The Keyhouse Data Plane serves administrator/operator traffic.
Takes no arguments. Currently it serves as an authentication check, responding hello .
Gets information on all authorized keyrings.
Takes no arguments.
Returns a JSON body consisting of an array of Keyrings that the currently authenticated user is authorized to see.
Creates a new keyring.
Must have header content-type: application/json. Takes the following input format:
"alias": String,
"description": String,
"level": "L2" | "L3" | "L4" // Corresponds to security level
For example:
"alias": "test key",
"description": "used for testing",
"level": "L3"
Returns a JSON body consisting of a single created Keyring that has been sucessfully created. If the alias is already in use, a 403 Forbidden error is returned. The only authorized owner of the new keyring will be the currently authenticated user.
Gets information on a single keyring.
Takes 'keyring_alias' as a string based path argument.
Returns a JSON body consisting of a single Keyring that the currently authenticated user is authorized to see.
Lists all Customer Key information under a keyring the user is authorized to see.
Takes 'keyring_alias' as a string based path argument.
Returns a JSON body consisting of an array of Customer Keys that the currently authenticated user is authorized to see.
Creates a new Customer Key under a keyring that the currently authenticated user is authorized to see.
Must have header content-type: application/json.
Takes the following input format:
"alias": String,
"description": String,
"purpose": "EncodeDecode" | "SignVerify" | "Secret",
"acls": AccessControlLists
Returns a JSON body consisting of a single created Customer Key that has been successfully created. If the alias is already in use, a 403 Forbidden error is returned.
Gets information on a single Customer Key.
Takes 'keyring_alias' and 'key_alias' as string based path arguments.
Returns a JSON body consisting of a single Customer Key that the currently authenticated user is authorized to see.
Performs a partial update on a single customer key.
Takes 'keyring_alias' and 'key_alias' as string based path arguments.
Must have header content-type: application/json.
Takes the following input format:
Note here that a suffixing ?
denotes an optional/nullable field, if not present, the field is not updated in the underlying customer key
"description": String?,
"acls": AccessControlLists?,
"status": ("Enabled" | "Disabled")? // can only change from enabled -> disabled
Returns a JSON body consisting of a single, post-mutation, Customer Key that the currently authenticated user is authorized to see.
Lists all Secrets under a customer key the user is authorized to see.
Takes 'keyring_alias' and 'key_alias' as string based path arguments.
Returns a JSON body consisting of an array of Secrets contained within the given customer key.
Creates or updates a new/existing Secret under a customer key.
Must have header content-type: application/json.
Takes the following input format:
"secret": String?, // the new value the secret should have, doesn't change if not present. DOES CHANGE IF EMPTY
"description": String?, // the new value of description, doesn't change if not present. DOES CHANGE IF EMPTY
Returns a JSON body consisting of the updated Secret that has been successfully created. Aliases for secrets are namespaced to their parent customer key.
Deletes existing Secret under a customer key.