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Command-line tool and Python library for managing Apache Guacamole users and VNC connections via MySQL database interface


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Guacamole Management Library and CLI Utility

A comprehensive Python library and command-line tool for managing Apache Guacamole users, groups, connections, and connection groups. Provides direct MySQL database access with secure operations and YAML output.


CLI Utility

  • User management (create, delete, modify, list)
  • User group management (create, delete, modify membership)
  • Connection management (create, delete, modify parameters)
  • Connection group management (create, delete, modify hierarchy)
  • Comprehensive listing commands with YAML output
  • Data dump functionality
  • Version information
  • Secure database operations with parameterized queries
  • Detailed error handling and validation

Python Library

  • Full programmatic access to all management features
  • Context manager for automatic connection handling
  • Type-safe parameter handling
  • Comprehensive error reporting

Installation from PyPI

Just install it with pip:

pip install guacalib

Installation from repository

  1. Clone the repository:
git clone
cd guacalib
  1. Install the library:
pip install .

Setting up configuration file

Create a database configuration file in $HOME called .guacaman.ini for guacaman command line utility:

host = localhost
user = guacamole_user
password = your_password
database = guacamole_db

Ensure permissions are strict:

chmod 0600 $HOME/.guacaman.ini

Python Library Usage

The guacalib library provides programmatic access to all Guacamole management features. Here are some examples:

Basic Setup

from guacalib import GuacamoleDB

# Initialize with config file
guacdb = GuacamoleDB('~/.guacaman.ini')

# Use context manager for automatic cleanup
with GuacamoleDB('~/.guacaman.ini') as guacdb:
    # Your code here

Managing Users

# Create user
guacdb.create_user('john.doe', 'secretpass')

# Check if user exists
if guacdb.user_exists('john.doe'):
    print("User exists")

# Delete user

Managing User Groups

# Create user group

# Check if user group exists
if guacdb.usergroup_exists('developers'):
    print("User group exists")

# Add user to a user group
guacdb.add_user_to_usergroup('john.doe', 'developers')

# Delete user group

Managing Connections

# Create VNC connection
conn_id = guacdb.create_connection(

# Grant connection to group

# Check if connection exists
if guacdb.connection_exists('dev-server'):
    print("Connection exists")

# Delete connection

Managing Connection Groups

Connection groups allow organizing connections into hierarchical groups. Here are the key methods:

# Create a top-level connection group

# Create a nested connection group
guacdb.create_connection_group('vnc_servers', parent_group_name='production')

# List all connection groups with their hierarchy
groups = guacdb.list_connection_groups()
for group_name, data in groups.items():
    print(f"  Parent: {data['parent']}")
    print(f"  Connections: {data['connections']}")

# Check if a connection group exists
if guacdb.connection_group_exists('production'):
    print("Group exists")

# Modify a connection group's parent
guacdb.modify_connection_group_parent('vnc_servers', 'infrastructure')

# Remove a connection group's parent
guacdb.modify_connection_group_parent('vnc_servers', '')

# Delete a connection group

Listing Data

# List users with their groups
users = guacdb.list_users_with_usergroups()

# List groups with their users and connections
groups = guacdb.list_usergroups_with_users_and_connections()

# List all connections
connections = guacdb.list_connections_with_conngroups_and_parents()

Command line usage

Managing Users

Create a new user

# Basic user creation
guacaman user new \
    --name john.doe \
    --password secretpass

# Create with group memberships (comma-separated)
guacaman user new \
    --name john.doe \
    --password secretpass \
    --usergroup developers,managers,qa  # Add to multiple groups

# Note: Will fail if user already exists

Modify a user

Modifies user's settings or changes password. Allowed parameters are:

Parameter Type Default Description
access_window_end time NULL End of allowed access time window (HH:MM:SS)
access_window_start time NULL Start of allowed access time window (HH:MM:SS)
disabled tinyint 0 Whether the user is disabled (0=enabled, 1=disabled)
email_address string NULL User's email address
expired tinyint 0 Whether the user account is expired (0=active, 1=expired)
full_name string NULL User's full name
organization string NULL User's organization
organizational_role string NULL User's role within the organization
timezone string NULL User's timezone (e.g., "America/New_York")
valid_from date NULL Date when account becomes valid (YYYY-MM-DD)
valid_until date NULL Date when account expires (YYYY-MM-DD)
guacaman user modify --name john.doe --set disabled=1
guacaman user modify --name john.doe --password newsecret

List all users

Shows all users and their group memberships:

guacaman user list

Delete a user

Removes a user:

guacaman user del --name john.doe

Managing User Groups

Create a new user group

guacaman usergroup new --name developers

List all user groups

Shows all groups and their members:

guacaman usergroup list

Delete a user group

guacaman usergroup del --name developers

Modify a user group

Add or remove users from a group:

# Add user to group
guacaman usergroup modify --name developers --adduser john.doe

# Remove user from group
guacaman usergroup modify --name developers --rmuser john.doe

Managing Connections

Create a new connection

# Create a VNC connection
guacaman conn new \
    --type vnc \
    --name dev-server \
    --hostname \
    --port 5901 \
    --password vncpass \
    --group developers,qa  # Comma-separated list of groups

# Create other types of connections
guacaman conn new --type rdp ...
guacaman conn new --type ssh ...

List all connections

guacaman conn list

Modify a connection

# Change connection parameters
guacaman conn modify --name dev-server \
    --set hostname= \
    --set port=5902 \
    --set max_connections=5

# Grant permission to user
guacaman conn modify --name dev-server --permit john.doe

# Revoke permission from user
guacaman conn modify --name dev-server --deny john.doe

# Set parent connection group
guacaman conn modify --name dev-server --parent "vnc_servers"

# Remove parent connection group
guacaman conn modify --name dev-server --parent ""

# Invalid parameter handling example (will fail)
guacaman conn modify --name dev-server --set invalid_param=value

Delete a connection

guacaman conn del --name dev-server

Managing Connection Groups

Connection groups allow you to organize connections into hierarchical groups. Here's how to manage them:

Create a new connection group

# Create a top-level group
guacaman conngroup new --name production

# Create a nested group under production
guacaman conngroup new --name vnc_servers --parent production

List all connection groups

Shows all groups and their hierarchy:

guacaman conngroup list

Delete a connection group

guacaman conngroup del --name vnc_servers

Modify a connection group

Change parent group or hierarchy:

# Move group to new parent
guacaman conngroup modify --name vnc_servers --parent "infrastructure"

# Remove parent (make top-level)
guacaman conngroup modify --name vnc_servers --parent ""

Check if a connection group exists

guacaman conngroup exists --name vnc_servers

Version Information

Check the installed version:

guacaman version

Check existence

Check if a user, group or connection exists (returns 0 if exists, 1 if not):

# Check user
guacaman user exists --name john.doe

# Check user group
guacaman usergroup exists --name developers

# Check connection
guacaman conn exists --name dev-server

These commands are silent and only return an exit code, making them suitable for scripting.

Dump all data

Dumps all groups, users and connections in YAML format:

guacaman dump

Output Format

All list commands (user list, usergroup list, conn list, conngroup list, dump) output data in proper, parseable YAML format. This makes it easy to process the output with tools like yq or integrate with other systems.


# Parse with yq
guacaman user list | yq '.users[].groups'

Configuration File Format

The $HOME/.guacaman.ini file should contain MySQL connection details:

host = localhost
user = guacamole_user
password = your_password
database = guacamole_db

Error Handling

The tool provides comprehensive error handling for:

  • Database connection issues
  • Missing users or groups
  • Duplicate entries
  • Permission problems
  • Invalid configurations

All errors are reported with clear messages to help diagnose issues.

Security Considerations

  • Database credentials are stored in a separate configuration file
  • Configuration file must have strict permissions (0600/-rw-------)
    • Script will exit with error code 2 if permissions are too open
  • Passwords are properly hashed before storage
  • The tool handles database connections securely
  • All SQL queries use parameterized statements to prevent SQL injection


  • Requires MySQL client access to the Guacamole database


Current limitations and planned improvements:

  • Separate connection management from user creation ✓

    • Implemented in conn command:
      # Create VNC connection
      guacaman conn new --type vnc --name dev-server --hostname --port 5901 --password somepass
      # List connections
      guacaman conn list
      # Delete connection
      guacaman conn del --name dev-server
  • GuacamoleDB initialization without configuration file, via variables

  • Support for other connection types

    • RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol)
    • SSH
  • User permissions management

    • More granular permissions control
    • Permission templates
  • Connection parameters management

    • Custom parameters for different connection types
    • Connection groups
  • Implement dumping RDP connections

    • Add RDP connection support to dump command
    • Include RDP-specific parameters in output

PRs implementing any of these features are welcome!


This is version 0.9


Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.


Copyright Roman V. Isaev [email protected] 2024, though 95% of the code is written with Aider/DeepSeek-V3/Sonnet-3.5/etc

This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public license, version 0.9.


For bugs, questions, and discussions please use the GitHub Issues.


Command-line tool and Python library for managing Apache Guacamole users and VNC connections via MySQL database interface







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