > thead,\n > tbody {\n > tr:first-child {\n > td,\n > th {\n border-bottom: 0;\n }\n }\n }\n > tbody,\n > tfoot {\n > tr:last-child {\n > td,\n > th {\n border-bottom: 0;\n }\n }\n }\n }\n > .table-responsive {\n border: 0;\n margin-bottom: 0;\n }\n}\n\n\n// Collapsable panels (aka, accordion)\n//\n// Wrap a series of panels in `.panel-group` to turn them into an accordion with\n// the help of our collapse JavaScript plugin.\n\n.panel-group {\n margin-bottom: @line-height-computed;\n\n // Tighten up margin so it's only between panels\n .panel {\n margin-bottom: 0;\n\n + .panel {\n margin-top: 0px;\n }\n }\n\n .panel-heading {\n border-bottom: 0;\n\n + .panel-collapse > .panel-body,\n + .panel-collapse > .list-group {\n }\n }\n\n .panel-footer {\n border-top: 0;\n + .panel-collapse .panel-body {\n }\n }\n}\n\n\n// Contextual variations\n.panel-default {\n .panel-variant(@panel-default-border; @panel-default-text; @panel-default-heading-bg; @panel-default-border);\n}\n.panel-primary {\n .panel-variant(@panel-primary-border; @panel-primary-text; @panel-primary-heading-bg; @panel-primary-border);\n}\n.panel-success {\n .panel-variant(@panel-success-border; @panel-success-text; @panel-success-heading-bg; @panel-success-border);\n}\n.panel-info {\n .panel-variant(@panel-info-border; @panel-info-text; @panel-info-heading-bg; @panel-info-border);\n}\n.panel-warning {\n .panel-variant(@panel-warning-border; @panel-warning-text; @panel-warning-heading-bg; @panel-warning-border);\n}\n.panel-danger {\n .panel-variant(@panel-danger-border; @panel-danger-text; @panel-danger-heading-bg; @panel-danger-border);\n}\n","// Panels\n\n.panel-variant(@border; @heading-text-color; @heading-bg-color; @heading-border) {\n border-color: @border;\n\n & > .panel-heading {\n color: @heading-text-color;\n background-color: @heading-bg-color;\n border-color: @heading-border;\n\n + .panel-collapse > .panel-body {\n border-top-color: @border;\n }\n .badge {\n color: @heading-bg-color;\n background-color: @heading-text-color;\n }\n }\n & > .panel-footer {\n + .panel-collapse > .panel-body {\n border-bottom-color: @border;\n }\n }\n}\n","// Embeds responsive\n//\n// Credit: Nicolas Gallagher and SUIT CSS.\n\n.embed-responsive {\n position: relative;\n display: block;\n height: 0;\n padding: 0;\n overflow: hidden;\n\n .embed-responsive-item,\n iframe,\n embed,\n object,\n video {\n position: absolute;\n top: 0;\n left: 0;\n bottom: 0;\n height: 100%;\n width: 100%;\n border: 0;\n }\n\n // Modifier class for 16:9 aspect ratio\n &.embed-responsive-16by9 {\n padding-bottom: 56.25%;\n }\n\n // Modifier class for 4:3 aspect ratio\n &.embed-responsive-4by3 {\n padding-bottom: 75%;\n }\n}\n","//\n// Wells\n// --------------------------------------------------\n\n\n// Base class\n.well {\n min-height: 20px;\n color: @white;\n padding: @baseLineHeight @baseWidth;\n margin-bottom: @baseLineHeight;\n background-color: @well-bg;\n blockquote {\n border-color: #ddd;\n border-color: rgba(0,0,0,0);\n }\n}\n\n// Sizes\n.well-lg {\n padding: (@ts * 2) (@rhs * 2) (@bs * 2) (@lhs * 2);\n}\n.well-sm {\n padding: @ts @rhs @bs @lhs;\n}\n","//\n// Close icons\n// --------------------------------------------------\n\n\n.close {\n float: right;\n font-size: @font-size-base;\n font-weight: @close-font-weight;\n line-height: 1;\n color: @close-color;\n text-shadow: @close-text-shadow;\n .opacity(.2);\n\n &:hover,\n &:focus {\n color: @close-color;\n text-decoration: none;\n cursor: pointer;\n .opacity(1);\n }\n\n // Additional properties for button version\n // iOS requires the button element instead of an anchor tag.\n // If you want the anchor version, it requires `href=\"#\"`.\n // See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Events/click#Safari_Mobile\n button& {\n padding: 0;\n cursor: pointer;\n background: transparent;\n border: 0;\n -webkit-appearance: none;\n }\n}\n","// Opacity\n\n.opacity(@opacity) {\n opacity: @opacity;\n // IE8 filter\n @opacity-ie: (@opacity * 100);\n filter: ~\"alpha(opacity=@{opacity-ie})\";\n}\n","//\n// Modals\n// --------------------------------------------------\n\n// .modal-open - body class for killing the scroll\n// .modal - container to scroll within\n// .modal-dialog - positioning shell for the actual modal\n// .modal-content - actual modal w/ bg and corners and shit\n\n// Kill the scroll on the body\n.modal-open {\n overflow: hidden;\n}\n\n// Container that the modal scrolls within\n.modal {\n display: none;\n overflow: hidden;\n position: fixed;\n top: 0;\n right: 0;\n bottom: 0;\n left: 0;\n z-index: @zindex-modal;\n -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch;\n\n // Prevent Chrome on Windows from adding a focus outline. For details, see\n // https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/pull/10951.\n outline: 0;\n\n // When fading in the modal, animate it to slide down\n &.fade .modal-dialog {\n }\n &.in .modal-dialog { .translate(0, 0) }\n}\n.modal-open .modal {\n overflow-x: hidden;\n overflow-y: auto;\n}\n\n.modal .btn {\n .box-shadow(none);\n}\n\n// Shell div to position the modal with bottom padding\n.modal-dialog {\n position: relative;\n width: auto;\n margin: @baseLineHeight 0;\n}\n\n// Actual modal\n.modal-content {\n color: @black;\n position: relative;\n background-color: @modal-content-bg;\n background-clip: padding-box;\n // Remove focus outline from opened modal\n outline: 0;\n .box-shadow(~\"@{baseLineWidth} @{halfbaseLineHeight} 0 rgb(0,0,0)\");\n}\n\n// Modal background\n.modal-backdrop {\n position: absolute;\n top: 0;\n right: 0;\n left: 0;\n background-color: @modal-backdrop-bg;\n}\n\n// Modal header\n// Top section of the modal w/ title and dismiss\n.modal-header {\n}\n// Close icon\n.modal-header .close {\n margin-top: 3px;\n margin-right: 2px;\n color: white;\n opacity: 1;\n}\n\n.modal-body {\n h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6 {\n background: @grayDark;\n margin-bottom: 0;\n }\n a {\n color: @blueDark;\n background: transparent;\n &:hover {\n color: @white;\n background: @brown;\n }\n }\n}\n\n// Title text within header\n.modal-title {\n color: @white;\n background: @greenDark;\n padding: @modal-title-padding;\n line-height: @modal-title-line-height;\n}\n\n// Modal body\n// Where all modal content resides (sibling of .modal-header and .modal-footer)\n.modal-body {\n position: relative;\n padding: @modal-inner-padding;\n}\n\n// Footer (for actions)\n.modal-footer {\n padding: 0 0;\n text-align: right; // right align buttons\n &:extend(.clearfix all); // clear it in case folks use .pull-* classes on buttons\n\n // Properly space out buttons\n .btn + .btn {\n margin-left: @baseWidth;\n margin-bottom: 0; // account for input[type=\"submit\"] which gets the bottom margin like all other inputs\n }\n // but override that for button groups\n .btn-group .btn + .btn {\n }\n // and override it for block buttons as well\n .btn-block + .btn-block {\n margin-left: 0;\n }\n}\n\n// Measure scrollbar width for padding body during modal show/hide\n.modal-scrollbar-measure {\n position: absolute;\n top: -9999px;\n width: 50px;\n height: 50px;\n overflow: scroll;\n}\n\n// Scale up the modal\n@media (min-width: @screen-sm-min) {\n // Automatically set modal's width for larger viewports\n .modal-dialog {\n width: @modal-md;\n margin: 30px auto;\n }\n .modal-content {\n }\n\n // Modal sizes\n .modal-sm { width: @modal-sm; }\n}\n\n@media (min-width: @screen-md-min) {\n .modal-lg { width: @modal-lg; }\n}\n","//\n// Tooltips\n// --------------------------------------------------\n\n\n// Base class\n.tooltip {\n position: absolute;\n z-index: @zindex-tooltip;\n display: block;\n visibility: visible;\n // Reset font and text properties given new insertion method\n font-family: @font-family-base;\n font-size: @font-size-small;\n line-height: @baseLineHeight;\n .opacity(0);\n\n &.in { }\n &.top { margin-top: 0px; padding: @tooltip-arrow-width 0; }\n &.right { margin-left: 0px; padding: 0 @tooltip-arrow-width; }\n &.bottom { margin-top: 0px; padding: @tooltip-arrow-width 0; }\n &.left { margin-left: 0px; padding: 0 @tooltip-arrow-width; }\n}\n\n// Wrapper for the tooltip content\n.tooltip-inner {\n max-width: @tooltip-max-width;\n padding: 0 @baseWidth;\n color: @tooltip-color;\n text-align: center;\n text-decoration: none;\n background-color: @tooltip-bg;\n}\n\n// Arrows\n.tooltip-arrow {\n display: none;\n}\n// Note: Deprecated .top-left, .top-right, .bottom-left, and .bottom-right as of v3.3.1\n","//\n// Popovers\n// --------------------------------------------------\n\n\n.popover {\n color: @black;\n position: absolute;\n top: 0;\n left: 0;\n z-index: @zindex-popover;\n display: none;\n max-width: @popover-max-width;\n padding: 0px;\n // Reset font and text properties given new insertion method\n font-family: @font-family-base;\n font-size: @font-size-base;\n line-height: @line-height-base;\n text-align: left;\n background-color: @popover-bg;\n background-clip: padding-box;\n\n // Overrides for proper insertion\n white-space: normal;\n\n // Offset the popover to account for the popover arrow\n &.top { margin-top: -@popover-arrow-width; }\n &.right { margin-left: @popover-arrow-width; }\n &.bottom { margin-top: @popover-arrow-width; }\n &.left { margin-left: -@popover-arrow-width; }\n}\n\n.popover-title {\n margin: 0; // reset heading margin\n padding: 0 @baseWidth;\n color: @white;\n background-color: @popover-title-bg;\n}\n\n.popover-content {\n padding: 0 @baseWidth;\n}\n\n// Arrows\n//\n// .arrow is outer, .arrow:after is inner\n\n.popover > .arrow {\n display: none;\n}\n\n","// Clearfix\n//\n// For modern browsers\n// 1. The space content is one way to avoid an Opera bug when the\n// contenteditable attribute is included anywhere else in the document.\n// Otherwise it causes space to appear at the top and bottom of elements\n// that are clearfixed.\n// 2. The use of `table` rather than `block` is only necessary if using\n// `:before` to contain the top-margins of child elements.\n//\n// Source: http://nicolasgallagher.com/micro-clearfix-hack/\n\n.clearfix() {\n &:before,\n &:after {\n content: \" \"; // 1\n display: table; // 2\n }\n &:after {\n clear: both;\n }\n}\n","// Center-align a block level element\n\n.center-block() {\n display: block;\n margin-left: auto;\n margin-right: auto;\n}\n","// CSS image replacement\n//\n// Heads up! v3 launched with with only `.hide-text()`, but per our pattern for\n// mixins being reused as classes with the same name, this doesn't hold up. As\n// of v3.0.1 we have added `.text-hide()` and deprecated `.hide-text()`.\n//\n// Source: https://github.com/h5bp/html5-boilerplate/commit/aa0396eae757\n\n// Deprecated as of v3.0.1 (will be removed in v4)\n.hide-text() {\n font: ~\"0/0\" a;\n color: transparent;\n text-shadow: none;\n background-color: transparent;\n border: 0;\n}\n\n// New mixin to use as of v3.0.1\n.text-hide() {\n .hide-text();\n}\n","//\n// Responsive: Utility classes\n// --------------------------------------------------\n\n\n// IE10 in Windows (Phone) 8\n//\n// Support for responsive views via media queries is kind of borked in IE10, for\n// Surface/desktop in split view and for Windows Phone 8. This particular fix\n// must be accompanied by a snippet of JavaScript to sniff the user agent and\n// apply some conditional CSS to *only* the Surface/desktop Windows 8. Look at\n// our Getting Started page for more information on this bug.\n//\n// For more information, see the following:\n//\n// Issue: https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/issues/10497\n// Docs: http://getbootstrap.com/getting-started/#support-ie10-width\n// Source: http://timkadlec.com/2013/01/windows-phone-8-and-device-width/\n// Source: http://timkadlec.com/2012/10/ie10-snap-mode-and-responsive-design/\n\n@-ms-viewport {\n width: device-width;\n}\n\n\n// Visibility utilities\n// Note: Deprecated .visible-xs, .visible-sm, .visible-md, and .visible-lg as of v3.2.0\n.visible-xs,\n.visible-sm,\n.visible-md,\n.visible-lg {\n .responsive-invisibility();\n}\n\n.visible-xs-block,\n.visible-xs-inline,\n.visible-xs-inline-block,\n.visible-sm-block,\n.visible-sm-inline,\n.visible-sm-inline-block,\n.visible-md-block,\n.visible-md-inline,\n.visible-md-inline-block,\n.visible-lg-block,\n.visible-lg-inline,\n.visible-lg-inline-block {\n display: none !important;\n}\n\n.visible-xs {\n @media (max-width: @screen-xs-max) {\n .responsive-visibility();\n }\n}\n.visible-xs-block {\n @media (max-width: @screen-xs-max) {\n display: block !important;\n }\n}\n.visible-xs-inline {\n @media (max-width: @screen-xs-max) {\n display: inline !important;\n }\n}\n.visible-xs-inline-block {\n @media (max-width: @screen-xs-max) {\n display: inline-block !important;\n }\n}\n\n.visible-sm {\n @media (min-width: @screen-sm-min) and (max-width: @screen-sm-max) {\n .responsive-visibility();\n }\n}\n.visible-sm-block {\n @media (min-width: @screen-sm-min) and (max-width: @screen-sm-max) {\n display: block !important;\n }\n}\n.visible-sm-inline {\n @media (min-width: @screen-sm-min) and (max-width: @screen-sm-max) {\n display: inline !important;\n }\n}\n.visible-sm-inline-block {\n @media (min-width: @screen-sm-min) and (max-width: @screen-sm-max) {\n display: inline-block !important;\n }\n}\n\n.visible-md {\n @media (min-width: @screen-md-min) and (max-width: @screen-md-max) {\n .responsive-visibility();\n }\n}\n.visible-md-block {\n @media (min-width: @screen-md-min) and (max-width: @screen-md-max) {\n display: block !important;\n }\n}\n.visible-md-inline {\n @media (min-width: @screen-md-min) and (max-width: @screen-md-max) {\n display: inline !important;\n }\n}\n.visible-md-inline-block {\n @media (min-width: @screen-md-min) and (max-width: @screen-md-max) {\n display: inline-block !important;\n }\n}\n\n.visible-lg {\n @media (min-width: @screen-lg-min) {\n .responsive-visibility();\n }\n}\n.visible-lg-block {\n @media (min-width: @screen-lg-min) {\n display: block !important;\n }\n}\n.visible-lg-inline {\n @media (min-width: @screen-lg-min) {\n display: inline !important;\n }\n}\n.visible-lg-inline-block {\n @media (min-width: @screen-lg-min) {\n display: inline-block !important;\n }\n}\n\n.hidden-xs {\n @media (max-width: @screen-xs-max) {\n .responsive-invisibility();\n }\n}\n.hidden-sm {\n @media (min-width: @screen-sm-min) and (max-width: @screen-sm-max) {\n .responsive-invisibility();\n }\n}\n.hidden-md {\n @media (min-width: @screen-md-min) and (max-width: @screen-md-max) {\n .responsive-invisibility();\n }\n}\n.hidden-lg {\n @media (min-width: @screen-lg-min) {\n .responsive-invisibility();\n }\n}\n\n\n// Print utilities\n//\n// Media queries are placed on the inside to be mixin-friendly.\n\n// Note: Deprecated .visible-print as of v3.2.0\n.visible-print {\n .responsive-invisibility();\n\n @media print {\n .responsive-visibility();\n }\n}\n.visible-print-block {\n display: none !important;\n\n @media print {\n display: block !important;\n }\n}\n.visible-print-inline {\n display: none !important;\n\n @media print {\n display: inline !important;\n }\n}\n.visible-print-inline-block {\n display: none !important;\n\n @media print {\n display: inline-block !important;\n }\n}\n\n.hidden-print {\n @media print {\n .responsive-invisibility();\n }\n}\n","// Responsive utilities\n\n//\n// More easily include all the states for responsive-utilities.less.\n.responsive-visibility() {\n display: block !important;\n table& { display: table; }\n tr& { display: table-row !important; }\n th&,\n td& { display: table-cell !important; }\n}\n\n.responsive-invisibility() {\n display: none !important;\n}\n","#wrap386 {\n z-index: 9999999;\n background: @blueDark;\n position: fixed;\n bottom: 0;\n right: 0;\n height: 100%;\n width: 100%;\n}\n#bar386 {\n color: @white;\n font-weight: bold;\n float: right;\n background: @blueDark;\n height: @baseLineHeight;\n margin-top: -@baseLineHeight;\n width: 100%;\n}\n#cursor386 {\n z-index: 9999999;\n color: @white;\n font-weight: bold;\n position: fixed;\n bottom: 0;\n right: 0;\n}\n"]}
\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
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+/*! Source: https://github.com/h5bp/html5-boilerplate/blob/master/src/css/main.css */
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+ vertical-align: middle;
+ font-weight: normal;
+ cursor: pointer;
+.radio-inline + .radio-inline,
+.checkbox-inline + .checkbox-inline {
+ margin-top: 0;
+ margin-left: 10px;
+fieldset[disabled] input[type="radio"],
+fieldset[disabled] input[type="checkbox"] {
+ cursor: not-allowed;
+fieldset[disabled] .radio-inline,
+fieldset[disabled] .checkbox-inline {
+ cursor: not-allowed;
+.radio.disabled label,
+.checkbox.disabled label,
+fieldset[disabled] .radio label,
+fieldset[disabled] .checkbox label {
+ cursor: not-allowed;
+.form-control-static {
+ padding-top: 1px;
+ padding-bottom: 1px;
+ margin-bottom: 0;
+.form-control-static.input-sm {
+ padding-left: 0;
+ padding-right: 0;
+.input-sm {
+ height: 19px;
+ padding: 0 0;
+ font-size: 18px;
+ line-height: 19px;
+select.input-sm {
+ height: 19px;
+ line-height: 19px;
+select[multiple].input-sm {
+ height: auto;
+.form-group-sm .form-control {
+ height: 19px;
+ padding: 0 0;
+ font-size: 18px;
+ line-height: 19px;
+select.form-group-sm .form-control {
+ height: 19px;
+ line-height: 19px;
+textarea.form-group-sm .form-control,
+select[multiple].form-group-sm .form-control {
+ height: auto;
+.form-group-sm .form-control-static {
+ height: 19px;
+ padding: 0px 0px;
+ font-size: 18px;
+ line-height: 19px;
+.input-lg {
+ height: 19px;
+ padding: 0 0;
+ font-size: 18px;
+ line-height: 19px;
+select.input-lg {
+ height: 19px;
+ line-height: 19px;
+select[multiple].input-lg {
+ height: auto;
+.form-group-lg .form-control {
+ height: 19px;
+ padding: 0 0;
+ font-size: 18px;
+ line-height: 19px;
+select.form-group-lg .form-control {
+ height: 19px;
+ line-height: 19px;
+textarea.form-group-lg .form-control,
+select[multiple].form-group-lg .form-control {
+ height: auto;
+.form-group-lg .form-control-static {
+ height: 19px;
+ padding: 0px 5px;
+ font-size: 18px;
+ line-height: 19px;
+.has-feedback {
+ position: relative;
+.has-feedback .form-control {
+ padding-right: 23.75px;
+.form-control-feedback {
+ position: absolute;
+ top: 0;
+ right: 0;
+ z-index: 2;
+ display: block;
+ width: 19px;
+ height: 19px;
+ line-height: 19px;
+ text-align: center;
+ pointer-events: none;
+.input-lg + .form-control-feedback {
+ width: 19px;
+ height: 19px;
+ line-height: 19px;
+.input-sm + .form-control-feedback {
+ width: 19px;
+ height: 19px;
+ line-height: 19px;
+.has-success .help-block,
+.has-success .control-label,
+.has-success .radio,
+.has-success .checkbox,
+.has-success .radio-inline,
+.has-success .checkbox-inline,
+.has-success.radio label,
+.has-success.checkbox label,
+.has-success.radio-inline label,
+.has-success.checkbox-inline label {
+ color: #55ff55;
+.has-success .form-control {
+ border-color: #55ff55;
+.has-success .form-control:focus {
+ border-color: #55ff55;
+.has-success .input-group-addon {
+ color: #55ff55;
+ border-color: #55ff55;
+ background-color: #00aa00;
+.has-success .form-control-feedback {
+ color: #55ff55;
+.has-warning .help-block,
+.has-warning .control-label,
+.has-warning .radio,
+.has-warning .checkbox,
+.has-warning .radio-inline,
+.has-warning .checkbox-inline,
+.has-warning.radio label,
+.has-warning.checkbox label,
+.has-warning.radio-inline label,
+.has-warning.checkbox-inline label {
+ color: #ff55ff;
+.has-warning .form-control {
+ border-color: #ff55ff;
+.has-warning .form-control:focus {
+ border-color: #ff55ff;
+.has-warning .input-group-addon {
+ color: #ff55ff;
+ border-color: #ff55ff;
+ background-color: #aa00aa;
+.has-warning .form-control-feedback {
+ color: #ff55ff;
+.has-error .help-block,
+.has-error .control-label,
+.has-error .radio,
+.has-error .checkbox,
+.has-error .radio-inline,
+.has-error .checkbox-inline,
+.has-error.radio label,
+.has-error.checkbox label,
+.has-error.radio-inline label,
+.has-error.checkbox-inline label {
+ color: #ff5555;
+.has-error .form-control {
+ border-color: #ff5555;
+.has-error .form-control:focus {
+ border-color: #ff5555;
+.has-error .input-group-addon {
+ color: #ff5555;
+ border-color: #ff5555;
+ background-color: #000000;
+.has-error .form-control-feedback {
+ color: #ff5555;
+.has-feedback label ~ .form-control-feedback {
+ top: 24px;
+.has-feedback label.sr-only ~ .form-control-feedback {
+ top: 0;
+.help-block {
+ display: block;
+ margin-top: 8.5px;
+ margin-bottom: 8.5px;
+ color: #bbbbbb;
+@media (min-width: 768px) {
+ .form-inline .form-group {
+ display: inline-block;
+ margin-bottom: 0;
+ vertical-align: middle;
+ }
+ .form-inline .form-control {
+ display: inline-block;
+ width: auto;
+ vertical-align: middle;
+ }
+ .form-inline .form-control-static {
+ display: inline-block;
+ }
+ .form-inline .input-group {
+ display: inline-table;
+ vertical-align: middle;
+ }
+ .form-inline .input-group .input-group-addon,
+ .form-inline .input-group .input-group-btn,
+ .form-inline .input-group .form-control {
+ width: auto;
+ }
+ .form-inline .input-group > .form-control {
+ width: 100%;
+ }
+ .form-inline .control-label {
+ margin-bottom: 0;
+ vertical-align: middle;
+ }
+ .form-inline .radio,
+ .form-inline .checkbox {
+ display: inline-block;
+ margin-top: 0;
+ margin-bottom: 0;
+ vertical-align: middle;
+ }
+ .form-inline .radio label,
+ .form-inline .checkbox label {
+ padding-left: 0;
+ }
+ .form-inline .radio input[type="radio"],
+ .form-inline .checkbox input[type="checkbox"] {
+ position: relative;
+ margin-left: 0;
+ }
+ .form-inline .has-feedback .form-control-feedback {
+ top: 0;
+ }
+.form-horizontal .radio,
+.form-horizontal .checkbox,
+.form-horizontal .radio-inline,
+.form-horizontal .checkbox-inline {
+ margin-top: 0;
+ margin-bottom: 0;
+ padding-top: 1px;
+.form-horizontal .radio,
+.form-horizontal .checkbox {
+ min-height: 20px;
+.form-horizontal .form-group {
+ margin-left: -10px;
+ margin-right: -10px;
+@media (min-width: 768px) {
+ .form-horizontal .control-label {
+ text-align: right;
+ margin-bottom: 0;
+ padding-top: 1px;
+ }
+.form-horizontal .has-feedback .form-control-feedback {
+ right: 10px;
+@media (min-width: 768px) {
+ .form-horizontal .form-group-lg .control-label {
+ padding-top: 1px;
+ }
+@media (min-width: 768px) {
+ .form-horizontal .form-group-sm .control-label {
+ padding-top: 1px;
+ }
+.btn {
+ display: inline-block;
+ text-align: center;
+ vertical-align: middle;
+ touch-action: manipulation;
+ background-image: none;
+ padding: 0 9.5px;
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+ box-shadow: 9.5px 9.5px 0 rgb(0,0,0);
+ cursor: default;
+ border: 0px;
+ -webkit-user-select: none;
+ -moz-user-select: none;
+ -ms-user-select: none;
+ user-select: none;
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+ color: #aa0000;
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+ outline: 0;
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+ color: #bbbbbb !important;
+ background: #000000 !important;
+ outline: 0;
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+ color: #bbbbbb !important;
+fieldset[disabled] .btn {
+ cursor: not-allowed;
+ pointer-events: none;
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+ box-shadow: none;
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+ background: #555555;
+ color: #ffffff;
+ -webkit-box-shadow: none;
+ box-shadow: none;
+.navbar .btn::first-letter {
+ color: #fefe54;
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+ color: #000000;
+ background-color: #bbbbbb;
+ /*
+ &:hover,
+ &:focus,
+ &.focus,
+ &:active,
+ &.active,
+ .open > .dropdown-toggle& {
+ color: @color;
+ background-color: @background;
+ border-color: @border;
+ }
+ */
+.open > .dropdown-toggle.btn-default {
+ background-image: none;
+fieldset[disabled] .btn-default,
+fieldset[disabled] .btn-default:hover,
+fieldset[disabled] .btn-default:focus,
+fieldset[disabled] .btn-default.focus,
+fieldset[disabled] .btn-default:active,
+fieldset[disabled] .btn-default.active {
+ background-color: #bbbbbb;
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+ color: #bbbbbb;
+ background-color: #000000;
+.btn-primary {
+ color: #000000;
+ background-color: #00aaaa;
+ /*
+ &:hover,
+ &:focus,
+ &.focus,
+ &:active,
+ &.active,
+ .open > .dropdown-toggle& {
+ color: @color;
+ background-color: @background;
+ border-color: @border;
+ }
+ */
+.open > .dropdown-toggle.btn-primary {
+ background-image: none;
+fieldset[disabled] .btn-primary,
+fieldset[disabled] .btn-primary:hover,
+fieldset[disabled] .btn-primary:focus,
+fieldset[disabled] .btn-primary.focus,
+fieldset[disabled] .btn-primary:active,
+fieldset[disabled] .btn-primary.active {
+ background-color: #00aaaa;
+.btn-primary .badge {
+ color: #00aaaa;
+ background-color: #000000;
+.btn-success {
+ color: #ffffff;
+ background-color: #00aa00;
+ /*
+ &:hover,
+ &:focus,
+ &.focus,
+ &:active,
+ &.active,
+ .open > .dropdown-toggle& {
+ color: @color;
+ background-color: @background;
+ border-color: @border;
+ }
+ */
+.btn-success::first-letter {
+ color: #fefe54;
+.open > .dropdown-toggle.btn-success {
+ background-image: none;
+fieldset[disabled] .btn-success,
+fieldset[disabled] .btn-success:hover,
+fieldset[disabled] .btn-success:focus,
+fieldset[disabled] .btn-success.focus,
+fieldset[disabled] .btn-success:active,
+fieldset[disabled] .btn-success.active {
+ background-color: #00aa00;
+.btn-success .badge {
+ color: #00aa00;
+ background-color: #ffffff;
+.btn-info {
+ color: #ffffff;
+ background-color: #aa5500;
+ /*
+ &:hover,
+ &:focus,
+ &.focus,
+ &:active,
+ &.active,
+ .open > .dropdown-toggle& {
+ color: @color;
+ background-color: @background;
+ border-color: @border;
+ }
+ */
+.btn-info::first-letter {
+ color: #fefe54;
+.open > .dropdown-toggle.btn-info {
+ background-image: none;
+fieldset[disabled] .btn-info,
+fieldset[disabled] .btn-info:hover,
+fieldset[disabled] .btn-info:focus,
+fieldset[disabled] .btn-info.focus,
+fieldset[disabled] .btn-info:active,
+fieldset[disabled] .btn-info.active {
+ background-color: #aa5500;
+.btn-info .badge {
+ color: #aa5500;
+ background-color: #ffffff;
+.btn-warning {
+ color: #ffffff;
+ background-color: #aa00aa;
+ /*
+ &:hover,
+ &:focus,
+ &.focus,
+ &:active,
+ &.active,
+ .open > .dropdown-toggle& {
+ color: @color;
+ background-color: @background;
+ border-color: @border;
+ }
+ */
+.btn-warning::first-letter {
+ color: #fefe54;
+.open > .dropdown-toggle.btn-warning {
+ background-image: none;
+fieldset[disabled] .btn-warning,
+fieldset[disabled] .btn-warning:hover,
+fieldset[disabled] .btn-warning:focus,
+fieldset[disabled] .btn-warning.focus,
+fieldset[disabled] .btn-warning:active,
+fieldset[disabled] .btn-warning.active {
+ background-color: #aa00aa;
+.btn-warning .badge {
+ color: #aa00aa;
+ background-color: #ffffff;
+.btn-danger {
+ color: #ffffff;
+ background-color: #aa0000;
+ /*
+ &:hover,
+ &:focus,
+ &.focus,
+ &:active,
+ &.active,
+ .open > .dropdown-toggle& {
+ color: @color;
+ background-color: @background;
+ border-color: @border;
+ }
+ */
+.btn-danger::first-letter {
+ color: #fefe54;
+.open > .dropdown-toggle.btn-danger {
+ background-image: none;
+fieldset[disabled] .btn-danger,
+fieldset[disabled] .btn-danger:hover,
+fieldset[disabled] .btn-danger:focus,
+fieldset[disabled] .btn-danger.focus,
+fieldset[disabled] .btn-danger:active,
+fieldset[disabled] .btn-danger.active {
+ background-color: #aa0000;
+.btn-danger .badge {
+ color: #aa0000;
+ background-color: #ffffff;
+.btn-link {
+ color: #bbbbbb;
+ font-weight: normal;
+fieldset[disabled] .btn-link {
+ background-color: transparent;
+ -webkit-box-shadow: none;
+ box-shadow: none;
+.btn-link:active {
+ border-color: transparent;
+.btn-link:focus {
+ color: #ffffff;
+ background-color: transparent;
+fieldset[disabled] .btn-link:hover,
+fieldset[disabled] .btn-link:focus {
+ color: #bbbbbb;
+.btn-group-lg > .btn {
+ padding: 19px 9.5px;
+.btn-group-xs > .btn,
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+ -webkit-box-shadow: none;
+ box-shadow: none;
+.btn-block {
+ display: block;
+ width: 100%;
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+ margin-top: 19px;
+input[type="button"].btn-block {
+ width: 100%;
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+ opacity: 0;
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+ opacity: 1;
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+ display: none;
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+ display: block;
+ visibility: visible;
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+ display: table-row;
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+ display: table-row-group;
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+ position: relative;
+ height: 0;
+ overflow: hidden;
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+ display: inline-block;
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+ position: relative;
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+ outline: 0;
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+ content: "";
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+ left: auto;
+ right: 0;
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+ left: 0;
+ right: auto;
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+ position: relative;
+ display: inline-block;
+ vertical-align: middle;
+.btn-group > .btn,
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+ position: relative;
+ float: left;
+.btn-group > .btn:hover,
+.btn-group-vertical > .btn:hover,
+.btn-group > .btn:focus,
+.btn-group-vertical > .btn:focus,
+.btn-group > .btn:active,
+.btn-group-vertical > .btn:active,
+.btn-group > .btn.active,
+.btn-group-vertical > .btn.active {
+ color: #bbbbbb;
+ background: #000000;
+.btn-group > .btn:hover::first-letter,
+.btn-group-vertical > .btn:hover::first-letter,
+.btn-group > .btn:focus::first-letter,
+.btn-group-vertical > .btn:focus::first-letter,
+.btn-group > .btn:active::first-letter,
+.btn-group-vertical > .btn:active::first-letter,
+.btn-group > .btn.active::first-letter,
+.btn-group-vertical > .btn.active::first-letter {
+ color: #bbbbbb;
+.btn-group .btn + .btn,
+.btn-group .btn + .btn-group,
+.btn-group .btn-group + .btn,
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+ margin-left: -1px;
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+ margin-left: -5px;
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+ float: left;
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+.btn-toolbar > .btn-group,
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+ margin-left: 4px;
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+ margin-left: 0;
+.btn-group > .btn-group {
+ float: left;
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+ border-bottom-left-radius: 0;
+ border-top-left-radius: 0;
+.btn-group .dropdown-toggle:active,
+.btn-group.open .dropdown-toggle {
+ outline: 0;
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+ padding-left: 10px;
+ padding-right: 10px;
+.btn-group > .btn-lg + .dropdown-toggle {
+ padding-left: 10px;
+ padding-right: 10px;
+.btn-group.open .dropdown-toggle.btn-link {
+ -webkit-box-shadow: none;
+ box-shadow: none;
+.btn .caret {
+ margin-left: 0;
+.btn-lg .caret {
+ border-width: 5px 5px 0;
+ border-bottom-width: 0;
+.btn-group-vertical > .btn,
+.btn-group-vertical > .btn-group,
+.btn-group-vertical > .btn-group > .btn {
+ display: block;
+ float: none;
+ width: 100%;
+ max-width: 100%;
+.btn-group-vertical > .btn-group > .btn {
+ float: none;
+.btn-group-vertical > .btn + .btn,
+.btn-group-vertical > .btn + .btn-group,
+.btn-group-vertical > .btn-group + .btn,
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+ margin-top: -1px;
+ margin-left: 0;
+.btn-group-vertical > .btn-group:last-child:not(:first-child) > .btn:first-child {
+ border-top-right-radius: 0;
+ border-top-left-radius: 0;
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+ display: table;
+ width: 100%;
+ table-layout: fixed;
+ border-collapse: separate;
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+.btn-group-justified > .btn-group {
+ float: none;
+ display: table-cell;
+ width: 1%;
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+ width: 100%;
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+ left: auto;
+[data-toggle="buttons"] > .btn input[type="radio"],
+[data-toggle="buttons"] > .btn-group > .btn input[type="radio"],
+[data-toggle="buttons"] > .btn input[type="checkbox"],
+[data-toggle="buttons"] > .btn-group > .btn input[type="checkbox"] {
+ position: absolute;
+ clip: rect(0, 0, 0, 0);
+ pointer-events: none;
+.input-group {
+ position: relative;
+ display: table;
+ border-collapse: separate;
+.input-group[class*="col-"] {
+ float: none;
+ padding-left: 0;
+ padding-right: 0;
+.input-group .form-control {
+ position: relative;
+ float: left;
+ width: 100%;
+ margin-bottom: 0;
+.input-group-lg > .form-control,
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+.input-group-lg > .input-group-btn > .btn {
+ height: 19px;
+ padding: 0 0;
+ font-size: 18px;
+ line-height: 19px;
+select.input-group-lg > .form-control,
+select.input-group-lg > .input-group-addon,
+select.input-group-lg > .input-group-btn > .btn {
+ height: 19px;
+ line-height: 19px;
+textarea.input-group-lg > .form-control,
+textarea.input-group-lg > .input-group-addon,
+textarea.input-group-lg > .input-group-btn > .btn,
+select[multiple].input-group-lg > .form-control,
+select[multiple].input-group-lg > .input-group-addon,
+select[multiple].input-group-lg > .input-group-btn > .btn {
+ height: auto;
+.input-group-sm > .form-control,
+.input-group-sm > .input-group-addon,
+.input-group-sm > .input-group-btn > .btn {
+ height: 19px;
+ padding: 0 0;
+ font-size: 18px;
+ line-height: 19px;
+select.input-group-sm > .form-control,
+select.input-group-sm > .input-group-addon,
+select.input-group-sm > .input-group-btn > .btn {
+ height: 19px;
+ line-height: 19px;
+textarea.input-group-sm > .form-control,
+textarea.input-group-sm > .input-group-addon,
+textarea.input-group-sm > .input-group-btn > .btn,
+select[multiple].input-group-sm > .form-control,
+select[multiple].input-group-sm > .input-group-addon,
+select[multiple].input-group-sm > .input-group-btn > .btn {
+ height: auto;
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+ /*
+ margin-top: ((@navbar-height - @element-height) / 2);
+ margin-bottom: ((@navbar-height - @element-height) / 2);
+ */
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+ margin-bottom: ((@navbar-height - @element-height) / 2);
+ */
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+ /*
+ margin-top: ((@navbar-height - @element-height) / 2);
+ margin-bottom: ((@navbar-height - @element-height) / 2);
+ */
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+ /*
+ margin-top: ((@navbar-height - @element-height) / 2);
+ margin-bottom: ((@navbar-height - @element-height) / 2);
+ */
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+ /*
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+ margin-bottom: ((@navbar-height - @element-height) / 2);
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+.carousel-inner > .prev {
+ display: block;
+.carousel-inner > .active {
+ left: 0;
+.carousel-inner > .next,
+.carousel-inner > .prev {
+ position: absolute;
+ top: 0;
+ width: 100%;
+.carousel-inner > .next {
+ left: 100%;
+.carousel-inner > .prev {
+ left: -100%;
+.carousel-inner > .next.left,
+.carousel-inner > .prev.right {
+ left: 0;
+.carousel-inner > .active.left {
+ left: -100%;
+.carousel-inner > .active.right {
+ left: 100%;
+.carousel-control {
+ position: absolute;
+ top: 0;
+ left: 0;
+ bottom: 0;
+ width: 15%;
+ opacity: 1;
+ filter: alpha(opacity=100);
+ font-size: 18px;
+ color: #ffffff;
+ text-align: center;
+ text-shadow: none;
+.carousel-control.right {
+ left: auto;
+ right: 0;
+.carousel-control:focus {
+ outline: 0;
+ color: #ffffff;
+ text-decoration: none;
+ opacity: 0.9;
+ filter: alpha(opacity=90);
+.carousel-control .icon-prev,
+.carousel-control .icon-next,
+.carousel-control .glyphicon-chevron-left,
+.carousel-control .glyphicon-chevron-right {
+ position: absolute;
+ top: 50%;
+ z-index: 5;
+ display: inline-block;
+.carousel-control .icon-prev,
+.carousel-control .glyphicon-chevron-left {
+ left: 50%;
+ margin-left: -10px;
+.carousel-control .icon-next,
+.carousel-control .glyphicon-chevron-right {
+ right: 50%;
+ margin-right: -10px;
+.carousel-control .icon-prev,
+.carousel-control .icon-next {
+ width: 20px;
+ height: 20px;
+ margin-top: -10px;
+ line-height: 1;
+ font-family: serif;
+.carousel-control .icon-prev:before {
+ content: '\2039';
+.carousel-control .icon-next:before {
+ content: '\203a';
+.carousel-indicators {
+ position: absolute;
+ bottom: 10px;
+ left: 50%;
+ z-index: 15;
+ width: 60%;
+ margin-left: -30%;
+ padding-left: 0;
+ list-style: none;
+ text-align: center;
+.carousel-indicators li {
+ display: inline-block;
+ width: 10px;
+ height: 10px;
+ margin: 1px;
+ text-indent: -999px;
+ border: 2px solid #ffffff;
+ cursor: pointer;
+ background-color: #000 \9;
+ background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);
+.carousel-indicators .active {
+ margin: 0;
+ width: 12px;
+ height: 12px;
+ background-color: #ffffff;
+.carousel-caption {
+ position: absolute;
+ left: 15%;
+ right: 15%;
+ bottom: 20px;
+ z-index: 10;
+ padding-top: 20px;
+ padding-bottom: 20px;
+ color: #ffffff;
+ text-align: center;
+ text-shadow: none;
+.carousel-caption .btn {
+ text-shadow: none;
+@media screen and (min-width: 768px) {
+ .carousel-control .glyphicon-chevron-left,
+ .carousel-control .glyphicon-chevron-right,
+ .carousel-control .icon-prev,
+ .carousel-control .icon-next {
+ width: 30px;
+ height: 30px;
+ margin-top: -15px;
+ font-size: 18px;
+ }
+ .carousel-control .glyphicon-chevron-left,
+ .carousel-control .icon-prev {
+ margin-left: -15px;
+ }
+ .carousel-control .glyphicon-chevron-right,
+ .carousel-control .icon-next {
+ margin-right: -15px;
+ }
+ .carousel-caption {
+ left: 20%;
+ right: 20%;
+ padding-bottom: 30px;
+ }
+ .carousel-indicators {
+ bottom: 20px;
+ }
+.dl-horizontal dd:before,
+.dl-horizontal dd:after,
+.form-horizontal .form-group:before,
+.form-horizontal .form-group:after,
+.btn-group-vertical > .btn-group:before,
+.btn-group-vertical > .btn-group:after,
+.modal-footer:after {
+ content: " ";
+ display: table;
+.dl-horizontal dd:after,
+.form-horizontal .form-group:after,
+.btn-group-vertical > .btn-group:after,
+.modal-footer:after {
+ clear: both;
+.center-block {
+ display: block;
+ margin-left: auto;
+ margin-right: auto;
+.pull-right {
+ float: right !important;
+.pull-left {
+ float: left !important;
+.hide {
+ display: none !important;
+.show {
+ display: block !important;
+.invisible {
+ visibility: hidden;
+.text-hide {
+ font: 0/0 a;
+ color: transparent;
+ text-shadow: none;
+ background-color: transparent;
+ border: 0;
+.hidden {
+ display: none !important;
+ visibility: hidden !important;
+.affix {
+ position: fixed;
+@-ms-viewport {
+ width: device-width;
+.visible-lg {
+ display: none !important;
+.visible-lg-inline-block {
+ display: none !important;
+@media (max-width: 767px) {
+ .visible-xs {
+ display: block !important;
+ }
+ table.visible-xs {
+ display: table;
+ }
+ tr.visible-xs {
+ display: table-row !important;
+ }
+ th.visible-xs,
+ td.visible-xs {
+ display: table-cell !important;
+ }
+@media (max-width: 767px) {
+ .visible-xs-block {
+ display: block !important;
+ }
+@media (max-width: 767px) {
+ .visible-xs-inline {
+ display: inline !important;
+ }
+@media (max-width: 767px) {
+ .visible-xs-inline-block {
+ display: inline-block !important;
+ }
+@media (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 991px) {
+ .visible-sm {
+ display: block !important;
+ }
+ table.visible-sm {
+ display: table;
+ }
+ tr.visible-sm {
+ display: table-row !important;
+ }
+ th.visible-sm,
+ td.visible-sm {
+ display: table-cell !important;
+ }
+@media (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 991px) {
+ .visible-sm-block {
+ display: block !important;
+ }
+@media (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 991px) {
+ .visible-sm-inline {
+ display: inline !important;
+ }
+@media (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 991px) {
+ .visible-sm-inline-block {
+ display: inline-block !important;
+ }
+@media (min-width: 992px) and (max-width: 1199px) {
+ .visible-md {
+ display: block !important;
+ }
+ table.visible-md {
+ display: table;
+ }
+ tr.visible-md {
+ display: table-row !important;
+ }
+ th.visible-md,
+ td.visible-md {
+ display: table-cell !important;
+ }
+@media (min-width: 992px) and (max-width: 1199px) {
+ .visible-md-block {
+ display: block !important;
+ }
+@media (min-width: 992px) and (max-width: 1199px) {
+ .visible-md-inline {
+ display: inline !important;
+ }
+@media (min-width: 992px) and (max-width: 1199px) {
+ .visible-md-inline-block {
+ display: inline-block !important;
+ }
+@media (min-width: 1200px) {
+ .visible-lg {
+ display: block !important;
+ }
+ table.visible-lg {
+ display: table;
+ }
+ tr.visible-lg {
+ display: table-row !important;
+ }
+ th.visible-lg,
+ td.visible-lg {
+ display: table-cell !important;
+ }
+@media (min-width: 1200px) {
+ .visible-lg-block {
+ display: block !important;
+ }
+@media (min-width: 1200px) {
+ .visible-lg-inline {
+ display: inline !important;
+ }
+@media (min-width: 1200px) {
+ .visible-lg-inline-block {
+ display: inline-block !important;
+ }
+@media (max-width: 767px) {
+ .hidden-xs {
+ display: none !important;
+ }
+@media (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 991px) {
+ .hidden-sm {
+ display: none !important;
+ }
+@media (min-width: 992px) and (max-width: 1199px) {
+ .hidden-md {
+ display: none !important;
+ }
+@media (min-width: 1200px) {
+ .hidden-lg {
+ display: none !important;
+ }
+.visible-print {
+ display: none !important;
+@media print {
+ .visible-print {
+ display: block !important;
+ }
+ table.visible-print {
+ display: table;
+ }
+ tr.visible-print {
+ display: table-row !important;
+ }
+ th.visible-print,
+ td.visible-print {
+ display: table-cell !important;
+ }
+.visible-print-block {
+ display: none !important;
+@media print {
+ .visible-print-block {
+ display: block !important;
+ }
+.visible-print-inline {
+ display: none !important;
+@media print {
+ .visible-print-inline {
+ display: inline !important;
+ }
+.visible-print-inline-block {
+ display: none !important;
+@media print {
+ .visible-print-inline-block {
+ display: inline-block !important;
+ }
+@media print {
+ .hidden-print {
+ display: none !important;
+ }
+#wrap386 {
+ z-index: 9999999;
+ background: #000084;
+ position: fixed;
+ bottom: 0;
+ right: 0;
+ height: 100%;
+ width: 100%;
+#bar386 {
+ color: #ffffff;
+ font-weight: bold;
+ float: right;
+ background: #000084;
+ height: 19px;
+ margin-top: -19px;
+ width: 100%;
+#cursor386 {
+ z-index: 9999999;
+ color: #ffffff;
+ font-weight: bold;
+ position: fixed;
+ bottom: 0;
+ right: 0;
+/*# sourceMappingURL=bootstrap.css.map */
\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
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Binary files /dev/null and b/webshit/public/assets/bootstra.386/dist/css/fonts/Fixedsys500c.eot differ
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@@ -0,0 +1,835 @@
+Created by FontForge 20090914 at Tue Jul 30 19:37:37 2013
+ By www-data
+GPL, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt
diff --git a/webshit/public/assets/bootstra.386/dist/css/fonts/Fixedsys500c.ttf b/webshit/public/assets/bootstra.386/dist/css/fonts/Fixedsys500c.ttf
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
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Binary files /dev/null and b/webshit/public/assets/bootstra.386/dist/fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.ttf differ
diff --git a/webshit/public/assets/bootstra.386/dist/fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.woff b/webshit/public/assets/bootstra.386/dist/fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.woff
new file mode 100644
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Binary files /dev/null and b/webshit/public/assets/bootstra.386/dist/fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.woff differ
diff --git a/webshit/public/assets/bootstra.386/dist/fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.woff2 b/webshit/public/assets/bootstra.386/dist/fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.woff2
new file mode 100644
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Binary files /dev/null and b/webshit/public/assets/bootstra.386/dist/fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.woff2 differ
diff --git a/webshit/public/assets/bootstra.386/dist/js/_site/bootstrap.js b/webshit/public/assets/bootstra.386/dist/js/_site/bootstrap.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6f01c41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/webshit/public/assets/bootstra.386/dist/js/_site/bootstrap.js
@@ -0,0 +1,2419 @@
+ * Bootstrap v3.3.2 (http://getbootstrap.com)
+ * Copyright 2011-2015 Twitter, Inc.
+ * Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/master/LICENSE)
+ */
+if (typeof jQuery === 'undefined') {
+ throw new Error('Bootstrap\'s JavaScript requires jQuery')
++function ($) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var version = $.fn.jquery.split(' ')[0].split('.')
+ if ((version[0] < 2 && version[1] < 9) || (version[0] == 1 && version[1] == 9 && version[2] < 1)) {
+ throw new Error('Bootstrap\'s JavaScript requires jQuery version 1.9.1 or higher')
+ }
+self._386 = self._386 || {};
+ 'use strict';
+ var character = { height: 20, width: 10 };
+ function scrollLock() {
+ var last = 0;
+ $(window).bind('scroll', function(e) {
+ var func, off = $(window).scrollTop();
+ console.log(off, last, off < last ? "up" : "down");
+ // this determines whether the user is intending to go up or down.
+ func = off < last ? "floor" : "ceil";
+ // make sure we don't run this from ourselves
+ if(off % character.height === 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ last = off;
+ window.scrollTo(
+ 0,
+ Math[func](off / character.height) * character.height
+ );
+ });
+ }
+ function loading() {
+ if(_386.fastLoad) {
+ document.body.style.visibility='visible';
+ return;
+ }
+ var
+ onePass = _386.onePass,
+ speedFactor = 1 / (_386.speedFactor || 1) * 165000;
+ wrap = document.createElement('div'),
+ bar = wrap.appendChild(document.createElement('div')),
+ cursor = document.createElement('div'),
+ // If the user specified that the visibility is hidden, then we
+ // start at the first pass ... otherwise we just do the
+ // cursor fly-by
+ pass = ($(document.body).css('visibility') == 'visible') ? 1 : 0,
+ height = $(window).height(),
+ width = $(window).width(),
+ // this makes the loading of the screen proportional to the real-estate of the window.
+ // it helps keep the cool sequence there while not making it waste too much time.
+ rounds = (height * width / speedFactor),
+ column = width, row = height - character.height;
+ wrap.id = "wrap386";
+ bar.id = "bar386";
+ cursor.id = "cursor386";
+ cursor.innerHTML = bar.innerHTML = '▄';
+ // only inject the wrap if the pass is 0
+ if(pass === 0) {
+ document.body.appendChild(wrap);
+ document.body.style.visibility='visible';
+ } else {
+ document.body.appendChild(cursor);
+ rounds /= 2;
+ character.height *= 4;
+ }
+ var ival = setInterval(function(){
+ for(var m = 0; m < rounds; m++) {
+ column -= character.width;
+ if(column <= 0) {
+ column = width;
+ row -= character.height;
+ }
+ if(row <= 0) {
+ pass++;
+ row = height - character.height;
+ if(pass == 2) {
+ document.body.removeChild(cursor);
+ clearInterval(ival);
+ } else {
+ wrap.parentNode.removeChild(wrap);
+ if(onePass) {
+ clearInterval(ival);
+ } else {
+ document.body.appendChild(cursor);
+ rounds /= 2;
+ character.height *= 4;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(pass === 0) {
+ bar.style.width = column + "px";
+ wrap.style.height = row + "px";
+ } else {
+ cursor.style.right = column + "px";
+ cursor.style.bottom = row + "px";
+ }
+ }
+ }, 1);
+ }
+ loading();
+/* ========================================================================
+ * Bootstrap: transition.js v3.3.2
+ * http://getbootstrap.com/javascript/#transitions
+ * ========================================================================
+ * Copyright 2011-2015 Twitter, Inc.
+ * Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/master/LICENSE)
+ * ======================================================================== */
++function ($) {
+ 'use strict';
+ // CSS TRANSITION SUPPORT (Shoutout: http://www.modernizr.com/)
+ // ============================================================
+ function transitionEnd() {
+ var el = document.createElement('bootstrap')
+ var transEndEventNames = {
+ WebkitTransition : 'webkitTransitionEnd',
+ MozTransition : 'transitionend',
+ OTransition : 'oTransitionEnd otransitionend',
+ transition : 'transitionend'
+ }
+ for (var name in transEndEventNames) {
+ if (el.style[name] !== undefined) {
+ return { end: transEndEventNames[name] }
+ }
+ }
+ return false // explicit for ie8 ( ._.)
+ }
+ // http://blog.alexmaccaw.com/css-transitions
+ $.fn.emulateTransitionEnd = function (duration) {
+ var called = false
+ var $el = this
+ $(this).one('bsTransitionEnd', function () { called = true })
+ var callback = function () { if (!called) $($el).trigger($.support.transition.end) }
+ setTimeout(callback, duration)
+ return this
+ }
+ $(function () {
+ $.support.transition = transitionEnd()
+ if (!$.support.transition) return
+ $.event.special.bsTransitionEnd = {
+ bindType: $.support.transition.end,
+ delegateType: $.support.transition.end,
+ handle: function (e) {
+ if ($(e.target).is(this)) return e.handleObj.handler.apply(this, arguments)
+ }
+ }
+ })
+/* ========================================================================
+ * Bootstrap: alert.js v3.3.2
+ * http://getbootstrap.com/javascript/#alerts
+ * ========================================================================
+ * Copyright 2011-2015 Twitter, Inc.
+ * Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/master/LICENSE)
+ * ======================================================================== */
++function ($) {
+ 'use strict';
+ // ======================
+ var dismiss = '[data-dismiss="alert"]'
+ var Alert = function (el) {
+ $(el).on('click', dismiss, this.close)
+ }
+ Alert.VERSION = '3.3.2'
+ Alert.prototype.close = function (e) {
+ var $this = $(this)
+ var selector = $this.attr('data-target')
+ if (!selector) {
+ selector = $this.attr('href')
+ selector = selector && selector.replace(/.*(?=#[^\s]*$)/, '') // strip for ie7
+ }
+ var $parent = $(selector)
+ if (e) e.preventDefault()
+ if (!$parent.length) {
+ $parent = $this.closest('.alert')
+ }
+ $parent.trigger(e = $.Event('close.bs.alert'))
+ if (e.isDefaultPrevented()) return
+ $parent.removeClass('in')
+ function removeElement() {
+ // detach from parent, fire event then clean up data
+ $parent.detach().trigger('closed.bs.alert').remove()
+ }
+ $.support.transition && $parent.hasClass('fade') ?
+ $parent
+ .one('bsTransitionEnd', removeElement)
+ .emulateTransitionEnd(Alert.TRANSITION_DURATION) :
+ removeElement()
+ }
+ // =======================
+ function Plugin(option) {
+ return this.each(function () {
+ var $this = $(this)
+ var data = $this.data('bs.alert')
+ if (!data) $this.data('bs.alert', (data = new Alert(this)))
+ if (typeof option == 'string') data[option].call($this)
+ })
+ }
+ var old = $.fn.alert
+ $.fn.alert = Plugin
+ $.fn.alert.Constructor = Alert
+ // =================
+ $.fn.alert.noConflict = function () {
+ $.fn.alert = old
+ return this
+ }
+ // ==============
+ $(document).on('click.bs.alert.data-api', dismiss, Alert.prototype.close)
+/* ========================================================================
+ * Bootstrap: button.js v3.3.2
+ * http://getbootstrap.com/javascript/#buttons
+ * ========================================================================
+ * Copyright 2011-2015 Twitter, Inc.
+ * Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/master/LICENSE)
+ * ======================================================================== */
++function ($) {
+ 'use strict';
+ // ==============================
+ var Button = function (element, options) {
+ this.$element = $(element)
+ this.options = $.extend({}, Button.DEFAULTS, options)
+ this.isLoading = false
+ }
+ Button.VERSION = '3.3.2'
+ Button.DEFAULTS = {
+ loadingText: 'loading...'
+ }
+ Button.prototype.setState = function (state) {
+ var d = 'disabled'
+ var $el = this.$element
+ var val = $el.is('input') ? 'val' : 'html'
+ var data = $el.data()
+ state = state + 'Text'
+ if (data.resetText == null) $el.data('resetText', $el[val]())
+ // push to event loop to allow forms to submit
+ setTimeout($.proxy(function () {
+ $el[val](data[state] == null ? this.options[state] : data[state])
+ if (state == 'loadingText') {
+ this.isLoading = true
+ $el.addClass(d).attr(d, d)
+ } else if (this.isLoading) {
+ this.isLoading = false
+ $el.removeClass(d).removeAttr(d)
+ }
+ }, this), 0)
+ }
+ Button.prototype.toggle = function () {
+ var changed = true
+ var $parent = this.$element.closest('[data-toggle="buttons"]')
+ if ($parent.length) {
+ var $input = this.$element.find('input')
+ if ($input.prop('type') == 'radio') {
+ if ($input.prop('checked') && this.$element.hasClass('active')) changed = false
+ else $parent.find('.active').removeClass('active')
+ }
+ if (changed) $input.prop('checked', !this.$element.hasClass('active')).trigger('change')
+ } else {
+ this.$element.attr('aria-pressed', !this.$element.hasClass('active'))
+ }
+ if (changed) this.$element.toggleClass('active')
+ }
+ // ========================
+ function Plugin(option) {
+ return this.each(function () {
+ var $this = $(this)
+ var data = $this.data('bs.button')
+ var options = typeof option == 'object' && option
+ if (!data) $this.data('bs.button', (data = new Button(this, options)))
+ if (option == 'toggle') data.toggle()
+ else if (option) data.setState(option)
+ })
+ }
+ var old = $.fn.button
+ $.fn.button = Plugin
+ $.fn.button.Constructor = Button
+ // ==================
+ $.fn.button.noConflict = function () {
+ $.fn.button = old
+ return this
+ }
+ // ===============
+ $(document)
+ .on('click.bs.button.data-api', '[data-toggle^="button"]', function (e) {
+ var $btn = $(e.target)
+ if (!$btn.hasClass('btn')) $btn = $btn.closest('.btn')
+ Plugin.call($btn, 'toggle')
+ e.preventDefault()
+ })
+ .on('focus.bs.button.data-api blur.bs.button.data-api', '[data-toggle^="button"]', function (e) {
+ $(e.target).closest('.btn').toggleClass('focus', /^focus(in)?$/.test(e.type))
+ })
+/* ========================================================================
+ * Bootstrap: carousel.js v3.3.2
+ * http://getbootstrap.com/javascript/#carousel
+ * ========================================================================
+ * Copyright 2011-2015 Twitter, Inc.
+ * Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/master/LICENSE)
+ * ======================================================================== */
++function ($) {
+ 'use strict';
+ // =========================
+ var Carousel = function (element, options) {
+ this.$element = $(element)
+ this.$indicators = this.$element.find('.carousel-indicators')
+ this.options = options
+ this.paused =
+ this.sliding =
+ this.interval =
+ this.$active =
+ this.$items = null
+ this.options.keyboard && this.$element.on('keydown.bs.carousel', $.proxy(this.keydown, this))
+ this.options.pause == 'hover' && !('ontouchstart' in document.documentElement) && this.$element
+ .on('mouseenter.bs.carousel', $.proxy(this.pause, this))
+ .on('mouseleave.bs.carousel', $.proxy(this.cycle, this))
+ }
+ Carousel.VERSION = '3.3.2'
+ Carousel.DEFAULTS = {
+ interval: 5000,
+ pause: 'hover',
+ wrap: true,
+ keyboard: true
+ }
+ Carousel.prototype.keydown = function (e) {
+ if (/input|textarea/i.test(e.target.tagName)) return
+ switch (e.which) {
+ case 37: this.prev(); break
+ case 39: this.next(); break
+ default: return
+ }
+ e.preventDefault()
+ }
+ Carousel.prototype.cycle = function (e) {
+ e || (this.paused = false)
+ this.interval && clearInterval(this.interval)
+ this.options.interval
+ && !this.paused
+ && (this.interval = setInterval($.proxy(this.next, this), this.options.interval))
+ return this
+ }
+ Carousel.prototype.getItemIndex = function (item) {
+ this.$items = item.parent().children('.item')
+ return this.$items.index(item || this.$active)
+ }
+ Carousel.prototype.getItemForDirection = function (direction, active) {
+ var activeIndex = this.getItemIndex(active)
+ var willWrap = (direction == 'prev' && activeIndex === 0)
+ || (direction == 'next' && activeIndex == (this.$items.length - 1))
+ if (willWrap && !this.options.wrap) return active
+ var delta = direction == 'prev' ? -1 : 1
+ var itemIndex = (activeIndex + delta) % this.$items.length
+ return this.$items.eq(itemIndex)
+ }
+ Carousel.prototype.to = function (pos) {
+ var that = this
+ var activeIndex = this.getItemIndex(this.$active = this.$element.find('.item.active'))
+ if (pos > (this.$items.length - 1) || pos < 0) return
+ if (this.sliding) return this.$element.one('slid.bs.carousel', function () { that.to(pos) }) // yes, "slid"
+ if (activeIndex == pos) return this.pause().cycle()
+ return this.slide(pos > activeIndex ? 'next' : 'prev', this.$items.eq(pos))
+ }
+ Carousel.prototype.pause = function (e) {
+ e || (this.paused = true)
+ if (this.$element.find('.next, .prev').length && $.support.transition) {
+ this.$element.trigger($.support.transition.end)
+ this.cycle(true)
+ }
+ this.interval = clearInterval(this.interval)
+ return this
+ }
+ Carousel.prototype.next = function () {
+ if (this.sliding) return
+ return this.slide('next')
+ }
+ Carousel.prototype.prev = function () {
+ if (this.sliding) return
+ return this.slide('prev')
+ }
+ Carousel.prototype.slide = function (type, next) {
+ var $active = this.$element.find('.item.active')
+ var $next = next || this.getItemForDirection(type, $active)
+ var isCycling = this.interval
+ var direction = type == 'next' ? 'left' : 'right'
+ var that = this
+ if ($next.hasClass('active')) return (this.sliding = false)
+ var relatedTarget = $next[0]
+ var slideEvent = $.Event('slide.bs.carousel', {
+ relatedTarget: relatedTarget,
+ direction: direction
+ })
+ this.$element.trigger(slideEvent)
+ if (slideEvent.isDefaultPrevented()) return
+ this.sliding = true
+ isCycling && this.pause()
+ if (this.$indicators.length) {
+ this.$indicators.find('.active').removeClass('active')
+ var $nextIndicator = $(this.$indicators.children()[this.getItemIndex($next)])
+ $nextIndicator && $nextIndicator.addClass('active')
+ }
+ var slidEvent = $.Event('slid.bs.carousel', { relatedTarget: relatedTarget, direction: direction }) // yes, "slid"
+ if ($.support.transition && this.$element.hasClass('slide')) {
+ $next.addClass(type)
+ $next[0].offsetWidth // force reflow
+ $active.addClass(direction)
+ $next.addClass(direction)
+ $active
+ .one('bsTransitionEnd', function () {
+ $next.removeClass([type, direction].join(' ')).addClass('active')
+ $active.removeClass(['active', direction].join(' '))
+ that.sliding = false
+ setTimeout(function () {
+ that.$element.trigger(slidEvent)
+ }, 0)
+ })
+ .emulateTransitionEnd(Carousel.TRANSITION_DURATION)
+ } else {
+ $active.removeClass('active')
+ $next.addClass('active')
+ this.sliding = false
+ this.$element.trigger(slidEvent)
+ }
+ isCycling && this.cycle()
+ return this
+ }
+ // ==========================
+ function Plugin(option) {
+ return this.each(function () {
+ var $this = $(this)
+ var data = $this.data('bs.carousel')
+ var options = $.extend({}, Carousel.DEFAULTS, $this.data(), typeof option == 'object' && option)
+ var action = typeof option == 'string' ? option : options.slide
+ if (!data) $this.data('bs.carousel', (data = new Carousel(this, options)))
+ if (typeof option == 'number') data.to(option)
+ else if (action) data[action]()
+ else if (options.interval) data.pause().cycle()
+ })
+ }
+ var old = $.fn.carousel
+ $.fn.carousel = Plugin
+ $.fn.carousel.Constructor = Carousel
+ // ====================
+ $.fn.carousel.noConflict = function () {
+ $.fn.carousel = old
+ return this
+ }
+ // =================
+ var clickHandler = function (e) {
+ var href
+ var $this = $(this)
+ var $target = $($this.attr('data-target') || (href = $this.attr('href')) && href.replace(/.*(?=#[^\s]+$)/, '')) // strip for ie7
+ if (!$target.hasClass('carousel')) return
+ var options = $.extend({}, $target.data(), $this.data())
+ var slideIndex = $this.attr('data-slide-to')
+ if (slideIndex) options.interval = false
+ Plugin.call($target, options)
+ if (slideIndex) {
+ $target.data('bs.carousel').to(slideIndex)
+ }
+ e.preventDefault()
+ }
+ $(document)
+ .on('click.bs.carousel.data-api', '[data-slide]', clickHandler)
+ .on('click.bs.carousel.data-api', '[data-slide-to]', clickHandler)
+ $(window).on('load', function () {
+ $('[data-ride="carousel"]').each(function () {
+ var $carousel = $(this)
+ Plugin.call($carousel, $carousel.data())
+ })
+ })
+/* ========================================================================
+ * Bootstrap: collapse.js v3.3.2
+ * http://getbootstrap.com/javascript/#collapse
+ * ========================================================================
+ * Copyright 2011-2015 Twitter, Inc.
+ * Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/master/LICENSE)
+ * ======================================================================== */
++function ($) {
+ 'use strict';
+ // ================================
+ var Collapse = function (element, options) {
+ this.$element = $(element)
+ this.options = $.extend({}, Collapse.DEFAULTS, options)
+ this.$trigger = $(this.options.trigger).filter('[href="#' + element.id + '"], [data-target="#' + element.id + '"]')
+ this.transitioning = null
+ if (this.options.parent) {
+ this.$parent = this.getParent()
+ } else {
+ this.addAriaAndCollapsedClass(this.$element, this.$trigger)
+ }
+ if (this.options.toggle) this.toggle()
+ }
+ Collapse.VERSION = '3.3.2'
+ Collapse.DEFAULTS = {
+ toggle: true,
+ trigger: '[data-toggle="collapse"]'
+ }
+ Collapse.prototype.dimension = function () {
+ var hasWidth = this.$element.hasClass('width')
+ return hasWidth ? 'width' : 'height'
+ }
+ Collapse.prototype.show = function () {
+ if (this.transitioning || this.$element.hasClass('in')) return
+ var activesData
+ var actives = this.$parent && this.$parent.children('.panel').children('.in, .collapsing')
+ if (actives && actives.length) {
+ activesData = actives.data('bs.collapse')
+ if (activesData && activesData.transitioning) return
+ }
+ var startEvent = $.Event('show.bs.collapse')
+ this.$element.trigger(startEvent)
+ if (startEvent.isDefaultPrevented()) return
+ if (actives && actives.length) {
+ Plugin.call(actives, 'hide')
+ activesData || actives.data('bs.collapse', null)
+ }
+ var dimension = this.dimension()
+ this.$element
+ .removeClass('collapse')
+ .addClass('collapsing')[dimension](0)
+ .attr('aria-expanded', true)
+ this.$trigger
+ .removeClass('collapsed')
+ .attr('aria-expanded', true)
+ this.transitioning = 1
+ var complete = function () {
+ this.$element
+ .removeClass('collapsing')
+ .addClass('collapse in')[dimension]('')
+ this.transitioning = 0
+ this.$element
+ .trigger('shown.bs.collapse')
+ }
+ if (!$.support.transition) return complete.call(this)
+ var scrollSize = $.camelCase(['scroll', dimension].join('-'))
+ this.$element
+ .one('bsTransitionEnd', $.proxy(complete, this))
+ .emulateTransitionEnd(Collapse.TRANSITION_DURATION)[dimension](this.$element[0][scrollSize])
+ }
+ Collapse.prototype.hide = function () {
+ if (this.transitioning || !this.$element.hasClass('in')) return
+ var startEvent = $.Event('hide.bs.collapse')
+ this.$element.trigger(startEvent)
+ if (startEvent.isDefaultPrevented()) return
+ var dimension = this.dimension()
+ this.$element[dimension](this.$element[dimension]())[0].offsetHeight
+ this.$element
+ .addClass('collapsing')
+ .removeClass('collapse in')
+ .attr('aria-expanded', false)
+ this.$trigger
+ .addClass('collapsed')
+ .attr('aria-expanded', false)
+ this.transitioning = 1
+ var complete = function () {
+ this.transitioning = 0
+ this.$element
+ .removeClass('collapsing')
+ .addClass('collapse')
+ .trigger('hidden.bs.collapse')
+ }
+ if (!$.support.transition) return complete.call(this)
+ this.$element
+ [dimension](0)
+ .one('bsTransitionEnd', $.proxy(complete, this))
+ .emulateTransitionEnd(Collapse.TRANSITION_DURATION)
+ }
+ Collapse.prototype.toggle = function () {
+ this[this.$element.hasClass('in') ? 'hide' : 'show']()
+ }
+ Collapse.prototype.getParent = function () {
+ return $(this.options.parent)
+ .find('[data-toggle="collapse"][data-parent="' + this.options.parent + '"]')
+ .each($.proxy(function (i, element) {
+ var $element = $(element)
+ this.addAriaAndCollapsedClass(getTargetFromTrigger($element), $element)
+ }, this))
+ .end()
+ }
+ Collapse.prototype.addAriaAndCollapsedClass = function ($element, $trigger) {
+ var isOpen = $element.hasClass('in')
+ $element.attr('aria-expanded', isOpen)
+ $trigger
+ .toggleClass('collapsed', !isOpen)
+ .attr('aria-expanded', isOpen)
+ }
+ function getTargetFromTrigger($trigger) {
+ var href
+ var target = $trigger.attr('data-target')
+ || (href = $trigger.attr('href')) && href.replace(/.*(?=#[^\s]+$)/, '') // strip for ie7
+ return $(target)
+ }
+ // ==========================
+ function Plugin(option) {
+ return this.each(function () {
+ var $this = $(this)
+ var data = $this.data('bs.collapse')
+ var options = $.extend({}, Collapse.DEFAULTS, $this.data(), typeof option == 'object' && option)
+ if (!data && options.toggle && option == 'show') options.toggle = false
+ if (!data) $this.data('bs.collapse', (data = new Collapse(this, options)))
+ if (typeof option == 'string') data[option]()
+ })
+ }
+ var old = $.fn.collapse
+ $.fn.collapse = Plugin
+ $.fn.collapse.Constructor = Collapse
+ // ====================
+ $.fn.collapse.noConflict = function () {
+ $.fn.collapse = old
+ return this
+ }
+ // =================
+ $(document).on('click.bs.collapse.data-api', '[data-toggle="collapse"]', function (e) {
+ var $this = $(this)
+ if (!$this.attr('data-target')) e.preventDefault()
+ var $target = getTargetFromTrigger($this)
+ var data = $target.data('bs.collapse')
+ var option = data ? 'toggle' : $.extend({}, $this.data(), { trigger: this })
+ Plugin.call($target, option)
+ })
+/* ========================================================================
+ * Bootstrap: dropdown.js v3.3.2
+ * http://getbootstrap.com/javascript/#dropdowns
+ * ========================================================================
+ * Copyright 2011-2015 Twitter, Inc.
+ * Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/master/LICENSE)
+ * ======================================================================== */
++function ($) {
+ 'use strict';
+ // =========================
+ var backdrop = '.dropdown-backdrop'
+ var toggle = '[data-toggle="dropdown"]'
+ var Dropdown = function (element) {
+ $(element).on('click.bs.dropdown', this.toggle)
+ }
+ Dropdown.VERSION = '3.3.2'
+ Dropdown.prototype.toggle = function (e) {
+ var $this = $(this)
+ if ($this.is('.disabled, :disabled')) return
+ var $parent = getParent($this)
+ var isActive = $parent.hasClass('open')
+ clearMenus()
+ if (!isActive) {
+ if ('ontouchstart' in document.documentElement && !$parent.closest('.navbar-nav').length) {
+ // if mobile we use a backdrop because click events don't delegate
+ $('
').insertAfter($(this)).on('click', clearMenus)
+ }
+ var relatedTarget = { relatedTarget: this }
+ $parent.trigger(e = $.Event('show.bs.dropdown', relatedTarget))
+ if (e.isDefaultPrevented()) return
+ $this
+ .trigger('focus')
+ .attr('aria-expanded', 'true')
+ $parent
+ .toggleClass('open')
+ .trigger('shown.bs.dropdown', relatedTarget)
+ }
+ return false
+ }
+ Dropdown.prototype.keydown = function (e) {
+ if (!/(38|40|27|32)/.test(e.which) || /input|textarea/i.test(e.target.tagName)) return
+ var $this = $(this)
+ e.preventDefault()
+ e.stopPropagation()
+ if ($this.is('.disabled, :disabled')) return
+ var $parent = getParent($this)
+ var isActive = $parent.hasClass('open')
+ if ((!isActive && e.which != 27) || (isActive && e.which == 27)) {
+ if (e.which == 27) $parent.find(toggle).trigger('focus')
+ return $this.trigger('click')
+ }
+ var desc = ' li:not(.divider):visible a'
+ var $items = $parent.find('[role="menu"]' + desc + ', [role="listbox"]' + desc)
+ if (!$items.length) return
+ var index = $items.index(e.target)
+ if (e.which == 38 && index > 0) index-- // up
+ if (e.which == 40 && index < $items.length - 1) index++ // down
+ if (!~index) index = 0
+ $items.eq(index).trigger('focus')
+ }
+ function clearMenus(e) {
+ if (e && e.which === 3) return
+ $(backdrop).remove()
+ $(toggle).each(function () {
+ var $this = $(this)
+ var $parent = getParent($this)
+ var relatedTarget = { relatedTarget: this }
+ if (!$parent.hasClass('open')) return
+ $parent.trigger(e = $.Event('hide.bs.dropdown', relatedTarget))
+ if (e.isDefaultPrevented()) return
+ $this.attr('aria-expanded', 'false')
+ $parent.removeClass('open').trigger('hidden.bs.dropdown', relatedTarget)
+ })
+ }
+ function getParent($this) {
+ var selector = $this.attr('data-target')
+ if (!selector) {
+ selector = $this.attr('href')
+ selector = selector && /#[A-Za-z]/.test(selector) && selector.replace(/.*(?=#[^\s]*$)/, '') // strip for ie7
+ }
+ var $parent = selector && $(selector)
+ return $parent && $parent.length ? $parent : $this.parent()
+ }
+ // ==========================
+ function Plugin(option) {
+ return this.each(function () {
+ var $this = $(this)
+ var data = $this.data('bs.dropdown')
+ if (!data) $this.data('bs.dropdown', (data = new Dropdown(this)))
+ if (typeof option == 'string') data[option].call($this)
+ })
+ }
+ var old = $.fn.dropdown
+ $.fn.dropdown = Plugin
+ $.fn.dropdown.Constructor = Dropdown
+ // ====================
+ $.fn.dropdown.noConflict = function () {
+ $.fn.dropdown = old
+ return this
+ }
+ // ===================================
+ $(document)
+ .on('click.bs.dropdown.data-api', clearMenus)
+ .on('click.bs.dropdown.data-api', '.dropdown form', function (e) { e.stopPropagation() })
+ .on('click.bs.dropdown.data-api', toggle, Dropdown.prototype.toggle)
+ .on('keydown.bs.dropdown.data-api', toggle, Dropdown.prototype.keydown)
+ .on('keydown.bs.dropdown.data-api', '[role="menu"]', Dropdown.prototype.keydown)
+ .on('keydown.bs.dropdown.data-api', '[role="listbox"]', Dropdown.prototype.keydown)
+/* ========================================================================
+ * Bootstrap: modal.js v3.3.2
+ * http://getbootstrap.com/javascript/#modals
+ * ========================================================================
+ * Copyright 2011-2015 Twitter, Inc.
+ * Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/master/LICENSE)
+ * ======================================================================== */
++function ($) {
+ 'use strict';
+ // ======================
+ var Modal = function (element, options) {
+ this.options = options
+ this.$body = $(document.body)
+ this.$element = $(element)
+ this.$backdrop =
+ this.isShown = null
+ this.scrollbarWidth = 0
+ if (this.options.remote) {
+ this.$element
+ .find('.modal-content')
+ .load(this.options.remote, $.proxy(function () {
+ this.$element.trigger('loaded.bs.modal')
+ }, this))
+ }
+ }
+ Modal.VERSION = '3.3.2'
+ Modal.DEFAULTS = {
+ backdrop: true,
+ keyboard: true,
+ show: true
+ }
+ Modal.prototype.toggle = function (_relatedTarget) {
+ return this.isShown ? this.hide() : this.show(_relatedTarget)
+ }
+ Modal.prototype.show = function (_relatedTarget) {
+ var that = this
+ var e = $.Event('show.bs.modal', { relatedTarget: _relatedTarget })
+ this.$element.trigger(e)
+ if (this.isShown || e.isDefaultPrevented()) return
+ this.isShown = true
+ this.checkScrollbar()
+ this.setScrollbar()
+ this.$body.addClass('modal-open')
+ this.escape()
+ this.resize()
+ this.$element.on('click.dismiss.bs.modal', '[data-dismiss="modal"]', $.proxy(this.hide, this))
+ this.backdrop(function () {
+ var transition = $.support.transition && that.$element.hasClass('fade')
+ if (!that.$element.parent().length) {
+ that.$element.appendTo(that.$body) // don't move modals dom position
+ }
+ that.$element
+ .show()
+ .scrollTop(0)
+ if (that.options.backdrop) that.adjustBackdrop()
+ that.adjustDialog()
+ if (transition) {
+ that.$element[0].offsetWidth // force reflow
+ }
+ that.$element
+ .addClass('in')
+ .attr('aria-hidden', false)
+ that.enforceFocus()
+ var e = $.Event('shown.bs.modal', { relatedTarget: _relatedTarget })
+ transition ?
+ that.$element.find('.modal-dialog') // wait for modal to slide in
+ .one('bsTransitionEnd', function () {
+ that.$element.trigger('focus').trigger(e)
+ })
+ .emulateTransitionEnd(Modal.TRANSITION_DURATION) :
+ that.$element.trigger('focus').trigger(e)
+ })
+ }
+ Modal.prototype.hide = function (e) {
+ if (e) e.preventDefault()
+ e = $.Event('hide.bs.modal')
+ this.$element.trigger(e)
+ if (!this.isShown || e.isDefaultPrevented()) return
+ this.isShown = false
+ this.escape()
+ this.resize()
+ $(document).off('focusin.bs.modal')
+ this.$element
+ .removeClass('in')
+ .attr('aria-hidden', true)
+ .off('click.dismiss.bs.modal')
+ $.support.transition && this.$element.hasClass('fade') ?
+ this.$element
+ .one('bsTransitionEnd', $.proxy(this.hideModal, this))
+ .emulateTransitionEnd(Modal.TRANSITION_DURATION) :
+ this.hideModal()
+ }
+ Modal.prototype.enforceFocus = function () {
+ $(document)
+ .off('focusin.bs.modal') // guard against infinite focus loop
+ .on('focusin.bs.modal', $.proxy(function (e) {
+ if (this.$element[0] !== e.target && !this.$element.has(e.target).length) {
+ this.$element.trigger('focus')
+ }
+ }, this))
+ }
+ Modal.prototype.escape = function () {
+ if (this.isShown && this.options.keyboard) {
+ this.$element.on('keydown.dismiss.bs.modal', $.proxy(function (e) {
+ e.which == 27 && this.hide()
+ }, this))
+ } else if (!this.isShown) {
+ this.$element.off('keydown.dismiss.bs.modal')
+ }
+ }
+ Modal.prototype.resize = function () {
+ if (this.isShown) {
+ $(window).on('resize.bs.modal', $.proxy(this.handleUpdate, this))
+ } else {
+ $(window).off('resize.bs.modal')
+ }
+ }
+ Modal.prototype.hideModal = function () {
+ var that = this
+ this.$element.hide()
+ this.backdrop(function () {
+ that.$body.removeClass('modal-open')
+ that.resetAdjustments()
+ that.resetScrollbar()
+ that.$element.trigger('hidden.bs.modal')
+ })
+ }
+ Modal.prototype.removeBackdrop = function () {
+ this.$backdrop && this.$backdrop.remove()
+ this.$backdrop = null
+ }
+ Modal.prototype.backdrop = function (callback) {
+ var that = this
+ var animate = this.$element.hasClass('fade') ? 'fade' : ''
+ if (this.isShown && this.options.backdrop) {
+ var doAnimate = $.support.transition && animate
+ this.$backdrop = $('
+ .prependTo(this.$element)
+ .on('click.dismiss.bs.modal', $.proxy(function (e) {
+ if (e.target !== e.currentTarget) return
+ this.options.backdrop == 'static'
+ ? this.$element[0].focus.call(this.$element[0])
+ : this.hide.call(this)
+ }, this))
+ if (doAnimate) this.$backdrop[0].offsetWidth // force reflow
+ this.$backdrop.addClass('in')
+ if (!callback) return
+ doAnimate ?
+ this.$backdrop
+ .one('bsTransitionEnd', callback)
+ .emulateTransitionEnd(Modal.BACKDROP_TRANSITION_DURATION) :
+ callback()
+ } else if (!this.isShown && this.$backdrop) {
+ this.$backdrop.removeClass('in')
+ var callbackRemove = function () {
+ that.removeBackdrop()
+ callback && callback()
+ }
+ $.support.transition && this.$element.hasClass('fade') ?
+ this.$backdrop
+ .one('bsTransitionEnd', callbackRemove)
+ .emulateTransitionEnd(Modal.BACKDROP_TRANSITION_DURATION) :
+ callbackRemove()
+ } else if (callback) {
+ callback()
+ }
+ }
+ // these following methods are used to handle overflowing modals
+ Modal.prototype.handleUpdate = function () {
+ if (this.options.backdrop) this.adjustBackdrop()
+ this.adjustDialog()
+ }
+ Modal.prototype.adjustBackdrop = function () {
+ this.$backdrop
+ .css('height', 0)
+ .css('height', this.$element[0].scrollHeight)
+ }
+ Modal.prototype.adjustDialog = function () {
+ var modalIsOverflowing = this.$element[0].scrollHeight > document.documentElement.clientHeight
+ this.$element.css({
+ paddingLeft: !this.bodyIsOverflowing && modalIsOverflowing ? this.scrollbarWidth : '',
+ paddingRight: this.bodyIsOverflowing && !modalIsOverflowing ? this.scrollbarWidth : ''
+ })
+ }
+ Modal.prototype.resetAdjustments = function () {
+ this.$element.css({
+ paddingLeft: '',
+ paddingRight: ''
+ })
+ }
+ Modal.prototype.checkScrollbar = function () {
+ this.bodyIsOverflowing = document.body.scrollHeight > document.documentElement.clientHeight
+ this.scrollbarWidth = this.measureScrollbar()
+ }
+ Modal.prototype.setScrollbar = function () {
+ var bodyPad = parseInt((this.$body.css('padding-right') || 0), 10)
+ if (this.bodyIsOverflowing) this.$body.css('padding-right', bodyPad + this.scrollbarWidth)
+ }
+ Modal.prototype.resetScrollbar = function () {
+ this.$body.css('padding-right', '')
+ }
+ Modal.prototype.measureScrollbar = function () { // thx walsh
+ var scrollDiv = document.createElement('div')
+ scrollDiv.className = 'modal-scrollbar-measure'
+ this.$body.append(scrollDiv)
+ var scrollbarWidth = scrollDiv.offsetWidth - scrollDiv.clientWidth
+ this.$body[0].removeChild(scrollDiv)
+ return scrollbarWidth
+ }
+ // =======================
+ function Plugin(option, _relatedTarget) {
+ return this.each(function () {
+ var $this = $(this)
+ var data = $this.data('bs.modal')
+ var options = $.extend({}, Modal.DEFAULTS, $this.data(), typeof option == 'object' && option)
+ if (!data) $this.data('bs.modal', (data = new Modal(this, options)))
+ if (typeof option == 'string') data[option](_relatedTarget)
+ else if (options.show) data.show(_relatedTarget)
+ })
+ }
+ var old = $.fn.modal
+ $.fn.modal = Plugin
+ $.fn.modal.Constructor = Modal
+ // =================
+ $.fn.modal.noConflict = function () {
+ $.fn.modal = old
+ return this
+ }
+ // ==============
+ $(document).on('click.bs.modal.data-api', '[data-toggle="modal"]', function (e) {
+ var $this = $(this)
+ var href = $this.attr('href')
+ var $target = $($this.attr('data-target') || (href && href.replace(/.*(?=#[^\s]+$)/, ''))) // strip for ie7
+ var option = $target.data('bs.modal') ? 'toggle' : $.extend({ remote: !/#/.test(href) && href }, $target.data(), $this.data())
+ if ($this.is('a')) e.preventDefault()
+ $target.one('show.bs.modal', function (showEvent) {
+ if (showEvent.isDefaultPrevented()) return // only register focus restorer if modal will actually get shown
+ $target.one('hidden.bs.modal', function () {
+ $this.is(':visible') && $this.trigger('focus')
+ })
+ })
+ Plugin.call($target, option, this)
+ })
+/* ========================================================================
+ * Bootstrap: tooltip.js v3.3.2
+ * http://getbootstrap.com/javascript/#tooltip
+ * Inspired by the original jQuery.tipsy by Jason Frame
+ * ========================================================================
+ * Copyright 2011-2015 Twitter, Inc.
+ * Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/master/LICENSE)
+ * ======================================================================== */
++function ($) {
+ 'use strict';
+ // ===============================
+ var Tooltip = function (element, options) {
+ this.type =
+ this.options =
+ this.enabled =
+ this.timeout =
+ this.hoverState =
+ this.$element = null
+ this.init('tooltip', element, options)
+ }
+ Tooltip.VERSION = '3.3.2'
+ Tooltip.DEFAULTS = {
+ animation: true,
+ placement: 'top',
+ selector: false,
+ template: '
+ trigger: 'hover focus',
+ title: '',
+ delay: 0,
+ html: false,
+ container: false,
+ viewport: {
+ selector: 'body',
+ padding: 0
+ }
+ }
+ Tooltip.prototype.init = function (type, element, options) {
+ this.enabled = true
+ this.type = type
+ this.$element = $(element)
+ this.options = this.getOptions(options)
+ this.$viewport = this.options.viewport && $(this.options.viewport.selector || this.options.viewport)
+ var triggers = this.options.trigger.split(' ')
+ for (var i = triggers.length; i--;) {
+ var trigger = triggers[i]
+ if (trigger == 'click') {
+ this.$element.on('click.' + this.type, this.options.selector, $.proxy(this.toggle, this))
+ } else if (trigger != 'manual') {
+ var eventIn = trigger == 'hover' ? 'mouseenter' : 'focusin'
+ var eventOut = trigger == 'hover' ? 'mouseleave' : 'focusout'
+ this.$element.on(eventIn + '.' + this.type, this.options.selector, $.proxy(this.enter, this))
+ this.$element.on(eventOut + '.' + this.type, this.options.selector, $.proxy(this.leave, this))
+ }
+ }
+ this.options.selector ?
+ (this._options = $.extend({}, this.options, { trigger: 'manual', selector: '' })) :
+ this.fixTitle()
+ }
+ Tooltip.prototype.getDefaults = function () {
+ return Tooltip.DEFAULTS
+ }
+ Tooltip.prototype.getOptions = function (options) {
+ options = $.extend({}, this.getDefaults(), this.$element.data(), options)
+ if (options.delay && typeof options.delay == 'number') {
+ options.delay = {
+ show: options.delay,
+ hide: options.delay
+ }
+ }
+ return options
+ }
+ Tooltip.prototype.getDelegateOptions = function () {
+ var options = {}
+ var defaults = this.getDefaults()
+ this._options && $.each(this._options, function (key, value) {
+ if (defaults[key] != value) options[key] = value
+ })
+ return options
+ }
+ Tooltip.prototype.enter = function (obj) {
+ var self = obj instanceof this.constructor ?
+ obj : $(obj.currentTarget).data('bs.' + this.type)
+ if (self && self.$tip && self.$tip.is(':visible')) {
+ self.hoverState = 'in'
+ return
+ }
+ if (!self) {
+ self = new this.constructor(obj.currentTarget, this.getDelegateOptions())
+ $(obj.currentTarget).data('bs.' + this.type, self)
+ }
+ clearTimeout(self.timeout)
+ self.hoverState = 'in'
+ if (!self.options.delay || !self.options.delay.show) return self.show()
+ self.timeout = setTimeout(function () {
+ if (self.hoverState == 'in') self.show()
+ }, self.options.delay.show)
+ }
+ Tooltip.prototype.leave = function (obj) {
+ var self = obj instanceof this.constructor ?
+ obj : $(obj.currentTarget).data('bs.' + this.type)
+ if (!self) {
+ self = new this.constructor(obj.currentTarget, this.getDelegateOptions())
+ $(obj.currentTarget).data('bs.' + this.type, self)
+ }
+ clearTimeout(self.timeout)
+ self.hoverState = 'out'
+ if (!self.options.delay || !self.options.delay.hide) return self.hide()
+ self.timeout = setTimeout(function () {
+ if (self.hoverState == 'out') self.hide()
+ }, self.options.delay.hide)
+ }
+ Tooltip.prototype.show = function () {
+ var e = $.Event('show.bs.' + this.type)
+ if (this.hasContent() && this.enabled) {
+ this.$element.trigger(e)
+ var inDom = $.contains(this.$element[0].ownerDocument.documentElement, this.$element[0])
+ if (e.isDefaultPrevented() || !inDom) return
+ var that = this
+ var $tip = this.tip()
+ var tipId = this.getUID(this.type)
+ this.setContent()
+ $tip.attr('id', tipId)
+ this.$element.attr('aria-describedby', tipId)
+ if (this.options.animation) $tip.addClass('fade')
+ var placement = typeof this.options.placement == 'function' ?
+ this.options.placement.call(this, $tip[0], this.$element[0]) :
+ this.options.placement
+ var autoToken = /\s?auto?\s?/i
+ var autoPlace = autoToken.test(placement)
+ if (autoPlace) placement = placement.replace(autoToken, '') || 'top'
+ $tip
+ .detach()
+ .css({ top: 0, left: 0, display: 'block' })
+ .addClass(placement)
+ .data('bs.' + this.type, this)
+ this.options.container ? $tip.appendTo(this.options.container) : $tip.insertAfter(this.$element)
+ var pos = this.getPosition()
+ var actualWidth = $tip[0].offsetWidth
+ var actualHeight = $tip[0].offsetHeight
+ if (autoPlace) {
+ var orgPlacement = placement
+ var $container = this.options.container ? $(this.options.container) : this.$element.parent()
+ var containerDim = this.getPosition($container)
+ placement = placement == 'bottom' && pos.bottom + actualHeight > containerDim.bottom ? 'top' :
+ placement == 'top' && pos.top - actualHeight < containerDim.top ? 'bottom' :
+ placement == 'right' && pos.right + actualWidth > containerDim.width ? 'left' :
+ placement == 'left' && pos.left - actualWidth < containerDim.left ? 'right' :
+ placement
+ $tip
+ .removeClass(orgPlacement)
+ .addClass(placement)
+ }
+ var calculatedOffset = this.getCalculatedOffset(placement, pos, actualWidth, actualHeight)
+ this.applyPlacement(calculatedOffset, placement)
+ var complete = function () {
+ var prevHoverState = that.hoverState
+ that.$element.trigger('shown.bs.' + that.type)
+ that.hoverState = null
+ if (prevHoverState == 'out') that.leave(that)
+ }
+ $.support.transition && this.$tip.hasClass('fade') ?
+ $tip
+ .one('bsTransitionEnd', complete)
+ .emulateTransitionEnd(Tooltip.TRANSITION_DURATION) :
+ complete()
+ }
+ }
+ Tooltip.prototype.applyPlacement = function (offset, placement) {
+ var $tip = this.tip()
+ var width = $tip[0].offsetWidth
+ var height = $tip[0].offsetHeight
+ // manually read margins because getBoundingClientRect includes difference
+ var marginTop = parseInt($tip.css('margin-top'), 10)
+ var marginLeft = parseInt($tip.css('margin-left'), 10)
+ // we must check for NaN for ie 8/9
+ if (isNaN(marginTop)) marginTop = 0
+ if (isNaN(marginLeft)) marginLeft = 0
+ offset.top = offset.top + marginTop
+ offset.left = offset.left + marginLeft
+ // $.fn.offset doesn't round pixel values
+ // so we use setOffset directly with our own function B-0
+ $.offset.setOffset($tip[0], $.extend({
+ using: function (props) {
+ $tip.css({
+ top: Math.round(props.top),
+ left: Math.round(props.left)
+ })
+ }
+ }, offset), 0)
+ $tip.addClass('in')
+ // check to see if placing tip in new offset caused the tip to resize itself
+ var actualWidth = $tip[0].offsetWidth
+ var actualHeight = $tip[0].offsetHeight
+ if (placement == 'top' && actualHeight != height) {
+ offset.top = offset.top + height - actualHeight
+ }
+ var delta = this.getViewportAdjustedDelta(placement, offset, actualWidth, actualHeight)
+ if (delta.left) offset.left += delta.left
+ else offset.top += delta.top
+ var isVertical = /top|bottom/.test(placement)
+ var arrowDelta = isVertical ? delta.left * 2 - width + actualWidth : delta.top * 2 - height + actualHeight
+ var arrowOffsetPosition = isVertical ? 'offsetWidth' : 'offsetHeight'
+ $tip.offset(offset)
+ this.replaceArrow(arrowDelta, $tip[0][arrowOffsetPosition], isVertical)
+ }
+ Tooltip.prototype.replaceArrow = function (delta, dimension, isHorizontal) {
+ this.arrow()
+ .css(isHorizontal ? 'left' : 'top', 50 * (1 - delta / dimension) + '%')
+ .css(isHorizontal ? 'top' : 'left', '')
+ }
+ Tooltip.prototype.setContent = function () {
+ var $tip = this.tip()
+ var title = this.getTitle()
+ $tip.find('.tooltip-inner')[this.options.html ? 'html' : 'text'](title)
+ $tip.removeClass('fade in top bottom left right')
+ }
+ Tooltip.prototype.hide = function (callback) {
+ var that = this
+ var $tip = this.tip()
+ var e = $.Event('hide.bs.' + this.type)
+ function complete() {
+ if (that.hoverState != 'in') $tip.detach()
+ that.$element
+ .removeAttr('aria-describedby')
+ .trigger('hidden.bs.' + that.type)
+ callback && callback()
+ }
+ this.$element.trigger(e)
+ if (e.isDefaultPrevented()) return
+ $tip.removeClass('in')
+ $.support.transition && this.$tip.hasClass('fade') ?
+ $tip
+ .one('bsTransitionEnd', complete)
+ .emulateTransitionEnd(Tooltip.TRANSITION_DURATION) :
+ complete()
+ this.hoverState = null
+ return this
+ }
+ Tooltip.prototype.fixTitle = function () {
+ var $e = this.$element
+ if ($e.attr('title') || typeof ($e.attr('data-original-title')) != 'string') {
+ $e.attr('data-original-title', $e.attr('title') || '').attr('title', '')
+ }
+ }
+ Tooltip.prototype.hasContent = function () {
+ return this.getTitle()
+ }
+ Tooltip.prototype.getPosition = function ($element) {
+ $element = $element || this.$element
+ var el = $element[0]
+ var isBody = el.tagName == 'BODY'
+ var elRect = el.getBoundingClientRect()
+ if (elRect.width == null) {
+ // width and height are missing in IE8, so compute them manually; see https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/issues/14093
+ elRect = $.extend({}, elRect, { width: elRect.right - elRect.left, height: elRect.bottom - elRect.top })
+ }
+ var elOffset = isBody ? { top: 0, left: 0 } : $element.offset()
+ var scroll = { scroll: isBody ? document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop : $element.scrollTop() }
+ var outerDims = isBody ? { width: $(window).width(), height: $(window).height() } : null
+ return $.extend({}, elRect, scroll, outerDims, elOffset)
+ }
+ Tooltip.prototype.getCalculatedOffset = function (placement, pos, actualWidth, actualHeight) {
+ return placement == 'bottom' ? { top: pos.top + pos.height, left: pos.left + pos.width / 2 - actualWidth / 2 } :
+ placement == 'top' ? { top: pos.top - actualHeight, left: pos.left + pos.width / 2 - actualWidth / 2 } :
+ placement == 'left' ? { top: pos.top + pos.height / 2 - actualHeight / 2, left: pos.left - actualWidth } :
+ /* placement == 'right' */ { top: pos.top + pos.height / 2 - actualHeight / 2, left: pos.left + pos.width }
+ }
+ Tooltip.prototype.getViewportAdjustedDelta = function (placement, pos, actualWidth, actualHeight) {
+ var delta = { top: 0, left: 0 }
+ if (!this.$viewport) return delta
+ var viewportPadding = this.options.viewport && this.options.viewport.padding || 0
+ var viewportDimensions = this.getPosition(this.$viewport)
+ if (/right|left/.test(placement)) {
+ var topEdgeOffset = pos.top - viewportPadding - viewportDimensions.scroll
+ var bottomEdgeOffset = pos.top + viewportPadding - viewportDimensions.scroll + actualHeight
+ if (topEdgeOffset < viewportDimensions.top) { // top overflow
+ delta.top = viewportDimensions.top - topEdgeOffset
+ } else if (bottomEdgeOffset > viewportDimensions.top + viewportDimensions.height) { // bottom overflow
+ delta.top = viewportDimensions.top + viewportDimensions.height - bottomEdgeOffset
+ }
+ } else {
+ var leftEdgeOffset = pos.left - viewportPadding
+ var rightEdgeOffset = pos.left + viewportPadding + actualWidth
+ if (leftEdgeOffset < viewportDimensions.left) { // left overflow
+ delta.left = viewportDimensions.left - leftEdgeOffset
+ } else if (rightEdgeOffset > viewportDimensions.width) { // right overflow
+ delta.left = viewportDimensions.left + viewportDimensions.width - rightEdgeOffset
+ }
+ }
+ return delta
+ }
+ Tooltip.prototype.getTitle = function () {
+ var title
+ var $e = this.$element
+ var o = this.options
+ title = $e.attr('data-original-title')
+ || (typeof o.title == 'function' ? o.title.call($e[0]) : o.title)
+ return title
+ }
+ Tooltip.prototype.getUID = function (prefix) {
+ do prefix += ~~(Math.random() * 1000000)
+ while (document.getElementById(prefix))
+ return prefix
+ }
+ Tooltip.prototype.tip = function () {
+ return (this.$tip = this.$tip || $(this.options.template))
+ }
+ Tooltip.prototype.arrow = function () {
+ return (this.$arrow = this.$arrow || this.tip().find('.tooltip-arrow'))
+ }
+ Tooltip.prototype.enable = function () {
+ this.enabled = true
+ }
+ Tooltip.prototype.disable = function () {
+ this.enabled = false
+ }
+ Tooltip.prototype.toggleEnabled = function () {
+ this.enabled = !this.enabled
+ }
+ Tooltip.prototype.toggle = function (e) {
+ var self = this
+ if (e) {
+ self = $(e.currentTarget).data('bs.' + this.type)
+ if (!self) {
+ self = new this.constructor(e.currentTarget, this.getDelegateOptions())
+ $(e.currentTarget).data('bs.' + this.type, self)
+ }
+ }
+ self.tip().hasClass('in') ? self.leave(self) : self.enter(self)
+ }
+ Tooltip.prototype.destroy = function () {
+ var that = this
+ clearTimeout(this.timeout)
+ this.hide(function () {
+ that.$element.off('.' + that.type).removeData('bs.' + that.type)
+ })
+ }
+ // =========================
+ function Plugin(option) {
+ return this.each(function () {
+ var $this = $(this)
+ var data = $this.data('bs.tooltip')
+ var options = typeof option == 'object' && option
+ if (!data && option == 'destroy') return
+ if (!data) $this.data('bs.tooltip', (data = new Tooltip(this, options)))
+ if (typeof option == 'string') data[option]()
+ })
+ }
+ var old = $.fn.tooltip
+ $.fn.tooltip = Plugin
+ $.fn.tooltip.Constructor = Tooltip
+ // ===================
+ $.fn.tooltip.noConflict = function () {
+ $.fn.tooltip = old
+ return this
+ }
+/* ========================================================================
+ * Bootstrap: popover.js v3.3.2
+ * http://getbootstrap.com/javascript/#popovers
+ * ========================================================================
+ * Copyright 2011-2015 Twitter, Inc.
+ * Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/master/LICENSE)
+ * ======================================================================== */
++function ($) {
+ 'use strict';
+ // ===============================
+ var Popover = function (element, options) {
+ this.init('popover', element, options)
+ }
+ if (!$.fn.tooltip) throw new Error('Popover requires tooltip.js')
+ Popover.VERSION = '3.3.2'
+ Popover.DEFAULTS = $.extend({}, $.fn.tooltip.Constructor.DEFAULTS, {
+ placement: 'right',
+ trigger: 'click',
+ content: '',
+ template: '
+ })
+ // NOTE: POPOVER EXTENDS tooltip.js
+ // ================================
+ Popover.prototype = $.extend({}, $.fn.tooltip.Constructor.prototype)
+ Popover.prototype.constructor = Popover
+ Popover.prototype.getDefaults = function () {
+ return Popover.DEFAULTS
+ }
+ Popover.prototype.setContent = function () {
+ var $tip = this.tip()
+ var title = this.getTitle()
+ var content = this.getContent()
+ $tip.find('.popover-title')[this.options.html ? 'html' : 'text'](title)
+ $tip.find('.popover-content').children().detach().end()[ // we use append for html objects to maintain js events
+ this.options.html ? (typeof content == 'string' ? 'html' : 'append') : 'text'
+ ](content)
+ $tip.removeClass('fade top bottom left right in')
+ // IE8 doesn't accept hiding via the `:empty` pseudo selector, we have to do
+ // this manually by checking the contents.
+ if (!$tip.find('.popover-title').html()) $tip.find('.popover-title').hide()
+ }
+ Popover.prototype.hasContent = function () {
+ return this.getTitle() || this.getContent()
+ }
+ Popover.prototype.getContent = function () {
+ var $e = this.$element
+ var o = this.options
+ return $e.attr('data-content')
+ || (typeof o.content == 'function' ?
+ o.content.call($e[0]) :
+ o.content)
+ }
+ Popover.prototype.arrow = function () {
+ return (this.$arrow = this.$arrow || this.tip().find('.arrow'))
+ }
+ Popover.prototype.tip = function () {
+ if (!this.$tip) this.$tip = $(this.options.template)
+ return this.$tip
+ }
+ // =========================
+ function Plugin(option) {
+ return this.each(function () {
+ var $this = $(this)
+ var data = $this.data('bs.popover')
+ var options = typeof option == 'object' && option
+ if (!data && option == 'destroy') return
+ if (!data) $this.data('bs.popover', (data = new Popover(this, options)))
+ if (typeof option == 'string') data[option]()
+ })
+ }
+ var old = $.fn.popover
+ $.fn.popover = Plugin
+ $.fn.popover.Constructor = Popover
+ // ===================
+ $.fn.popover.noConflict = function () {
+ $.fn.popover = old
+ return this
+ }
+/* ========================================================================
+ * Bootstrap: scrollspy.js v3.3.2
+ * http://getbootstrap.com/javascript/#scrollspy
+ * ========================================================================
+ * Copyright 2011-2015 Twitter, Inc.
+ * Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/master/LICENSE)
+ * ======================================================================== */
++function ($) {
+ 'use strict';
+ // ==========================
+ function ScrollSpy(element, options) {
+ var process = $.proxy(this.process, this)
+ this.$body = $('body')
+ this.$scrollElement = $(element).is('body') ? $(window) : $(element)
+ this.options = $.extend({}, ScrollSpy.DEFAULTS, options)
+ this.selector = (this.options.target || '') + ' .nav li > a'
+ this.offsets = []
+ this.targets = []
+ this.activeTarget = null
+ this.scrollHeight = 0
+ this.$scrollElement.on('scroll.bs.scrollspy', process)
+ this.refresh()
+ this.process()
+ }
+ ScrollSpy.VERSION = '3.3.2'
+ ScrollSpy.DEFAULTS = {
+ offset: 10
+ }
+ ScrollSpy.prototype.getScrollHeight = function () {
+ return this.$scrollElement[0].scrollHeight || Math.max(this.$body[0].scrollHeight, document.documentElement.scrollHeight)
+ }
+ ScrollSpy.prototype.refresh = function () {
+ var offsetMethod = 'offset'
+ var offsetBase = 0
+ if (!$.isWindow(this.$scrollElement[0])) {
+ offsetMethod = 'position'
+ offsetBase = this.$scrollElement.scrollTop()
+ }
+ this.offsets = []
+ this.targets = []
+ this.scrollHeight = this.getScrollHeight()
+ var self = this
+ this.$body
+ .find(this.selector)
+ .map(function () {
+ var $el = $(this)
+ var href = $el.data('target') || $el.attr('href')
+ var $href = /^#./.test(href) && $(href)
+ return ($href
+ && $href.length
+ && $href.is(':visible')
+ && [[$href[offsetMethod]().top + offsetBase, href]]) || null
+ })
+ .sort(function (a, b) { return a[0] - b[0] })
+ .each(function () {
+ self.offsets.push(this[0])
+ self.targets.push(this[1])
+ })
+ }
+ ScrollSpy.prototype.process = function () {
+ var scrollTop = this.$scrollElement.scrollTop() + this.options.offset
+ var scrollHeight = this.getScrollHeight()
+ var maxScroll = this.options.offset + scrollHeight - this.$scrollElement.height()
+ var offsets = this.offsets
+ var targets = this.targets
+ var activeTarget = this.activeTarget
+ var i
+ if (this.scrollHeight != scrollHeight) {
+ this.refresh()
+ }
+ if (scrollTop >= maxScroll) {
+ return activeTarget != (i = targets[targets.length - 1]) && this.activate(i)
+ }
+ if (activeTarget && scrollTop < offsets[0]) {
+ this.activeTarget = null
+ return this.clear()
+ }
+ for (i = offsets.length; i--;) {
+ activeTarget != targets[i]
+ && scrollTop >= offsets[i]
+ && (!offsets[i + 1] || scrollTop <= offsets[i + 1])
+ && this.activate(targets[i])
+ }
+ }
+ ScrollSpy.prototype.activate = function (target) {
+ this.activeTarget = target
+ this.clear()
+ var selector = this.selector +
+ '[data-target="' + target + '"],' +
+ this.selector + '[href="' + target + '"]'
+ var active = $(selector)
+ .parents('li')
+ .addClass('active')
+ if (active.parent('.dropdown-menu').length) {
+ active = active
+ .closest('li.dropdown')
+ .addClass('active')
+ }
+ active.trigger('activate.bs.scrollspy')
+ }
+ ScrollSpy.prototype.clear = function () {
+ $(this.selector)
+ .parentsUntil(this.options.target, '.active')
+ .removeClass('active')
+ }
+ // ===========================
+ function Plugin(option) {
+ return this.each(function () {
+ var $this = $(this)
+ var data = $this.data('bs.scrollspy')
+ var options = typeof option == 'object' && option
+ if (!data) $this.data('bs.scrollspy', (data = new ScrollSpy(this, options)))
+ if (typeof option == 'string') data[option]()
+ })
+ }
+ var old = $.fn.scrollspy
+ $.fn.scrollspy = Plugin
+ $.fn.scrollspy.Constructor = ScrollSpy
+ // =====================
+ $.fn.scrollspy.noConflict = function () {
+ $.fn.scrollspy = old
+ return this
+ }
+ // ==================
+ $(window).on('load.bs.scrollspy.data-api', function () {
+ $('[data-spy="scroll"]').each(function () {
+ var $spy = $(this)
+ Plugin.call($spy, $spy.data())
+ })
+ })
+/* ========================================================================
+ * Bootstrap: tab.js v3.3.2
+ * http://getbootstrap.com/javascript/#tabs
+ * ========================================================================
+ * Copyright 2011-2015 Twitter, Inc.
+ * Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/master/LICENSE)
+ * ======================================================================== */
++function ($) {
+ 'use strict';
+ // ====================
+ var Tab = function (element) {
+ this.element = $(element)
+ }
+ Tab.VERSION = '3.3.2'
+ Tab.prototype.show = function () {
+ var $this = this.element
+ var $ul = $this.closest('ul:not(.dropdown-menu)')
+ var selector = $this.data('target')
+ if (!selector) {
+ selector = $this.attr('href')
+ selector = selector && selector.replace(/.*(?=#[^\s]*$)/, '') // strip for ie7
+ }
+ if ($this.parent('li').hasClass('active')) return
+ var $previous = $ul.find('.active:last a')
+ var hideEvent = $.Event('hide.bs.tab', {
+ relatedTarget: $this[0]
+ })
+ var showEvent = $.Event('show.bs.tab', {
+ relatedTarget: $previous[0]
+ })
+ $previous.trigger(hideEvent)
+ $this.trigger(showEvent)
+ if (showEvent.isDefaultPrevented() || hideEvent.isDefaultPrevented()) return
+ var $target = $(selector)
+ this.activate($this.closest('li'), $ul)
+ this.activate($target, $target.parent(), function () {
+ $previous.trigger({
+ type: 'hidden.bs.tab',
+ relatedTarget: $this[0]
+ })
+ $this.trigger({
+ type: 'shown.bs.tab',
+ relatedTarget: $previous[0]
+ })
+ })
+ }
+ Tab.prototype.activate = function (element, container, callback) {
+ var $active = container.find('> .active')
+ var transition = callback
+ && $.support.transition
+ && (($active.length && $active.hasClass('fade')) || !!container.find('> .fade').length)
+ function next() {
+ $active
+ .removeClass('active')
+ .find('> .dropdown-menu > .active')
+ .removeClass('active')
+ .end()
+ .find('[data-toggle="tab"]')
+ .attr('aria-expanded', false)
+ element
+ .addClass('active')
+ .find('[data-toggle="tab"]')
+ .attr('aria-expanded', true)
+ if (transition) {
+ element[0].offsetWidth // reflow for transition
+ element.addClass('in')
+ } else {
+ element.removeClass('fade')
+ }
+ if (element.parent('.dropdown-menu')) {
+ element
+ .closest('li.dropdown')
+ .addClass('active')
+ .end()
+ .find('[data-toggle="tab"]')
+ .attr('aria-expanded', true)
+ }
+ callback && callback()
+ }
+ $active.length && transition ?
+ $active
+ .one('bsTransitionEnd', next)
+ .emulateTransitionEnd(Tab.TRANSITION_DURATION) :
+ next()
+ $active.removeClass('in')
+ }
+ // =====================
+ function Plugin(option) {
+ return this.each(function () {
+ var $this = $(this)
+ var data = $this.data('bs.tab')
+ if (!data) $this.data('bs.tab', (data = new Tab(this)))
+ if (typeof option == 'string') data[option]()
+ })
+ }
+ var old = $.fn.tab
+ $.fn.tab = Plugin
+ $.fn.tab.Constructor = Tab
+ // ===============
+ $.fn.tab.noConflict = function () {
+ $.fn.tab = old
+ return this
+ }
+ // ============
+ var clickHandler = function (e) {
+ e.preventDefault()
+ Plugin.call($(this), 'show')
+ }
+ $(document)
+ .on('click.bs.tab.data-api', '[data-toggle="tab"]', clickHandler)
+ .on('click.bs.tab.data-api', '[data-toggle="pill"]', clickHandler)
+/* ========================================================================
+ * Bootstrap: affix.js v3.3.2
+ * http://getbootstrap.com/javascript/#affix
+ * ========================================================================
+ * Copyright 2011-2015 Twitter, Inc.
+ * Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/master/LICENSE)
+ * ======================================================================== */
++function ($) {
+ 'use strict';
+ // ======================
+ var Affix = function (element, options) {
+ this.options = $.extend({}, Affix.DEFAULTS, options)
+ this.$target = $(this.options.target)
+ .on('scroll.bs.affix.data-api', $.proxy(this.checkPosition, this))
+ .on('click.bs.affix.data-api', $.proxy(this.checkPositionWithEventLoop, this))
+ this.$element = $(element)
+ this.affixed =
+ this.unpin =
+ this.pinnedOffset = null
+ this.checkPosition()
+ }
+ Affix.VERSION = '3.3.2'
+ Affix.RESET = 'affix affix-top affix-bottom'
+ Affix.DEFAULTS = {
+ offset: 0,
+ target: window
+ }
+ Affix.prototype.getState = function (scrollHeight, height, offsetTop, offsetBottom) {
+ var scrollTop = this.$target.scrollTop()
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+ return (scrollTop + targetHeight <= scrollHeight - offsetBottom) ? false : 'bottom'
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+ var colliderTop = initializing ? scrollTop : position.top
+ var colliderHeight = initializing ? targetHeight : height
+ if (offsetTop != null && scrollTop <= offsetTop) return 'top'
+ if (offsetBottom != null && (colliderTop + colliderHeight >= scrollHeight - offsetBottom)) return 'bottom'
+ return false
+ }
+ Affix.prototype.getPinnedOffset = function () {
+ if (this.pinnedOffset) return this.pinnedOffset
+ this.$element.removeClass(Affix.RESET).addClass('affix')
+ var scrollTop = this.$target.scrollTop()
+ var position = this.$element.offset()
+ return (this.pinnedOffset = position.top - scrollTop)
+ }
+ Affix.prototype.checkPositionWithEventLoop = function () {
+ setTimeout($.proxy(this.checkPosition, this), 1)
+ }
+ Affix.prototype.checkPosition = function () {
+ if (!this.$element.is(':visible')) return
+ var height = this.$element.height()
+ var offset = this.options.offset
+ var offsetTop = offset.top
+ var offsetBottom = offset.bottom
+ var scrollHeight = $('body').height()
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+ if (typeof offsetTop == 'function') offsetTop = offset.top(this.$element)
+ if (typeof offsetBottom == 'function') offsetBottom = offset.bottom(this.$element)
+ var affix = this.getState(scrollHeight, height, offsetTop, offsetBottom)
+ if (this.affixed != affix) {
+ if (this.unpin != null) this.$element.css('top', '')
+ var affixType = 'affix' + (affix ? '-' + affix : '')
+ var e = $.Event(affixType + '.bs.affix')
+ this.$element.trigger(e)
+ if (e.isDefaultPrevented()) return
+ this.affixed = affix
+ this.unpin = affix == 'bottom' ? this.getPinnedOffset() : null
+ this.$element
+ .removeClass(Affix.RESET)
+ .addClass(affixType)
+ .trigger(affixType.replace('affix', 'affixed') + '.bs.affix')
+ }
+ if (affix == 'bottom') {
+ this.$element.offset({
+ top: scrollHeight - height - offsetBottom
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ // =======================
+ function Plugin(option) {
+ return this.each(function () {
+ var $this = $(this)
+ var data = $this.data('bs.affix')
+ var options = typeof option == 'object' && option
+ if (!data) $this.data('bs.affix', (data = new Affix(this, options)))
+ if (typeof option == 'string') data[option]()
+ })
+ }
+ var old = $.fn.affix
+ $.fn.affix = Plugin
+ $.fn.affix.Constructor = Affix
+ // =================
+ $.fn.affix.noConflict = function () {
+ $.fn.affix = old
+ return this
+ }
+ // ==============
+ $(window).on('load', function () {
+ $('[data-spy="affix"]').each(function () {
+ var $spy = $(this)
+ var data = $spy.data()
+ data.offset = data.offset || {}
+ if (data.offsetBottom != null) data.offset.bottom = data.offsetBottom
+ if (data.offsetTop != null) data.offset.top = data.offsetTop
+ Plugin.call($spy, data)
+ })
+ })
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+ * Bootstrap v3.3.2 (http://getbootstrap.com)
+ * Copyright 2011-2015 Twitter, Inc.
+ * Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/master/LICENSE)
+ */
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@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+// This file is autogenerated via the `commonjs` Grunt task. You can require() this file in a CommonJS environment.
\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..423d732
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,2421 @@
+ * Bootstrap v3.3.2 (http://getbootstrap.com)
+ * Copyright 2011-2015 Twitter, Inc.
+ * Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/master/LICENSE)
+ */
+if (typeof jQuery === 'undefined') {
+ throw new Error('Bootstrap\'s JavaScript requires jQuery')
++function ($) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var version = $.fn.jquery.split(' ')[0].split('.')
+ if ((version[0] < 2 && version[1] < 9) || (version[0] == 1 && version[1] == 9 && version[2] < 1)) {
+ throw new Error('Bootstrap\'s JavaScript requires jQuery version 1.9.1 or higher')
+ }
+window._386 = window._386 || {};
+$(function () {
+ 'use strict';
+ var character = { height: 20, width: 10 };
+ /*
+ function scrollLock() {
+ var last = 0;
+ $(window).bind('scroll', function(e) {
+ var func, off = $(window).scrollTop();
+ //console.log(off, last, off < last ? "up" : "down");
+ // this determines whether the user is intending to go up or down.
+ func = off < last ? "floor" : "ceil";
+ // make sure we don't run this from ourselves
+ if (off % character.height === 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ last = off;
+ window.scrollTo(
+ 0,
+ Math[func](off / character.height) * character.height
+ );
+ });
+ }
+ */
+ function loading () {
+ if (window._386.fastLoad) {
+ document.body.style.visibility = 'visible';
+ return;
+ }
+ var
+ onePass = window._386.onePass,
+ speedFactor = 1 / (window._386.speedFactor || 1) * 165000,
+ wrap = document.createElement('div'),
+ bar = wrap.appendChild(document.createElement('div')),
+ cursor = document.createElement('div'),
+ // If the user specified that the visibility is hidden, then we
+ // start at the first pass ... otherwise we just do the
+ // cursor fly-by
+ pass = ($(document.body).css('visibility') == 'visible') ? 1 : 0,
+ height = $(window).height(),
+ width = $(window).width(),
+ // this makes the loading of the screen proportional to the real-estate of the window.
+ // it helps keep the cool sequence there while not making it waste too much time.
+ rounds = (height * width / speedFactor),
+ column = width, row = height - character.height;
+ wrap.id = 'wrap386';
+ bar.id = 'bar386';
+ cursor.id = 'cursor386';
+ cursor.innerHTML = bar.innerHTML = '▄';
+ // only inject the wrap if the pass is 0
+ if (pass === 0) {
+ document.body.appendChild(wrap);
+ document.body.style.visibility = 'visible';
+ } else {
+ document.body.appendChild(cursor);
+ rounds /= 2;
+ character.height *= 4;
+ }
+ var ival = setInterval(function () {
+ for (var m = 0; m < rounds; m++) {
+ column -= character.width;
+ if (column <= 0) {
+ column = width;
+ row -= character.height;
+ }
+ if (row <= 0) {
+ pass++;
+ row = height - character.height;
+ if (pass == 2) {
+ document.body.removeChild(cursor);
+ clearInterval(ival);
+ } else {
+ wrap.parentNode.removeChild(wrap);
+ if (onePass) {
+ clearInterval(ival);
+ } else {
+ document.body.appendChild(cursor);
+ rounds /= 2;
+ character.height *= 4;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (pass === 0) {
+ bar.style.width = column + 'px';
+ wrap.style.height = row + 'px';
+ } else {
+ cursor.style.right = column + 'px';
+ cursor.style.bottom = row + 'px';
+ }
+ }
+ }, 1);
+ }
+ loading();
+/* ========================================================================
+ * Bootstrap: transition.js v3.3.2
+ * http://getbootstrap.com/javascript/#transitions
+ * ========================================================================
+ * Copyright 2011-2015 Twitter, Inc.
+ * Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/master/LICENSE)
+ * ======================================================================== */
++function ($) {
+ 'use strict';
+ // CSS TRANSITION SUPPORT (Shoutout: http://www.modernizr.com/)
+ // ============================================================
+ function transitionEnd() {
+ var el = document.createElement('bootstrap')
+ var transEndEventNames = {
+ WebkitTransition : 'webkitTransitionEnd',
+ MozTransition : 'transitionend',
+ OTransition : 'oTransitionEnd otransitionend',
+ transition : 'transitionend'
+ }
+ for (var name in transEndEventNames) {
+ if (el.style[name] !== undefined) {
+ return { end: transEndEventNames[name] }
+ }
+ }
+ return false // explicit for ie8 ( ._.)
+ }
+ // http://blog.alexmaccaw.com/css-transitions
+ $.fn.emulateTransitionEnd = function (duration) {
+ var called = false
+ var $el = this
+ $(this).one('bsTransitionEnd', function () { called = true })
+ var callback = function () { if (!called) $($el).trigger($.support.transition.end) }
+ setTimeout(callback, duration)
+ return this
+ }
+ $(function () {
+ $.support.transition = transitionEnd()
+ if (!$.support.transition) return
+ $.event.special.bsTransitionEnd = {
+ bindType: $.support.transition.end,
+ delegateType: $.support.transition.end,
+ handle: function (e) {
+ if ($(e.target).is(this)) return e.handleObj.handler.apply(this, arguments)
+ }
+ }
+ })
+/* ========================================================================
+ * Bootstrap: alert.js v3.3.2
+ * http://getbootstrap.com/javascript/#alerts
+ * ========================================================================
+ * Copyright 2011-2015 Twitter, Inc.
+ * Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/master/LICENSE)
+ * ======================================================================== */
++function ($) {
+ 'use strict';
+ // ======================
+ var dismiss = '[data-dismiss="alert"]'
+ var Alert = function (el) {
+ $(el).on('click', dismiss, this.close)
+ }
+ Alert.VERSION = '3.3.2'
+ Alert.prototype.close = function (e) {
+ var $this = $(this)
+ var selector = $this.attr('data-target')
+ if (!selector) {
+ selector = $this.attr('href')
+ selector = selector && selector.replace(/.*(?=#[^\s]*$)/, '') // strip for ie7
+ }
+ var $parent = $(selector)
+ if (e) e.preventDefault()
+ if (!$parent.length) {
+ $parent = $this.closest('.alert')
+ }
+ $parent.trigger(e = $.Event('close.bs.alert'))
+ if (e.isDefaultPrevented()) return
+ $parent.removeClass('in')
+ function removeElement() {
+ // detach from parent, fire event then clean up data
+ $parent.detach().trigger('closed.bs.alert').remove()
+ }
+ $.support.transition && $parent.hasClass('fade') ?
+ $parent
+ .one('bsTransitionEnd', removeElement)
+ .emulateTransitionEnd(Alert.TRANSITION_DURATION) :
+ removeElement()
+ }
+ // =======================
+ function Plugin(option) {
+ return this.each(function () {
+ var $this = $(this)
+ var data = $this.data('bs.alert')
+ if (!data) $this.data('bs.alert', (data = new Alert(this)))
+ if (typeof option == 'string') data[option].call($this)
+ })
+ }
+ var old = $.fn.alert
+ $.fn.alert = Plugin
+ $.fn.alert.Constructor = Alert
+ // =================
+ $.fn.alert.noConflict = function () {
+ $.fn.alert = old
+ return this
+ }
+ // ==============
+ $(document).on('click.bs.alert.data-api', dismiss, Alert.prototype.close)
+/* ========================================================================
+ * Bootstrap: button.js v3.3.2
+ * http://getbootstrap.com/javascript/#buttons
+ * ========================================================================
+ * Copyright 2011-2015 Twitter, Inc.
+ * Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/master/LICENSE)
+ * ======================================================================== */
++function ($) {
+ 'use strict';
+ // ==============================
+ var Button = function (element, options) {
+ this.$element = $(element)
+ this.options = $.extend({}, Button.DEFAULTS, options)
+ this.isLoading = false
+ }
+ Button.VERSION = '3.3.2'
+ Button.DEFAULTS = {
+ loadingText: 'loading...'
+ }
+ Button.prototype.setState = function (state) {
+ var d = 'disabled'
+ var $el = this.$element
+ var val = $el.is('input') ? 'val' : 'html'
+ var data = $el.data()
+ state = state + 'Text'
+ if (data.resetText == null) $el.data('resetText', $el[val]())
+ // push to event loop to allow forms to submit
+ setTimeout($.proxy(function () {
+ $el[val](data[state] == null ? this.options[state] : data[state])
+ if (state == 'loadingText') {
+ this.isLoading = true
+ $el.addClass(d).attr(d, d)
+ } else if (this.isLoading) {
+ this.isLoading = false
+ $el.removeClass(d).removeAttr(d)
+ }
+ }, this), 0)
+ }
+ Button.prototype.toggle = function () {
+ var changed = true
+ var $parent = this.$element.closest('[data-toggle="buttons"]')
+ if ($parent.length) {
+ var $input = this.$element.find('input')
+ if ($input.prop('type') == 'radio') {
+ if ($input.prop('checked') && this.$element.hasClass('active')) changed = false
+ else $parent.find('.active').removeClass('active')
+ }
+ if (changed) $input.prop('checked', !this.$element.hasClass('active')).trigger('change')
+ } else {
+ this.$element.attr('aria-pressed', !this.$element.hasClass('active'))
+ }
+ if (changed) this.$element.toggleClass('active')
+ }
+ // ========================
+ function Plugin(option) {
+ return this.each(function () {
+ var $this = $(this)
+ var data = $this.data('bs.button')
+ var options = typeof option == 'object' && option
+ if (!data) $this.data('bs.button', (data = new Button(this, options)))
+ if (option == 'toggle') data.toggle()
+ else if (option) data.setState(option)
+ })
+ }
+ var old = $.fn.button
+ $.fn.button = Plugin
+ $.fn.button.Constructor = Button
+ // ==================
+ $.fn.button.noConflict = function () {
+ $.fn.button = old
+ return this
+ }
+ // ===============
+ $(document)
+ .on('click.bs.button.data-api', '[data-toggle^="button"]', function (e) {
+ var $btn = $(e.target)
+ if (!$btn.hasClass('btn')) $btn = $btn.closest('.btn')
+ Plugin.call($btn, 'toggle')
+ e.preventDefault()
+ })
+ .on('focus.bs.button.data-api blur.bs.button.data-api', '[data-toggle^="button"]', function (e) {
+ $(e.target).closest('.btn').toggleClass('focus', /^focus(in)?$/.test(e.type))
+ })
+/* ========================================================================
+ * Bootstrap: carousel.js v3.3.2
+ * http://getbootstrap.com/javascript/#carousel
+ * ========================================================================
+ * Copyright 2011-2015 Twitter, Inc.
+ * Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/master/LICENSE)
+ * ======================================================================== */
++function ($) {
+ 'use strict';
+ // =========================
+ var Carousel = function (element, options) {
+ this.$element = $(element)
+ this.$indicators = this.$element.find('.carousel-indicators')
+ this.options = options
+ this.paused =
+ this.sliding =
+ this.interval =
+ this.$active =
+ this.$items = null
+ this.options.keyboard && this.$element.on('keydown.bs.carousel', $.proxy(this.keydown, this))
+ this.options.pause == 'hover' && !('ontouchstart' in document.documentElement) && this.$element
+ .on('mouseenter.bs.carousel', $.proxy(this.pause, this))
+ .on('mouseleave.bs.carousel', $.proxy(this.cycle, this))
+ }
+ Carousel.VERSION = '3.3.2'
+ Carousel.DEFAULTS = {
+ interval: 5000,
+ pause: 'hover',
+ wrap: true,
+ keyboard: true
+ }
+ Carousel.prototype.keydown = function (e) {
+ if (/input|textarea/i.test(e.target.tagName)) return
+ switch (e.which) {
+ case 37: this.prev(); break
+ case 39: this.next(); break
+ default: return
+ }
+ e.preventDefault()
+ }
+ Carousel.prototype.cycle = function (e) {
+ e || (this.paused = false)
+ this.interval && clearInterval(this.interval)
+ this.options.interval
+ && !this.paused
+ && (this.interval = setInterval($.proxy(this.next, this), this.options.interval))
+ return this
+ }
+ Carousel.prototype.getItemIndex = function (item) {
+ this.$items = item.parent().children('.item')
+ return this.$items.index(item || this.$active)
+ }
+ Carousel.prototype.getItemForDirection = function (direction, active) {
+ var activeIndex = this.getItemIndex(active)
+ var willWrap = (direction == 'prev' && activeIndex === 0)
+ || (direction == 'next' && activeIndex == (this.$items.length - 1))
+ if (willWrap && !this.options.wrap) return active
+ var delta = direction == 'prev' ? -1 : 1
+ var itemIndex = (activeIndex + delta) % this.$items.length
+ return this.$items.eq(itemIndex)
+ }
+ Carousel.prototype.to = function (pos) {
+ var that = this
+ var activeIndex = this.getItemIndex(this.$active = this.$element.find('.item.active'))
+ if (pos > (this.$items.length - 1) || pos < 0) return
+ if (this.sliding) return this.$element.one('slid.bs.carousel', function () { that.to(pos) }) // yes, "slid"
+ if (activeIndex == pos) return this.pause().cycle()
+ return this.slide(pos > activeIndex ? 'next' : 'prev', this.$items.eq(pos))
+ }
+ Carousel.prototype.pause = function (e) {
+ e || (this.paused = true)
+ if (this.$element.find('.next, .prev').length && $.support.transition) {
+ this.$element.trigger($.support.transition.end)
+ this.cycle(true)
+ }
+ this.interval = clearInterval(this.interval)
+ return this
+ }
+ Carousel.prototype.next = function () {
+ if (this.sliding) return
+ return this.slide('next')
+ }
+ Carousel.prototype.prev = function () {
+ if (this.sliding) return
+ return this.slide('prev')
+ }
+ Carousel.prototype.slide = function (type, next) {
+ var $active = this.$element.find('.item.active')
+ var $next = next || this.getItemForDirection(type, $active)
+ var isCycling = this.interval
+ var direction = type == 'next' ? 'left' : 'right'
+ var that = this
+ if ($next.hasClass('active')) return (this.sliding = false)
+ var relatedTarget = $next[0]
+ var slideEvent = $.Event('slide.bs.carousel', {
+ relatedTarget: relatedTarget,
+ direction: direction
+ })
+ this.$element.trigger(slideEvent)
+ if (slideEvent.isDefaultPrevented()) return
+ this.sliding = true
+ isCycling && this.pause()
+ if (this.$indicators.length) {
+ this.$indicators.find('.active').removeClass('active')
+ var $nextIndicator = $(this.$indicators.children()[this.getItemIndex($next)])
+ $nextIndicator && $nextIndicator.addClass('active')
+ }
+ var slidEvent = $.Event('slid.bs.carousel', { relatedTarget: relatedTarget, direction: direction }) // yes, "slid"
+ if ($.support.transition && this.$element.hasClass('slide')) {
+ $next.addClass(type)
+ $next[0].offsetWidth // force reflow
+ $active.addClass(direction)
+ $next.addClass(direction)
+ $active
+ .one('bsTransitionEnd', function () {
+ $next.removeClass([type, direction].join(' ')).addClass('active')
+ $active.removeClass(['active', direction].join(' '))
+ that.sliding = false
+ setTimeout(function () {
+ that.$element.trigger(slidEvent)
+ }, 0)
+ })
+ .emulateTransitionEnd(Carousel.TRANSITION_DURATION)
+ } else {
+ $active.removeClass('active')
+ $next.addClass('active')
+ this.sliding = false
+ this.$element.trigger(slidEvent)
+ }
+ isCycling && this.cycle()
+ return this
+ }
+ // ==========================
+ function Plugin(option) {
+ return this.each(function () {
+ var $this = $(this)
+ var data = $this.data('bs.carousel')
+ var options = $.extend({}, Carousel.DEFAULTS, $this.data(), typeof option == 'object' && option)
+ var action = typeof option == 'string' ? option : options.slide
+ if (!data) $this.data('bs.carousel', (data = new Carousel(this, options)))
+ if (typeof option == 'number') data.to(option)
+ else if (action) data[action]()
+ else if (options.interval) data.pause().cycle()
+ })
+ }
+ var old = $.fn.carousel
+ $.fn.carousel = Plugin
+ $.fn.carousel.Constructor = Carousel
+ // ====================
+ $.fn.carousel.noConflict = function () {
+ $.fn.carousel = old
+ return this
+ }
+ // =================
+ var clickHandler = function (e) {
+ var href
+ var $this = $(this)
+ var $target = $($this.attr('data-target') || (href = $this.attr('href')) && href.replace(/.*(?=#[^\s]+$)/, '')) // strip for ie7
+ if (!$target.hasClass('carousel')) return
+ var options = $.extend({}, $target.data(), $this.data())
+ var slideIndex = $this.attr('data-slide-to')
+ if (slideIndex) options.interval = false
+ Plugin.call($target, options)
+ if (slideIndex) {
+ $target.data('bs.carousel').to(slideIndex)
+ }
+ e.preventDefault()
+ }
+ $(document)
+ .on('click.bs.carousel.data-api', '[data-slide]', clickHandler)
+ .on('click.bs.carousel.data-api', '[data-slide-to]', clickHandler)
+ $(window).on('load', function () {
+ $('[data-ride="carousel"]').each(function () {
+ var $carousel = $(this)
+ Plugin.call($carousel, $carousel.data())
+ })
+ })
+/* ========================================================================
+ * Bootstrap: collapse.js v3.3.2
+ * http://getbootstrap.com/javascript/#collapse
+ * ========================================================================
+ * Copyright 2011-2015 Twitter, Inc.
+ * Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/master/LICENSE)
+ * ======================================================================== */
++function ($) {
+ 'use strict';
+ // ================================
+ var Collapse = function (element, options) {
+ this.$element = $(element)
+ this.options = $.extend({}, Collapse.DEFAULTS, options)
+ this.$trigger = $(this.options.trigger).filter('[href="#' + element.id + '"], [data-target="#' + element.id + '"]')
+ this.transitioning = null
+ if (this.options.parent) {
+ this.$parent = this.getParent()
+ } else {
+ this.addAriaAndCollapsedClass(this.$element, this.$trigger)
+ }
+ if (this.options.toggle) this.toggle()
+ }
+ Collapse.VERSION = '3.3.2'
+ Collapse.DEFAULTS = {
+ toggle: true,
+ trigger: '[data-toggle="collapse"]'
+ }
+ Collapse.prototype.dimension = function () {
+ var hasWidth = this.$element.hasClass('width')
+ return hasWidth ? 'width' : 'height'
+ }
+ Collapse.prototype.show = function () {
+ if (this.transitioning || this.$element.hasClass('in')) return
+ var activesData
+ var actives = this.$parent && this.$parent.children('.panel').children('.in, .collapsing')
+ if (actives && actives.length) {
+ activesData = actives.data('bs.collapse')
+ if (activesData && activesData.transitioning) return
+ }
+ var startEvent = $.Event('show.bs.collapse')
+ this.$element.trigger(startEvent)
+ if (startEvent.isDefaultPrevented()) return
+ if (actives && actives.length) {
+ Plugin.call(actives, 'hide')
+ activesData || actives.data('bs.collapse', null)
+ }
+ var dimension = this.dimension()
+ this.$element
+ .removeClass('collapse')
+ .addClass('collapsing')[dimension](0)
+ .attr('aria-expanded', true)
+ this.$trigger
+ .removeClass('collapsed')
+ .attr('aria-expanded', true)
+ this.transitioning = 1
+ var complete = function () {
+ this.$element
+ .removeClass('collapsing')
+ .addClass('collapse in')[dimension]('')
+ this.transitioning = 0
+ this.$element
+ .trigger('shown.bs.collapse')
+ }
+ if (!$.support.transition) return complete.call(this)
+ var scrollSize = $.camelCase(['scroll', dimension].join('-'))
+ this.$element
+ .one('bsTransitionEnd', $.proxy(complete, this))
+ .emulateTransitionEnd(Collapse.TRANSITION_DURATION)[dimension](this.$element[0][scrollSize])
+ }
+ Collapse.prototype.hide = function () {
+ if (this.transitioning || !this.$element.hasClass('in')) return
+ var startEvent = $.Event('hide.bs.collapse')
+ this.$element.trigger(startEvent)
+ if (startEvent.isDefaultPrevented()) return
+ var dimension = this.dimension()
+ this.$element[dimension](this.$element[dimension]())[0].offsetHeight
+ this.$element
+ .addClass('collapsing')
+ .removeClass('collapse in')
+ .attr('aria-expanded', false)
+ this.$trigger
+ .addClass('collapsed')
+ .attr('aria-expanded', false)
+ this.transitioning = 1
+ var complete = function () {
+ this.transitioning = 0
+ this.$element
+ .removeClass('collapsing')
+ .addClass('collapse')
+ .trigger('hidden.bs.collapse')
+ }
+ if (!$.support.transition) return complete.call(this)
+ this.$element
+ [dimension](0)
+ .one('bsTransitionEnd', $.proxy(complete, this))
+ .emulateTransitionEnd(Collapse.TRANSITION_DURATION)
+ }
+ Collapse.prototype.toggle = function () {
+ this[this.$element.hasClass('in') ? 'hide' : 'show']()
+ }
+ Collapse.prototype.getParent = function () {
+ return $(this.options.parent)
+ .find('[data-toggle="collapse"][data-parent="' + this.options.parent + '"]')
+ .each($.proxy(function (i, element) {
+ var $element = $(element)
+ this.addAriaAndCollapsedClass(getTargetFromTrigger($element), $element)
+ }, this))
+ .end()
+ }
+ Collapse.prototype.addAriaAndCollapsedClass = function ($element, $trigger) {
+ var isOpen = $element.hasClass('in')
+ $element.attr('aria-expanded', isOpen)
+ $trigger
+ .toggleClass('collapsed', !isOpen)
+ .attr('aria-expanded', isOpen)
+ }
+ function getTargetFromTrigger($trigger) {
+ var href
+ var target = $trigger.attr('data-target')
+ || (href = $trigger.attr('href')) && href.replace(/.*(?=#[^\s]+$)/, '') // strip for ie7
+ return $(target)
+ }
+ // ==========================
+ function Plugin(option) {
+ return this.each(function () {
+ var $this = $(this)
+ var data = $this.data('bs.collapse')
+ var options = $.extend({}, Collapse.DEFAULTS, $this.data(), typeof option == 'object' && option)
+ if (!data && options.toggle && option == 'show') options.toggle = false
+ if (!data) $this.data('bs.collapse', (data = new Collapse(this, options)))
+ if (typeof option == 'string') data[option]()
+ })
+ }
+ var old = $.fn.collapse
+ $.fn.collapse = Plugin
+ $.fn.collapse.Constructor = Collapse
+ // ====================
+ $.fn.collapse.noConflict = function () {
+ $.fn.collapse = old
+ return this
+ }
+ // =================
+ $(document).on('click.bs.collapse.data-api', '[data-toggle="collapse"]', function (e) {
+ var $this = $(this)
+ if (!$this.attr('data-target')) e.preventDefault()
+ var $target = getTargetFromTrigger($this)
+ var data = $target.data('bs.collapse')
+ var option = data ? 'toggle' : $.extend({}, $this.data(), { trigger: this })
+ Plugin.call($target, option)
+ })
+/* ========================================================================
+ * Bootstrap: dropdown.js v3.3.2
+ * http://getbootstrap.com/javascript/#dropdowns
+ * ========================================================================
+ * Copyright 2011-2015 Twitter, Inc.
+ * Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/master/LICENSE)
+ * ======================================================================== */
++function ($) {
+ 'use strict';
+ // =========================
+ var backdrop = '.dropdown-backdrop'
+ var toggle = '[data-toggle="dropdown"]'
+ var Dropdown = function (element) {
+ $(element).on('click.bs.dropdown', this.toggle)
+ }
+ Dropdown.VERSION = '3.3.2'
+ Dropdown.prototype.toggle = function (e) {
+ var $this = $(this)
+ if ($this.is('.disabled, :disabled')) return
+ var $parent = getParent($this)
+ var isActive = $parent.hasClass('open')
+ clearMenus()
+ if (!isActive) {
+ if ('ontouchstart' in document.documentElement && !$parent.closest('.navbar-nav').length) {
+ // if mobile we use a backdrop because click events don't delegate
+ $('
').insertAfter($(this)).on('click', clearMenus)
+ }
+ var relatedTarget = { relatedTarget: this }
+ $parent.trigger(e = $.Event('show.bs.dropdown', relatedTarget))
+ if (e.isDefaultPrevented()) return
+ $this
+ .trigger('focus')
+ .attr('aria-expanded', 'true')
+ $parent
+ .toggleClass('open')
+ .trigger('shown.bs.dropdown', relatedTarget)
+ }
+ return false
+ }
+ Dropdown.prototype.keydown = function (e) {
+ if (!/(38|40|27|32)/.test(e.which) || /input|textarea/i.test(e.target.tagName)) return
+ var $this = $(this)
+ e.preventDefault()
+ e.stopPropagation()
+ if ($this.is('.disabled, :disabled')) return
+ var $parent = getParent($this)
+ var isActive = $parent.hasClass('open')
+ if ((!isActive && e.which != 27) || (isActive && e.which == 27)) {
+ if (e.which == 27) $parent.find(toggle).trigger('focus')
+ return $this.trigger('click')
+ }
+ var desc = ' li:not(.divider):visible a'
+ var $items = $parent.find('[role="menu"]' + desc + ', [role="listbox"]' + desc)
+ if (!$items.length) return
+ var index = $items.index(e.target)
+ if (e.which == 38 && index > 0) index-- // up
+ if (e.which == 40 && index < $items.length - 1) index++ // down
+ if (!~index) index = 0
+ $items.eq(index).trigger('focus')
+ }
+ function clearMenus(e) {
+ if (e && e.which === 3) return
+ $(backdrop).remove()
+ $(toggle).each(function () {
+ var $this = $(this)
+ var $parent = getParent($this)
+ var relatedTarget = { relatedTarget: this }
+ if (!$parent.hasClass('open')) return
+ $parent.trigger(e = $.Event('hide.bs.dropdown', relatedTarget))
+ if (e.isDefaultPrevented()) return
+ $this.attr('aria-expanded', 'false')
+ $parent.removeClass('open').trigger('hidden.bs.dropdown', relatedTarget)
+ })
+ }
+ function getParent($this) {
+ var selector = $this.attr('data-target')
+ if (!selector) {
+ selector = $this.attr('href')
+ selector = selector && /#[A-Za-z]/.test(selector) && selector.replace(/.*(?=#[^\s]*$)/, '') // strip for ie7
+ }
+ var $parent = selector && $(selector)
+ return $parent && $parent.length ? $parent : $this.parent()
+ }
+ // ==========================
+ function Plugin(option) {
+ return this.each(function () {
+ var $this = $(this)
+ var data = $this.data('bs.dropdown')
+ if (!data) $this.data('bs.dropdown', (data = new Dropdown(this)))
+ if (typeof option == 'string') data[option].call($this)
+ })
+ }
+ var old = $.fn.dropdown
+ $.fn.dropdown = Plugin
+ $.fn.dropdown.Constructor = Dropdown
+ // ====================
+ $.fn.dropdown.noConflict = function () {
+ $.fn.dropdown = old
+ return this
+ }
+ // ===================================
+ $(document)
+ .on('click.bs.dropdown.data-api', clearMenus)
+ .on('click.bs.dropdown.data-api', '.dropdown form', function (e) { e.stopPropagation() })
+ .on('click.bs.dropdown.data-api', toggle, Dropdown.prototype.toggle)
+ .on('keydown.bs.dropdown.data-api', toggle, Dropdown.prototype.keydown)
+ .on('keydown.bs.dropdown.data-api', '[role="menu"]', Dropdown.prototype.keydown)
+ .on('keydown.bs.dropdown.data-api', '[role="listbox"]', Dropdown.prototype.keydown)
+/* ========================================================================
+ * Bootstrap: modal.js v3.3.2
+ * http://getbootstrap.com/javascript/#modals
+ * ========================================================================
+ * Copyright 2011-2015 Twitter, Inc.
+ * Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/master/LICENSE)
+ * ======================================================================== */
++function ($) {
+ 'use strict';
+ // ======================
+ var Modal = function (element, options) {
+ this.options = options
+ this.$body = $(document.body)
+ this.$element = $(element)
+ this.$backdrop =
+ this.isShown = null
+ this.scrollbarWidth = 0
+ if (this.options.remote) {
+ this.$element
+ .find('.modal-content')
+ .load(this.options.remote, $.proxy(function () {
+ this.$element.trigger('loaded.bs.modal')
+ }, this))
+ }
+ }
+ Modal.VERSION = '3.3.2'
+ Modal.DEFAULTS = {
+ backdrop: true,
+ keyboard: true,
+ show: true
+ }
+ Modal.prototype.toggle = function (_relatedTarget) {
+ return this.isShown ? this.hide() : this.show(_relatedTarget)
+ }
+ Modal.prototype.show = function (_relatedTarget) {
+ var that = this
+ var e = $.Event('show.bs.modal', { relatedTarget: _relatedTarget })
+ this.$element.trigger(e)
+ if (this.isShown || e.isDefaultPrevented()) return
+ this.isShown = true
+ this.checkScrollbar()
+ this.setScrollbar()
+ this.$body.addClass('modal-open')
+ this.escape()
+ this.resize()
+ this.$element.on('click.dismiss.bs.modal', '[data-dismiss="modal"]', $.proxy(this.hide, this))
+ this.backdrop(function () {
+ var transition = $.support.transition && that.$element.hasClass('fade')
+ if (!that.$element.parent().length) {
+ that.$element.appendTo(that.$body) // don't move modals dom position
+ }
+ that.$element
+ .show()
+ .scrollTop(0)
+ if (that.options.backdrop) that.adjustBackdrop()
+ that.adjustDialog()
+ if (transition) {
+ that.$element[0].offsetWidth // force reflow
+ }
+ that.$element
+ .addClass('in')
+ .attr('aria-hidden', false)
+ that.enforceFocus()
+ var e = $.Event('shown.bs.modal', { relatedTarget: _relatedTarget })
+ transition ?
+ that.$element.find('.modal-dialog') // wait for modal to slide in
+ .one('bsTransitionEnd', function () {
+ that.$element.trigger('focus').trigger(e)
+ })
+ .emulateTransitionEnd(Modal.TRANSITION_DURATION) :
+ that.$element.trigger('focus').trigger(e)
+ })
+ }
+ Modal.prototype.hide = function (e) {
+ if (e) e.preventDefault()
+ e = $.Event('hide.bs.modal')
+ this.$element.trigger(e)
+ if (!this.isShown || e.isDefaultPrevented()) return
+ this.isShown = false
+ this.escape()
+ this.resize()
+ $(document).off('focusin.bs.modal')
+ this.$element
+ .removeClass('in')
+ .attr('aria-hidden', true)
+ .off('click.dismiss.bs.modal')
+ $.support.transition && this.$element.hasClass('fade') ?
+ this.$element
+ .one('bsTransitionEnd', $.proxy(this.hideModal, this))
+ .emulateTransitionEnd(Modal.TRANSITION_DURATION) :
+ this.hideModal()
+ }
+ Modal.prototype.enforceFocus = function () {
+ $(document)
+ .off('focusin.bs.modal') // guard against infinite focus loop
+ .on('focusin.bs.modal', $.proxy(function (e) {
+ if (this.$element[0] !== e.target && !this.$element.has(e.target).length) {
+ this.$element.trigger('focus')
+ }
+ }, this))
+ }
+ Modal.prototype.escape = function () {
+ if (this.isShown && this.options.keyboard) {
+ this.$element.on('keydown.dismiss.bs.modal', $.proxy(function (e) {
+ e.which == 27 && this.hide()
+ }, this))
+ } else if (!this.isShown) {
+ this.$element.off('keydown.dismiss.bs.modal')
+ }
+ }
+ Modal.prototype.resize = function () {
+ if (this.isShown) {
+ $(window).on('resize.bs.modal', $.proxy(this.handleUpdate, this))
+ } else {
+ $(window).off('resize.bs.modal')
+ }
+ }
+ Modal.prototype.hideModal = function () {
+ var that = this
+ this.$element.hide()
+ this.backdrop(function () {
+ that.$body.removeClass('modal-open')
+ that.resetAdjustments()
+ that.resetScrollbar()
+ that.$element.trigger('hidden.bs.modal')
+ })
+ }
+ Modal.prototype.removeBackdrop = function () {
+ this.$backdrop && this.$backdrop.remove()
+ this.$backdrop = null
+ }
+ Modal.prototype.backdrop = function (callback) {
+ var that = this
+ var animate = this.$element.hasClass('fade') ? 'fade' : ''
+ if (this.isShown && this.options.backdrop) {
+ var doAnimate = $.support.transition && animate
+ this.$backdrop = $('
+ .prependTo(this.$element)
+ .on('click.dismiss.bs.modal', $.proxy(function (e) {
+ if (e.target !== e.currentTarget) return
+ this.options.backdrop == 'static'
+ ? this.$element[0].focus.call(this.$element[0])
+ : this.hide.call(this)
+ }, this))
+ if (doAnimate) this.$backdrop[0].offsetWidth // force reflow
+ this.$backdrop.addClass('in')
+ if (!callback) return
+ doAnimate ?
+ this.$backdrop
+ .one('bsTransitionEnd', callback)
+ .emulateTransitionEnd(Modal.BACKDROP_TRANSITION_DURATION) :
+ callback()
+ } else if (!this.isShown && this.$backdrop) {
+ this.$backdrop.removeClass('in')
+ var callbackRemove = function () {
+ that.removeBackdrop()
+ callback && callback()
+ }
+ $.support.transition && this.$element.hasClass('fade') ?
+ this.$backdrop
+ .one('bsTransitionEnd', callbackRemove)
+ .emulateTransitionEnd(Modal.BACKDROP_TRANSITION_DURATION) :
+ callbackRemove()
+ } else if (callback) {
+ callback()
+ }
+ }
+ // these following methods are used to handle overflowing modals
+ Modal.prototype.handleUpdate = function () {
+ if (this.options.backdrop) this.adjustBackdrop()
+ this.adjustDialog()
+ }
+ Modal.prototype.adjustBackdrop = function () {
+ this.$backdrop
+ .css('height', 0)
+ .css('height', this.$element[0].scrollHeight)
+ }
+ Modal.prototype.adjustDialog = function () {
+ var modalIsOverflowing = this.$element[0].scrollHeight > document.documentElement.clientHeight
+ this.$element.css({
+ paddingLeft: !this.bodyIsOverflowing && modalIsOverflowing ? this.scrollbarWidth : '',
+ paddingRight: this.bodyIsOverflowing && !modalIsOverflowing ? this.scrollbarWidth : ''
+ })
+ }
+ Modal.prototype.resetAdjustments = function () {
+ this.$element.css({
+ paddingLeft: '',
+ paddingRight: ''
+ })
+ }
+ Modal.prototype.checkScrollbar = function () {
+ this.bodyIsOverflowing = document.body.scrollHeight > document.documentElement.clientHeight
+ this.scrollbarWidth = this.measureScrollbar()
+ }
+ Modal.prototype.setScrollbar = function () {
+ var bodyPad = parseInt((this.$body.css('padding-right') || 0), 10)
+ if (this.bodyIsOverflowing) this.$body.css('padding-right', bodyPad + this.scrollbarWidth)
+ }
+ Modal.prototype.resetScrollbar = function () {
+ this.$body.css('padding-right', '')
+ }
+ Modal.prototype.measureScrollbar = function () { // thx walsh
+ var scrollDiv = document.createElement('div')
+ scrollDiv.className = 'modal-scrollbar-measure'
+ this.$body.append(scrollDiv)
+ var scrollbarWidth = scrollDiv.offsetWidth - scrollDiv.clientWidth
+ this.$body[0].removeChild(scrollDiv)
+ return scrollbarWidth
+ }
+ // =======================
+ function Plugin(option, _relatedTarget) {
+ return this.each(function () {
+ var $this = $(this)
+ var data = $this.data('bs.modal')
+ var options = $.extend({}, Modal.DEFAULTS, $this.data(), typeof option == 'object' && option)
+ if (!data) $this.data('bs.modal', (data = new Modal(this, options)))
+ if (typeof option == 'string') data[option](_relatedTarget)
+ else if (options.show) data.show(_relatedTarget)
+ })
+ }
+ var old = $.fn.modal
+ $.fn.modal = Plugin
+ $.fn.modal.Constructor = Modal
+ // =================
+ $.fn.modal.noConflict = function () {
+ $.fn.modal = old
+ return this
+ }
+ // ==============
+ $(document).on('click.bs.modal.data-api', '[data-toggle="modal"]', function (e) {
+ var $this = $(this)
+ var href = $this.attr('href')
+ var $target = $($this.attr('data-target') || (href && href.replace(/.*(?=#[^\s]+$)/, ''))) // strip for ie7
+ var option = $target.data('bs.modal') ? 'toggle' : $.extend({ remote: !/#/.test(href) && href }, $target.data(), $this.data())
+ if ($this.is('a')) e.preventDefault()
+ $target.one('show.bs.modal', function (showEvent) {
+ if (showEvent.isDefaultPrevented()) return // only register focus restorer if modal will actually get shown
+ $target.one('hidden.bs.modal', function () {
+ $this.is(':visible') && $this.trigger('focus')
+ })
+ })
+ Plugin.call($target, option, this)
+ })
+/* ========================================================================
+ * Bootstrap: tooltip.js v3.3.2
+ * http://getbootstrap.com/javascript/#tooltip
+ * Inspired by the original jQuery.tipsy by Jason Frame
+ * ========================================================================
+ * Copyright 2011-2015 Twitter, Inc.
+ * Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/master/LICENSE)
+ * ======================================================================== */
++function ($) {
+ 'use strict';
+ // ===============================
+ var Tooltip = function (element, options) {
+ this.type =
+ this.options =
+ this.enabled =
+ this.timeout =
+ this.hoverState =
+ this.$element = null
+ this.init('tooltip', element, options)
+ }
+ Tooltip.VERSION = '3.3.2'
+ Tooltip.DEFAULTS = {
+ animation: true,
+ placement: 'top',
+ selector: false,
+ template: '',
+ trigger: 'hover focus',
+ title: '',
+ delay: 0,
+ html: false,
+ container: false,
+ viewport: {
+ selector: 'body',
+ padding: 0
+ }
+ }
+ Tooltip.prototype.init = function (type, element, options) {
+ this.enabled = true
+ this.type = type
+ this.$element = $(element)
+ this.options = this.getOptions(options)
+ this.$viewport = this.options.viewport && $(this.options.viewport.selector || this.options.viewport)
+ var triggers = this.options.trigger.split(' ')
+ for (var i = triggers.length; i--;) {
+ var trigger = triggers[i]
+ if (trigger == 'click') {
+ this.$element.on('click.' + this.type, this.options.selector, $.proxy(this.toggle, this))
+ } else if (trigger != 'manual') {
+ var eventIn = trigger == 'hover' ? 'mouseenter' : 'focusin'
+ var eventOut = trigger == 'hover' ? 'mouseleave' : 'focusout'
+ this.$element.on(eventIn + '.' + this.type, this.options.selector, $.proxy(this.enter, this))
+ this.$element.on(eventOut + '.' + this.type, this.options.selector, $.proxy(this.leave, this))
+ }
+ }
+ this.options.selector ?
+ (this._options = $.extend({}, this.options, { trigger: 'manual', selector: '' })) :
+ this.fixTitle()
+ }
+ Tooltip.prototype.getDefaults = function () {
+ return Tooltip.DEFAULTS
+ }
+ Tooltip.prototype.getOptions = function (options) {
+ options = $.extend({}, this.getDefaults(), this.$element.data(), options)
+ if (options.delay && typeof options.delay == 'number') {
+ options.delay = {
+ show: options.delay,
+ hide: options.delay
+ }
+ }
+ return options
+ }
+ Tooltip.prototype.getDelegateOptions = function () {
+ var options = {}
+ var defaults = this.getDefaults()
+ this._options && $.each(this._options, function (key, value) {
+ if (defaults[key] != value) options[key] = value
+ })
+ return options
+ }
+ Tooltip.prototype.enter = function (obj) {
+ var self = obj instanceof this.constructor ?
+ obj : $(obj.currentTarget).data('bs.' + this.type)
+ if (self && self.$tip && self.$tip.is(':visible')) {
+ self.hoverState = 'in'
+ return
+ }
+ if (!self) {
+ self = new this.constructor(obj.currentTarget, this.getDelegateOptions())
+ $(obj.currentTarget).data('bs.' + this.type, self)
+ }
+ clearTimeout(self.timeout)
+ self.hoverState = 'in'
+ if (!self.options.delay || !self.options.delay.show) return self.show()
+ self.timeout = setTimeout(function () {
+ if (self.hoverState == 'in') self.show()
+ }, self.options.delay.show)
+ }
+ Tooltip.prototype.leave = function (obj) {
+ var self = obj instanceof this.constructor ?
+ obj : $(obj.currentTarget).data('bs.' + this.type)
+ if (!self) {
+ self = new this.constructor(obj.currentTarget, this.getDelegateOptions())
+ $(obj.currentTarget).data('bs.' + this.type, self)
+ }
+ clearTimeout(self.timeout)
+ self.hoverState = 'out'
+ if (!self.options.delay || !self.options.delay.hide) return self.hide()
+ self.timeout = setTimeout(function () {
+ if (self.hoverState == 'out') self.hide()
+ }, self.options.delay.hide)
+ }
+ Tooltip.prototype.show = function () {
+ var e = $.Event('show.bs.' + this.type)
+ if (this.hasContent() && this.enabled) {
+ this.$element.trigger(e)
+ var inDom = $.contains(this.$element[0].ownerDocument.documentElement, this.$element[0])
+ if (e.isDefaultPrevented() || !inDom) return
+ var that = this
+ var $tip = this.tip()
+ var tipId = this.getUID(this.type)
+ this.setContent()
+ $tip.attr('id', tipId)
+ this.$element.attr('aria-describedby', tipId)
+ if (this.options.animation) $tip.addClass('fade')
+ var placement = typeof this.options.placement == 'function' ?
+ this.options.placement.call(this, $tip[0], this.$element[0]) :
+ this.options.placement
+ var autoToken = /\s?auto?\s?/i
+ var autoPlace = autoToken.test(placement)
+ if (autoPlace) placement = placement.replace(autoToken, '') || 'top'
+ $tip
+ .detach()
+ .css({ top: 0, left: 0, display: 'block' })
+ .addClass(placement)
+ .data('bs.' + this.type, this)
+ this.options.container ? $tip.appendTo(this.options.container) : $tip.insertAfter(this.$element)
+ var pos = this.getPosition()
+ var actualWidth = $tip[0].offsetWidth
+ var actualHeight = $tip[0].offsetHeight
+ if (autoPlace) {
+ var orgPlacement = placement
+ var $container = this.options.container ? $(this.options.container) : this.$element.parent()
+ var containerDim = this.getPosition($container)
+ placement = placement == 'bottom' && pos.bottom + actualHeight > containerDim.bottom ? 'top' :
+ placement == 'top' && pos.top - actualHeight < containerDim.top ? 'bottom' :
+ placement == 'right' && pos.right + actualWidth > containerDim.width ? 'left' :
+ placement == 'left' && pos.left - actualWidth < containerDim.left ? 'right' :
+ placement
+ $tip
+ .removeClass(orgPlacement)
+ .addClass(placement)
+ }
+ var calculatedOffset = this.getCalculatedOffset(placement, pos, actualWidth, actualHeight)
+ this.applyPlacement(calculatedOffset, placement)
+ var complete = function () {
+ var prevHoverState = that.hoverState
+ that.$element.trigger('shown.bs.' + that.type)
+ that.hoverState = null
+ if (prevHoverState == 'out') that.leave(that)
+ }
+ $.support.transition && this.$tip.hasClass('fade') ?
+ $tip
+ .one('bsTransitionEnd', complete)
+ .emulateTransitionEnd(Tooltip.TRANSITION_DURATION) :
+ complete()
+ }
+ }
+ Tooltip.prototype.applyPlacement = function (offset, placement) {
+ var $tip = this.tip()
+ var width = $tip[0].offsetWidth
+ var height = $tip[0].offsetHeight
+ // manually read margins because getBoundingClientRect includes difference
+ var marginTop = parseInt($tip.css('margin-top'), 10)
+ var marginLeft = parseInt($tip.css('margin-left'), 10)
+ // we must check for NaN for ie 8/9
+ if (isNaN(marginTop)) marginTop = 0
+ if (isNaN(marginLeft)) marginLeft = 0
+ offset.top = offset.top + marginTop
+ offset.left = offset.left + marginLeft
+ // $.fn.offset doesn't round pixel values
+ // so we use setOffset directly with our own function B-0
+ $.offset.setOffset($tip[0], $.extend({
+ using: function (props) {
+ $tip.css({
+ top: Math.round(props.top),
+ left: Math.round(props.left)
+ })
+ }
+ }, offset), 0)
+ $tip.addClass('in')
+ // check to see if placing tip in new offset caused the tip to resize itself
+ var actualWidth = $tip[0].offsetWidth
+ var actualHeight = $tip[0].offsetHeight
+ if (placement == 'top' && actualHeight != height) {
+ offset.top = offset.top + height - actualHeight
+ }
+ var delta = this.getViewportAdjustedDelta(placement, offset, actualWidth, actualHeight)
+ if (delta.left) offset.left += delta.left
+ else offset.top += delta.top
+ var isVertical = /top|bottom/.test(placement)
+ var arrowDelta = isVertical ? delta.left * 2 - width + actualWidth : delta.top * 2 - height + actualHeight
+ var arrowOffsetPosition = isVertical ? 'offsetWidth' : 'offsetHeight'
+ $tip.offset(offset)
+ this.replaceArrow(arrowDelta, $tip[0][arrowOffsetPosition], isVertical)
+ }
+ Tooltip.prototype.replaceArrow = function (delta, dimension, isHorizontal) {
+ this.arrow()
+ .css(isHorizontal ? 'left' : 'top', 50 * (1 - delta / dimension) + '%')
+ .css(isHorizontal ? 'top' : 'left', '')
+ }
+ Tooltip.prototype.setContent = function () {
+ var $tip = this.tip()
+ var title = this.getTitle()
+ $tip.find('.tooltip-inner')[this.options.html ? 'html' : 'text'](title)
+ $tip.removeClass('fade in top bottom left right')
+ }
+ Tooltip.prototype.hide = function (callback) {
+ var that = this
+ var $tip = this.tip()
+ var e = $.Event('hide.bs.' + this.type)
+ function complete() {
+ if (that.hoverState != 'in') $tip.detach()
+ that.$element
+ .removeAttr('aria-describedby')
+ .trigger('hidden.bs.' + that.type)
+ callback && callback()
+ }
+ this.$element.trigger(e)
+ if (e.isDefaultPrevented()) return
+ $tip.removeClass('in')
+ $.support.transition && this.$tip.hasClass('fade') ?
+ $tip
+ .one('bsTransitionEnd', complete)
+ .emulateTransitionEnd(Tooltip.TRANSITION_DURATION) :
+ complete()
+ this.hoverState = null
+ return this
+ }
+ Tooltip.prototype.fixTitle = function () {
+ var $e = this.$element
+ if ($e.attr('title') || typeof ($e.attr('data-original-title')) != 'string') {
+ $e.attr('data-original-title', $e.attr('title') || '').attr('title', '')
+ }
+ }
+ Tooltip.prototype.hasContent = function () {
+ return this.getTitle()
+ }
+ Tooltip.prototype.getPosition = function ($element) {
+ $element = $element || this.$element
+ var el = $element[0]
+ var isBody = el.tagName == 'BODY'
+ var elRect = el.getBoundingClientRect()
+ if (elRect.width == null) {
+ // width and height are missing in IE8, so compute them manually; see https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/issues/14093
+ elRect = $.extend({}, elRect, { width: elRect.right - elRect.left, height: elRect.bottom - elRect.top })
+ }
+ var elOffset = isBody ? { top: 0, left: 0 } : $element.offset()
+ var scroll = { scroll: isBody ? document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop : $element.scrollTop() }
+ var outerDims = isBody ? { width: $(window).width(), height: $(window).height() } : null
+ return $.extend({}, elRect, scroll, outerDims, elOffset)
+ }
+ Tooltip.prototype.getCalculatedOffset = function (placement, pos, actualWidth, actualHeight) {
+ return placement == 'bottom' ? { top: pos.top + pos.height, left: pos.left + pos.width / 2 - actualWidth / 2 } :
+ placement == 'top' ? { top: pos.top - actualHeight, left: pos.left + pos.width / 2 - actualWidth / 2 } :
+ placement == 'left' ? { top: pos.top + pos.height / 2 - actualHeight / 2, left: pos.left - actualWidth } :
+ /* placement == 'right' */ { top: pos.top + pos.height / 2 - actualHeight / 2, left: pos.left + pos.width }
+ }
+ Tooltip.prototype.getViewportAdjustedDelta = function (placement, pos, actualWidth, actualHeight) {
+ var delta = { top: 0, left: 0 }
+ if (!this.$viewport) return delta
+ var viewportPadding = this.options.viewport && this.options.viewport.padding || 0
+ var viewportDimensions = this.getPosition(this.$viewport)
+ if (/right|left/.test(placement)) {
+ var topEdgeOffset = pos.top - viewportPadding - viewportDimensions.scroll
+ var bottomEdgeOffset = pos.top + viewportPadding - viewportDimensions.scroll + actualHeight
+ if (topEdgeOffset < viewportDimensions.top) { // top overflow
+ delta.top = viewportDimensions.top - topEdgeOffset
+ } else if (bottomEdgeOffset > viewportDimensions.top + viewportDimensions.height) { // bottom overflow
+ delta.top = viewportDimensions.top + viewportDimensions.height - bottomEdgeOffset
+ }
+ } else {
+ var leftEdgeOffset = pos.left - viewportPadding
+ var rightEdgeOffset = pos.left + viewportPadding + actualWidth
+ if (leftEdgeOffset < viewportDimensions.left) { // left overflow
+ delta.left = viewportDimensions.left - leftEdgeOffset
+ } else if (rightEdgeOffset > viewportDimensions.width) { // right overflow
+ delta.left = viewportDimensions.left + viewportDimensions.width - rightEdgeOffset
+ }
+ }
+ return delta
+ }
+ Tooltip.prototype.getTitle = function () {
+ var title
+ var $e = this.$element
+ var o = this.options
+ title = $e.attr('data-original-title')
+ || (typeof o.title == 'function' ? o.title.call($e[0]) : o.title)
+ return title
+ }
+ Tooltip.prototype.getUID = function (prefix) {
+ do prefix += ~~(Math.random() * 1000000)
+ while (document.getElementById(prefix))
+ return prefix
+ }
+ Tooltip.prototype.tip = function () {
+ return (this.$tip = this.$tip || $(this.options.template))
+ }
+ Tooltip.prototype.arrow = function () {
+ return (this.$arrow = this.$arrow || this.tip().find('.tooltip-arrow'))
+ }
+ Tooltip.prototype.enable = function () {
+ this.enabled = true
+ }
+ Tooltip.prototype.disable = function () {
+ this.enabled = false
+ }
+ Tooltip.prototype.toggleEnabled = function () {
+ this.enabled = !this.enabled
+ }
+ Tooltip.prototype.toggle = function (e) {
+ var self = this
+ if (e) {
+ self = $(e.currentTarget).data('bs.' + this.type)
+ if (!self) {
+ self = new this.constructor(e.currentTarget, this.getDelegateOptions())
+ $(e.currentTarget).data('bs.' + this.type, self)
+ }
+ }
+ self.tip().hasClass('in') ? self.leave(self) : self.enter(self)
+ }
+ Tooltip.prototype.destroy = function () {
+ var that = this
+ clearTimeout(this.timeout)
+ this.hide(function () {
+ that.$element.off('.' + that.type).removeData('bs.' + that.type)
+ })
+ }
+ // =========================
+ function Plugin(option) {
+ return this.each(function () {
+ var $this = $(this)
+ var data = $this.data('bs.tooltip')
+ var options = typeof option == 'object' && option
+ if (!data && option == 'destroy') return
+ if (!data) $this.data('bs.tooltip', (data = new Tooltip(this, options)))
+ if (typeof option == 'string') data[option]()
+ })
+ }
+ var old = $.fn.tooltip
+ $.fn.tooltip = Plugin
+ $.fn.tooltip.Constructor = Tooltip
+ // ===================
+ $.fn.tooltip.noConflict = function () {
+ $.fn.tooltip = old
+ return this
+ }
+/* ========================================================================
+ * Bootstrap: popover.js v3.3.2
+ * http://getbootstrap.com/javascript/#popovers
+ * ========================================================================
+ * Copyright 2011-2015 Twitter, Inc.
+ * Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/master/LICENSE)
+ * ======================================================================== */
++function ($) {
+ 'use strict';
+ // ===============================
+ var Popover = function (element, options) {
+ this.init('popover', element, options)
+ }
+ if (!$.fn.tooltip) throw new Error('Popover requires tooltip.js')
+ Popover.VERSION = '3.3.2'
+ Popover.DEFAULTS = $.extend({}, $.fn.tooltip.Constructor.DEFAULTS, {
+ placement: 'right',
+ trigger: 'click',
+ content: '',
+ template: ''
+ })
+ // NOTE: POPOVER EXTENDS tooltip.js
+ // ================================
+ Popover.prototype = $.extend({}, $.fn.tooltip.Constructor.prototype)
+ Popover.prototype.constructor = Popover
+ Popover.prototype.getDefaults = function () {
+ return Popover.DEFAULTS
+ }
+ Popover.prototype.setContent = function () {
+ var $tip = this.tip()
+ var title = this.getTitle()
+ var content = this.getContent()
+ $tip.find('.popover-title')[this.options.html ? 'html' : 'text'](title)
+ $tip.find('.popover-content').children().detach().end()[ // we use append for html objects to maintain js events
+ this.options.html ? (typeof content == 'string' ? 'html' : 'append') : 'text'
+ ](content)
+ $tip.removeClass('fade top bottom left right in')
+ // IE8 doesn't accept hiding via the `:empty` pseudo selector, we have to do
+ // this manually by checking the contents.
+ if (!$tip.find('.popover-title').html()) $tip.find('.popover-title').hide()
+ }
+ Popover.prototype.hasContent = function () {
+ return this.getTitle() || this.getContent()
+ }
+ Popover.prototype.getContent = function () {
+ var $e = this.$element
+ var o = this.options
+ return $e.attr('data-content')
+ || (typeof o.content == 'function' ?
+ o.content.call($e[0]) :
+ o.content)
+ }
+ Popover.prototype.arrow = function () {
+ return (this.$arrow = this.$arrow || this.tip().find('.arrow'))
+ }
+ Popover.prototype.tip = function () {
+ if (!this.$tip) this.$tip = $(this.options.template)
+ return this.$tip
+ }
+ // =========================
+ function Plugin(option) {
+ return this.each(function () {
+ var $this = $(this)
+ var data = $this.data('bs.popover')
+ var options = typeof option == 'object' && option
+ if (!data && option == 'destroy') return
+ if (!data) $this.data('bs.popover', (data = new Popover(this, options)))
+ if (typeof option == 'string') data[option]()
+ })
+ }
+ var old = $.fn.popover
+ $.fn.popover = Plugin
+ $.fn.popover.Constructor = Popover
+ // ===================
+ $.fn.popover.noConflict = function () {
+ $.fn.popover = old
+ return this
+ }
+/* ========================================================================
+ * Bootstrap: scrollspy.js v3.3.2
+ * http://getbootstrap.com/javascript/#scrollspy
+ * ========================================================================
+ * Copyright 2011-2015 Twitter, Inc.
+ * Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/master/LICENSE)
+ * ======================================================================== */
++function ($) {
+ 'use strict';
+ // ==========================
+ function ScrollSpy(element, options) {
+ var process = $.proxy(this.process, this)
+ this.$body = $('body')
+ this.$scrollElement = $(element).is('body') ? $(window) : $(element)
+ this.options = $.extend({}, ScrollSpy.DEFAULTS, options)
+ this.selector = (this.options.target || '') + ' .nav li > a'
+ this.offsets = []
+ this.targets = []
+ this.activeTarget = null
+ this.scrollHeight = 0
+ this.$scrollElement.on('scroll.bs.scrollspy', process)
+ this.refresh()
+ this.process()
+ }
+ ScrollSpy.VERSION = '3.3.2'
+ ScrollSpy.DEFAULTS = {
+ offset: 10
+ }
+ ScrollSpy.prototype.getScrollHeight = function () {
+ return this.$scrollElement[0].scrollHeight || Math.max(this.$body[0].scrollHeight, document.documentElement.scrollHeight)
+ }
+ ScrollSpy.prototype.refresh = function () {
+ var offsetMethod = 'offset'
+ var offsetBase = 0
+ if (!$.isWindow(this.$scrollElement[0])) {
+ offsetMethod = 'position'
+ offsetBase = this.$scrollElement.scrollTop()
+ }
+ this.offsets = []
+ this.targets = []
+ this.scrollHeight = this.getScrollHeight()
+ var self = this
+ this.$body
+ .find(this.selector)
+ .map(function () {
+ var $el = $(this)
+ var href = $el.data('target') || $el.attr('href')
+ var $href = /^#./.test(href) && $(href)
+ return ($href
+ && $href.length
+ && $href.is(':visible')
+ && [[$href[offsetMethod]().top + offsetBase, href]]) || null
+ })
+ .sort(function (a, b) { return a[0] - b[0] })
+ .each(function () {
+ self.offsets.push(this[0])
+ self.targets.push(this[1])
+ })
+ }
+ ScrollSpy.prototype.process = function () {
+ var scrollTop = this.$scrollElement.scrollTop() + this.options.offset
+ var scrollHeight = this.getScrollHeight()
+ var maxScroll = this.options.offset + scrollHeight - this.$scrollElement.height()
+ var offsets = this.offsets
+ var targets = this.targets
+ var activeTarget = this.activeTarget
+ var i
+ if (this.scrollHeight != scrollHeight) {
+ this.refresh()
+ }
+ if (scrollTop >= maxScroll) {
+ return activeTarget != (i = targets[targets.length - 1]) && this.activate(i)
+ }
+ if (activeTarget && scrollTop < offsets[0]) {
+ this.activeTarget = null
+ return this.clear()
+ }
+ for (i = offsets.length; i--;) {
+ activeTarget != targets[i]
+ && scrollTop >= offsets[i]
+ && (!offsets[i + 1] || scrollTop <= offsets[i + 1])
+ && this.activate(targets[i])
+ }
+ }
+ ScrollSpy.prototype.activate = function (target) {
+ this.activeTarget = target
+ this.clear()
+ var selector = this.selector +
+ '[data-target="' + target + '"],' +
+ this.selector + '[href="' + target + '"]'
+ var active = $(selector)
+ .parents('li')
+ .addClass('active')
+ if (active.parent('.dropdown-menu').length) {
+ active = active
+ .closest('li.dropdown')
+ .addClass('active')
+ }
+ active.trigger('activate.bs.scrollspy')
+ }
+ ScrollSpy.prototype.clear = function () {
+ $(this.selector)
+ .parentsUntil(this.options.target, '.active')
+ .removeClass('active')
+ }
+ // ===========================
+ function Plugin(option) {
+ return this.each(function () {
+ var $this = $(this)
+ var data = $this.data('bs.scrollspy')
+ var options = typeof option == 'object' && option
+ if (!data) $this.data('bs.scrollspy', (data = new ScrollSpy(this, options)))
+ if (typeof option == 'string') data[option]()
+ })
+ }
+ var old = $.fn.scrollspy
+ $.fn.scrollspy = Plugin
+ $.fn.scrollspy.Constructor = ScrollSpy
+ // =====================
+ $.fn.scrollspy.noConflict = function () {
+ $.fn.scrollspy = old
+ return this
+ }
+ // ==================
+ $(window).on('load.bs.scrollspy.data-api', function () {
+ $('[data-spy="scroll"]').each(function () {
+ var $spy = $(this)
+ Plugin.call($spy, $spy.data())
+ })
+ })
+/* ========================================================================
+ * Bootstrap: tab.js v3.3.2
+ * http://getbootstrap.com/javascript/#tabs
+ * ========================================================================
+ * Copyright 2011-2015 Twitter, Inc.
+ * Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/master/LICENSE)
+ * ======================================================================== */
++function ($) {
+ 'use strict';
+ // ====================
+ var Tab = function (element) {
+ this.element = $(element)
+ }
+ Tab.VERSION = '3.3.2'
+ Tab.prototype.show = function () {
+ var $this = this.element
+ var $ul = $this.closest('ul:not(.dropdown-menu)')
+ var selector = $this.data('target')
+ if (!selector) {
+ selector = $this.attr('href')
+ selector = selector && selector.replace(/.*(?=#[^\s]*$)/, '') // strip for ie7
+ }
+ if ($this.parent('li').hasClass('active')) return
+ var $previous = $ul.find('.active:last a')
+ var hideEvent = $.Event('hide.bs.tab', {
+ relatedTarget: $this[0]
+ })
+ var showEvent = $.Event('show.bs.tab', {
+ relatedTarget: $previous[0]
+ })
+ $previous.trigger(hideEvent)
+ $this.trigger(showEvent)
+ if (showEvent.isDefaultPrevented() || hideEvent.isDefaultPrevented()) return
+ var $target = $(selector)
+ this.activate($this.closest('li'), $ul)
+ this.activate($target, $target.parent(), function () {
+ $previous.trigger({
+ type: 'hidden.bs.tab',
+ relatedTarget: $this[0]
+ })
+ $this.trigger({
+ type: 'shown.bs.tab',
+ relatedTarget: $previous[0]
+ })
+ })
+ }
+ Tab.prototype.activate = function (element, container, callback) {
+ var $active = container.find('> .active')
+ var transition = callback
+ && $.support.transition
+ && (($active.length && $active.hasClass('fade')) || !!container.find('> .fade').length)
+ function next() {
+ $active
+ .removeClass('active')
+ .find('> .dropdown-menu > .active')
+ .removeClass('active')
+ .end()
+ .find('[data-toggle="tab"]')
+ .attr('aria-expanded', false)
+ element
+ .addClass('active')
+ .find('[data-toggle="tab"]')
+ .attr('aria-expanded', true)
+ if (transition) {
+ element[0].offsetWidth // reflow for transition
+ element.addClass('in')
+ } else {
+ element.removeClass('fade')
+ }
+ if (element.parent('.dropdown-menu')) {
+ element
+ .closest('li.dropdown')
+ .addClass('active')
+ .end()
+ .find('[data-toggle="tab"]')
+ .attr('aria-expanded', true)
+ }
+ callback && callback()
+ }
+ $active.length && transition ?
+ $active
+ .one('bsTransitionEnd', next)
+ .emulateTransitionEnd(Tab.TRANSITION_DURATION) :
+ next()
+ $active.removeClass('in')
+ }
+ // =====================
+ function Plugin(option) {
+ return this.each(function () {
+ var $this = $(this)
+ var data = $this.data('bs.tab')
+ if (!data) $this.data('bs.tab', (data = new Tab(this)))
+ if (typeof option == 'string') data[option]()
+ })
+ }
+ var old = $.fn.tab
+ $.fn.tab = Plugin
+ $.fn.tab.Constructor = Tab
+ // ===============
+ $.fn.tab.noConflict = function () {
+ $.fn.tab = old
+ return this
+ }
+ // ============
+ var clickHandler = function (e) {
+ e.preventDefault()
+ Plugin.call($(this), 'show')
+ }
+ $(document)
+ .on('click.bs.tab.data-api', '[data-toggle="tab"]', clickHandler)
+ .on('click.bs.tab.data-api', '[data-toggle="pill"]', clickHandler)
+/* ========================================================================
+ * Bootstrap: affix.js v3.3.2
+ * http://getbootstrap.com/javascript/#affix
+ * ========================================================================
+ * Copyright 2011-2015 Twitter, Inc.
+ * Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/master/LICENSE)
+ * ======================================================================== */
++function ($) {
+ 'use strict';
+ // ======================
+ var Affix = function (element, options) {
+ this.options = $.extend({}, Affix.DEFAULTS, options)
+ this.$target = $(this.options.target)
+ .on('scroll.bs.affix.data-api', $.proxy(this.checkPosition, this))
+ .on('click.bs.affix.data-api', $.proxy(this.checkPositionWithEventLoop, this))
+ this.$element = $(element)
+ this.affixed =
+ this.unpin =
+ this.pinnedOffset = null
+ this.checkPosition()
+ }
+ Affix.VERSION = '3.3.2'
+ Affix.RESET = 'affix affix-top affix-bottom'
+ Affix.DEFAULTS = {
+ offset: 0,
+ target: window
+ }
+ Affix.prototype.getState = function (scrollHeight, height, offsetTop, offsetBottom) {
+ var scrollTop = this.$target.scrollTop()
+ var position = this.$element.offset()
+ var targetHeight = this.$target.height()
+ if (offsetTop != null && this.affixed == 'top') return scrollTop < offsetTop ? 'top' : false
+ if (this.affixed == 'bottom') {
+ if (offsetTop != null) return (scrollTop + this.unpin <= position.top) ? false : 'bottom'
+ return (scrollTop + targetHeight <= scrollHeight - offsetBottom) ? false : 'bottom'
+ }
+ var initializing = this.affixed == null
+ var colliderTop = initializing ? scrollTop : position.top
+ var colliderHeight = initializing ? targetHeight : height
+ if (offsetTop != null && scrollTop <= offsetTop) return 'top'
+ if (offsetBottom != null && (colliderTop + colliderHeight >= scrollHeight - offsetBottom)) return 'bottom'
+ return false
+ }
+ Affix.prototype.getPinnedOffset = function () {
+ if (this.pinnedOffset) return this.pinnedOffset
+ this.$element.removeClass(Affix.RESET).addClass('affix')
+ var scrollTop = this.$target.scrollTop()
+ var position = this.$element.offset()
+ return (this.pinnedOffset = position.top - scrollTop)
+ }
+ Affix.prototype.checkPositionWithEventLoop = function () {
+ setTimeout($.proxy(this.checkPosition, this), 1)
+ }
+ Affix.prototype.checkPosition = function () {
+ if (!this.$element.is(':visible')) return
+ var height = this.$element.height()
+ var offset = this.options.offset
+ var offsetTop = offset.top
+ var offsetBottom = offset.bottom
+ var scrollHeight = $('body').height()
+ if (typeof offset != 'object') offsetBottom = offsetTop = offset
+ if (typeof offsetTop == 'function') offsetTop = offset.top(this.$element)
+ if (typeof offsetBottom == 'function') offsetBottom = offset.bottom(this.$element)
+ var affix = this.getState(scrollHeight, height, offsetTop, offsetBottom)
+ if (this.affixed != affix) {
+ if (this.unpin != null) this.$element.css('top', '')
+ var affixType = 'affix' + (affix ? '-' + affix : '')
+ var e = $.Event(affixType + '.bs.affix')
+ this.$element.trigger(e)
+ if (e.isDefaultPrevented()) return
+ this.affixed = affix
+ this.unpin = affix == 'bottom' ? this.getPinnedOffset() : null
+ this.$element
+ .removeClass(Affix.RESET)
+ .addClass(affixType)
+ .trigger(affixType.replace('affix', 'affixed') + '.bs.affix')
+ }
+ if (affix == 'bottom') {
+ this.$element.offset({
+ top: scrollHeight - height - offsetBottom
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ // =======================
+ function Plugin(option) {
+ return this.each(function () {
+ var $this = $(this)
+ var data = $this.data('bs.affix')
+ var options = typeof option == 'object' && option
+ if (!data) $this.data('bs.affix', (data = new Affix(this, options)))
+ if (typeof option == 'string') data[option]()
+ })
+ }
+ var old = $.fn.affix
+ $.fn.affix = Plugin
+ $.fn.affix.Constructor = Affix
+ // =================
+ $.fn.affix.noConflict = function () {
+ $.fn.affix = old
+ return this
+ }
+ // ==============
+ $(window).on('load', function () {
+ $('[data-spy="affix"]').each(function () {
+ var $spy = $(this)
+ var data = $spy.data()
+ data.offset = data.offset || {}
+ if (data.offsetBottom != null) data.offset.bottom = data.offsetBottom
+ if (data.offsetTop != null) data.offset.top = data.offsetTop
+ Plugin.call($spy, data)
+ })
+ })
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+ * Bootstrap v3.3.2 (http://getbootstrap.com)
+ * Copyright 2011-2015 Twitter, Inc.
+ * Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/master/LICENSE)
+ */
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