This is a simple i18next backend to be used in the browser. It will load resources from a backend server using xhr.
Source can be loaded via npm, bower or downloaded from this repo.
# npm package
$ npm install i18next-xhr-backend
# bower
$ bower install i18next-xhr-backend
Wiring up:
import i18next from 'i18next';
import XHR from 'i18next-xhr-backend';
- As with all modules you can either pass the constructor function (class) to the i18next.use or a concrete instance.
- If you don't use a module loader it will be added to
// path where resources get loaded from, or a function
// returning a path:
// function(lngs, namespaces) { return customPath; }
// the returned path will interpolate lng, ns if provided like giving a static path
loadPath: '/locales/{{lng}}/{{ns}}.json',
// path to post missing resources
addPath: 'locales/add/{{lng}}/{{ns}}',
// your backend server supports multiloading
// /locales/resources.json?lng=de+en&ns=ns1+ns2
allowMultiLoading: false,
// parse data after it has been fetched
// in example use
// here it removes the letter a from the json (bad idea)
parse: function(data) { return data.replace(/a/g, ''); },
// allow cross domain requests
crossDomain: false,
// allow credentials on cross domain requests
withCredentials: false,
// define a custom xhr function
// can be used to support XDomainRequest in IE 8 and 9
ajax: function (url, options, callback, data) {}
Options can be passed in:
preferred - by setting options.backend in i18next.init:
import i18next from 'i18next';
import XHR from 'i18next-xhr-backend';
backend: options
on construction:
import XHR from 'i18next-xhr-backend';
const xhr = new XHR(null, options);
via calling init:
import XHR from 'i18next-xhr-backend';
const xhr = new XHR();
To use with webpack, install bundle-loader and json-loader.
Define a custom xhr function, webpack's bundle loader will load the translations for you.
function loadLocales(url, options, callback, data) {
try {
let waitForLocale = require('bundle!./locales/'+url+'.json');
waitForLocale((locale) => {
callback(locale, {status: '200'});
} catch (e) {
callback(null, {status: '404'});
backend: {
loadPath: '{{lng}}',
parse: (data) => data,
ajax: loadLocales
}, (err, t) => {
// ...
You can find typings file in /typings
in order to comply with some neat project structure You would copy
file fromtypings/*.d.ts
to some other folder, e.g./customTypings
The next step - to give the compiler know about your *.d.ts
files. Add the following section to your tsconfig.json
//...some configuration code
"filesGlob": [
//...some configuration code