Migration to PackageReference was completed successfully. Please build and run your solution to verify that all packages are available.
+ If you run into any problems, have feedback, questions, or concerns, please
file an issue on the NuGet GitHub repository.Packages processed
Top-level dependencies:
Package Id | Version |
Shouldly |
+ v2.8.3 |
xunit |
+ v2.3.1 |
xunit.analyzers |
+ v0.7.0 |
xunit.core |
+ v2.3.1 |
xunit.runner.visualstudio |
+ v2.3.1 |
Transitive dependencies:
Package Id | Version |
xunit.abstractions |
+ v2.0.1 |
xunit.assert |
+ v2.3.1 |
xunit.extensibility.core |
+ v2.3.1 |
xunit.extensibility.execution |
+ v2.3.1 |
Package compatibility issues
| Description |
| xunit.analyzers
+ v0.7.0 install.ps1 script will be ignored when the package is installed after the migration. |
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/MigrationBackup/a2fef594/Cake.Tfs.Tests/packages.config b/src/MigrationBackup/a2fef594/Cake.Tfs.Tests/packages.config
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..411e936
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/MigrationBackup/a2fef594/Cake.Tfs.Tests/packages.config
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
Migration to PackageReference was completed successfully. Please build and run your solution to verify that all packages are available.
+ If you run into any problems, have feedback, questions, or concerns, please
file an issue on the NuGet GitHub repository.
+ Changed files and this report have been backed up here:
C:\Git\GitHub\Cake.Tfs\src\MigrationBackup\e5e2b080\Cake.TfsPackages processed
Top-level dependencies:
Package Id | Version |
Cake.Core |
+ v0.22.0 |
Costura.Fody |
+ v1.6.2 |
Desktop.Analyzers |
+ v1.1.0 |
Fody |
+ v2.2.1 |
Microsoft.AnalyzerPowerPack |
+ v1.1.0 |
Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Client |
+ v5.2.3 |
Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.FxCopAnalyzers |
+ v1.1.0 |
Microsoft.TeamFoundationServer.Client |
+ v15.112.1 |
Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.InteractiveClient |
+ v15.112.1 |
Newtonsoft.Json |
+ v10.0.3 |
StyleCop.Analyzers |
+ v1.0.2 |
System.Net.Http |
+ v4.1.0 |
System.Runtime.Analyzers |
+ v1.1.0 |
System.Runtime.InteropServices.Analyzers |
+ v1.1.0 |
System.Security.Cryptography.Hashing.Algorithms.Analyzers |
+ v1.1.0 |
System.Text.RegularExpressions |
+ v4.1.0 |
TfsUrlParser |
+ v1.2.0 |
Transitive dependencies:
Package Id | Version |
Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory |
+ v3.13.5 |
Microsoft.TeamFoundation.DistributedTask.Common |
+ v15.112.1 |
Microsoft.Tpl.Dataflow |
+ v4.5.24 |
Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.Client |
+ v15.112.1 |
Microsoft.Win32.Primitives |
+ v4.0.1 |
System.Collections |
+ v4.0.11 |
System.Collections.Concurrent |
+ v4.0.12 |
System.Diagnostics.Debug |
+ v4.0.11 |
System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource |
+ v4.0.0 |
System.Globalization |
+ v4.0.11 |
System.IdentityModel.Tokens.Jwt |
+ v4.0.2.206221351 |
System.IO |
+ v4.1.0 |
System.Linq |
+ v4.1.0 |
System.Net.Primitives |
+ v4.0.11 |
System.Reflection |
+ v4.1.0 |
System.Reflection.Extensions |
+ v4.0.1 |
System.Runtime |
+ v4.1.0 |
System.Runtime.Extensions |
+ v4.1.0 |
System.Runtime.InteropServices |
+ v4.1.0 |
System.Runtime.Serialization.Json |
+ v4.0.2 |
System.Runtime.Serialization.Primitives |
+ v4.1.1 |
System.Security.Cryptography.Algorithms |
+ v4.2.0 |
System.Security.Cryptography.Encoding |
+ v4.0.0 |
System.Security.Cryptography.Primitives |
+ v4.0.0 |
System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates |
+ v4.1.0 |
System.Text.Encoding |
+ v4.0.11 |
System.Text.Encoding.Extensions |
+ v4.0.11 |
System.Threading |
+ v4.0.11 |
System.Threading.Tasks |
+ v4.0.11 |
System.Xml.ReaderWriter |
+ v4.0.11 |
System.Xml.XDocument |
+ v4.0.11 |
WindowsAzure.ServiceBus |
+ v3.3.2 |
Package compatibility issues
| Description |
| Costura.Fody
+ v1.6.2 install.ps1 script will be ignored when the package is installed after the migration. |
| Desktop.Analyzers
+ v1.1.0 install.ps1 script will be ignored when the package is installed after the migration. |
| Fody
+ v2.2.1 install.ps1 script will be ignored when the package is installed after the migration. 'content' assets will not be available when the package is installed after the migration. |
| Microsoft.AnalyzerPowerPack
+ v1.1.0 install.ps1 script will be ignored when the package is installed after the migration. |
| Newtonsoft.Json
+ v10.0.3 install.ps1 script will be ignored when the package is installed after the migration. |
| StyleCop.Analyzers
+ v1.0.2 install.ps1 script will be ignored when the package is installed after the migration. |
| System.Runtime.Analyzers
+ v1.1.0 install.ps1 script will be ignored when the package is installed after the migration. |
| System.Runtime.InteropServices.Analyzers
+ v1.1.0 install.ps1 script will be ignored when the package is installed after the migration. |
| System.Security.Cryptography.Hashing.Algorithms.Analyzers
+ v1.1.0 install.ps1 script will be ignored when the package is installed after the migration. |
| WindowsAzure.ServiceBus
+ v3.3.2 'content' assets will not be available when the package is installed after the migration. XDT transform file 'content\app.config.install.xdt' will not be applied when the package is installed after the migration. XDT transform file 'content\web.config.install.xdt' will not be applied when the package is installed after the migration. |
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/MigrationBackup/e5e2b080/Cake.Tfs/packages.config b/src/MigrationBackup/e5e2b080/Cake.Tfs/packages.config
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..961e8c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/MigrationBackup/e5e2b080/Cake.Tfs/packages.config
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@