Let's explore some of the power that the command line gives us. Create your own small purpose-built 'programs' -- things you string together from existing programs and shell commands.
Hidden files and directories
ls -alh # .EVILHACKERFILE_bwaaahahahahaaa
echo "hi there" > logfile.log # mistake! will overwrite each time
echo "hi again" >> logfile.log
echo "$(/bin/date) - Checking in."
# AND (&&)
"hi there" && (AND IF THAT WORKS) echo "Done" >> success.log
# OR (||)
boodlehoffer || echo "no such command, dude" >> failure.log
ls -alh || echo "list failed" >> failure.log
search for stuff and only print out matching lines
grep "addr" /etc/network/interfaces
Got a command? Want to refine, sort, or continue doing stuff to its output? Use a pipe (or multiple pipes!)
grep "addr" /etc/network/interfaces | grep 192