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The secure, cloud-based service for the semi-automated mapping of entire sessions of neuroimaging data to the Brain Imaging Data Structure (BIDS) standard.

Screenshot 2023-11-01 at 11 50 48 AM


This is the development repository for a semi-supervised neuroimaging data files to BIDS conversion web service. The web service is hosted securely at

Unlike other BIDS converters, ezBIDS eliminates the need for code, and command line interfaces and automatically generates heuristic and configuration files (called ezBIDS Templates).

An inferential process analyzes the directory structure and sidecars of the data uploaded to provide a first guess about the data types and content. A web-browser user interface presents the users with a first guess mapping of the uploaded data files into a BIDS structure. Finally, users provided with the opportunity to verify the first guess and modify the information provided as needed so as to best match the final BIDS structure.

Data from all major scanner vendors can be directly uploaded to ezBIDS. ezBIDS provides options for the defacing of anatomical acquisitions.

The BIDS output can be downloaded back to the user's computer, or uploaded to open repositories such as, or in the future,

Helpful links:

  1. ezBIDS website (Chrome or Firefox browser preferred)
  2. ezBIDS tutorial
  3. ezBIDS tutorial video
  4. ezBIDS user documentation


To access the ezBIDS web service, please visit

Users do not need to organize their uploaded data in any specific manner, so long as the data is non-anonymized. The uploaded data can contain any number of sub-folders, and users and may compress (e.g. zip, tar) their upload directory if users so choose. ezBIDS permits two types of data uploads:

  1. DICOM files - Only DICOMs should be included in the upload. No specific organizational structure is required.
  2. dcm2niix generated output (i.e. NIfTI, json, bval, and bvec) files - Only these files (no DICOMs) should be included in the upload. We strongly recommend that the dcm2niix output not be anonymized (i.e. include -ba n in the dcm2niix command), in which case, no specific organizational structure is required.

Should users feel the need to anonymize their data before uploading, we strongly recommend that subjects (and sessions) be organized into subject (and session) folders, with explicit labeling of the subject (and session) IDs (e.g. /MRI_data/sub-01/ses-01/DICOMS). Failure to do so for non-anonymized data will result in additional work.

Backend Workflow

(optional reading, if interested in the backend API workflow)

  1. Uploading Data

When a user starts uploading data, ezBIDS will create a new session using (post)/session API. A session organize each ezBIDS upload/conversion process. For each session, a new DB/session collection is created with the mongo ID as session ID, and create a unique working directory using the sessionID on the backend server where all uploaded data is stored. When all files are successfully uploaded, client makes (patch)/session/uploaded/:session_id API call and set the session state to "uploaded" to let the ezBIDS handler knows that the session is ready to being preprocessing.

  1. Preprocessing Data

The backend server polls for uploaded sessions, and when it finds "uploaded" session, it will launch the preprocessing script. It sets the session state to "preprocessing". It basically unzip all zipped files, run dcm2niix and create a list file containing all the nifti and sidecar json. uses this to analyze each nifti files and at the end create ezBIDS_core.json. When the preprocessing completes, the session state will be set to "analyzed". The preprocessing step then load ezBIDS_core.json json and copy the content to DB/ezBIDS collection (not session collection) under original key.

  1. User interact with the session via web UI.

Web UI detects the preprocessing completed by polling for session state, and load the content of ezBIDS_core.json via (get)/download/:session_id/ezBIDS_core.json API. User then view / correct the content of ezBIDS_core.json.

  1. (optionally) User request for defacing

Before user finalizes editing the information, they are given chance to deface anatomical images. When user requests defacing, the UI will make (post)/session/:sessino_id/deface API call with a list of images to deface. The backend stores this information as deface.json in the workdir and set the session state to "deface". The backend defacing handler looks "deface" state session and set it to "defacing" and launch script. Once defacing is completed, it will set the session state to "defaced". create the following files under the workdir.

  • deface.finished (list the anatomy files defaced successfully)
  • deface.failed (list the anatomy files that failed defacing)

UI polls these files to determine which files are successfully defaced (or not). When defacing is completed, the status will be set to "defaced". User can then choose if they want to use the defaced version of anatomy file or not (each object will have a field named defaceSelection set to either "original" or "defaced" to indicate which image to use).

  1. Finalize

When user clicks "finalize" button, UI makes an API call for (post)/session/:session_id/finalize API. The UI passes the following content from the memory ($root).

    datasetDescription: this.datasetDescription,
    readme: this.readme,
    participantsColumn: this.participantsColumn,
    subjects: this.subjects, //for phenotype
    objects: this.objects,

The API then store this information as finalized.json in workdir, and copy the content to DB/ezBIDS collection under updated key (to contrast with original key). The session status will be set to "finalized". This kicks off finalized handler on the server side and the handler reset the status to "bidsing" and run script to generate the bids structure according to the information stored at the object level. Once it finishes, the session status will be set to "finished".

  1. User Get BIDS

Once session status becomes "finished", user will be then allowed to download the final "bids" directory via the download API, or send to other cloud resources


  • Both authors contributed equally to this work

Funding Acknowledgement is publicly funded and for the sustainability of the project it is helpful to Acknowledge the use of the platform. We kindly ask that you acknowledge the funding below in your code and publications. Copy and past the following lines into your repository when using this code.

NSF-BCS-1734853 NSF-BCS-1636893 NSF-ACI-1916518 NSF-IIS-1912270 NIH-NIBIB-R01EB029272 ![NIH-NIMH-R01MH126699]](


We ask that you the following articles when publishing papers that used data, code or other resources created by the community.

  1. Levitas, Daniel, et al. "ezBIDS: Guided standardization of neuroimaging data interoperable with major data archives and platforms." arXiv preprint arXiv:2311.04912 (2023).

This repo was bootstrapped by

npm init vite@latest ui2 -- --template vue-ts

Development Environment

Users are free to create a local installation of ezBIDS; however, several steps are first needed:

  1. Have Docker and docker-compose installed on your machine or server.
  2. Clone this repository to your machine or server (i.e. git clone
  3. Execute the setup script ./ -d. Once everything is built and running, you should be able to reach the installable ezBIDS instance at http://localhost:3000/ezbids

Copyright © 2022 at University of Texas at Austin

Code Styling/Formatting Guide

This repo has a few guardrails in it to ensure that only clean, standardized, and uniform code is committed into the ezBIDS repository. It is suggested that VSCode is used when contributing to ezBIDS to make use of the Prettier VSCode extension for convenience.

There are a few safeguards active:

  1. We use husky to run a git precommit hook and lint staged files using esLint
  2. We use husky to run a git precommit hook and run a prettier style check on staged files
  3. A .vscode/settings.json file is attached to this repository, which configures VSCode to allow formatting of files on save and on paste.

Make sure that you run npm install to install husky if you have not already. You must run npm run prepare-husky the firs time you touch the project in order to initialize git hooks.

You can run npm run lint-staged at any time in order to run a style check on the staged files. lint-staged makes a call to prettier and eslint to check if there are any files that do not adhere to the code standard. It does NOT overwrite any files.

NOTE: If you want to skip the hook for whatever reason, you can run git commit --no-verify ...

VS Code Recommendations:

  1. Install the Prettier VS Code extension esbenp.prettier-vscode. This will allow you to format files based on prettier rules.
  2. Install the eslint VS Code extension dbaeumer.vscode-eslint. This will allow you to see lint errors as you're writing code.
  3. Install the Volar extension vue.volar. This provides Vue language features.

Note: The recommended extensions to install for this project should appear as a notification in the bottom right corner of the VSCode screen the very first time you open the project. You can also open the command palette and go to "Show Recommended Extensions." Alternatively, you can directly navigate to .vscode/extensions.json and install the listed extensions.