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Terry Burton edited this page Aug 4, 2016 · 12 revisions


PZN is a discrete, fixed length, self-checking barcode symbology used for pharmaceutical products in Germany.

Also known as: Pharmazentralnummer.


  • PZN-7.
  • PZN-8.

Data and Options

  • For the default PZN7 encoding, the data field must contain six digits or seven digits.
  • The pzn8 option specifies that a PZN8 symbol is required, in which case the data field must contain seven digits or eight digits.
  • The mandatory check digit is calculated automatically if not provided.
  • Note: by definition, not all six-digit or seven-digit number sequences are valid inputs.


Identical PZN7 symbols, input provided with and without a check digit:

Data:    1234562
Options: includetext
Encoder: pzn
Data:    123456
Options: includetext
Encoder: pzn

Identical PZN8 symbols, input provided with and without a check digit:

Data:    0275808
Options: pzn8 includetext
Encoder: pzn
Data:    02758089
Options: pzn8 includetext
Encoder: pzn

Symbologies Reference

Point of Sale

GS1 DataBar

Supply Chain

Two-dimensional Symbols

One-dimensional Symbols

Postal Symbols

Pharmaceutical Symbols

Less-used Symbols

GS1 Composite Symbols

Raw Symbols

Partial Symbols

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