Tested with BrowserStack
Use git flow on this branch (reactify-and-cleanup) Add --no-ff to your merge options on this branch. If you merge a branch on reactify-and-cleanup with ff I'll be really sad and cry
Labeling convention:
- Feature -> feat/name-of-feature
- Fix -> fix/name-of-fix_issuenumber
In order to build Prototypo, you need to install the following software-packages on your system:
- Git
- Node.js v4.X with npm@2 (Prototypo is currently incompatible with npm@3)
- Gulp
Clone a copy of the main Prototypo git repository
$ git clone git://github.com/byte-foundry/prototypo.git && cd prototypo
Install build scripts and frontend libraries
$ npm install
$ gulp serve
You'll want the server to be running on localhost:9000 if you want to connect to our hoodie app.
- Install hoodie and its requirements by following the doc (http://docs.hood.ie/en/start/)
- Install adhoc-cors-proxy by running
npm install -g adhoc-cors-proxy
Creating and launching the hoodie app (http://docs.hood.ie/en/start/getting-started/getting-started-1.html)
- Create your hoodie app
hoodie new prototypo-hoodie
- Launch the hoodie app
$ cd prototypo-hoodie
$ hoodie start
- Set up the cors proxy (there is other to circumvent this problem using nginx as a proxy, even without cors, but this is easier)
corsproxy <hoodie_couchdb_address>:<hoodie_couchdb_port> --port=<port_you_want_to_access_hoodie_from> --origin=http://localhost:<port_of_prototypo> --credentials
- In
line 6 changebackUrl
const backUrl = 'http://localhost:<port_you_want_to_access_hoodie_from>';
- Launch Prototypo
gulp serve
- possibility to modify text directly in the preview (#78) ……… ✓
- a complete alphabet with alternates (some numbers, punctuation and accents are missing) ……… ✓
- automatic spacing (#124)
- generating binary font-files such as .otf, see the current workaround (#12) ……… ✓
- personnal library to save and load different fonts (#125) ……… ✓
- undo/redo history (#94) ……… ✓
- font export is broken in Safari (#111)
This operation currently requires either Fontforge or using a hosted service such as onlinefontconverter.
Files with a .js
, .jsx
or .json
extension in this repository are licensed under MPLv2. All other files (including .css
, .scss
, .svg
and .png
files) are the property of Prototypo SAS and cannot be redistributed outside of a Github.com repository. Prototypo and its logo are registered trademarks of Prototypo SAS.