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Data Matrix

Terry Burton edited this page Nov 13, 2020 · 55 revisions

Data Matrix

The Data Matrix symbology is 2D matrix-style barcode that can encode full 256 character extended-ASCII.

Also known as: Data Matrix ECC 200, DataMatrix.


Standards: ISO/IEC 16022, ANSI/AIM BC11 - ISS Data Matrix.

Data and Options

  • The data field can contain any extended ASCII data. The default interpretation of data by readers is in accordance with ISO/IEC 8859-1. When supported by the receiver characters from other code pages can be encoded using Extended Channel Interpretation (ECI).
  • When the parse option is specified, any instances of ^NNN in the data field are replaced with their equivalent ASCII value. This is useful for specifying unprintable characters.
  • When the parsefnc option is specified, non-data function characters can be specified by escape sequences:
    • ^FNC1: FNC1
    • ^PROG: Reader programming
    • ^ECI000000 to ^ECI999999: ECI indicators
  • Whenever the data field contains suitable input, the encoder will compress ISO/IEC 15434 structured data (internally using the 05 Macro and 06 Macro codewords.)
  • When the dotty option is specified the modules are rendered as dots rather than squares. The dot radius can be adjusted using the inkspread option.
  • The columns and rows options are used to specify the size of the symbol.
  • The version option can also be used to specify the symbol size, as version=RxC. Valid options are 10x10, 12x12, 14x14, 16x16, 18x18, 20x20, 22x22, 24x24, 26x26, 32x32, 36x36, 40x40, 44x44, 48x48, 52x52, 64x64, 72x72, 80x80, 88x88, 96x96, 104x104, 120x120, 132x132, 144x144
  • If columns, rows and version are unspecified the encoder will default to creating a symbol of the specified format that is the minimum size to represent the given data.
  • The raw option denotes that the data field is providing the input as pre-encoded codewords in ^NNN format, suitable for direct low-level encoding.
  • Deprecated: The format option is used to specify the shape of the symbol, either:
  • Deprecated: Use Data Matrix Rectangular Extension. The dmre option enables Data Matrix Rectangular Extension symbols based on the ISO/IEC standard, which increases the number of rectangular symbol sizes available.
  • Deprecated: Use Data Matrix Rectangular Extension with dimdmre option. The dindmre option enables Data Matrix Rectangular Extension symbols based on the obsolete DIN standard.
  • Deprecated: For internal use. The mailmark option signifies the requirement to use Mailmark-specific encoding.


Identical symbols, automatically sized, the latter showing use of the parse option:

Data:    This is Data Matrix
Encoder: datamatrix
Data:    This is ^068ata Matrix
Options: parse
Encoder: datamatrix

Identical symbols with a fixed size:

Data:    Fixed size
Options: version=48x48
Encoder: datamatrix
Data:    Fixed size
Options: rows=48 columns=48
Encoder: datamatrix

A rectangular symbol with a fixed size:

Data:    Rectangular
Options: format=rectangle version=16x48
Encoder: datamatrix

An advanced use containing "hidden data" in the padding codewords as used by some non-standard, "high-security" applications. The technique works by filling the symbol using raw codewords formed from the standard data immediately followed by the non-standard padding data beginning with ^129:

Data:    ^066^067^068^142^052^129^161^056^206^101^251^147
Options: version=16x16 raw
Encoder: datamatrix

Symbologies Reference

Point of Sale

GS1 DataBar

Supply Chain

Two-dimensional Symbols

One-dimensional Symbols

Postal Symbols

Pharmaceutical Symbols

Less-used Symbols

GS1 Composite Symbols

Raw Symbols

Partial Symbols

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