This is a Laravel package to post your content to social networks such:
- Telegram Channel (Based on Telegram Bot API)
- 🍒 Simple. Easy to use.
- 📝 Send text message to Telegram channel
- 📷 Send photo to Telegram channel
- 🎵 Send audio to Telegram channel
- 📖 Send document to Telegram channel
- 📺 Send video to Telegram channel
- 🔊 Send voice to Telegram channel
- 🎴 Send a group of photos or videos as an album to Telegram channel
- 📍 Send location to Telegram
- 📌 Send venue to Telegram
- 📞 Send contact to Telegram
- 🌐 Send message with url inline keyboard to Telegram channel
- 🎉 Send text and media to Facebook
- Download and install package via composer:
composer require toolkito/larasap
- Run the command below to publish the package config file:
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=larasap
Set the social network information in the config\larasap.php
First, add the use Toolkito\Larasap\SendTo;
in your controller.
Next, send message to your Telegram channel.
- Improve tests and coverage
- Improve performance
SendTo::Telegram('Hello, I\'m testing Laravel social auto posting');
'Hello, I\'m testing Laravel social auto posting', // Photo caption (Optional)
'type' => 'photo', // Message type (Required)
'file' => '' // Image url (Required)
'' // Inline keyboard (Optional)
'Hello, I\'m testing Laravel social auto posting', // Audio caption (Optional)
'type' => 'audio', // Message type (Required)
'file' => '', // Audio url (Required)
'duration' => 208, // Duration of the audio in seconds (Optional)
'performer' => 'Enrique Iglesias', // Performer (Optional)
'title' => 'Let Me Be Your Lover' // Track name (Optional)
'' // Inline keyboard (Optional)
'Hello, I\'m testing Laravel social auto posting', // Document caption
'type' => 'document', // Message type (Required)
'file' => '', // Document url (Required)
'' // Inline keyboard (Optional)
'Hello, I\'m testing Laravel social auto posting', // Video caption (Optional)
'type' => 'video', // Message type (Required)
'file' => '', // Audio url (Required)
'duration' => 273, // Duration of sent video in seconds (Optional)
'width' => 1920, // Video width (Optional)
'height' => 1080 // Video height (Optional)
'' // Inline keyboard (Optional)
'Hello, I\'m testing Laravel social auto posting', // Voice message caption (Optional)
'type' => 'voice', // Message type (Required)
'file' => '', // Audio url (Required)
'duration' => 28 // Duration of the voice message in seconds (Optional)
'' // Inline keyboard (Optional)
'type' => 'media_group', // Message type (Required)
'files' => // Array describing photos and videos to be sent, must include 2–10 items
'type' => 'photo', // Media type (Required)
'media' => '', // Media url (Required)
'caption' => 'Laravel sccial auto posting' // Media caption (Optional)
'type' => 'video', // Media type (Required)
'media' => '', // Media url (Required)
'caption' => 'Let me be your lover' // Media caption (Optional)
'type' => 'location', // Message type (Required)
'latitude' => 36.1664345, // Latitude of the location (Required)
'longitude' => 58.8209904, // Longitude of the location (Required)
'live_period' => 86400, // Period in seconds for which the location will be updated (Optional)
'' // Inline keyboard (Optional)
'type' => 'venue', // Message type (Required)
'latitude' => 36.166048, // Latitude of the location (Required)
'longitude' => 58.822121, // Longitude of the location (Required)
'title' => 'Khayyam', // Name of the venue (Required)
'address' => 'Neyshabur, Razavi Khorasan Province, Iran', // Address of the venue (Required)
'foursquare_id' => '', // Foursquare identifier of the venue (Optional)
'' // Inline keyboard (Optional)
'type' => 'contact', // Message type (Required)
'phone_number' => '+12025550149', // Contact's phone number (Required)
'first_name' => 'John', // Contact's first name (Required)
'last_name' => 'Doe', // Contact's last name (Optional)
'' // Inline keyboard (Optional)
'Laravel social auto posting',
'text' => 'Github',
'url' => ''
'text' => 'Download',
'url' => ''
'Laravel social auto posting',
'text' => 'Github',
'url' => ''
'text' => 'Download',
'url' => ''
'link' => '',
'message' => 'Laravel social auto posting'
'photo' => public_path('img/1.jpg'),
'message' => 'Laravel social auto posting'
'video' => public_path('upload/1.mp4'),
'title' => 'Let Me Be Your Lover',
'description' => 'Let Me Be Your Lover - Enrique Iglesias'