HiqRadio is a simple & power network radio,it is base on OpenRadio api,and it is a Flutter application/app. It supports desktop platform: Windows/Linux/Mac, and mobile platform: android/ios, and is well tested in Mac and android.
Web is support too, but only for platform integrity. Is hard to use only one code to compile to web, so I checkout a new branch 'web' to separate the code. It is not as so much functionality as other platforms. visit it: https://luoguochun.cn/hiqradio/ or https://buf1024.vercel.app/hiqradio。
- stations cache / search
- play history / timer play
- record / favorite group / export / import
- driver mode
- system tray
- ……
Mobile (android):
## flutter version, other version is note grantee success.
$ flutter --version
Flutter 3.13.0 • channel stable • [email protected]:flutter/flutter.git
Framework • revision efbf63d9c6 (4 weeks ago) • 2023-08-15 21:05:06 -0500
Engine • revision 1ac611c64e
Tools • Dart 3.1.0 • DevTools 2.25.
$ flutter pub get
$ flutter gen-l10n
$ flutter build macos --release
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