diff --git a/glossary.yml b/glossary.yml
index 3575c213..4e51e4df 100644
--- a/glossary.yml
+++ b/glossary.yml
@@ -10221,3 +10221,15 @@
       A hidden layer in a [neural network](#neural_network) refers to the layers of neurons that are
       not directly connected to input or output. The layers are "hidden" because you do not directly
       observe their input and output values.
+- slug: roc_curve
+  ref:
+    - machine_learning
+    - classification
+  en:
+    term: "ROC Curve"
+    def: >
+      A ROC curve (Receiver Operating Characteristic curve) is a graph that displays the performance 
+      of a binary classifier at different [classification](#classification) thresholds. The curve is 
+      obtained by plotting the True Positive Rate (also known as Recall or [Sensitivity](#sensitivity))
+      along the vertical axis and the False Positive Rate along the horizontal axis.