diff --git a/docs/schemas/project-registration-bican/DataCollection-metadata.csv b/docs/schemas/project-registration-bican/DataCollection-metadata.csv
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+Proposed BICAN Field Name,BICAN UUID,Aliases,LinkML Class,Definition,Nullable,Permissible Values,Data Type,Data Example,Min Value,Max Value,Unit,"Statistical Variable Type ",Subsets,Version Number,Version Date
+data collection name,f7b04e21-c12d-4b3d-ba0e-b1de6ac92dca,name,DataCollection,"A human-readable, locally unique label that identifies a data collection.",FALSE,,text,,,,,,Projects and Data Collections,1,10/9/24
+data collection long form title,62208817-6a7f-4e70-9c4a-d262f43d82cc,title,DataCollection,"A long form title of a data collection. ",FALSE,,text,,,,,,Projects and Data Collections,1,10/9/24
+data collection short form title,f5169355-52cf-4720-904f-946c92489faa,short_title,DataCollection,A short form title of a data collection (fewer than 30 characters).,FALSE,,text,,,,,,Projects and Data Collections,1,10/9/24
+data collection description,c5188587-2b4f-4889-ae93-224efdb803d2,description,DataCollection,"A description of a data collection that includes a specification of the license of the data collection. ",FALSE,,text,,,,,,Projects and Data Collections,1,10/9/24
+data collection archive,39498a35-3cb5-46ce-9e23-dc5e499b85c4,data_archive,DataCollection,"The location (archive) at which the data in a data collection is to be deposited. ",FALSE,,[Organization],,,,,,Projects and Data Collections,1,10/9/24
+data collection species,7135fb76-5423-44da-ba52-4c33e8626033,species,DataCollection,The common name of the species of the donor from which data were collected for this data collection.,FALSE,[Species CV],[exclusive_categorical],Arctic ground squirrel,,,,,Projects and Data Collections,1,10/9/24
+data collection access control,3880e926-d2fb-4960-bf61-4b5789e6c027,access_control,DataCollection,"The level of access specified for a data collection. ",FALSE,open/controlled,exclusive_categorical,,,,,,Projects and Data Collections,1,10/9/24
+data collection completion state,456513f2-0af8-45e1-b8f0-338636ed3f61,completion_state,DataCollection,"A value that specifies whether or not additional data is being generated for a data collection. ",FALSE,in progress/complete,exclusive_categorical,,,,,,Projects and Data Collections,1,10/9/24
+data collection modality,480af9eb-0128-4602-9c8f-01416820cee3,modality,DataCollection,"The modality of the data in a data collection. ",FALSE,[Modality CV],[exclusive_categorical],protein quantification,,,,,Projects and Data Collections,1,10/9/24
+data collection technique,bee3bda8-c103-448f-8557-effcaca176bf,technique,DataCollection,"The technique that was used to acquire the data in a collection. ",FALSE,[Techniques CV],[exclusive_categorical],10x Chromium 3' v2 sequencing,,,,,Projects and Data Collections,1,10/9/24
+data collection license,b184e037-1b45-4ca6-8651-7044b1a74199,license,DataCollection,"A license that is applied to the data in a data collection. ",FALSE,,License,,,,,,Projects and Data Collections,1,10/9/24
+data collection web resource,ebdc27a1-37ca-46ec-8914-6d3fae85a3d9,web_resource,DataCollection,A URL or weblink that provides the location of relevant tools or pages to a data collection. Commonly used to link to landing page that allows for downloading data contained in collection.,TRUE,,[WebResource],,,,,,Projects and Data Collections,1,10/9/24
+data collection citation,ea4729c6-df21-40db-8141-5af1d44ba75c,citation,DataCollection,"A data citation for a data collection. ",TRUE,,text,,,,,,Projects and Data Collections,1,10/9/24
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+Proposed BICAN Field Name,BICAN UUID,Aliases,LinkML Class,Definition,Nullable,Permissible Values,Data Type,Data Example,Min Value,Max Value,Unit,Statistical Variable Type,Subsets,Version Number,Version Date
+grant funding agency,,funding_agency,Grant,Organization that is funding the grant,FALSE,,Organization,National Institute of Mental Health,,,,,Projects and Data Collections,1,10/9/24
+grant awardee,,awardee,Grant,Organization that is receiving funding from the grant,FALSE,,Organization,Allen Institute for Brain Science,,,,,Projects and Data Collections,1,10/9/24
+grant name,,name,Grant,Human readable locally unique identifier for a grant. Typically this a concatenation of the activity code and contact PI for NIH grants. Example: U24 Hawrylycz grant,FALSE,,text,,,,,,Projects and Data Collections,1,10/9/24
+grant title,,title,Grant,Long form title for a grant. Typically this is the project title from NIH grants.,FALSE,,text,,,,,,Projects and Data Collections,1,10/9/24
+grant identifier,,grant_identifier,Grant,Unique identifier for a grant resolvable by external authority. Typically this is the project number from NIH grants.,FALSE,,text,,,,,,Projects and Data Collections,1,10/9/24
+grant report symbol,,report_symbol,Grant,Resource location component in NIH RePorter URL. Symbol in RePorter URL that redirects to project details page in RePorter.,TRUE,,text,10521124,,,,,Projects and Data Collections,1,10/9/24
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+Proposed BICAN Field Name,BICAN UUID,Aliases,LinkML Class,Definition,Nullable,Permissible Values,Data Type,Data Example,Min Value,Max Value,Unit,Statistical Variable Type,Subsets,Version Number,Version Date
+license name,ddd0c288-b565-4b2d-a3a9-2b46b1a4a2c3,name,License,"A human-readable, locally unique label that identifies a license.",FALSE,,text,,,,,,Projects and Data Collections,1,10/9/24
+license title,d0183b7b-fb54-455c-92a2-5b126d87d9f1,title,License,Long title for a license.,FALSE,,text,,,,,,Projects and Data Collections,1,10/9/24
+license short title,3707b072-3846-4113-8f0d-ab8127035f52,short_title,License,Short title for a license.,FALSE,,text,,,,,,Projects and Data Collections,1,10/9/24
+license information web resource,387b892c-884d-4fbd-a0d2-eeeb3fed5881,information_web_resource,License,A URL or weblink that contains the text for a license.,FALSE,,WebResource,https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/,,,,,Projects and Data Collections,1,10/9/24
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+Proposed BICAN Field Name,BICAN UUID,Aliases,LinkML Class,Definition,Nullable,Permissible Values,Data Type,Data Example,Min Value,Max Value,Unit,Statistical Variable Type,Subsets,Version Number,Version Date
+organization name,3788d44f-8383-4707-845d-bb8289815b32,name,Organization,"A human-readable, locally unique label that identifies a organization. ",FALSE,,text,,,,,,Projects and Data Collections,1,27-09-2023
+organization Research Organization Registry ID,3fd3913c-0e36-4fe0-ac99-073f496c0919,ror,Organization,"A Research Organization Registry ID that identifies an organization. ",TRUE,,text,,,,,,Projects and Data Collections,1,27-09-2023
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+Proposed BICAN Field Name,BICAN UUID,Aliases,LinkML Class,Definition,Nullable,Permissible Values,Data Type,Data Example,Min Value,Max Value,Unit,Statistical Variable Type,Subsets,Version Number,Version Date
+person name,da5203bf-0202-4cd0-b0c2-5cc05806e2e4,name,Person,"A full name of a person in [given name],[family name] format.",FALSE,,text,,,,,,Projects and Data Collections,1,27-09-2023
+person given name,2354176f-40f2-4110-98d9-0c203314bfde,given_name,Person,"A given name of a person. ",FALSE,,text,,,,,,Projects and Data Collections,1,27-09-2023
+person family name,f5d8f1a3-ce30-45eb-ac26-13a8998c2f5a,family_name,Person,"A family name of a person. ",FALSE,,text,,,,,,Projects and Data Collections,1,27-09-2023
+person ORCID,e834467e-a05e-4b9f-8348-5c0079bdaac8,orcid,Person,"An ORCID that identifies a person. ",TRUE,,text,0000-0002-9802-0493,,,,,Projects and Data Collections,1,27-09-2023
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+Proposed BICAN Field Name,BICAN UUID,Aliases,LinkML Class,Definition,Nullable,Permissible Values,Data Type,Data Example,Min Value,Max Value,Unit,Statistical Variable Type,Subsets,Version Number,Version Date
+project name,a0d7797f-aaf1-4d3e-8289-51a94237b9c8,name,Project,"A human readable, locally unique identifier that denotes a project.",FALSE,,text,,,,,,Projects and Data Collections,1,10/9/24
+project title,34e55bb4-17db-4b7f-bd7d-7272ffe1c9f2,title,Project,A long form project title.,FALSE,,text,,,,,,Projects and Data Collections,1,10/9/24
+project short title,216cc403-423a-4b43-b935-b9b61dbb8a26,short_title,Project,A short form project title.,FALSE,,text,,,,,,Projects and Data Collections,1,10/9/24
+project description,c51e8c8d-d62b-4b79-843b-a3a6810fe709,description,Project,A long form project description.,FALSE,,text,,,,,,Projects and Data Collections,1,10/9/24
+project subprogram,cfd9d928-673a-428a-b5f0-c04e2fdd8ec9,subprogram,Project,A subprogram to which a project belongs. See subprogram controlled vocabulary.,FALSE,[Subprogram CV],exclusive_categorical,,,,,,Projects and Data Collections,1,10/9/24
+project contact,62381d66-c414-4fe9-8b07-0a00ee855e71,contact,Project,A primary contact for a project. This is typically a person but can also be an institution.,TRUE,,Person | Organization,,,,,,Projects and Data Collections,1,10/9/24
+project creator,34c891d4-d721-4023-bbf9-06b84f6a93cc,creator,Project,A creator of a project. This is either a person or institution.,FALSE,,[Person | Organization],,,,,,Projects and Data Collections,1,10/9/24
+project contributor,8a1a747c-c24d-451a-9168-ed14d274a97c,contributor,Project,A contributor to a project. This is often given as a list.,FALSE,,[Person],,,,,,Projects and Data Collections,1,10/9/24
+project funding source,3f85bc4b-2e03-426e-b376-4607fc9515e3,funding_source,Project,The funding source for a project.,FALSE,,[Grant],,,,,,Projects and Data Collections,1,10/9/24
+project collections,66093eb6-fdaf-4782-8dba-23f6575254d8,collections,Project,The data collections that are part of a project.,TRUE,[Data Collection CV],[Collection],,,,,,Projects and Data Collections,1,10/9/24
+project highlighted web resource,2bb2472b-73b7-426b-adb2-739924a0751b,highlighted_web_resource,Project,A link to relevant tools/pages of a project.,TRUE,,[WebResource],,,,,,Projects and Data Collections,1,10/9/24
+project protocol,3e80809a-de1a-4333-98a9-f19549fda246,protocol,Project,"A protocol for a project. ",TRUE,,[WebResource],,,,,,Projects and Data Collections,1,10/9/24
+project publication,52d1b518-37e0-4b69-b1d8-36d1ff437376,publication,Project,A publication associated with a project.,TRUE,,WebResource,,,,,,Projects and Data Collections,1,10/9/24
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+# Projects and Data Collections Metadata Schema
+Document Status: _Under MOWG Review_
+Version: 1.0
+Owner: @pbishwakarma
+Reviewers: @patrick-lloyd-ray, @carolth, @mgiglio99, @nsuvarnaiari
+License: [CC-BY-4.0](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
+Date Created: DD-MM-YYYY
+## Overview
+The BICAN Projects and Data Collections Metadata schema specifies the minimum metadata required to register a project and data collection with BCDC. These minimum metadata reflect an update to the project inventory schema to support more granular attribution and data management.
+Note that there are additional fields in the project schema which are not explicitly required at time of creation, but will be populated when relevant resources are created/updated (e.g. data collection -> project relations, web resource links, timestamps etc.)
+This document has the following sections:
+* [General Requirements](#general-requirements)
+* [Project Metadata](#project-metadata), which describes metadata for a project.
+* [Data Collection Metadata](#data-collection-metadata), which describes metadata for a data collection.
+* [Organization Metadata](#organization-metadata), which describes metadata for an organization. This is primarily used in reference to a project creator or funding source/awardee.
+* [Person Metadata](#person-metadata), which describes metadata for a person. This is primarily used in reference to a project creator or contributor.
+* [Project Registration Controlled Vocabularies](#controlled-vocabularies), which describes the controlled values used to validate the input in the metadata fields.
+* [Appendix](#appendix)
+## General Requirements
+## Data Collection Metadata
+The data in Data Collection Metadata is the metadata essential for registering, tracking, and storing data collections.
+The following table describes the Data Collection Metadata. If an entry in the table is empty, the schema does not have any other requirements on data in those layers beyond ones listed.
+### data collection name
+ BICAN Field Name |
+ data collection name |
+ Data Type |
+ string
+ |
+ Definition |
+ A human-readable, locally unique label that identifies a data collection. |
+ f7b04e21-c12d-4b3d-ba0e-b1de6ac92dca |
+ Permissible Values |
+ |
+### data collection long form title
+ BICAN Field Name |
+ data collection long form title |
+ Data Type |
+ string
+ |
+ Definition |
+ A long form title of a data collection. |
+ 62208817-6a7f-4e70-9c4a-d262f43d82cc |
+ Permissible Values |
+ |
+### data collection short form title
+ BICAN Field Name |
+ data collection short form title |
+ Data Type |
+ string
+ |
+ Definition |
+ A short form title of a data collection (fewer than 30 characters). |
+ f5169355-52cf-4720-904f-946c92489faa |
+ Permissible Values |
+ |
+### data collection description
+ BICAN Field Name |
+ data collection description |
+ Data Type |
+ string
+ |
+ Definition |
+ A description of a data collection that includes a specification of the license of the data collection. |
+ c5188587-2b4f-4889-ae93-224efdb803d2 |
+ Permissible Values |
+ |
+### data collection archive
+ BICAN Field Name |
+ data collection archive |
+ Data Type |
+ enum
+ |
+ Definition |
+ The location (archive) at which the data in a data collection is to be deposited. |
+ 39498a35-3cb5-46ce-9e23-dc5e499b85c4 |
+ Permissible Values |
+ [Archive CV] |
+### data collection species
+ BICAN Field Name |
+ data collection species |
+ Data Type |
+ enum
+ |
+ Definition |
+ The common name of the species of the donor from which data were collected for this data collection. |
+ 7135fb76-5423-44da-ba52-4c33e8626033 |
+ Permissible Values |
+ [Species CV](/docs/schemas/project-registration-bican/controlled-vocabularies/species-cv.csv) |
+### data collection access control
+ BICAN Field Name |
+ data collection access control |
+ Data Type |
+ enum
+ |
+ Definition |
+ The level of access specified for a data collection. |
+ 3880e926-d2fb-4960-bf61-4b5789e6c027 |
+ Permissible Values |
+ [Access Control CV](/docs/schemas/project-registration-bican/controlled-vocabularies/accessControl-cv.csv) |
+### data collection access control code
+ BICAN Field Name |
+ data collection access control code |
+ Data Type |
+ enum
+ |
+ Definition |
+ The code that denotes the access restrictions specified for a data collection. |
+ 1ff82abd-7ada-48f0-b235-6aa1b7c36f6b |
+ Permissible Values |
+ [Access Control Code CV] |
+### data collection access control description
+ BICAN Field Name |
+ data collection access control description |
+ Data Type |
+ string
+ |
+ Definition |
+ A free text description of the access restrictions specified for a data collection. |
+ 85b8be40-51e1-4357-af33-fa95fe7d7d68 |
+ Permissible Values |
+ |
+### data collection completion state
+ BICAN Field Name |
+ data collection completion state |
+ Data Type |
+ enum
+ |
+ Definition |
+ A value that specifies whether or not additional data is being generated for a data collection. |
+ 456513f2-0af8-45e1-b8f0-338636ed3f61 |
+ Permissible Values |
+ [Completion State CV](/docs/schemas/project-registration-bican/controlled-vocabularies/completionState-cv.csv) |
+### data collection modality
+ BICAN Field Name |
+ data collection modality |
+ Data Type |
+ enum
+ |
+ Definition |
+ The modality of the data in a data collection. |
+ 480af9eb-0128-4602-9c8f-01416820cee3 |
+ Permissible Values |
+ [Modality CV](/docs/schemas/project-registration-bican/controlled-vocabularies/modality-cv.csv) |
+### data collection technique
+ BICAN Field Name |
+ data collection technique |
+ Data Type |
+ enum
+ |
+ Definition |
+ The technique that was used to acquire the data in a collection. |
+ bee3bda8-c103-448f-8557-effcaca176bf |
+ Permissible Values |
+ [Technique CV](/docs/schemas/project-registration-bican/controlled-vocbularies/technique-cv.csv) |
+### data collection license
+ BICAN Field Name |
+ data collection license |
+ Data Type |
+ enum
+ |
+ Definition |
+ A license that is applied to the data in a data collection. |
+ b184e037-1b45-4ca6-8651-7044b1a74199 |
+ Permissible Values |
+ [License CV](/docs/schemas/project-registration-bican/controlled-vocabularies/license-cv.csv) |
+### data collection web resource
+ BICAN Field Name |
+ data collection web resource |
+ Data Type |
+ string
+ |
+ Definition |
+ A URL or weblink that provides the location of relevant tools or pages to a data collection. |
+ ebdc27a1-37ca-46ec-8914-6d3fae85a3d9 |
+ Permissible Values |
+ |
+### data collection citation
+ BICAN Field Name |
+ data collection web citation |
+ Data Type |
+ string
+ |
+ Definition |
+ A data citation for a data collection. |
+ ea4729c6-df21-40db-8141-5af1d44ba75c |
+ Permissible Values |
+ |
+## Organization Metadata
+The data in Organization Metadata is the metadata essential for registering, tracking, and storing organizational data.
+The following table describes the Organization Metadata. If an entry in the table is empty, the schema does not have any other requirements on data in those layers beyond ones listed.
+### organization name
+ BICAN Field Name |
+ organization name |
+ Data Type |
+ string
+ |
+ Definition |
+ A human-readable, locally unique label that identifies a organization. |
+ 3788d44f-8383-4707-845d-bb8289815b32 |
+ Permissible Values |
+ |
+### organization Research Organization Registry ID
+ BICAN Field Name |
+ organization Research Organization Registry ID |
+ Data Type |
+ string
+ |
+ Definition |
+ A Research Organization Registry ID that identifies an organization. |
+ 3fd3913c-0e36-4fe0-ac99-073f496c0919 |
+ Permissible Values |
+ |
+## Person Metadata
+The data in Person Metadata is the metadata essential for registering, tracking, and storing data about persons.
+The following table describes the Person Metadata. If an entry in the table is empty, the schema does not have any other requirements on data in those layers beyond ones listed.
+### person name
+ BICAN Field Name |
+ person name |
+ Data Type |
+ string
+ |
+ Definition |
+ A full name of a person in [given name],[family name] format. |
+ da5203bf-0202-4cd0-b0c2-5cc05806e2e4 |
+ Permissible Values |
+ |
+### person given name
+ BICAN Field Name |
+ person given name |
+ Data Type |
+ string
+ |
+ Definition |
+ A given name of a person. |
+ 2354176f-40f2-4110-98d9-0c203314bfde |
+ Permissible Values |
+ |
+### person family name
+ BICAN Field Name |
+ person family name |
+ Data Type |
+ string
+ |
+ Definition |
+ A family name of a person. |
+ f5d8f1a3-ce30-45eb-ac26-13a8998c2f5a |
+ Permissible Values |
+ |
+### person ORCID
+ BICAN Field Name |
+ person ORCID |
+ Data Type |
+ string
+ |
+ Definition |
+ An ORCID that identifies a person. |
+ e834467e-a05e-4b9f-8348-5c0079bdaac8 |
+ Permissible Values |
+ |
+## Project Metadata
+The data in Person Metadata is the metadata essential for registering, tracking, and storing data about persons.
+The following table describes the Person Metadata. If an entry in the table is empty, the schema does not have any other requirements on data in those layers beyond ones listed.
+### project name
+ BICAN Field Name |
+ project name |
+ Data Type |
+ string
+ |
+ Definition |
+ A human readable, locally unique identifier that denotes a project. |
+ a0d7797f-aaf1-4d3e-8289-51a94237b9c8 |
+ Permissible Values |
+ |
+### project title
+ BICAN Field Name |
+ project title |
+ Data Type |
+ string
+ |
+ Definition |
+ A long form project title. |
+ 34e55bb4-17db-4b7f-bd7d-7272ffe1c9f2 |
+ Permissible Values |
+ |
+### project short title
+ BICAN Field Name |
+ project short title |
+ Data Type |
+ string
+ |
+ Definition |
+ A short form project title. |
+ 216cc403-423a-4b43-b935-b9b61dbb8a26 |
+ Permissible Values |
+ |
+### project description
+ BICAN Field Name |
+ project description |
+ Data Type |
+ string
+ |
+ Definition |
+ A long form project description. |
+ c51e8c8d-d62b-4b79-843b-a3a6810fe709 |
+ Permissible Values |
+ |
+### project subprogram
+ BICAN Field Name |
+ project subprogram |
+ Data Type |
+ enum
+ |
+ Definition |
+ A subprogram to which a project belongs. |
+ cfd9d928-673a-428a-b5f0-c04e2fdd8ec9 |
+ Permissible Values |
+ [Subprogram CV](/docs/schemas/project-registration-bican/controlled-vocabularies/subprogram-cv.csv |
+### project contact
+ BICAN Field Name |
+ project contact |
+ Data Type |
+ string
+ |
+ Definition |
+ A primary contact for a project. This is typically a person but can also be an institution. |
+ 62381d66-c414-4fe9-8b07-0a00ee855e71 |
+ Permissible Values |
+ |
+### project creator
+ BICAN Field Name |
+ project creator |
+ Data Type |
+ string
+ |
+ Definition |
+ A creator of a project. This is either a person or institution. |
+ 34c891d4-d721-4023-bbf9-06b84f6a93cc |
+ Permissible Values |
+ |
+### project contributor
+ BICAN Field Name |
+ project contributor |
+ Data Type |
+ string
+ |
+ Definition |
+ A contributor to a project. This is often given as a list. |
+ 8a1a747c-c24d-451a-9168-ed14d274a97c |
+ Permissible Values |
+ |
+### project funding source
+ BICAN Field Name |
+ project funding source |
+ Data Type |
+ enum
+ |
+ Definition |
+ The funding source for a project. |
+ 3f85bc4b-2e03-426e-b376-4607fc9515e3 |
+ Permissible Values |
+ [Grant CV](/docs/schemas/project-registration-bican/controlled-vocabularies/grant-cv.csv) |
+### project collections
+ BICAN Field Name |
+ project collections |
+ Data Type |
+ enum
+ |
+ Definition |
+ The data collections that are part of a project. |
+ 66093eb6-fdaf-4782-8dba-23f6575254d8 |
+ Permissible Values |
+ [Data Collection CV] |
+### project highlighted web resource
+ BICAN Field Name |
+ project highlighted web resource |
+ Data Type |
+ string
+ |
+ Definition |
+ A link to relevant tools/pages of a project. |
+ 2bb2472b-73b7-426b-adb2-739924a0751b |
+ Permissible Values |
+ |
+### project protocol
+ BICAN Field Name |
+ project protocol |
+ Data Type |
+ string
+ |
+ Definition |
+ A protocol for a project. |
+ 3e80809a-de1a-4333-98a9-f19549fda246 |
+ Permissible Values |
+ |
+### project publication
+ BICAN Field Name |
+ project publication |
+ Data Type |
+ string
+ |
+ Definition |
+ A publication associated with a project. |
+ 52d1b518-37e0-4b69-b1d8-36d1ff437376 |
+ Permissible Values |
+ |
+## Controlled Vocabularies
+## Appendix
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/schemas/project-registration-bican/WebResource-metadata.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+Proposed BICAN Field Name,BICAN UUID,Aliases,LinkML Class,Definition,Nullable,Permissible Values,Data Type,Data Example,Min Value,Max Value,Unit,Statistical Variable Type,Subsets,Version Number,Version Date
+web resource type,a0f60904-2e0e-4864-9921-b6eb340aef74,type,WebResource,"Denotes the type of web resource - whether the resource routes to a download link, an informational resource or an interactive tool. ",FALSE,information | view | explore | download,exclusive_categorical,,,,,,Projects and Data Collections,1,10/9/24
+web resource title,5638df22-4eec-48d6-9e71-c644b8429c5c,title,WebResource,A long form title for a web resource.,FALSE,,text,,,,,,Projects and Data Collections,1,10/9/24
+web resource short title,364ff486-8038-4e10-90a0-dda63b804eb7,short_title,WebResource,A short title for a web resource.,FALSE,,text,,,,,,Projects and Data Collections,1,10/9/24
+web resource universal resource locator,7bc3c2c7-a15c-4f47-bb6e-4423953c0ad2,url,WebResource,Path to a resource.,FALSE,,text,,,,,,Projects and Data Collections,1,10/9/24
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diff --git a/docs/schemas/project-registration-bican/controlled-vocabularies/accessControl-cv.csv b/docs/schemas/project-registration-bican/controlled-vocabularies/accessControl-cv.csv
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index 0000000..cc52182
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/schemas/project-registration-bican/controlled-vocabularies/accessControl-cv.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
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diff --git a/docs/schemas/project-registration-bican/controlled-vocabularies/completionState-cv.csv b/docs/schemas/project-registration-bican/controlled-vocabularies/completionState-cv.csv
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index 0000000..72c875b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/schemas/project-registration-bican/controlled-vocabularies/completionState-cv.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+in progress,
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diff --git a/docs/schemas/project-registration-bican/controlled-vocabularies/grant-cv.csv b/docs/schemas/project-registration-bican/controlled-vocabularies/grant-cv.csv
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index 0000000..76f3c6d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/schemas/project-registration-bican/controlled-vocabularies/grant-cv.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+Allen Institute funder,
+Autism_EC grant,
+BrainSpan_EL_MH grant,
+BrainSpan_JK grant,
+BrainSpan_NS grant,
+R24 Ghosh grant,
+R24 Ropelewski grant,
+R24 White grant,
+RF1 Chung grant,
+RF1 Kim grant,
+RF1 Macosko grant,
+RF1 Mueller grant,
+RF1 Nowakowski grant,
+RF1 Regev grant,
+RF1 Ren grant,
+RF1 Shepherd grant,
+RF1 Tasic grant,
+RF1 Tilgner grant,
+SFARI_EC grant,
+U01 Chung grant,
+U01 Dong grant,
+U01 Ecker grant,
+U01 Feng grant,
+U01 Fischl grant,
+U01 Kriegstein grant,
+U01 Lein grant,
+U01 Macosko grant,
+U01 Osten grant,
+U01 Sestan grant,
+U01 Snyder-Mackler grant,
+U01 Yang grant,
+U01 ZhangKun grant,
+U01 ZhangLi grant,
+U19 Ecker grant,
+U19 Huang grant,
+U19 SEA-AD grant,
+U19 Zeng grant,
+U24 Hawrylycz grant,
+UF1 Tasic grant,
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diff --git a/docs/schemas/project-registration-bican/controlled-vocabularies/license-cv.csv b/docs/schemas/project-registration-bican/controlled-vocabularies/license-cv.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bf3f4ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/schemas/project-registration-bican/controlled-vocabularies/license-cv.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
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diff --git a/docs/schemas/project-registration-bican/controlled-vocabularies/modality-cv.csv b/docs/schemas/project-registration-bican/controlled-vocabularies/modality-cv.csv
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index 0000000..5b0d2fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/schemas/project-registration-bican/controlled-vocabularies/modality-cv.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+cell morphology,
+histology imaging,
+optical physiology,
+population imaging,
+protein quantification,
+spatial transcriptomics,
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diff --git a/docs/schemas/project-registration-bican/controlled-vocabularies/species-cv.csv b/docs/schemas/project-registration-bican/controlled-vocabularies/species-cv.csv
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index 0000000..5934661
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/schemas/project-registration-bican/controlled-vocabularies/species-cv.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+Arctic ground squirrel,
+common tree shrew,
+crab-eating macaque,
+domestic cat,
+domestic ferret,
+gray short-tailed opossum,
+green monkey,
+Ma's night monkey,
+nine-banded armadillo,
+Norway rat,
+pig-tailed macaque,
+rhesus macaque,
+small-eared galago,
+squirrel monkey,
+western gorilla,
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diff --git a/docs/schemas/project-registration-bican/controlled-vocabularies/subprogram-cv.csv b/docs/schemas/project-registration-bican/controlled-vocabularies/subprogram-cv.csv
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index 0000000..46c7332
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/schemas/project-registration-bican/controlled-vocabularies/subprogram-cv.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+R24 Ghosh,
+R24 Hertzano,
+R24 Ropelewski,
+R24 White,
+RF1 Adey,
+RF1 Boyden,
+RF1 Cai,
+RF1 Chung,
+RF1 Fan,
+RF1 Hawrylycz,
+RF1 Hillman,
+RF1 Huang,
+RF1 Iglesias Gonzalez,
+RF1 Kim,
+RF1 Laskin,
+RF1 Lee,
+RF1 Macosko,
+RF1 Mitra,
+RF1 Mitra Zhang,
+RF1 Mueller,
+RF1 Mukamel,
+RF1 Nowakowski,
+RF1 Regev,
+RF1 Reid,
+RF1 Ren,
+RF1 Roussos,
+RF1 Shepherd,
+RF1 Shi,
+RF1 Tasic,
+RF1 Tilgner,
+RF1 Vogelstein,
+RF1 Welch,
+RF1 Yang,
+RF1 Yin,
+U01 Chung,
+U01 Dong,
+U01 Ecker,
+U01 Feng,
+U01 Fischl,
+U01 Kriegstein,
+U01 Lein,
+U01 Macosko,
+U01 Osten,
+U01 Sestan,
+U01 Snyder-Mackler,
+U01 Yang,
+U01 ZhangKun,
+U01 ZhangLi,
+U19 Ecker,
+U19 Huang,
+U19 Zeng,
+U24 Hawrylycz,
+UF1 Tasic,
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diff --git a/docs/schemas/project-registration-bican/controlled-vocabularies/technique-cv.csv b/docs/schemas/project-registration-bican/controlled-vocabularies/technique-cv.csv
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index 0000000..9226824
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/schemas/project-registration-bican/controlled-vocabularies/technique-cv.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+10x Chromium 3' v2 sequencing,
+10x Chromium 3' v3 sequencing,
+10X Genomics Multiome,
+anterograde tracing,
+calcium imaging,
+clinical observation,
+confocal microscopy,
+cre-dependent anterograde tracing,
+electron microscopy,
+enhancer virus labeling,
+in situ hybridization,
+laboratory assessment,
+light sheet microscopy,
+MORF genetic sparse labeling,
+multi electrode extracellular electrophysiology technique,
+multiplex immunoassay,
+neuron morphology reconstruction,
+Oxford Nanopore long-read sequencing,
+PacBio long-read sequencing,
+retrograde tracing,
+retrograde transsynaptic tracing,
+SMART-seq v4,
+TRIO tracing,
+whole cell patch clamp,
+whole genome sequencing,
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diff --git a/docs/schemas/project-registration-bican/controlled-vocabularies/webResourceType-cv.csv b/docs/schemas/project-registration-bican/controlled-vocabularies/webResourceType-cv.csv
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+++ b/docs/schemas/project-registration-bican/controlled-vocabularies/webResourceType-cv.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+ID label code description
+ information "Resource containing additional information about a project or collection, for example an about page on a website."
+ view "Resource that typically contains more technical information about the data in a collection, for example a protocol document or a paper."
+ explore Resource that points to a tool to visualize or explore data in a collection
+ download Resource that points to a location to download data in a collection
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