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YousignClient - the Ruby gem for the Yousign API Swagger

For your information, the Yousign API documentation is available at

This SDK is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project:

  • API version: 2.1
  • Package version: 1.0.4
  • Build package: io.swagger.codegen.languages.RubyClientCodegen


Build a gem

To build the Ruby code into a gem:

gem build yousign_client.gemspec

Then either install the gem locally:

gem install ./yousign_client-1.0.4.gem

(for development, run gem install --dev ./yousign_client-1.0.4.gem to install the development dependencies)

or publish the gem to a gem hosting service, e.g. RubyGems.

Finally add this to the Gemfile:

gem 'yousign_client', '~> 1.0.4'

Install from Git

If the Ruby gem is hosted at a git repository:, then add the following in the Gemfile:

gem 'yousign_client', :git => ''

Include the Ruby code directly

Include the Ruby code directly using -I as follows:

ruby -Ilib script.rb

Getting Started

Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following code:

# Load the gem
require 'yousign_client'

# Setup authorization
YousignClient.configure do |config|
  # Configure API key authorization: api_key
  config.api_key['Authorization'] = 'YOUR API KEY'
  # Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil)
  #config.api_key_prefix['Authorization'] = 'Bearer'

api_instance =

id = 'id_example' # String | 

  #Find an Authentication by ID
  result = api_instance.authentications_email_id_get(id, )
  p result
rescue YousignClient::ApiError => e
  puts "Exception when calling AuthenticationsApi->authentications_email_id_get: #{e}"

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to

Class Method HTTP request Description
YousignClient::AuthenticationsApi authentications_email_id_get GET /authentications/email/{id} Find an Authentication by ID
YousignClient::AuthenticationsApi authentications_email_id_put PUT /authentications/email/{id} Update an Email Authentication
YousignClient::AuthenticationsApi authentications_inwebo_id_get GET /authentications/inwebo/{id} Get an Authentication
YousignClient::AuthenticationsApi authentications_inwebo_id_put PUT /authentications/inwebo/{id} Update an inwebo Authentication
YousignClient::AuthenticationsApi authentications_sms_id_get GET /authentications/sms/{id} Find an Authentication by ID
YousignClient::AuthenticationsApi authentications_sms_id_put PUT /authentications/sms/{id} Update an SMS Authentication
YousignClient::CheckDocumentsApi check_document_bank_accounts_id_get GET /check-document/bank_accounts/{id} Get informations about a bank document (RIB)
YousignClient::CheckDocumentsApi check_document_bank_accounts_post POST /check-document/bank_accounts Verify a bank document (RIB)
YousignClient::CheckDocumentsApi check_document_identities_id_get GET /check-document/identities/{id} Get informations about an identity document (passport, id cards)
YousignClient::CheckDocumentsApi check_document_identities_post POST /check-document/identities Verify an identity document (passport, id cards)
YousignClient::ConsentProcessesApi consent_process_values_get GET /consent_process_values Get list of Consent Process Value
YousignClient::ConsentProcessesApi consent_process_values_id_get GET /consent_process_values/{id} Get a Consent Process Value
YousignClient::ConsentProcessesApi consent_process_values_post POST /consent_process_values Create a new Consent Process Value
YousignClient::ConsentProcessesApi consent_processes_get GET /consent_processes Get list of Consent Processes
YousignClient::ConsentProcessesApi consent_processes_id_delete DELETE /consent_processes/{id} Delete a Consent Process
YousignClient::ConsentProcessesApi consent_processes_id_get GET /consent_processes/{id} Get a Consent Process
YousignClient::ConsentProcessesApi consent_processes_id_put PUT /consent_processes/{id} Update a Consent Process
YousignClient::ConsentProcessesApi consent_processes_post POST /consent_processes Create a new Consent Process
YousignClient::FileObjectsApi file_objects_id_delete DELETE /file_objects/{id} Delete a File Object
YousignClient::FileObjectsApi file_objects_id_get GET /file_objects/{id} Find a File Object by ID
YousignClient::FileObjectsApi file_objects_id_put PUT /file_objects/{id} Update a File Object
YousignClient::FileObjectsApi file_objects_post POST /file_objects Create a new File Object
YousignClient::FilesApi files_id_download_get GET /files/{id}/download Download a File
YousignClient::FilesApi files_id_duplicate_post POST /files/{id}/duplicate Duplicate a File
YousignClient::FilesApi files_id_get GET /files/{id} Find a File by ID
YousignClient::FilesApi files_post POST /files Create a new File
YousignClient::MembersApi members_get GET /members Get all Members
YousignClient::MembersApi members_id_delete DELETE /members/{id} Delete a Member
YousignClient::MembersApi members_id_proof_get GET /members/{id}/proof Get a proof file of a Member
YousignClient::MembersApi members_id_put PUT /members/{id} Edit a Member
YousignClient::MembersApi members_post POST /members Create a new Member
YousignClient::OperationsApi operations_id_get GET /operations/{id} Find an Operation by ID
YousignClient::OperationsApi operations_post POST /operations Create a new Operation
YousignClient::OrganizationsApi organizations_get GET /organizations List all Organizations
YousignClient::ProceduresApi export_procedures_get GET /export/procedures Export Procedure list
YousignClient::ProceduresApi procedures_get GET /procedures Get Procedure list
YousignClient::ProceduresApi procedures_id_delete DELETE /procedures/{id} Delete a Procedure
YousignClient::ProceduresApi procedures_id_duplicate_post POST /procedures/{id}/duplicate Duplicate a Procedure
YousignClient::ProceduresApi procedures_id_get GET /procedures/{id} Find a Procedure by ID
YousignClient::ProceduresApi procedures_id_proof_get GET /procedures/{id}/proof Get a Procedure proof file
YousignClient::ProceduresApi procedures_id_put PUT /procedures/{id} Update a Procedure
YousignClient::ProceduresApi procedures_id_remind_post POST /procedures/{id}/remind Remind a Procedure
YousignClient::ProceduresApi procedures_post POST /procedures Create a new Procedure
YousignClient::ServerStampsApi server_stamps_id_get GET /server_stamps/{id} Find a Server Stamp by ID
YousignClient::ServerStampsApi server_stamps_post POST /server_stamps Create a Server Stamp
YousignClient::SignatureUIsApi signature_ui_labels_get GET /signature_ui_labels Get Signature UI Labels
YousignClient::SignatureUIsApi signature_ui_labels_id_delete DELETE /signature_ui_labels/{id} Delete a Signature UI Label
YousignClient::SignatureUIsApi signature_ui_labels_id_get GET /signature_ui_labels/{id} Find a Signature UI Label by ID
YousignClient::SignatureUIsApi signature_ui_labels_id_put PUT /signature_ui_labels/{id} Update a Signature UI Label
YousignClient::SignatureUIsApi signature_ui_labels_post POST /signature_ui_labels Create a new Signature UI Label
YousignClient::SignatureUIsApi signature_uis_get GET /signature_uis Get Signature UI list
YousignClient::SignatureUIsApi signature_uis_id_delete DELETE /signature_uis/{id} Delete a Signature UI
YousignClient::SignatureUIsApi signature_uis_id_get GET /signature_uis/{id} Find a Signature UI by ID
YousignClient::SignatureUIsApi signature_uis_id_put PUT /signature_uis/{id} Update a Signature UI
YousignClient::SignatureUIsApi signature_uis_post POST /signature_uis Create a new Signature UI
YousignClient::UserGroupsApi user_groups_get GET /user_groups Get User Group list
YousignClient::UserGroupsApi user_groups_id_get GET /user_groups/{id} Find a User Group by ID
YousignClient::UsersApi users_get GET /users List all Users
YousignClient::UsersApi users_id_delete DELETE /users/{id} Delete a User
YousignClient::UsersApi users_id_get GET /users/{id} Find a User by ID
YousignClient::UsersApi users_id_put PUT /users/{id} Update a User
YousignClient::UsersApi users_post POST /users Create a new User on Yousign application
YousignClient::WorkspacesApi workspaces_get GET /workspaces List all Workspaces

Documentation for Models

Documentation for Authorization


  • Type: API key
  • API key parameter name: Authorization
  • Location: HTTP header