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Known Supported Devices

Heckeroo edited this page Nov 10, 2021 · 58 revisions

!! Worth noting: some of the USB sticks below marked as 2303 may more recently ship with 2307 and 2309 chips. (Only proceed if you are prepared to possibly have to return USBs because they dont work/ are the wrong chip because of false advertising - it can be very fustrating so be 100% sure you have the right chip!)

IMPORTANT Phison 2303 (2251-03) Chips has stopped production. No longer selling, rarely on the markets.

2303 Chip:
Kingston DataTraveler 3.0 T111 8GB
Silicon power marvel M60 64GB
Toshiba TransMemory-MX™ Black 16 GB
Patriot Stellar 64 Gb Phison
Silicon Power32G

2307 Chip: (i.e. not supported)
Kingston DataTraveler 100 G3 8GB
Kingston DataTraveler 100G3 16GB
Kingstone DataTraveler DTM30 16GB
Silicon Power M01 32GB
Silicon Power M01 8GB Y
Silicon Power M01 8GB X

2309 Chip (i.e. not supported) Silicon Power BLAZE B30 32GB USB 3.1

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