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STELETO is a simple cross-platform command line application to convert tabular data into other textual formats, via a custom template. It takes a delimited text data file as input, applies the specified template and creates a text file as output. STELETO uses the DotLiquid templating engine, so for further details of the template syntax to use refer to http://dotliquidmarkup.org/. STELETO passes two objects into the template:
- 'data' contains the data read from the delimited data file
- 'options' contains any additional data items passed in via the -p parameter (see below)
Some example comma-delimited text input (save as 'c:\path\to\mydata.csv'):
An example template to be applied to each record in the input data (save as 'c:\math\to\data2text.liquid':
{%- for row in data -%}
Reference : {row.ref}
Description : {row.name} [{row.qty}]
{%- endfor -%}
Windows command to perform the conversion:
cd \path\to\steleto
STELETO -i:"c:\path\to\mydata.csv" -o:"c:\path\to\output.txt" -t:"c:\path\to\data2text.liquid" -h -d:,
Contents of the resultant output file (c:\path\to\output.txt):
Reference : A1234
Description : apples [5127]
Reference : A2345
Description : bananas [235]
Reference : A3456
Description : pears [8756]
The STELETO command line options may be present in any order, and may be expressed in a number of ways: (STELETO -? for help):
-i|input [required] - the name of the input delimited data file (including path)
-o|output [required] - the name of the output data file (including path)
-t|template [required] - the name of the DotLiquid template file (including path)
-d|delimiter [optional] - the delimiter character used in the input data file (default is tab delimited)
-p|param [optional] - named parameters, passed through to the template file as 'options.name' (usage -p:name:value e.g. -p:age:"42")
-h|header [optional] - presence indicates the first line of the input data file is a header row containing field names
-w|wait [optional] - by default the console would close after processing, this pauses so you can review the output
-?|help - show all available command line options
Now an alternative template, to create XML from the same input data (save as 'c:\path\to\data2xml.liquid'):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
{%- for row in data -%}
<item rdf:about="{{ options.uri }}{{ row.ref }}">
<description>{{ row.name }}</description>
<quantity>{{ row.qty} }</quantity>
{%- endfor -%}
Windows command to perform the conversion:
STELETO -i:"c:\path\to\mydata.csv" -o:"c:\path\to\output.xml" -t:"c:\path\to\data2xml.liquid" -h -d:, -p:uri:"http://temp1/"
Contents of the resultant output file (c:\path\to\output.xml):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<item rdf:about="http://temp1/A1234">
<item rdf:about="http://temp1/A2345">
<item rdf:about="http://temp1/A3456">
###Running STELETO on Linux Not extensively tested, but the existing compiled executable STELETO.exe will also run on LINUX (using the mono platform) without requiring recompilation. To test this we created a UBUNTU blank workspace on Cloud9 (see http://c9.io/). We installed the mono platform using the following commands:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install mono-complete
We then uploaded the STELETO /bin/Release directory and the data file and the two .liquid templates from the earlier examples, navigated to the directory containing the data file and templates, and typed the following commands:
$ mono ./bin/Release/STELETO.exe -i:"mydata.csv" -o:"output.txt" -t:"data2text.liquid" -h -d:","
Convert 'mydata.csv' with template 'data2text.liquid'
3 rows converted [time taken: 00:00:00.178]
$ mono ./bin/Release/STELETO.exe -i:"mydata.csv" -o:"output.xml" -t:"data2xml.liquid" -h -d:"," -p:uri:"http://temp1/"
Convert 'mydata.csv' with template 'data2xml.liquid'
3 rows converted [time taken: 00:00:00.311]
The two output files were created successfully as documented in the earlier examples