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+layout: post
+title: "Making of TechOlympics: Inspire"
+yr: 2025
+type: "gallery"
+length: 4
+height: "300px"
+For the last six years, my weekends, and realistically the entireties of my January and February months have been taken over by an event called TechOlympics.
+For those who don't know, TechOlympics is an annual tech conference held by the INTERalliance of Greater Cincinnati, and it holds the important distinction of being almost entirely student-run. This year, we had [36 student volunteers](https://interalliance.org/programs/ilc/), who handled everything from registration data, to marketing the event, to even coordinating with our corporate sponsors and speakers.
+TechOlympics is *huge*. We held the event at P&G Towers in downtown Cincinnati, and we had over 650 people registered, including 373 students, 98 speakers, and 145 adult volunteers, mostly from our [corporate sponsors](https://techolympics.org/for-sponsors/). How do you plan an event like that?
+Well, this post will take you through how our team goes about organizing TechOlympics, as well as my own involvement as one of INTERalliance's few adult employees.
+First though, a quick breakdown of our various teams, focused on how they help make TechOlympics a reality.
+### The INTERalliance Leadership Council (ILC)
+- The Chapters Team manages the INTERalliance chapters in schools, allowing for a more direct connection to students and teachers. At TechOlympics, their primary responsibility is managing the Chapter Showcase, where Chapters build a proof of concept to show off to judges for a chance to win.
+- The Programs Team's primary responsibility is TechOlympics itself. They handle contacting speakers, organizing the event schedule, and organizing other elements like INTERalliance's own competitions and the Networking Lounge.
+- The Marketing Team handles making sure our students, speakers, and volunteers know that TechOlympics is happening, from our various social medias to our newsletter. While they do *some* graphic design for these posts, the event's logo and other elements of branding are done by our contracted graphic designer.
+- The Data Team manages TechOlympics registration, as well as other various forms like early dismissal and the TechOlympics scholarship form.
+- The IT Team manages the TechOlympics website and laptops.
+- The Finance Team recruits sponsors and volunteers, and also manage sourcing prizes and the TechOlympics script.
+Got it? While each team is independent, the intent is for them to work together to make TechOlympics a reality. The full team usually meets monthly - with more meetings closer to February, but individual teams will meet every week to handle their own tasks.
+With all that covered, let's move into where work for the ILC starts, in September.
+## September
+September started off with the ILC Retreat. It's a chance for the ILC to get to know each other, and make their general plan for the whole year. Generally, we'd also have the logo done by then, but as we hired a new graphic designer later than usual, it took a little longer than usual. This did have the advantage of allowing the ILC to give their thoughts on the new logo, which turned out incredible.
+For those who don't know, the logo concept for TechOlympics is actually designed by students *at* the previous years TechOlympics at the TO Logo Design competition. Those students are told the 2026 theme early (which was picked by our Leadership Council the week prior), and have an hour to design what they think the logo should be for that year. That concept is then improved on by our graphic designer, and was finalized by the feedback from ILC. In a way, it really comes full circle!
+We also try and ensure the [TechOlympics website](https://inspire.techolympics.org/) is updated in September (October at the latest) with the new theme and logo. Maintaining the website is one of my primary responsibilities, so I worked closely with the graphic designer to make sure the new theme fit the website well. I'm very proud of how it came together.
+## October
+October is where we really got to work. I worked closely with our Data Team to prepare for the launch of Early Bird Registration, which we handled through Whova this year. Compared to our previous system, it was much easier to use, but its something we never want to mess up, as we can't risk missing something important. In a previous year, we missed capturing emergency contact info, and had to contact students to make sure we had that information in case of emergency.
+Our Finance Team was hard at work that month on contacting previous speakers and sponsors to get them signed on for this years TechOlympics. Funding and support from corporate sponsors makes TechOlympics possible, and cuts down on the amount we have to charge students to register. For the companies, they get their name and brand in front of students and are able to see the students they'll likely hire as part of the [INTERalliance intern program](https://interalliance.org/programs/internships/).
+Our Programs Team also began sending out invites to speakers from previous years around this time. They make their decisions based off of feedback from the students, in the form of the post-TechOlympics survey and each session's feedback form, to ensure that the sessions we offer are the ones that students want to see.
+Programs also launches the [Call for Speakers](https://inspire.techolympics.org/for-speakers/) form around this time, giving new speakers the opportunity to present at TechOlympics! When I first presented my workshop with the Norse IoT Club at TechOlympics, we went through the Call for Speakers. This year though, we were returning speakers - though we did change up the session's contents based off of both student feedback and our own internal notes.
+The Marketing Team also helps with the Call for Speakers, marketing it on our social media platforms, including [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/interalliance/), [LinkedIn](https://www.linkedin.com/company/the-interalliance-of-greater-cincinnati), [Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/interalliancegc/) and (new this year) [Bluesky](https://bsky.app/profile/interalliance.org), which I'm hoping becomes a platform we rely on more as the social media landscape changes and fractures.
+## November
+November brings with it the launch of both the [Chapter Showcase](https://inspire.techolympics.org/showcase/) application and the [registration for TechOlympics](https://inspire.techolympics.org/registration/) itself.
+The Data Team launched TechOlympics registration on November 1st. We try and launch this as early as possible, so that we can understand how many people are interested in the event as early as possible. Students who make our lives easier and sign up early get their registration discounted, and students who register late - that's a majority of them - pay the full price.
+With registration open, Data then moves on to setting up the scholarship form. We try and allow as many students as possible to attend TechOlympics, and the scholarship program makes that possible. This does create an ongoing process for the team, where a student fills out the form, we review it, and then send them a discount code to register with. We also had to make the form more clear this year, as last year we had an entire school fill out the scholarship form, but never register.
+The Marketing Team is also now able to market the event being open. They launch social media posts throughout November on all of our platforms, as well as in our email newsletter for everyone who doesn't [follow us on social media](https://bsky.app/profile/interalliance.org).
+The Chapters Team also launches [Showcase registration](https://inspire.techolympics.org/showcase/) around this time. Even though Showcase projects also tend to be registered last minute, as students tend to wait for their projects to be done - or as close to done as they can be, we want to make sure rules and guidelines are updated and no one is working with inaccurate information. Thankfully, this tends not to change too much from year to year.
+November tends to be focused on ongoing work, as Programs and Finance are finalizing speakers and sponsors.
+## December
+In December, our Graphic Designer finished up the design for the TechOlympics T-Shirts, and we finalized our list of speakers for the event.
+December is usually a quiet month, with most of the ILC busy with exams and the holidays. This marked the end of 2024.
+## January
+Work really starts picking up in January. It marks the end of Early Bird Registration, and our Programs Team finalizes the schedule for the event. Around this time, I'm working with our Data Team to rebuild that schedule in Whova. That Whova schedule will be the one that the students can RSVP to, and will be [embedded onto the website](https://inspire.techolympics.org/schedule/) as a showcase of what the event offers. Our Finance Team is also finalizing the list of sponsors, which will also be added to Whova and the website.
+Marketing and the Graphic Designer also finish designing the branding for Whova and the name badges around this time, and Chapters sends out registration for timeslots to registered Showcase participants.
+Near the end of the month, our team also tours the venue for the first time to really understand what we're working with. This helps Programs understand the rooms that they're assigning speakers to, allows Finance to understand where to place Sponsor Booths, allows IT to find a room to store laptops in, allows Data to understand where we can set up registration tables, and allows us to understand where we'll need to place signage and other INTERalliance tables.
+Personally, I was also preparing the competition that I run every year: [Wiki Races](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikiracing). It's a fast-paced competition where students try and get from one Wikipedia article to another using only links in the article. Unfortunately, the [app that was built for it back in 2021](https://github.com/INTERalliance/Wiki-Races) ran into networking and performance issues when I used it at TechOlympics 2024, so I spent some time that month updating it and allowing it to run off of a local copy of Wikipedia, with the goal to improve performance on unreliable Wi-Fi.
+## February
+February in many ways is the make or break point for TechOlympics. With only two weeks to finish *everything* that's been left as a "to-do" (we had about 34 tasks remaining out of the ~160 in our Runbook), it can be easy to get stressed, but this group of ILC really took it in stride.
+Before we get into logistics, we do have one fun thing in February! Every year, the ILC choose the theme for the next year. They start by submitting all their ideas into a Google Form, and then our Finance Team cuts it down to a few highlights and the full group votes on the theme. This year, the winning theme was Envision!
+We close registration in February after one final push from Marketing, and open up Whova for students to begin registering for sessions. With an (almost) final list of attendees, we can begin printing, assembling, and sorting name badges.
+We'll also design, print, and order other elements of signage and printed material around this point, like the T-Shirts, banners, and schedules.
+With a finalized agenda, our IT Team can begin imaging laptops with a final list of software. I help with that as much as I can, but at this point, I'm pretty much living and breathing Whova. From post-registration "late adds", to issues with speakers or sessions with incorrect info, there's always something to fix!
+Around this time, the graphic designer will finish up the TechOlympics kickoff animations, including the (new to this year) 30 minute loading animation, which had fun facts about Cincinnati and TechOlympics as a whole. I helped contribute some of the fun facts, which were also used as trivia questions for my workshop later that day. Props to any students who caught that, I heard at least one "oh, I remember this!" from the crowd.
+With those animations finished, Finance Team is able to send them off alongside the final scripts and slide decks to our AV partners that P&G works with, Mills James. While we can't know *everything* that will make it into the script at this point (things like competition winners will be found out during the event), having a script that is as finished as possible allows us one less thing to worry about during the day. I actually helped a bit with the slide deck - this very post started as part of an ILC Info Session we held, but most of it was deemed not relevant.
+With everything (we can think of!) finished, the only left to do is set up...
+## The Day Before (Friday!)
+Our team arrives at P&G Towers at 3pm the day before for final setup.
+We set up as much as we can on Friday, as there's not much time Saturday morning to set up before students begin to arrive. This includes the registration tables, placing signage and shirts in their locations, and setting up the rooms for our sessions with their materials and laptops. Sponsors arrive on Friday as well to set up their sponsor booths.
+We end the day with a quick training on the registration process that I wrote up for the event. I've been working registration long enough that I have it down to a science at this point. These days, we use Whova's attendee check-in feature, which is a real time saver. All our staff need to do is scan the QR code on the students badge, and they'll be checked in. No more are the days of trying to find the person's name in a massive spreadsheet.
+At 6pm, we depart P&G. Our staff stays in a hotel over the weekend, so we're able to walk from P&G to the hotel, which cuts down on driving time - and parking lot fees downtown!
+## Saturday
+TechOlympics goes by in a flash. There's always something to do, somewhere to *be*, some problem to solve. There's nothing like it, for me at least.
+Our team arrives at 7am to get everything in place, setting up registration tables and laptops. IT will also be at work setting up laptops for the morning sessions, and Programs will be preparing for the start of day kickoff.
+For everyone else, the day starts out with registration. Attendees arrive and are directed to one of our three registration tables, based on their last name. Attendees are asked to present their ID, checked in via the Whova app, and given a name badge. If a name badge has not been printed for one reason or another, they are sent to the Exceptions Table for a new badge. Once checked in, students are directed to sponsor booths and the main auditorium.
+At 9am, TechOlympics begins with the kickoff! All students are in the main auditorium, as well as a majority of the event staff. Registration tables remain open for late arrivals as well as volunteers.
+At 9:30am, speakers began arriving for their sessions. ILC is on hand to direct them to their rooms.
+At 10am, we dismiss students and direct them to their first breakout of the day. Each room has 1-2 dedicated members of ILC present to introduce the speaker (and just enjoy the session). IT Team is monitoring for technical issues, and Programs Team has one member acting as a runner, delivering required materials to sessions.
+Throughout the day, we're also holding Showcase Presentations. As mentioned, these groups of students have been working on their projects throughout the entire school year, so this is an incredibly important part of the day for them.
+At 11am, we break for lunch. This year, we had attendees eat lunch in the same rooms they had their 10am sessions in, to avoid the A/B lunch system we used last year.
+At noon, students are directed back to the Auditorium for an ILC Info Session. This session is a panel discussion with both current ILC and alumni, covering why students may want to join ILC. After all, without the ILC, there is no TechOlympics!
+At 1pm, we have three more rounds of breakout sessions. I consider this to be the “calmest” part of the day. Most sessions are ready to go at this point, and technical issues are less common. This is also the point where we start condensing registration tables and cleaning up where we can.
+Among the 1pm sessions are three rounds of IT&U, a round table discussion between students and corporate volunteers. This is always a highlight of the event, and one we encourage all students to attend. Volunteers always leave incredibly impressed by the students professionalism and questions, and students leave with a better understanding of what corporate life is like.
+At 4:30pm, all attendees return to the Auditorium for a brief dismissal ceremony, where we collect their badges for tomorrow morning.
+At 5pm, ILC is debriefed for the day, get food, and return to the hotel ready for Sunday Morning.
+## Sunday
+Sunday is always the calmer day. Its a smaller number of attendees, since not everyone comes back, we have prior experience since we've just run Saturday, and its a shorter day, ending at 3pm. We did have some unique challenges this year - pretty bad snow caused us to lose a speaker. Apologies to anyone who had their sessions change around that day - we were making the best of the situation.
+The day follows a similar format: registration, to first round of breakouts, to lunch. New to this year: after lunch, we allow our top five Showcase presentations to be presented to the entire audience. Students are then able to vote on their favourite presentations, giving them direct influence on the winner of Showcase for the first time.
+We wrap the day with one more round of breakouts, followed by the Awards Ceremony. We collect badges, and begin teardown, cleaning up the venue and loading up all remaining gear to be delivered back to the office.
+## Post-Event
+After the event, we're finally able to breathe. We have one more meeting to review the event and go over the lessons we learned from this year. This is also around the time we receive photos from our event photographers, which we shared out via Whova.
+And that's that! Even after years and years, this is still an event that is incredibly special to me. I'm one of the many, many students that had my life genuinely improved by TechOlympics, and it's incredible to get to be a part of the event that makes that change possible. My school had little in terms of tech education, and events like TechOlympics and the INTERalliance as a whole made a real difference in my life.
+If you aren't already involved, and somehow interested enough to read through this whole article, you should consider getting involved! TechOlympics 2026: Envision promises to be just as incredible as it was last year. We'll have more details over at [techolympics.org](https://techolympics.org) around November, when this process repeats all over again.
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