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// Server manages all peer connections.
type Server struct {
	// Config fields may not be modified while the server is running.

	// Hooks for testing. These are useful because we can inhibit
	// the whole protocol stack.
	newTransport func(net.Conn) transport
	newPeerHook  func(*Peer)

	lock    sync.Mutex // protects running
	running bool

	ntab         discoverTable
	listener     net.Listener
	ourHandshake *protoHandshake
	lastLookup   time.Time
	DiscV5       *discv5.Network

	// These are for Peers, PeerCount (and nothing else).
	peerOp     chan peerOpFunc
	peerOpDone chan struct{}

	quit          chan struct{}
	addstatic     chan *discover.Node
	removestatic  chan *discover.Node
	posthandshake chan *conn
	addpeer       chan *conn
	delpeer       chan peerDrop
	loopWG        sync.WaitGroup // loop, listenLoop
	peerFeed      event.Feed

// conn wraps a network connection with information gathered
// during the two handshakes.
type conn struct {
	fd net.Conn
	flags connFlag
	cont  chan error      // The run loop uses cont to signal errors to SetupConn.
	id    discover.NodeID // valid after the encryption handshake
	caps  []Cap           // valid after the protocol handshake
	name  string          // valid after the protocol handshake

type transport interface {
	// The two handshakes.
	doEncHandshake(prv *ecdsa.PrivateKey, dialDest *discover.Node) (discover.NodeID, error)
	doProtoHandshake(our *protoHandshake) (*protoHandshake, error)
	// The MsgReadWriter can only be used after the encryption
	// handshake has completed. The code uses to track this
	// by setting it to a non-nil value after the encryption handshake.
	// transports must provide Close because we use MsgPipe in some of
	// the tests. Closing the actual network connection doesn't do
	// anything in those tests because NsgPipe doesn't use it.
	close(err error)

并不存在一个newServer的方法。 初始化的工作放在Start()方法中。

// Start starts running the server.
// Servers can not be re-used after stopping.
func (srv *Server) Start() (err error) {
	defer srv.lock.Unlock()
	if srv.running { //避免多次启动。 srv.lock为了避免多线程重复启动
		return errors.New("server already running")
	srv.running = true
	log.Info("Starting P2P networking")

	// static fields
	if srv.PrivateKey == nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Server.PrivateKey must be set to a non-nil key")
	if srv.newTransport == nil {		//这里注意的是Transport使用了newRLPX 使用了rlpx.go中的网络协议。
		srv.newTransport = newRLPX
	if srv.Dialer == nil { //使用了TCLPDialer
		srv.Dialer = TCPDialer{&net.Dialer{Timeout: defaultDialTimeout}}
	srv.quit = make(chan struct{})
	srv.addpeer = make(chan *conn)
	srv.delpeer = make(chan peerDrop)
	srv.posthandshake = make(chan *conn)
	srv.addstatic = make(chan *discover.Node)
	srv.removestatic = make(chan *discover.Node)
	srv.peerOp = make(chan peerOpFunc)
	srv.peerOpDone = make(chan struct{})

	// node table
	if !srv.NoDiscovery {  //启动discover网络。 开启UDP的监听。
		ntab, err := discover.ListenUDP(srv.PrivateKey, srv.ListenAddr, srv.NAT, srv.NodeDatabase, srv.NetRestrict)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		//设置最开始的启动节点。当找不到其他的节点的时候。 那么就连接这些启动节点。这些节点的信息是写死在配置文件里面的。
		if err := ntab.SetFallbackNodes(srv.BootstrapNodes); err != nil {
			return err
		srv.ntab = ntab

	if srv.DiscoveryV5 {//这是新的节点发现协议。 暂时还没有使用。  这里暂时没有分析。
		ntab, err := discv5.ListenUDP(srv.PrivateKey, srv.DiscoveryV5Addr, srv.NAT, "", srv.NetRestrict) //srv.NodeDatabase)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		if err := ntab.SetFallbackNodes(srv.BootstrapNodesV5); err != nil {
			return err
		srv.DiscV5 = ntab

	dynPeers := (srv.MaxPeers + 1) / 2
	if srv.NoDiscovery {
		dynPeers = 0
	dialer := newDialState(srv.StaticNodes, srv.BootstrapNodes, srv.ntab, dynPeers, srv.NetRestrict)

	// handshake
	srv.ourHandshake = &protoHandshake{Version: baseProtocolVersion, Name: srv.Name, ID: discover.PubkeyID(&srv.PrivateKey.PublicKey)}
	for _, p := range srv.Protocols {//增加所有的协议的Caps
		srv.ourHandshake.Caps = append(srv.ourHandshake.Caps, p.cap())
	// listen/dial
	if srv.ListenAddr != "" {
		if err := srv.startListening(); err != nil {
			return err
	if srv.NoDial && srv.ListenAddr == "" {
		log.Warn("P2P server will be useless, neither dialing nor listening")

	//启动goroutine 来处理程序。
	srv.running = true
	return nil

启动监听。 可以看到是TCP协议。 这里的监听端口和UDP的端口是一样的。 默认都是30303

func (srv *Server) startListening() error {
	// Launch the TCP listener.
	listener, err := net.Listen("tcp", srv.ListenAddr)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	laddr := listener.Addr().(*net.TCPAddr)
	srv.ListenAddr = laddr.String()
	srv.listener = listener
	go srv.listenLoop()
	// Map the TCP listening port if NAT is configured.
	if !laddr.IP.IsLoopback() && srv.NAT != nil {
		go func() {
			nat.Map(srv.NAT, srv.quit, "tcp", laddr.Port, laddr.Port, "ethereum p2p")
	return nil

listenLoop()。 这是一个死循环的goroutine。 会监听端口并接收外部的请求。

// listenLoop runs in its own goroutine and accepts
// inbound connections.
func (srv *Server) listenLoop() {
	defer srv.loopWG.Done()
	log.Info("RLPx listener up", "self", srv.makeSelf(srv.listener, srv.ntab))

	// This channel acts as a semaphore limiting
	// active inbound connections that are lingering pre-handshake.
	// If all slots are taken, no further connections are accepted.
	tokens := maxAcceptConns
	if srv.MaxPendingPeers > 0 {
		tokens = srv.MaxPendingPeers
	//创建maxAcceptConns个槽位。 我们只同时处理这么多连接。 多了也不要。
	slots := make(chan struct{}, tokens)
	for i := 0; i < tokens; i++ {
		slots <- struct{}{}

	for {
		// Wait for a handshake slot before accepting.

		var (
			fd  net.Conn
			err error
		for {
			fd, err = srv.listener.Accept()
			if tempErr, ok := err.(tempError); ok && tempErr.Temporary() {
				log.Debug("Temporary read error", "err", err)
			} else if err != nil {
				log.Debug("Read error", "err", err)

		// Reject connections that do not match NetRestrict.
		// 白名单。 如果不在白名单里面。那么关闭连接。
		if srv.NetRestrict != nil {
			if tcp, ok := fd.RemoteAddr().(*net.TCPAddr); ok && !srv.NetRestrict.Contains(tcp.IP) {
				log.Debug("Rejected conn (not whitelisted in NetRestrict)", "addr", fd.RemoteAddr())
				slots <- struct{}{}

		fd = newMeteredConn(fd, true)
		log.Trace("Accepted connection", "addr", fd.RemoteAddr())

		// Spawn the handler. It will give the slot back when the connection
		// has been established.
		go func() {
			//看来只要连接建立完成之后。 槽位就会归还。 SetupConn这个函数我们记得再dialTask.Do里面也有调用, 这个函数主要是执行连接的几次握手。
			srv.SetupConn(fd, inboundConn, nil)
			slots <- struct{}{}


// SetupConn runs the handshakes and attempts to add the connection
// as a peer. It returns when the connection has been added as a peer
// or the handshakes have failed.
func (srv *Server) SetupConn(fd net.Conn, flags connFlag, dialDest *discover.Node) {
	// Prevent leftover pending conns from entering the handshake.
	running := srv.running
	//创建了一个conn对象。 newTransport指针实际上指向的newRLPx方法。 实际上是把fd用rlpx协议包装了一下。
	c := &conn{fd: fd, transport: srv.newTransport(fd), flags: flags, cont: make(chan error)}
	if !running {
	// Run the encryption handshake.
	var err error
	//这里实际上执行的是rlpx.go里面的doEncHandshake.因为transport是conn的一个匿名字段。 匿名字段的方法会直接作为conn的一个方法。
	if, err = c.doEncHandshake(srv.PrivateKey, dialDest); err != nil {
		log.Trace("Failed RLPx handshake", "addr", c.fd.RemoteAddr(), "conn", c.flags, "err", err)
	clog := log.New("id",, "addr", c.fd.RemoteAddr(), "conn", c.flags)
	// For dialed connections, check that the remote public key matches.
	// 如果连接握手的ID和对应的ID不匹配
	if dialDest != nil && != dialDest.ID {
		clog.Trace("Dialed identity mismatch", "want", c, dialDest.ID)
	// 这个checkpoint其实就是把第一个参数发送给第二个参数指定的队列。然后从c.cout接收返回信息。 是一个同步的方法。
	if err := srv.checkpoint(c, srv.posthandshake); err != nil {
		clog.Trace("Rejected peer before protocol handshake", "err", err)
	// Run the protocol handshake
	phs, err := c.doProtoHandshake(srv.ourHandshake)
	if err != nil {
		clog.Trace("Failed proto handshake", "err", err)
	if phs.ID != {
		clog.Trace("Wrong devp2p handshake identity", "err", phs.ID)
	c.caps, = phs.Caps, phs.Name
	// 这里两次握手都已经完成了。 把c发送给addpeer队列。 后台处理这个队列的时候,会处理这个连接
	if err := srv.checkpoint(c, srv.addpeer); err != nil {
		clog.Trace("Rejected peer", "err", err)
	// If the checks completed successfully, runPeer has now been
	// launched by run.

上面说到的流程是listenLoop的流程,listenLoop主要是用来接收外部主动连接者的。 还有部分情况是节点需要主动发起连接来连接外部节点的流程。 以及处理刚才上面的checkpoint队列信息的流程。这部分代码都在server.run这个goroutine里面。

func (srv *Server) run(dialstate dialer) {
	defer srv.loopWG.Done()
	var (
		peers        = make(map[discover.NodeID]*Peer)
		trusted      = make(map[discover.NodeID]bool, len(srv.TrustedNodes))
		taskdone     = make(chan task, maxActiveDialTasks)
		runningTasks []task
		queuedTasks  []task // tasks that can't run yet
	// Put trusted nodes into a map to speed up checks.
	// Trusted peers are loaded on startup and cannot be
	// modified while the server is running.
	// 被信任的节点又这样一个特性, 如果连接太多,那么其他节点会被拒绝掉。但是被信任的节点会被接收。
	for _, n := range srv.TrustedNodes {
		trusted[n.ID] = true

	// removes t from runningTasks
	// 定义了一个函数,用来从runningTasks队列删除某个Task
	delTask := func(t task) {
		for i := range runningTasks {
			if runningTasks[i] == t {
				runningTasks = append(runningTasks[:i], runningTasks[i+1:]...)
	// starts until max number of active tasks is satisfied
	// 同时开始连接的节点数量是16个。 遍历 runningTasks队列,并启动这些任务。
	startTasks := func(ts []task) (rest []task) {
		i := 0
		for ; len(runningTasks) < maxActiveDialTasks && i < len(ts); i++ {
			t := ts[i]
			log.Trace("New dial task", "task", t)
			go func() { t.Do(srv); taskdone <- t }()
			runningTasks = append(runningTasks, t)
		return ts[i:]
	scheduleTasks := func() {
		// Start from queue first.
		// 首先调用startTasks启动一部分,把剩下的返回给queuedTasks.
		queuedTasks = append(queuedTasks[:0], startTasks(queuedTasks)...)
		// Query dialer for new tasks and start as many as possible now.
		// 调用newTasks来生成任务,并尝试用startTasks启动。并把暂时无法启动的放入queuedTasks队列
		if len(runningTasks) < maxActiveDialTasks {
			nt := dialstate.newTasks(len(runningTasks)+len(queuedTasks), peers, time.Now())
			queuedTasks = append(queuedTasks, startTasks(nt)...)

	for {
		//调用 dialstate.newTasks来生成新任务。 并调用startTasks启动新任务。
		//如果 dialTask已经全部启动,那么会生成一个睡眠超时任务。

		select {
		case <-srv.quit:
			// The server was stopped. Run the cleanup logic.
			break running
		case n := <-srv.addstatic:
			// This channel is used by AddPeer to add to the
			// ephemeral static peer list. Add it to the dialer,
			// it will keep the node connected.
			log.Debug("Adding static node", "node", n)
		case n := <-srv.removestatic:
			// This channel is used by RemovePeer to send a
			// disconnect request to a peer and begin the
			// stop keeping the node connected
			log.Debug("Removing static node", "node", n)
			if p, ok := peers[n.ID]; ok {
		case op := <-srv.peerOp:
			// This channel is used by Peers and PeerCount.
			srv.peerOpDone <- struct{}{}
		case t := <-taskdone:
			// A task got done. Tell dialstate about it so it
			// can update its state and remove it from the active
			// tasks list.
			log.Trace("Dial task done", "task", t)
			dialstate.taskDone(t, time.Now())
		case c := <-srv.posthandshake:
			// A connection has passed the encryption handshake so
			// the remote identity is known (but hasn't been verified yet).
			// 记得之前调用checkpoint方法,会把连接发送给这个channel。
			if trusted[] {
				// Ensure that the trusted flag is set before checking against MaxPeers.
				c.flags |= trustedConn
			// TODO: track in-progress inbound node IDs (pre-Peer) to avoid dialing them.
			select {
			case c.cont <- srv.encHandshakeChecks(peers, c):
			case <-srv.quit:
				break running
		case c := <-srv.addpeer:
			// At this point the connection is past the protocol handshake.
			// Its capabilities are known and the remote identity is verified.
			// 两次握手之后会调用checkpoint把连接发送到addpeer这个channel。
			// 然后通过newPeer创建了Peer对象。 
			// 启动一个goroutine 启动peer对象。 调用了peer.run方法。
			err := srv.protoHandshakeChecks(peers, c)
			if err == nil {
				// The handshakes are done and it passed all checks.
				p := newPeer(c, srv.Protocols)
				// If message events are enabled, pass the peerFeed
				// to the peer
				if srv.EnableMsgEvents { = &srv.peerFeed
				name := truncateName(
				log.Debug("Adding p2p peer", "id",, "name", name, "addr", c.fd.RemoteAddr(), "peers", len(peers)+1)
				peers[] = p
				go srv.runPeer(p)
			// The dialer logic relies on the assumption that
			// dial tasks complete after the peer has been added or
			// discarded. Unblock the task last.
			select {
			case c.cont <- err:
			case <-srv.quit:
				break running
		case pd := <-srv.delpeer:
			// A peer disconnected.
			d := common.PrettyDuration(mclock.Now() - pd.created)
			pd.log.Debug("Removing p2p peer", "duration", d, "peers", len(peers)-1, "req", pd.requested, "err", pd.err)
			delete(peers, pd.ID())

	log.Trace("P2P networking is spinning down")

	// Terminate discovery. If there is a running lookup it will terminate soon.
	if srv.ntab != nil {
	if srv.DiscV5 != nil {
	// Disconnect all peers.
	for _, p := range peers {
	// Wait for peers to shut down. Pending connections and tasks are
	// not handled here and will terminate soon-ish because srv.quit
	// is closed.
	for len(peers) > 0 {
		p := <-srv.delpeer
		p.log.Trace("<-delpeer (spindown)", "remainingTasks", len(runningTasks))
		delete(peers, p.ID())


// runPeer runs in its own goroutine for each peer.
// it waits until the Peer logic returns and removes
// the peer.
func (srv *Server) runPeer(p *Peer) {
	if srv.newPeerHook != nil {

	// broadcast peer add
		Type: PeerEventTypeAdd,
		Peer: p.ID(),

	// run the protocol
	remoteRequested, err :=

	// broadcast peer drop
		Type:  PeerEventTypeDrop,
		Peer:  p.ID(),
		Error: err.Error(),

	// Note: run waits for existing peers to be sent on srv.delpeer
	// before returning, so this send should not select on srv.quit.
	srv.delpeer <- peerDrop{p, err, remoteRequested}


server对象主要完成的工作把之前介绍的所有组件组合在一起。 使用rlpx.go来处理加密链路。 使用discover来处理节点发现和查找。 使用dial来生成和连接需要连接的节点。 使用peer对象来处理每个连接。

server启动了一个listenLoop来监听和接收新的连接。 启动一个run的goroutine来调用dialstate生成新的dial任务并进行连接。 goroutine之间使用channel来进行通讯和配合。