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HTML Control Interface Messaging And DomHandler

Connects HTML elements to a channel/value messaging system.


A group of Messaging functions in messaging.js creates a websocket connection with the server to send and receive messages.

The DomHandler class in domhandler.js detects and parses DOM events and sends the resulting messages to the server via Messaging. It also receives messages from Messaging to update DOM elements.


  • Add the following files to your html project. In the example, the files are placed in ./js/controller-integration/
    • control-element-types.js
    • domhandler.css
    • domhandler.js
    • messaging.js
  • Add the following references inside the HTML body tag:
    <script src="js/controller-integration/domhandler.js" type="module"></script>
    <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="/js/controller-integration/domhandler.css" /> <script src="js/controller-integration/messaging.js" type="module"></script>
  • Add the desired data- tags to your HTML elements.

Usage Example

import DomHandler from "./js/controller-integration/domhandler.js";
const debug = true;
const domHandler = new DomHandler(debug, null, null);

domHandler.handleUpdate("", "2");
domHandler.handleUpdate("matrix.input.2.disabled", "disable");
domHandler.handleUpdate("", "Not Connected");
    <p>Input 2</p>
    <p data-inner-html-channel=""></p>


HTML Inputs & Input Events

HTML inputs can be used to send a channel/value message to the webserver over the websocket created in messaging.js.

The data-INPUT_TYPE-channel tag dictates the input type and the channel to publish the message on. Either a data-EVENT-value tag or the value tag indicates the value to send for a particular input event. Supported input types are:

Button Input

A button.

Channel Tag


Value Tags

  • data-click-value

    <button data-button-channel="" data-click-value="clicked">Send Click Event</button>
  • data-pointerdown-value

    <button data-button-channel="" data-pointerdown-value="pointerdown">Send Pointer Down Event</button>
  • data-pointerup-value

    <button data-button-channel="" data-pointerup-value="pointerup">Send Pointer Up Event</button>

Checkbox Input

A checkbox or radio button.

Channel Tag


Value Tags

An extra data-EVENT-value tag is not required. The value of the input's value tag is used for messaging.

<input data-checkbox-channel="my.checkbox" class="form-check-input" type="checkbox" value="myCheckboxValue" />
<label class="form-check-label">
  Option 1

MCSA Input

Mulitple choice, single answer. A checkbox or radio button that shares the same channel with other elements. Only one can be true.

Channel Tag


Value Tags

An extra data-EVENT-value tag is not required. The value of the input's value tag is used for messaging.

<div class="form-check">
  <label class="form-check-label" for="exampleRadios1">
    Option 1
<div class="form-check">
  <label class="form-check-label" for="exampleRadios2">
    Option 2

Number Input

A number field.

Channel Tag


Value Tags

An extra data-EVENT-value tag is not required. The value of the input's value tag is used for messaging.

<input data-number-channel="" type="number" placeholder="Enter A Number" aria-label="Number Input"/>

Range Input

A range slider.

Channel Tag


Value Tags

An extra data-EVENT-value tag is not required. The value of the input's value tag is used for messaging.

 <input data-range-channel="" type="range" placeholder="Select A Value" aria-label="Range Input " />

Select Input

Dropdown select.

Channel Tag


Value Tags

An extra data-EVENT-value tag is not required. The value of the input's value tag is used for messaging.

<div class="form-group">
  <label for="exampleFormControlSelect1"> select</label>
    <option value="">Option 1</option>
    <option value="">Option 2</option>
    <option value="">Option 3</option>

Text Input

A text field.

Channel Tag


Value Tags

An extra data-EVENT-value tag is not required. The value of the input's value tag is used for messaging.

  aria-label="Text Input"
  placeholder="Enter Text & Press Enter"
  value="Intial text"

Update HTML Element Attributes

Messages received from the webserver over the websocket created in Messaging are used to update the attributes of HTML elements via the DOM.

Recieving messages can be simulated in Javascript by sending a channel and value to the handleUpdate(channel, value) function as in the following example.

import DomHandler from "./controller-integration/domhandler.js";
domHandler = new DomHandler(true, null, null);
domHandler.handleUpdate("", "2");

The data-ATTRIBUTE-channel tag dictates the attribute to update. The data-ATTRIBUTE-value tag indicates the value to either:

  • send to the HTML element
  • or compare to for true/false attributes.

Supported updates are:

Active Update

Adds the active class to the element if the values match and removes the active class to the element if the values do not match.

Channel Tag


Value Tag



In this example, a message with channel and a value of 1 adds the active class to this button. Any other value removes the active class.

<button data-active-channel="" data-active-value="1">Active Button</button>

Disabled Update

Adds the disabled attribute if the values match and removes the disabled attribute of the element if the values do not match.

Channel Tag


Value Tag



In this example, a message with channel and a value of 1 adds the disabled attribute to this button. Any other value removes the disabled attribute.

<button data-disabled-channel="" data-disabled-value="1">Disabled Button</button>

Hidden Update

Adds the hidden="true" attribute if the values match and removes the hidden="true" attribute of the element if the values do not match.

The hidden="true" attribute hides the HTML element from view while retaining its height and width in the layout.

Channel Tag


Value Tag



In this example, a message with channel and a value of 1 adds the hidden="true" attribute to this button. Any other value removes the hidden="true" attribute.

<button data-hidden-channel="" data-hidden-value="1">Hidden Button</button>

Invisible Update

Adds the display:none css style if the values match and removes the display:none css style from the element if the values do not match.

The display:none css style removes the HTML element completely and does not retain the element's height and width in the layout.

Channel Tag


Value Tag



Add the following css to your project to add and remove an element's visbility. Or import the included domhandler.css file into your project.

.invisible {
  display: none;


In this example, a message with channel and a value of 1 adds the display:none css style to this button. Any other value removes the display:none css style.

<button data-invisible-channel="" data-invisible-value="1">Invisible Button</button>

Inner HTML Update

Sets the element's innerHTML to the message's value.

Channel Tag


Value Tag

A value tag is not required.


In this example, the text Inner HTML Button is replaced with the value of any message received with channel

<button data-inner-html-channel="">Inner HTML Button</button>

Style Attribute Update

Adds one or more CSS properties to the element's style attribute.

The message's value must be a JSON formatted string containing the CSS properties such as: '{ "color": "red", "font-weight": "bold" }'.

Channel Tag


Value Tag

A value tag is not required.


In this example, the CSS color and font-weight properties are set when the value '{ "color": "red", "font-weight": "bold" }' is received with channel

<button data-style-channel="">Style Button</button>


The DomHandler class provides two callbacks that inform you of messages sent and received.

import DomHandler from "./js/controller-integration/domhandler.js";

domHandler = new DomHandler(
  // Prints debug messages to console when true.
  // Message received callback.
  (channel, value) => {
    console.log("Received message with channel: " + channel + " and value: " + value);
  // Sending message callback.
  (channel, value) => {
    console.log("Sending message with channel: " + channel + " and value: " + value);


Messaging is started automatically from DomHandler and connects to a websocket server located at the browser window's URL plus the endpoint /updates.

All messages excluding the keep alive heartbeat are a JSON formatted string with an action and options key.

Keep Alive Heartbeat

Messaging sends the string pong whenever the string ping is received.

Action Messages

Subscribe Action

After successfully connecting the websocket, a subscribe message is sent with an array of channels that the HTML project contains. The server can use this message to send back an update with the current value of each channel and updates whenever the value for a channel changes.

Example Subscribe Action

Sent to the server.

  action: "subscribe",
  options: ["matrix.input", "", "matrix.input.2.disabled"]

Registration Action

The server can assign an unique identifier to the websocket connection with the Registration Action. The id will then be sent with every Publish Action.

Example Registration Action

Sent from the server.

  action: "registration",
  options: {
    id: "A_UUID"

Update Action

Update Actions are received over the websocket and passed to the DomHandler to update HTML elements.

Example Update Action

Sent from the server. Can be a single message or an array.

  action: "update",
  options: {
    channel: "THE_CHANNEL",
    value: "THE_VALUE"
  action: "update",
  options: [{
    channel: "THE_CHANNEL",
    value: "THE_VALUE"
    channel: "ANOTHER_CHANNEL",
    value: "ANOTHER_VALUE"

Publish Action

After DomHandler detects and parses an HTML DOM event, the resulting message is sent to the server over the websocket.

Example Publish Action

  action: "publish",
  options: {
    channel: "THE_CHANNEL",
    value: "THE_VALUE"

Integrating With Automation & Control Systems

Here is a blog post covering how this project can be integrated as part of a larger automation & control system.