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tidyorgs: A tidy package that standardizes text data for organizational and sector analysis

Authors: Brandon Kramer with contributions from members of the University of Virginia’s Biocomplexity Institute, the National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics, and the 2020 and 2021 UVA Data Science for the Public Good Open Source Software Teams
License: MIT


You can install this package using the devtools package:


The tidyorgs package provides several functions that help standardize messy text data for organizational analysis. More specifically, the package’s two core sets of functions detect_{sector}() and email_to_orgs() standardize organizations from across the academic, business, government and nonprofit sectors based on unstructured text and email domains. The package is intended to support linkage across multiple datasets, bibliometric analysis, and sector classification for social, economic, and policy analysis.

Matching organizations with the detect_orgs() function

The detect_{sector}() functions detects patterns in messy text data and then standardizes them into organizations based on a curated dictionary. For example, messy bio information scraped from GitHub can be easily codified so that statistical analysis can be done on academic users.



classified_academic <- github_users %>%
  detect_academic(login, company, organization, email) %>% 
  filter(academic == 1) %>% 
  select(login, organization, company) 

## # A tibble: 19 × 3
##    login           organization                                company          
##    <chr>           <chr>                                       <chr>            
##  1 simongog        Karlsruher Institut für Technologie         "Karlsruhe Insti…
##  2 capooti         Harvard University                          "Harvard Univers…
##  3 tpoisot         Université de Montréal                      "Universit de Mo…
##  4 jbjorne         University of Turku                         "University of T…
##  5 rybesh          University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill "University of N…
##  6 brendano        University of Massachusetts-Amherst         "University of M…
##  7 swilmet         Université Catholique de Louvain            "Universit Catho…
##  8 kwurst          Worcester State University                  "Worcester State…
##  9 wellman         University of Michigan-Ann Arbor            "University of M…
## 10 StefanKarpinski New York University                         "@JuliaComputing…
## 11 mtjikuzu        Misc. Academic                              "Namibia Univers…
## 12 pgoetz          The University of Texas at Austin           "The University …
## 13 deggis          Misc. Academic                              "University of J…
## 14 eiennohito      Kyoto University                            "Kyoto Universit…
## 15 senorcarbone    KTH Royal Institute of Technology           "KTH Royal Insti…
## 16 rtv             Simon Fraser University                     "Simon Fraser Un…
## 17 faridani        University of California-Berkeley           "Microsoft. Form…
## 18 baugarten       University of California-Berkeley           "University of C…
## 19 nickie          National Technical University of Athens     "National Techni…


classified_businesses <- github_users %>%
  detect_business(login, company, organization, email) %>% 
  filter(business == 1) %>%
  select(login, organization, company)
## # A tibble: 201 × 3
##    login         organization     company                                
##    <chr>         <chr>            <chr>                                  
##  1 mcollina      Nearform         "@nearform "                           
##  2 ephur         Rackspace        "Object Rocket at Rackspace"           
##  3 topaxi        Puzzle Itc       "@Puzzle ITC GmbH"                     
##  4 santegoeds    Misc. Business   "Quality Enterprise Consulting Limited"
##  5 briancavalier Yelp             "@yelp "                               
##  6 joshuamckenty Pivotal Software "Pivotal, Inc."                        
##  7 jckarter      Apple            "Apple"                                
##  8 sethvargo     Google           "@Google "                             
##  9 peterskeide   Misc. Business   "Skalar AS"                            
## 10 e2kaneko      Misc. Business   "E2info, Inc."                         
## # … with 191 more rows


classified_government <- github_users %>%
  detect_government(login, company, organization, email) %>% 
  filter(government == 1) %>% 
  select(login, organization, company)
## # A tibble: 3 × 3
##   login         organization                                  company           
##   <chr>         <chr>                                         <chr>             
## 1 state-hiu-dev US Department of State                        U.S. Department o…
## 2 ogrisel       Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique Inria             
## 3 ondrae        US General Services Administration            Code For America


classified_nonprofit <- github_users %>%
  detect_nonprofit(login, company, organization, email) %>% 
  filter(nonprofit == 1) %>% 
  select(login, organization, company, email)
## # A tibble: 5 × 4
##   login       organization               company                       email    
##   <chr>       <chr>                      <chr>                         <chr>    
## 1 kostajh     Wikimedia Foundation       @wikimedia                    username…
## 2 elad661     The Fedora Project         Red Hat                       username…
## 3 youngwookim Apache Software Foundation SK telecom                    username…
## 4 nyampire    Misc. Non-Profit           OpenSteetMap Foundation Japan username…
## 5 ondrae      Code for America           Code For America              username…

Matching users to organizations by emails using email_to_orgs()

For those that only have email information, the email_to_orgs() function matches users to organizations based on our curated domain list.

user_emails_to_orgs <- github_users %>%
  email_to_orgs(login, email, country_name, "academic") 

github_users %>% 
  left_join(user_emails_to_orgs, by = "login") %>% 
  drop_na(country_name) %>% 
  select(email, country_name)
##                      email                                country_name
## 1    [email protected]                      Université de Montréal
## 2          [email protected]                         University of Turku
## 3         [email protected] University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
## 4       [email protected]            University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
## 5 [email protected]           The University of Texas at Austin
## 6          [email protected]           KTH Royal Institute of Technology
## 7          [email protected]                     Simon Fraser University
## 8    [email protected]           University of California-Berkeley
## 9 [email protected]     National Technical University of Athens