The development of this software has been supported by the following institutions, projects and grants:
- Spanish Government under contracts:
- PID2019-107255 GB
- TIN2015-65316-P
- PID2023-147979NB-C21
- Generalitat de Catalunya under contract 2017-SGR-01414
- European Commission's through the following:
- H2020 BigStorage European Training Network (Contract 642963)
- H2020 NextGenIO (Contract 671951)
- H2020 EXPERTISE European Training Network (Contract 721865)
- H2020 mF2C Project (Contract 730929)
- H2020 CLASS Project (Contract 780622)
- H2020 ELASTIC Project (Contract 825473)
- H2020 EuroHPC Joint Undertaking ADMIRE Project (Contract 956748)
- H2020 EuroHPC Joint Undertaking eFlows4HPC Project (Contract 955558)
- Horizon Europe ICOS project (Contract 101070177)
- Horizon Europe CyclOps project (Contract 101135513)