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Check Digits

Terry Burton edited this page Mar 26, 2014 · 10 revisions

#summary Reference for options affecting check digits

=Check Digits=


Generate check digit(s), where relevant.


Calculate the optional check characters of this Code 93 symbol:

{{{ 0 0 moveto (CHECK ME OUT) (includecheck) /code93 / findresource exec }}}


Show the calculated check digit in the human readable text.


  • For barcode symbologies where the check digit is not manditory, this option must be used in combination with includecheck.
  • If any part of the checksum does not have a printable representation then that part is not displayed.


Display the check digit of this Royal Mail barcode:

{{{ 0 0 moveto (LE28HS9Z) (includetext includecheckintext) /royalmail / findresource exec }}}

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