The IntelliJ LSP API already enables a set of useful language features:
Feature | API Support | Server Support | LSP Request | Remarks |
Syntax Highlighting | ✔ | ✔ | (local, based on TextMate) | TM Bundle is automatically registered on plugin installation (and disabled on uninstallation). |
Code Completion | ✔ | ✔ | textDocument/completion | Completing with global identifiers supported with completionItem/resolve (2024.2) |
Goto Definition | ✔ | ✔ | textDocument/definition | |
Hover Documentation | ✔ | ✔ | textDocument/hover | |
Document Formatting | ✔ | ✔ | textDocument/formatting | |
Diagnostics | ✔ | ✔ | textDocument/publishDiagnostics | Problems (errors, warnings). |
Quick Fixes | ✔ | ✔ | textDocument/codeAction | |
Intention Actions | ✔ | – | textDocument/codeAction | E.g. Refactoring or Organize Imports. No server support yet. |
Find References | ✔ | ✔ | textDocument/references | |
Semantic Tokens | – | ✔ | textDocument/semanticTokens | Improved highlighting: server dynamically assigns token semantics. |
Document Highlights etc. | – | ✔ | (various) | Requested by us, ETA unclear. |
Depending on the IntelliJ platform development roadmap, we expect to see more features available in the near future. These will enable SAP CDS Language Support for IntelliJ to provide:
- Code structure
- Highlighting of occurrences in same file
- Navigation via import path or symbol name
- Type generation with CDS Typer on save
- and more…