From 3f90a8e6e2f3825b45cb9c084576d480cdf11d71 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: AdmiringWorm Date: Mon, 31 Jul 2017 14:42:08 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] Implemented wyam documentation fixes #11 --- config.wyam | 3 + docs/input/assets/css/override.css | 20 ++++ docs/input/assets/images/clippy.svg | 3 + docs/input/assets/js/anchor.min.js | 6 ++ docs/input/assets/js/clipboard.min.js | 7 ++ docs/input/blog/ | 16 +++ docs/input/blog/ | 16 +++ docs/input/docs/building/index.cshtml | 7 ++ docs/input/docs/building/ | 27 +++++ docs/input/docs/building/ | 11 ++ docs/input/docs/building/ | 27 +++++ docs/input/docs/index.cshtml | 19 ++++ docs/input/docs/usage/ | 33 ++++++ docs/input/docs/usage/index.cshtml | 7 ++ docs/input/docs/usage/ | 26 +++++ docs/input/index.cshtml | 26 +++++ docs/packages.xml | 150 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 17 files changed, 404 insertions(+) create mode 100644 config.wyam create mode 100644 docs/input/assets/css/override.css create mode 100644 docs/input/assets/images/clippy.svg create mode 100644 docs/input/assets/js/anchor.min.js create mode 100644 docs/input/assets/js/clipboard.min.js create mode 100644 docs/input/blog/ create mode 100644 docs/input/blog/ create mode 100644 docs/input/docs/building/index.cshtml create mode 100644 docs/input/docs/building/ create mode 100644 docs/input/docs/building/ create mode 100644 docs/input/docs/building/ create mode 100644 docs/input/docs/index.cshtml create mode 100644 docs/input/docs/usage/ create mode 100644 docs/input/docs/usage/index.cshtml create mode 100644 docs/input/docs/usage/ create mode 100644 docs/input/index.cshtml create mode 100644 docs/packages.xml diff --git a/config.wyam b/config.wyam new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5b69b4d --- /dev/null +++ b/config.wyam @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +System.Globalization.CultureInfo.DefaultThreadCurrentCulture = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("en-GB"); 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+ +@Html.Partial("_ChildPages") diff --git a/docs/input/docs/building/ b/docs/input/docs/building/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..54d7d75 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/input/docs/building/ @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +--- +Order: 2 +Title: Building on Linux +Author: Kim Nordmo +--- + +## Requirements + +The following are need to build Cake.Transifex on Windows: +- .NET Core SDK 1.0.4 *(could work with other versions as well)* +- Mono 4.2.3+ *(earlier versions may work, but are not supported)* + +All other dependencies will be automatically downloaded when invoking the build script. + +## Invoking the build itself + +1. To build the Cake.Transifex library, just open any shell and navigate to the root of +downloaded/cloned repository. +2. After that just type `sh` and everything will be automatically built and all unit tests +will run. + +**NOTE:** There is currently a small bug in some versions of the .NET Core library wich causes +a build failure when trying to use the `dotnet` utility, +to work around this problem you will need to export the path to the mono library directory by +doing the following before calling the build script: +`export FrameworkPathOverride=/usr/lib/mono/4.5/` +*(Change the path to the actual location of your mono installation directory)* diff --git a/docs/input/docs/building/ b/docs/input/docs/building/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..604e2a4 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/input/docs/building/ @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +--- +Order: 3 +Title: Building on OSX +ValidateLinksAsError: true +Author: Kim Nordmo +--- + +Building on MAC OSX is highly untested, and any contribution to document +the build process would be greatly appreciated. + +In the meantime, try following the *[Building on Linux](linux)* documentation. diff --git a/docs/input/docs/building/ b/docs/input/docs/building/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ed49bac --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/input/docs/building/ @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +--- +Order: 1 +Title: Building on Windows +Author: Kim Nordmo +--- + +## Requirements + +The following are need to build Cake.Transifex on Windows: +- Visual Studio 2017 +- .NET Core SDK 1.0.4 *(could work with other versions as well)* +- .NET Framework 4.5 + +All other dependencies will be automatically downloaded when invoking the build script. + +## Invoking the build itself + +1. To build the Cake.Transifex library, just open powershell and navigate to the root of +downloaded/cloned repository. +2. After that just type `.\build.ps1` and everything will be automatically built and all unit tests +will run. + +## Creating a redistributable nuget package + +To create a nuget package you can follow the same process as when building the library, +with the exception of calling `.\build.ps1` without any arguments. +The only difference is to run the build script with the following: `.\build.ps1 -Target Package`. diff --git a/docs/input/docs/index.cshtml b/docs/input/docs/index.cshtml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6a6cb3c --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/input/docs/index.cshtml @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +--- +Title: Documentation +--- +

This user guide, like Cake.Transifex itself, is under very active development. Some parts of it aren't +documented as completely as they need to be, but we gladly accept your contributions.

+ +

We need your help to improve the documentation for Cake.Transifex, so if there is something that you +would like to add then you can edit the content directly on GitHub.

+ +@foreach(IDocument child in Model.DocumentList(Keys.Children).OrderBy(x => x.Get(DocsKeys.Order, 1000))) +{ +


+ if(child.ContainsKey(DocsKeys.Description)) + { +


+ } + + @Html.Partial("_ChildPages", child) +} diff --git a/docs/input/docs/usage/ b/docs/input/docs/usage/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5c1c40d --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/input/docs/usage/ @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +--- +Order: 20 +Title: Contributing +--- + +This is very much an active project so any and all contributions are welcome, even just finding issues! + +## Reporting Issues + +All issues should be tracked at [GitHub](, +with enough information to reproduce the issue. + +## Code Contributions + +This repository is based around the Git Flow workflow, using feature/hotfix/bugfix branches and pull requests to manage incoming changes and fixes. Generally speaking you can follow a similar guidance as Cake itself (found [here](, which can be summarised as follows: + +- Find a change or fix you want to implement +- Fork the repo +- Workflow for new features + - Create a new branch named `feature/` and make your changes + - Open a PR from your feature branch against the `develop` branch (include the GitHub issue number) +- Workflow for bug fixes in the latest stable version + - Create a new branch named `hotfix/` and make your changes + - Open a PR from your hotfix branch against the `master` branch (include the GitHub issue number) + *(This will be re-targeted to a different branch when accepted)* +- Workflow for bug fixes in an unpublished version of Cake.Transifex + - Create a new branch named `bugfix/` and make your changes + - Open a PR from your bugfix branch against the `develop` branch (include the GitHub issue number) +- Success! I will provide feedback if needed, or just accept the changes directly and they should appear in the next release + +## License + +Note that this project (and all contributions) fall under the [MIT License terms]( diff --git a/docs/input/docs/usage/index.cshtml b/docs/input/docs/usage/index.cshtml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2e641c9 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/input/docs/usage/index.cshtml @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +--- +Order: 2 +Description: How to obtain, configure, and execute Cake.Incubator. +--- +


+ +@Html.Partial("_ChildPages") diff --git a/docs/input/docs/usage/ b/docs/input/docs/usage/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6355bcb --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/input/docs/usage/ @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +Order: 10 +Title: Introduction +Author: Kim Nordmo +--- + +# Getting Started + +This addin is designed to be used inside of cake scripts. To start using it, first you must add a cake [preprocessor directive]( to your script as below. + +```cs +// latest version +#addin "Cake.Transifex" + +// or +#addin "nuget?package=Cake.Transifex" + +// for a specific version, use ?version= +#addin "Cake.Transifex?version=0.3.0" +``` + +When the cake script is run, this will download the latest version of the `Cake.Transifex` nuget package and will now be available to use inside of the script. + + +*NOTE: Remember to also install the transifex (`tx`) client on the running computer, this can be installed through +the python `pip` utility (`pip install transifex-client`).* diff --git a/docs/input/index.cshtml b/docs/input/index.cshtml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..35a248b --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/input/index.cshtml @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +--- +Title: Cake.Transifex +NoSidebar: true +NoContainer: false +NoGutter: false +--- + +

What is it?


+ Cake.Transifex is a addin for the Cake Build script adding support for working with the localization service Transifex. + This addin requires that the transifex client is already installed and is available as `tx`. +

+ +

Where to get it


+ Officially published versions are available on + + NuGet + . + While development versions is made available using the following nuget end point: + + + +

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