From d75da9d9331a20a3391c05ba47520916a7f2968a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Nick Novitski <>
Date: Tue, 19 Nov 2024 19:02:43 -0800
Subject: [PATCH] Run shellcheck on installation hook tests

 modules/pre-commit.nix    | 80 +++++++++++++--------------------------
 nix/installation-test.nix | 51 ++++++++++++++-----------
 2 files changed, 56 insertions(+), 75 deletions(-)

diff --git a/modules/pre-commit.nix b/modules/pre-commit.nix
index d3578d1c..073ca6fb 100644
--- a/modules/pre-commit.nix
+++ b/modules/pre-commit.nix
@@ -2,12 +2,13 @@
   inherit (lib)
+    concatMapStrings
-    compare
+    optionalString
@@ -62,28 +63,26 @@ let
       nativeBuildInputs = enabledExtraPackages
         ++ lib.optional (config.settings.rust.check.cargoDeps != null) cargoSetupHook;
       cargoDeps = config.settings.rust.check.cargoDeps;
-      buildPhase = ''
-        set +e
-        HOME=$PWD
-        ln -fs ${configFile} .pre-commit-config.yaml
-        git init -q
-        git add .
-        git config --global ""
-        git config --global "Your Name"
-        git commit -m "init" -q
-        if [[ ${toString (compare install_stages [ "manual" ])} -eq 0 ]]
-        then
-          echo "Running: $ pre-commit run --hook-stage manual --all-files"
-          ${cfg.package}/bin/pre-commit run --hook-stage manual --all-files
-        else
-          echo "Running: $ pre-commit run --all-files"
-          ${cfg.package}/bin/pre-commit run --all-files
-        fi
-        exitcode=$?
-        git --no-pager diff --color
-        mkdir $out
-        [ $? -eq 0 ] && exit $exitcode
-      '';
+      buildPhase =
+        let
+          cmd = "pre-commit run${optionalString (install_stages == [ "manual" ]) " --hook-stage manual"} --all-files";
+        in
+        ''
+          set +e
+          HOME=$PWD
+          ln -fs ${configFile} .pre-commit-config.yaml
+          git init -q
+          git add .
+          git config --global ""
+          git config --global "Your Name"
+          git commit -m "init" -q
+          echo "Running: $ ${cmd}"
+          ${cfg.package}/bin/${cmd}
+          exitcode=$?
+          git --no-pager diff --color
+          mkdir $out
+          [ $? -eq 0 ] && exit $exitcode
+        '';
   failedAssertions = (x: x.message) (builtins.filter (x: !x.assertion) config.assertions);
@@ -361,7 +360,7 @@ in
           elif ! ${cfg.gitPackage}/bin/git rev-parse --git-dir &> /dev/null; then
             echo 1>&2 "WARNING: git-hooks.nix: .git not found; skipping installation."
-            GIT_WC=`${cfg.gitPackage}/bin/git rev-parse --show-toplevel`
+            GIT_WC=$(${cfg.gitPackage}/bin/git rev-parse --show-toplevel)
             # These update procedures compare before they write, to avoid
             # filesystem churn. This improves performance with watch tools like lorri
@@ -385,41 +384,16 @@ in
                   ln -fs ${configFile} "''${GIT_WC}/.pre-commit-config.yaml"
                 # Remove any previously installed hooks (since pre-commit itself has no convergent design)
-                hooks="${concatStringsSep " " (remove "manual" supportedHooksLib.supportedHooks )}"
-                for hook in $hooks; do
-                  pre-commit uninstall -t $hook
-                done
+                pre-commit uninstall${concatMapStrings (hook: " --hook-type ${hook}") (remove "manual" supportedHooksLib.supportedHooks)}
                 ${cfg.gitPackage}/bin/git config --local core.hooksPath ""
-                # Add hooks for configured stages (only) ...
-                if [ ! -z "${concatStringsSep " " install_stages}" ]; then
-                  for stage in ${concatStringsSep " " install_stages}; do
-                    case $stage in
-                      manual)
-                        ;;
-                      # if you amend these switches please also review $hooks above
-                      commit | merge-commit | push)
-                        stage="pre-"$stage
-                        pre-commit install -t $stage
-                        ;;
-                      ${concatStringsSep "|" supportedHooksLib.supportedHooks})
-                        pre-commit install -t $stage
-                        ;;
-                      *)
-                        echo 1>&2 "ERROR: git-hooks.nix: either $stage is not a valid stage or git-hooks.nix doesn't yet support it."
-                        exit 1
-                        ;;
-                    esac
-                  done
-                # ... or default 'pre-commit' hook
-                else
-                  pre-commit install
-                fi
+                # Add hooks for configured stages
+                pre-commit install${concatMapStrings (stage: " --hook-type ${if builtins.elem stage [ "commit" "merge-commit" "push" ] then "pre-${stage}" else stage}") (remove "manual" install_stages)}
                 # Fetch the absolute path to the git common directory. This will normally point to $GIT_WC/.git.
                 common_dir=''$(${cfg.gitPackage}/bin/git rev-parse --path-format=absolute --git-common-dir)
                 # Convert the absolute path to a path relative to the toplevel working directory.
-                common_dir=''${common_dir#''$GIT_WC/}
+                common_dir=''${common_dir#"''$GIT_WC"/}
                 ${cfg.gitPackage}/bin/git config --local core.hooksPath "''$common_dir/hooks"
diff --git a/nix/installation-test.nix b/nix/installation-test.nix
index 272dfc5d..a399dc58 100644
--- a/nix/installation-test.nix
+++ b/nix/installation-test.nix
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 # Test that checks whether the correct hooks are created in the hooks folder.
-{ git, perl, coreutils, runCommand, run, lib, mktemp }:
+{ git, perl, coreutils, runCommand, run, lib, mktemp, writeShellApplication }:
   tests = {
     basic-test = {
@@ -65,35 +65,42 @@ let
       in ''
         rm -f ~/.git/hooks/*
-        actualHooks=(`find ~/.git/hooks -type f -printf "%f "`)
-        read -a expectedHooks <<< "${builtins.toString test.expectedHooks}"
+        read -r -a actualHooks <<< "$(find ~/.git/hooks -type f -printf "%f ")"
+        expectedHooks=(${builtins.toString test.expectedHooks})
         if ! assertArraysEqual actualHooks expectedHooks; then
-          echo "${name} failed: Expected hooks '${builtins.toString test.expectedHooks}' but found '$actualHooks'."
+          echo "${name} failed: Expected hooks \"''${expectedHooks[*]}\" but found \"''${actualHooks[*]}\"."
           return 1
-runCommand "installation-test" { nativeBuildInputs = [ git perl coreutils mktemp ]; } ''
-  set -eoux
-  HOME=$(mktemp -d)
-  cd $HOME
-  git init
+  testScript = writeShellApplication {
+    name = "installation-test";
+    runtimeInputs = [ git perl coreutils mktemp ];
+    bashOptions = [ "errexit" "nounset" "xtrace" ];
+    text = ''
+      HOME=$(mktemp -d)
+      cd "$HOME"
+      git init
-  assertArraysEqual() {
-    local -n _array_one=$1
-    local -n _array_two=$2
-    diffArray=(`echo ''${_array_one[@]} ''${_array_two[@]} | tr ' ' '\n' | sort | uniq -u`)
-    if [ ''${#diffArray[@]} -eq 0 ]
-    then
-      return 0
-    else
-      return 1
-    fi
-  }
+      assertArraysEqual() {
+        local -n _array_one=$1
+        local -n _array_two=$2
+        read -r -a diffArray <<< "$( echo "''${_array_one[*]} ''${_array_two[*]}" | tr ' ' '\n' | sort | uniq -u )"
+        if [ ''${#diffArray[@]} -eq 0 ]
+        then
+          return 0
+        else
+          return 1
+        fi
+      }
-  ${lib.concatStrings executeTest}
+      ${lib.concatStrings executeTest}
+    '';
+  };
+runCommand "run-installation-test" { } ''
+  ${lib.getExe testScript}
   echo "success" > $out