More detailed information coming!!
Full dataset can be used using these commands. raw_videos
are the original captured videos from the BRICS capture system. annotationsV1
are the 1st version of annotations for the raw videos. Further annotation version would include improved annotations.
As of now, we are hosting dataset in the AWS. To downlaod the dataset, please use following commands.
aws s3 cp s3://manus-data/raw_videos/ <path_to_destination> --recursive --no-sign-request
aws s3 cp s3://manus-data/annotationsV1/ <path_to_destination> --recursive --no-sign-request
There are raw videos for 4 subjects. We showed results for first three subjects, however we release the 4th subject complimentary. Each subject contains the grasp videos from multi-views.
There are no annotations for 4th subject as pose detection failed terribly with the gloved hand.
├── actions_hdf5/
├── grasps/
├── evals/
├── objects/
├── calib.actions/
├── calib.evals/
├── calib.grasps/ (Don't use for grasps. Instead use calib.object for grasps)
├── calib.object/
├── mano_rest.pkl
├── mano_rest.ply
├── mano_shape.npz
- To optimize object module, we just requires multi-view images and camera parameters. Camera parameters can be found in
file contains the camera parameters. And images can be found insideobject
folder. - To optimize hand module, we use multi-view sequences of different hand poses. It can be found in
folder. evals
contain the ground truth contact annotations.mano_rest.pkl
are the mano parameters fitted to each subject's canonical pose. (Not needed as such.)
- Please check
file on how to use MANO parameters with raw RGB data.
- Please check
for the pose estimation part of the data.