- Add: Added.
- Rem: Remove.
- Enh: Enhancement.
- Dep: Deprecated.
- Fix: Fixed.
- Add: Supporting of PHP 8.4.
- Enh: Code style fixes.
- Add: Supporting of PHP 8.3.
- Add: Support of PHP 8.2.
- Enh: Reduce size of package.
- Fix: Small fixes.
- Add: Support of PHP 8.0, 8.1.
- Rem: Supporting PHP 5.4 and 5.5.
- Fix: Dependencies.
- Add: Support PHP 7.3, 7.4.
- Add: Tests for PHP 7.2 and nightly. (TangRufus)
- Rem: Elements\Date element.
- Rem: Elements\DateTimeLocal element.
- Rem: FormServiceProvider.
- Rem: Facades\Form.
- Rem: OldInput\IlluminateOldInputProvider.
- Rem: FormBuilder::selectMonth().
- Add: Code fixer.
- Add: Docker.
- Enh: Refactoring.
- Dep: Elements\Date element.
- Dep: Elements\DateTimeLocal element.
- Dep: FormServiceProvider.
- Dep: Facades\Form.
- Dep: OldInput\IlluminateOldInputProvider.
- Dep: FormBuilder::selectMonth().
- Add: Prompt for select.
- Add: Custom attributes for option select.