(3 min)
A bit about me:
- I do projects and blog at noisybox.net
- I release music as infiltration lab
- You can hear more at archive.org
- I collaborated on this project (and more)
Background about pd:
- MILLER (and community!)
- flavors
- vanilla
- l2ork
- extended is eol
I like pd because I like sound and it made me think differently about programming.
This workshop is ____________________________
- An introductory primer
- Hopefully some inspiration
- intended to help you start experimenting with sound
This workshop is not ________________________
- A turnkey way to make EDM
- not protools or live(tm)
(5 min)
- main screen
- a few disclaimers:
- it's not pretty
- you will miss features
- it's very primitive <3
- dsp
- media -> test
- modal editor
(5 min)
- hopefully you have already installed pd
- hello world (console)
- change print prefix
- hello world (audio)
- ouch that's loud! (this happens, promise)
(5 minutes)
What did we just do?
- learn all the shortcuts!
- edit mode toggle
- clicking off the object
- selecting
- box
- shift click
- number box + ui
- type it in (plus enter!)
- shift drag
- hot/quick play
- duplicate
- save your work
(5 min)
- how to find help
- browser
- how it's laid out
- list of objects
- right click most objects
(10 min)
- Terminology
- inlets / outlets
- types: bang, float, message, list, signal
- graphical ui elements
- 2 graphs: audio vs data
- The tilde (~)
- adc~, dac~
(10 minutes)
- a creation conundrum
- a number feeding two prints (then changeem)
- hot/cold inlets
- bad adder example
- build a counter
- how to build 1/x
- T and f
- uses [trigger] which is [t]
(30 min)
Ok, lets do an exercise to expand on what we've learned so far...
- let's do a slow vca
- introducing [vline~]
- envelope the volume
- envelope some pitch
- introducing [metro]
- our counter from before
- mod 16
- add a table
- scale the table
- add an hradio below
- template that message
- introducing [mtof]
- add a numbox to metro time inlet (wowwy wow!)
(7 min)
Even some basic delay can enhance your sound.
- [delwrite~ xxx 2500]
- [delread4~ xxx] [vd~] (same thing)
- add adjust to delay time
- dump read into adjustable [*~]
- make feedback number max 1
- put into output path with [+~]
- tinker with delay time and feedback amount
(10 minutes)
- [lop~]tabwrite~ a2
- [hip~]
- [bp~]
- [vcf~]
(12 min)
- [adc~]
- the opposite of [dac~]
- arrays/tables and [tabwrite~]
- [tabplay~]
- [tabosc4~]
- [tabread4~]
- drive first with [vline~]
- next drive with [phasor~]
- negative frequency plays backwards
(?? min)
- Subpatches
- start with
- start with
- Abstractions
- Externals
- Graph on parent
- order of outlets
- hot vs cold inlets
- vline
- dline
- tables / arrays
- tabosc
- AM
- FM
- filters
- saving/presets?
- tbd