Burning Zombies have three milestones; the start of the minting, the burning, and the launch of the marketplace.
****:date: Date: TBA
Zombies awaken! The minting is limited by time, and you need to be careful not to miss it. Mint will be available for everyone.
****:date: Date: End of the minting
Nothing can go forever! When minting is finished, there may be zombies which are not controllable (unclaimed). Our task is as a community to burn them. Also, to claim rewards and start the market, we have to burn all unminted zombies.
****:date: Date: End of the burning
If we could reach here, it means all zombies are claimed, and we are safe, but what will we do with them? Slavery! People who have zombies can sell them. Or maybe someone who wants to collect them, they can buy!
****:date: Date: TBA
Everyone cares about minters or holders, but nobody about burners! Not anymore! They are our heroes. We collected our minting rewards because of them. We were also able to trade our zombies because of them! Time to reward them.