Python3 command-line translator for the various languages in No Man's Sky
Only works in lowercase, and punctuation must be part of the word (ie. "vy'keen" works but "Vykeen" will return nothing)
Will default to returning the entire row of the word(s) you are trying to translate
Use the -i, -f, and -a flags to set translation mode to informal, formal, or ancient
Repo includes a text rip of the table from the fandom wiki (just google "gek/korvax/vykeen/atlas language") which includes ~700 words (~220 for the Atlas language) translated into three different "dialects"
lowercase (aka informal)
Capitalized (aka formal)
ALL-CAPS (aka ancient, only a few words for each language)
The included .txt files are needed to run the program.
As I am using pandas to create a csv, the program currently spits out the translated words seperately with the pandas notation. I'm trying to get rid of it and have it return reconstructed sentences, but this works for now, and you can type in a whole sentence and have it spit back the words one by one.
Goal is to complete the command-line translator and then make a discord bot which will allow real-time translation right in discord chat.
python3 [OPTIONS] /path/to/LanguageFile.txt
EXAMPLE (view raw for actual output example as I have no clue how tf to format for githubs stupid readme parser)
$ python3 korvax.txt
Starting translator...
No dialect selected. All available translations will be returned.
What would you like to translate? > how are you English Korvax Korvax(Capitalized) Korvax(ALL-CAPS)
667 how ezn Gop None English Korvax Korvax(Capitalized) Korvax(ALL-CAPS)
385 are lak Rus None English Korvax Korvax(Capitalized) Korvax(ALL-CAPS)
388 you ludo Tin None
python3 & pandas, everything else should be built in
Need to add reverse translation ie. alien --> english
Need to change output to be strings only, not the full pandas object vomit (currently working on this)
Doesn't clearly show when a word is not found, occasionally making it hard to figure out which part of the sentence may be missing. (SHITTY FIX DONE)