In Java, a data abstraction is defined by giving its public aspects: the class name, the names, parameter types, and return types of the class' public methods, the parameter types of the class' public constructors, and the documentation comments associated with the class, the public methods, and the public constructors.
For example, the following defines a Point
* Each instance of this class represents a point with integer coordinates
* in a two-dimensional coordinate system.
public class Point {
/** Returns this instance's X coordinate. */
public int getX()
/** Returns this instance's Y coordinate. */
public int getY()
* Initializes this instance so that it represents the given point.
* @post | getX() == x
* @post | getY() == y
public Point(int x, int y)
An implementation of a given data abstraction is defined by the remaining elements of the class, called the private aspects: the private fields, the bodies of the public methods and constructors, any nonpublic methods and constructors, and any documentation comments associated with the nonpublic fields.
That is, a Point
class implements the data abstraction defined above if its public aspects are as given above. Generally, many different possible implementations exist for any given data abstraction. For example, here are two implementations of the Point
* Each instance of this class represents a point with integer coordinates
* in a two-dimensional coordinate system.
public class Point {
private int x;
private int y;
/** Returns this instance's X coordinate. */
public int getX() { return x; }
/** Returns this instance's Y coordinate. */
public int getY() { return y; }
* Initializes this instance so that it represents the given point.
* @post | getX() == x
* @post | getY() == y
public Point(int x, int y) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
* Each instance of this class represents a point with integer coordinates
* in a two-dimensional coordinate system.
public class Point {
* Stores the distance between this point and the origin of the coordinate system
* (that is, the r component of the polar coordinates of this point).
private double radius;
* Stores the angle, in radians, made by the origin of the
* coordinate system, this point, and the positive X axis
* (that is, the theta component of the polar coordinates of this point).
private double angle;
/** Returns this instance's X coordinate. */
public int getX() { return (int)(radius * Math.cos(angle)); }
/** Returns this instance's Y coordinate. */
public int getY() { return (int)(radius * Math.sin(angle)); }
* Initializes this instance so that it represents the given point.
* @post | getX() == x
* @post | getY() == y
public Point(int x, int y) {
radius = Math.sqrt((double)x * x + (double)y * y);
angle = Math.atan2(y, x);
Notice that both implementations have exactly the same public aspects; that is, they implement exactly the same abstraction. A client cannot tell whether they are using one or the other.
The abstract state of a given instance O of a data abstraction at a given point in time is given by the return values of the getters of O at that time. For example, if at some point in time, we have, for some Interval
object O, O.getLowerBound() == 3
and O.getWidth() == 4
and O.getUpperBound() == 7
, then O's abstract state at that point in time could be written as (getLowerBound()
: 3, getWidth()
: 4, getUpperBound()
: 7).
If we then call O.setWidth(10)
, we change O's abstract state. After the call returns, O's new abstract state is (getLowerBound()
: 3, getWidth()
: 10, getUpperBound()
: 13).
(If we fix the order of the getters, we can write the abstract state as a tuple. Using this notation, O.setWidth(10)
changes O's abstract state from (3, 4, 7) to (3, 10, 13).)
The abstract state space of a data abstraction with getters getA()
with return type TA and getB()
with return type TB is the set of tuples of the form (VA, VB), where VA is a value of type TA and VB is a value of type TB. For example, the abstract state space of the Interval
abstraction is the set of triples (L, W, U) where L, W, and U are arbitrary int
Generally, not all elements of an abstraction's abstract state space are meaningful abstract states of the abstraction. For example, the abstract state (getLowerBound()
: 10, getWidth()
: 4, getUpperBound()
: 0) is not a meaningful abstract state. We say the abstract state is not valid. For the Interval
abstraction, the valid abstract states are exactly the abstract states (L, W, U) where the constraints U = L + W and 0 ≤ W hold.
The representation of a data abstraction implementation is the way the implementation stores an instance's abstract state in computer memory. In simple cases, sufficient information to uniquely determine the current abstract state is stored in the instance's fields.
For example, a possible representation for the Interval
data abstraction is the one where the implementation stores an Interval
instance's abstract state by storing the lower bound in a field lowerBound
and the width in a field width
. (The upper bound need not be stored separately since it can be computed from the lower bound and the width.)
The concrete state of a given instance O of a data abstraction at a given point in time is (in simple cases) given by the values of the fields of O at that time. For example, suppose class Interval
is implemented using fields lowerBound
and width
. Then, if at some point in time, we have O.lowerBound == 3
and O.width == 4
, then O's concrete state at that point in time could be written as (lowerBound
: 3, width
: 4).
If we then call O.setWidth(10)
, we change O's concrete state. After the call returns, O's new concrete state is (lowerBound
: 3, width
: 10).
If we fix the order of the fields, we can write the concrete state as a tuple. Using this notation, O.setWidth(10)
changes O's concrete state from (3, 4) to (3, 10).
The concrete state space of a data abstraction implementation with fields f1
of type T1
and f2
of type T2
is the set of tuples of the form (V1, V2) where V1 is a value of type T1 and V2 is a value of type T2. For example, the concrete state space of the Interval
implementation with fields lowerBound
and width
of type int
is the set of pairs (L, W) where L and W are arbitrary int
Generally, not all elements of a data abstraction implementation's concrete state space are meaningful concrete states of the implementation. For example, the concrete state (lowerBound
: 5, width
: -4) is not a meaningful concrete state. We say the concrete state is not valid. For this implementation, the valid concrete states are exactly the pairs (L, W) where 0 ≤ W holds.
Each implementation of a given data abstraction fixes a particular representation and therefore fixes a particular concrete state space as well as a particular relationship between an instance's concrete state and its abstract state. This relationship is defined by the implementations of the getters. Specifically, an implementation's getters compute, given a concrete state, a corresponding abstract state. (In the literature, this correspondence is called the implementation's abstraction function or abstraction relation.)
A correct implementation's getters compute from each valid concrete state a valid abstract state. (If a getter is called when the instance's concrete state is invalid, the getter need not produce a valid abstract state. It may even crash.)
For example, the getters of the Interval
implementation with fields lowerBound
and width
map the concrete state (lowerBound
: 3, width
: 4) to the abstract state (getLowerBound()
: 3, getWidth()
: 4, getUpperBound()
: 7).
If a class implements an immutable abstraction, which implies that the properties of an instance of the class do not change throughout the lifetime of the instance, then you shall include an @immutable
tag in the Javadoc comment for the class.
If not all abstract states in the abstract state space of a class are valid, then you shall describe the set of valid abstract states by specifying one or more public class invariants. A public class invariant for a class can be specified in the form of an @invar
clause in the Javadoc comment for the class or in the form of a @post
clause in the Javadoc comment for a public getter of the class; the choice between these two forms is a matter of style.
For example, see the following documentation for an immutable TimeOfDay
* Each instance of this class represents a time of day, at one-minute resolution.
* @immutable
* @invar This object's hours are between 0 and 23
* | 0 <= getHours() && getHours() <= 23
* @invar This object's minutes are between 0 and 59
* | 0 <= getMinutes() && getMinutes <= 59
public class TimeOfDay {
* @invar | 0 <= hours && hours <= 23
* @invar | 0 <= minutes && minutes <= 59
private final int hours;
private final int minutes;
public int getHours() { return hours; }
public int getMinutes() { return minutes; }
* Initializes this object with the given hours and minutes.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given hours are not between 0
* and 23
* | !(0 <= hours && hours <= 23)
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given minutes are not between 0
* and 59
* | !(0 <= minutes && minutes <= 59)
* @post This object's hours equal the given hours
* | getHours() == hours
* @post This object's minutes equal the given minutes
* | getMinutes() == minutes
public TimeOfDay(int hours, int minutes) {
if (!(0 <= hours && hours <= 23))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("hours out of range");
if (!(0 <= minutes && minutes <= 59))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("minutes out of range");
this.hours = hours;
this.minutes = minutes;
* Returns whether this time is before the given time.
* @pre Argument {@code other} is not {@code null}.
* | other != null
* @post
* The result is {@code true} iff either this object's hours are less
* than the given object's hours, or this object's hours equal the
* given object's hours and this object's minutes are less than the
* given object's minutes.
* | result == (
* | getHours() < other.getHours() ||
* | getHours() == other.getHours() &&
* | getMinutes() < other.getMinutes()
* | )
public boolean isBefore(TimeOfDay other) {
hours < other.hours ||
hours == other.hours && minutes < other.minutes;
Note: the fields in the above example are marked as final
. This causes the Java compiler to check that they are mutated only in the class' constructor. It is recommended to mark the fields of immutable classes as final
If a class exists only to contain static methods, and is not intended to be instantiated, you shall declare a private constructor to ensure that no public constructor is implicitly generated.
All fields of all classes shall be marked as private
If not all concrete states in the concrete state space of a class are valid, then you shall describe the set of valid concrete states by means of one or more @invar
clauses in the Javadoc comments for the fields of the class. These specify the class' private class invariants, also called its representation invariants. (It does not matter which @invar
clauses are in the Javadoc comment for which field; a reasonable approach is to specify all @invar
clauses in the Javadoc comment preceding the entire block of fields.)
The above TimeOfDay
example illustrates this.
If not all possible values of the types of the parameters of a constructor or method are legal values, or if not all possible invocations of a constructor or method are legal for other reasons, you shall deal with this either defensively or contractually.
In defensive programming, you write code at the start of the method body to check if the arguments are legal. If not, you throw an IllegalArgumentException
object. You include one or more @throws
clauses in the constructor or method's Javadoc comment to specify the conditions under which the constructor or method throws particular types of exceptions.
The constructor in the example above is programmed defensively.
Callers can rely on a method's @throws
clauses: if the condition specified by a @throws
clause is satisfied, the method must throw the specified exception; it is not allowed to return normally.
In contractual programming, you do not write any code in the method body to check whether the arguments are legal; instead, you implement the method under the assumption that the arguments are legal. You include one or more @pre
clauses in the Javadoc comment for the constructor or method to specify the conditions that must hold at the start of an execution of the method. These are called preconditions. If any of these conditions do not hold, the resulting behavior of the method is unspecified. It may crash or exhibit arbitrary undesired behavior. It is the caller's obligation to ensure that the called method's preconditions are satisfied.
The method isBefore
in the example above is programmed contractually.
Defensive programming is safer than contractual programming, because it keeps programming errors in one module from leading to failures inside another module. Programming errors are detected earlier and are easier to diagnose. Therefore, it is generally the recommended approach. However, in some cases the performance cost of the defensive checks is unacceptable. In these cases, contractual programming is necessary.
Even when programming contractually, it is recommended to check the preconditions at run time during development, and to turn the checks off only when necessary. Java supports this approach through the assert
statement: execution of an assert E;
statement, where E
is a boolean expression, evaluates E
and throws an AssertionError
if it evaluates to false
, but only if assertions are enabled. Assertions are enabled by default when using "Run as JUnit Test" in Eclipse, but they are disabled by default when using "Run as Java Application". To enable assertions, open the Run Configuration and add -enableassertions
or -ea
to the VM Arguments. It is recommended to disable assertions only if they cause unacceptable performance degradation.
It is possible to disable only the assertions in a particular class, by using the VM Arguments -ea -da:mypackage.MyClass
, or in a particular package (and its subpackages), by using the VM Arguments -ea -da:mypackage...
When using the Formal Specifications Checker for Java, assert
statements that check a method or constructor's preconditions and postconditions are added to the method or constructor body implicitly.
You shall precisely specify the result and the side-effects of each constructor
and each method, by including one or more @post
clauses in the constructor or
method's Javadoc comment that specify the conditions that must hold when the
constructor or method returns. In these conditions, you can refer to the
method's result as result
. If the method or constructor mutates any objects,
you must fully specify these objects' new abstract state. Often, to do so you
need to refer to their old abstract state. You can do so using old(E)
expressions. The body of an old(E)
expression is evaluated at the start of
the execution of the method.
The rule above implies that you must always explicitly declare at least one constructor for each public class. Otherwise, Java would implicitly add a default constructor, and there would be no way for you to document its behavior.
For example:
import java.util.Arrays;
* Each instance of this class stores a list of text strings.
public class StringList {
* @invar | elements != null
* @invar | -> e != null)
* @representationObject
private String[] elements;
* @creates | result
* @post The result is not {@code null}
* | result != null
* @post The result's elements are not {@code null}
* | -> e != null)
public String[] getElements() {
return elements.clone();
* Initializes this object so that it stores an empty list of text strings.
* @post This object's list of text strings is empty.
* | getElements().length == 0
public StringList() {
elements = new String[0];
* Replaces each element of this object by the text string obtained by
* replacing each character of the element by its corresponding uppercase
* letter.
* @mutates | this
* @post This object's number of elements equals its old number of elements.
* | getElements().length == old(getElements()).length
* @post Each of this object's elements equals its old element at the same
* index after replacing each character by the corresponding
* uppercase letter.
* | IntStream.range(0, getElements().length).allMatch(i ->
* | getElements()[i].equals(old(getElements())[i].toUpperCase()))
public void allToUpperCase() {
for (int i = 0; i < elements.length; i++)
elements[i] = elements[i].toUpperCase();
* Adds the given text strings to the end of this object's list of
* text strings.
* @mutates | this
* @inspects | other
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if argument {@code other} is
* {@code null}
* | other == null
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if any of the elements of the given array
* are {@code null}
* | -> e == null)
* @post This object's number of elements equals its old number of
* elements plus the number of given text strings.
* | getElements().length == old(getElements()).length + other.length
* @post This object's old elements have remained unchanged.
* | Arrays.equals(getElements(), 0, old(getElements()).length,
* | old(getElements()), 0, old(getElements()).length)
* @post The given list of text strings is a suffix of this object's list
* of text strings.
* | Arrays.equals(
* | getElements(), old(getElements()).length, getElements().length,
* | other, 0, other.length)
public void addAll(String[] other) {
if (other == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("other is null");
for (int i = 0; i < other.length; i++)
if (other[i] == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("other[" + i + "] is null");
String[] newElements = new String[elements.length + other.length];
System.arraycopy(elements, 0, newElements, 0, elements.length);
System.arraycopy(other, 0, newElements, elements.length, other.length);
elements = newElements;
Notice the following:
- In this example, the constraint that method
's result is notnull
and that its elements are notnull
is specified in the form of postconditions of methodgetElement
. A correct alternative would be to specify it in the form of public class invariants. The choice between inspector method postconditions and public class invariants (or a combination of both) is a matter of style. -> C)
expresses that conditionC
holds for each elemente
of arrayarray
. Similarly, -> C)
expresses that conditionC
holds for at least one elemente
of arrayarray
.IntStream.range(a, b).allMatch(i -> C)
expresses that conditionC
holds for each integeri
(inclusive) andb
(exclusive).Arrays.equals(array1, from1, to1, array2, from2, to2)
expresses that the list of elements ofarray1
at indicesfrom1
(inclusive) toto1
(exclusive) equals the list of elements ofarray2
at indicesfrom2
(inclusive) toto2
expresses thatString
represent the same list of characters. In contrast,string1 == string2
expresses thatstring1
refer to the sameString
object.- The notation
{@code text}
in an informal part of a Javadoc comment is used to indicate thattext
should be formatted as code rather than as natural language text.
Any side-effect-free, terminating boolean Java expressions are allowed in Javadoc formal parts. This includes calling side-effect-free methods and constructors of the program being documented. Of course, to achieve complete documentation those methods should themselves be documented properly. Also, be careful not to create infinite recursions this way.
In this context, an expression, method or constructor is side-effect-free if it does not mutate any pre-existing objects. Creating and initializing new objects is allowed. (Also, of course a constructor is allowed to mutate this
Note, however, that in the Javadoc comment for class or class member X, you can refer to another class or class member Y only if Y is visible to any code that can see X. For example, in the Javadoc comment for a public method of a public class, you cannot refer to private fields or methods of that class or to any non-public classes, constructors or methods in the same package.
Note also that evaluation of Javadoc formal parts must never crash, i.e. throw an Exception. If evaluation of a Javadoc formal part crashes, the documentation is considered incorrect. For example, removing the first @throws
clause in the documentation for method addAll
above would lead to incorrect documentation, because calling addAll
with a null
argument would then cause the
call in the second @throws
clause to throw a NullPointerException
(Note: This rule implies that evaluation of a Javadoc formal part must never lead to calling a method with arguments that violate that method's preconditions. Indeed, the behavior of such a call is completely unspecified so it might throw an Exception. This means that it is not the case that a method M automatically inherits the preconditions of methods M' called in M's preconditions.)
You need not read or apply this section if you are not going for a top score.
To achieve a complete specification of the behavior of a method or constructor, the @mutates
and @inspects
clauses should be used to indicate which pre-existing objects are mutated and inspected by the method or constructor, and the @creates
clause should be used to indicate which objects that are visible to the client after the method or constructor finishes were created by the method or constructor.
A method must not mutate any pre-existing objects not mentioned in its @mutates
clause and not used to represent the state of any objects mentioned in its @mutates
clause. That is, an execution of a method may mutate an object O if and only if either O was newly created during the method execution (i.e. it did not exist when the method execution started), or O is mentioned in the method's @mutates
clause, or O is a representation object of an object mentioned in the method's @mutates
clause, or O is a representation object of a representation object of an object mentioned in the method's @mutates
clause, and so forth.
The same holds for constructors. Note: for the purpose of this rule, in the case of a constructor this
is not considered to be a pre-existing object. Therefore, a constructor is always allowed to mutate this
An object O is a representation object of another object O' if a field marked @representationObject
of O' holds a reference to O. For example, a StringList
object's elements
array is a representation object of the StringList
object. This is why method allToUpperCase
can mutate the array object, even though it is not mentioned by the method's @mutates
Similarly, a method or constructor must not inspect the state of any pre-existing mutable objects not mentioned in its @inspects
or @mutates
clause and not used to represent the state of any objects mentioned in its @inspects
or @mutates
Instances of immutable classes need not be mentioned in @inspects
(Documenting which objects are inspected by a method is important for at least two reasons: 1) the caller must ensure that the inspected objects are in a valid state, i.e. their representation invariants hold; 2) in a multithreaded program, no other thread must mutate the inspected objects.)
If no @mutates
or @inspects
clause is specified for a given method or constructor, the default is that it may inspect any object and mutate any object that is not an instance of an immutable class. Exception: if an instance method's name starts with get
or is
, the default is that it may mutate no object and that it may inspect this
A constructor is always allowed to mutate this
Each of these clauses takes a comma-separated list of zero or more expressions that should evaluate to an object. If an expression evaluates to null
, it is ignored.
Obviously, it is an error to specify an instance of an immutable class in a @mutates
By specifying an object in a @creates
clause, you indicate that the object was created during the execution of the method, and furthermore, that the object is distinct from any direct or indirect representation objects of any objects mentioned in any of the method's @inspects
or @mutates
The purpose is to allow the client to conclude that the object will not be inspected or mutated by any future method calls that mutate or inspect pre-existing objects.
Objects created by a method or constructor that do not become visible to the client when the method or constructor finishes need not (and cannot) be mentioned in that method or constructor's @creates
Note: the above meaning of @creates
clauses does not apply if the specified expression evaluates to null
or to an immutable object; in that case, the @creates
clause does not say anything about that reference. In other words, a @creates | O
clause in the documentation for a method or constructor M means that:
- O is
or an immutable object, or - O was created during the execution of M and furthermore, O is distinct from any direct or indirect representation objects of any objects mentioned in any of M's
If @creates | result
is specified on an inspector method, this additionally means that it is not the identity of the returned object that is part of the receiver's abstract state, but its contents. For example, consider the opaque version of class ByteBuffer shown in the chapter on Representation objects. In this version, the abstract state of a ByteBuffer object consists of a sequence of bytes (the contents of the array returned by getBytes()
) and an offset (the int
value returned by getOffset()
). In contrast, in the transparent version of class ByteBuffer shown in the same chapter, the abstract state of a ByteBuffer object consists of an array reference (the byte[]
value returned by getArray()
) and an offset (the int
value returned by getOffset()
). This distinction is indicated in these versions' documentation by the fact that the documentation of getBytes()
mentions @creates | result
and the documentation of getArray()
does not.
The material in this section is outside the scope of the course and is provided for the information of interested students only.
The specification formalism introduced in this course text is intended as a simplified approximation of the formalism introduced in Matthew J. Parkinson. Local reasoning for Java. PhD Thesis, Cambridge University, 2005. Parkinson's PhD thesis represents the state of the art in formal specification of Java modules and formal modular reasoning about the correctness of Java programs. Instead of effects clauses (@mutates
, @inspects
, @creates
), Parkinson uses separation logic, which is an extension of Hoare logic for reasoning about heap effects. Hoare logic was the first logic for deducing program correctness judgments, also known as Hoare triples.
The present author has, with others, implemented Parkinson's approach in a tool for modular formal verification of Java (and C) programs, called VeriFast. An introduction to VeriFast for Java is provided in Smans et al. VeriFast for Java: A Tutorial. In Clarke et al. (eds.), Aliasing in Object-Oriented Programming, LNCS 7850, Springer, 2013.
For further related research, see these documents' “Related work” sections. For new developments, see the proceedings of conferences such as Principles of Programming Languages and Computer-Aided Verification.