diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md index bfa0401..ac10f51 100644 --- a/CHANGELOG.md +++ b/CHANGELOG.md @@ -11,6 +11,74 @@ * point the Argo CD provider to the new repository ([#121](https://github.com/camptocamp/devops-stack-module-loki-stack/issues/121)) ([5cd19c8](https://github.com/camptocamp/devops-stack-module-loki-stack/commit/5cd19c806151e44e52e95b0813c09df62e2c2111)) +### Migrate provider source `oboukili` -> `argoproj-labs` + +We've tested the procedure found [here](https://github.com/argoproj-labs/terraform-provider-argocd?tab=readme-ov-file#migrate-provider-source-oboukili---argoproj-labs) and we think the order of the steps is not exactly right. This is the procedure we recommend (**note that this should be run manually on your machine and not on a CI/CD workflow**): + +1. First, make sure you are already using version 6.2.0 of the `oboukili/argocd` provider. + +1. Then, check which modules you have that are using the `oboukili/argocd` provider. + +```shell +$ terraform providers + +Providers required by configuration: +. +├── provider[registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/helm] 2.15.0 +├── (...) +└── provider[registry.terraform.io/oboukili/argocd] 6.2.0 + +Providers required by state: + + (...) + + provider[registry.terraform.io/oboukili/argocd] + + provider[registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/helm] +``` + +3. Afterwards, proceed to point **ALL* the DevOps Stack modules to the versions that have changed the source on their respective requirements. In case you have other personal modules that also declare `oboukili/argocd` as a requirement, you will also need to update them. + +4. Also update the required providers on your root module. If you've followed our examples, you should find that configuration on the `terraform.tf` file in the root folder. + +5. Execute the migration via `terraform state replace-provider`: + +```bash +$ terraform state replace-provider registry.terraform.io/oboukili/argocd registry.terraform.io/argoproj-labs/argocd +Terraform will perform the following actions: + + ~ Updating provider: + - registry.terraform.io/oboukili/argocd + + registry.terraform.io/argoproj-labs/argocd + +Changing 13 resources: + + module.argocd_bootstrap.argocd_project.devops_stack_applications + module.secrets.module.secrets.argocd_application.this + module.metrics-server.argocd_application.this + module.efs.argocd_application.this + module.loki-stack.module.loki-stack.argocd_application.this + module.thanos.module.thanos.argocd_application.this + module.cert-manager.module.cert-manager.argocd_application.this + module.kube-prometheus-stack.module.kube-prometheus-stack.argocd_application.this + module.argocd.argocd_application.this + module.traefik.module.traefik.module.traefik.argocd_application.this + module.ebs.argocd_application.this + module.helloworld_apps.argocd_application.this + module.helloworld_apps.argocd_project.this + +Do you want to make these changes? +Only 'yes' will be accepted to continue. + +Enter a value: yes + +Successfully replaced provider for 13 resources. +``` + +6. Perform a `terraform init -upgrade` to upgrade your local `.terraform` folder. + +7. Run a `terraform plan` or `terraform apply` and you should see that everything is OK and that no changes are necessary. + ## [9.0.0](https://github.com/camptocamp/devops-stack-module-loki-stack/compare/v8.2.0...v9.0.0) (2024-08-14)