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function wave(bc,L,c,n,dt,figno)%% wave(bc,L,c,n,dt,figno)%% Solve one-dimensional wave equation%% u_{tt} = c^2 u_{xx}%% using finite difference numerics.%% bc = 'f' -- Dirichlet boundary conditions: both ends fixed (default if omitted)% 'n' -- Neumann boundary conditions: both ends free% 'p' -- periodic boundary conditions%% L = length of interval 0 <= x <= L (default = pi)%% c = wave speed (default = f)%% n = number of space mesh points (default = 65)%% dt = time step size (default = .005)%% figno = Figure number (default = 1)%% The default initial conditions are%% u(0,x) = exp(-40*(x-1).^2)% u_t(0,x) = 0%% These can be changed by clicking % the "init. data" button on the graphics.if nargin < 1, bc = 'f'; endif nargin < 2, L = pi; endif nargin < 3, c = 1; endif nargin < 4, n = 64; endif nargin < 5, dt = .005; endif nargin < 6, figno = 1; endglobal buttonid;buttonid=0;icons = ['text(.5,.5,''pause'' ,''Horiz'',''center'')' 'text(.5,.5,''show time'' ,''Horiz'',''center'')' 'text(.5,.5,''restart'' ,''Horiz'',''center'')' 'text(.5,.5,''init. data'',''Horiz'',''center'')' 'text(.5,.5,''input'' ,''Horiz'',''center'')' 'text(.5,.5,''stop'' ,''Horiz'',''center'')'];callbacks = ['button(1)' 'button(2)' 'button(3)' 'button(4)' 'button(5)' 'button(6)'];presstype = ['toggle' 'flash ' 'flash ' 'flash ' 'flash ' 'flash '];hf = figure(figno); bg = btngroup(hf,'GroupID','b','ButtonId',['p';'s';'r';'0';'d';'i'],... 'IconFunctions',icons,'GroupSize',[1 6],... 'CallBack',callbacks,'Position',[.1 0 .8 .07],... 'PressType',presstype);h = L/n;l = dt*c/h; l2 = l^2;M = l2 *( diag(ones(n,1),1) + diag(ones(n,1),-1));switch bc case 'n' M(1,2) = 2*l2; M(n+1,n) = 2*l2; case 'p' M(1,n+1) = l2; M(n+1,1) = l2;endx = linspace(0,L,n+1)';x0 = 1;f0 = 0*x;del = f0; del(25) = 1;f1 = exp(-40*(x-x0).^2);f2 = (x < 1) .*x + (x>1 & x < 2.8) .* (3 - 2*x) + (x > 2.8) .* (x - pi) * 2.6 / (pi - 2.8); f3 = 1 - abs(2*x/L - 1) + .1 * sin(15*x);f = f1; g = f0; clf;ax = axes('Position',[.15 .17 .75 .75]);A = 2;t=0; sol= plot(x,f,'EraseMode','background');axis([0 L -A A]);w = f;z = (1 - l2) * f + M * f/2 + dt * g;set(sol,'ydata',z);t = t + dt;stopit = 0;while stopit == 0 switch buttonid case 1 title(['Time: ',num2str(t)]); buttonid = 0; while buttonid == 0, pause(.2); end buttonid = 0; case 2 title(['Time: ',num2str(t)]); buttonid = 0; case 3 clf; sol= plot(x,f,'EraseMode','background'); axis([0 L -A A]); w = f; z = (1 - l2) * f + M * f/2 + dt * g; set(sol,'ydata',z); t = t + dt; buttonid = 0; case 4 title(['Time: ',num2str(t)]); f = input('Initial displacement: '); g = input('Initial velocity: '); clf; sol= plot(x,f,'EraseMode','background'); axis([0 L -A A]); w = f; z = (1 - l2) * f + M * f/2 + dt * g; set(sol,'ydata',z); t = t + dt; buttonid = 0; case 5 title(['Time: ',num2str(t)]); keyboard buttonid = 0; case 6 stopit = 1; title(['Time: ',num2str(t)]); buttonid = 0; end u = 2 * (1 - l2) * z + M * z - w; w = z; z = u; set(sol,'ydata',z);drawnow; t=t+dt;end